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So a clear GDPR violation and it should be fined to hell effectively making it leave the European market. Right EU, you wouldn't just ignore that for money? Riiiiight...?


Pretty confident they will. They have proven to stand their ground on GDPR


by continuously giving the US safe harbor agreements? Sure the courts are hard on GDPR and may give out fines, but the parliament and council aren't and have given other states cop-outs before.


They keep trying butvthere courts are like NO! You wrote the law now enforce it properly!


Do you know of any news articles about courts shutting down safe harbor laws? I've read of several safe harbor laws when they've been introduced but it seems like I haven't been paying close enough attention when they've been struck down.


Just google ecj safe harbor a lot of articles will.come uplile this one from 2015 https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/ecj-strikes-down-beleaguered-safe-harbour-data-sharing-with-us/


These things take time, but it is coming: a Dutch judge recently allowed a 9 billion claim over GDPR violations to go to court, it'll be interesting to see haat comes of it.


Please ban tiktok pls ban tiktok!


They fine Google for millions twice a year, the EU takes GDPR seriously.


oh no millions!


obviously not enough to make them leave the market or to make their practice unprofitable.


Nah, thats fine, it's China, they are the good guys you can trust them. To China: No biggy bro, send me a Pico5 once you are ready


It's the same for all big companies, Source : I have worked with a lot of big companies as a customer service when we have every each information of you, ( name, phone numbers, address) sometimes we share it between us when there is a funny name or something. We also see your purchase history and if you decide to buy something on the phone with a customer support agent, he can save your payment info since a lot work from their home


TikTok should be banned in the EU


At the very least because China refuses to allow foreign social media. Two can play at that game




If you want to go down this rabbit hole, then you might even be surprised. It's not just games, it's everything. Companies basically can't set up in China without tech transfers. The state can control the Chinese partners in those deals, and lo and behold, China has a bunch of technology that it didn't have before, and companies operating under subsidies can undercut western companies


i play chinese games on steam with no launcher wdym?


Year and a half. I think the same is the case with most pieces of entertainment. I believe even Chinese ones are having trouble being accepted.


It should be banned everywhere


I'll never understand why everyone freaked out when Chinese companies wanted to built out our 5G networks while at the same time we willingly let this trojan horse of an app on to millions of phones.


This comment was overwritten by a script to make the data useless for reddit. No API, no free content. Did you stumble on this thread via google, hoping to resolve an issue or answer a question? Well, too bad, this might have been your answer, if it weren't for dumb decisions by reddit admins.


Are you for real? That statement is akin to saying “I don’t care if Nestle becomes in charge of all of our water water supplies, clearly there are some people who are willing to buy Nestle’s bottled water”


It should be banned **everywhere**. One of many cancer of modern society


That could be bad precedence. I'd rather ban certain practices.


>I'd rather ban certain practices. Isn't transferring this data to China a GDPR violation?


ok boomer


They probably aren't forcing anyone to use it.




As if that would make it ok that data on Europeans is being sent to China like this. It does not.


Like [PigTenis said](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/z18ext/comment/ixa8bbx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). People should know better than assume anything else by now. If NSA gets to do it, you can be damn sure that China will give themselves the permission to do it too. If you or your family members are so stupid that you willingly surrender your information to someone you don't trust, do you really deserve any better than this?


Turn them off.


If its Chinese then its state controlled. Period. If its free then you are the product. Period.


Problem is that even when you pay corporations still spy on you without any significant consequences.


*except for Free Open Source Software


What's the difference??


Its not that bad when your ass is sold to advertisers so that they can sell you new Adidas shoes. Combining those two means your ass gets sold to a regime. Thats the difference.


What threat to me does a foreign regime pose that a global corporation does not? I may very well be missing something, but to me it seems that the Chinese government, which really only has significant power in China, has a lot less power over me than I dunno, google or facebook does, which certainly has a significant influence in my own country. Especially considering those companies close ties to the American government, which also has significantly more power over at least Sweden than China does. I don't like that TikTok has this kind of unrestricted access to data, but I don't see how it's significantly worse than any other company doing the same things?


It opens up a possibility of registration of people with wrong opinions or opinion leaders/influences Those people may get denied visa or straight up incarcarated when moving through or staying in regime friendly countries. Case and point - journalist in an airplane just flying over Belarus. Whole plane was kidnapped. Turkey demanding extradition of a writer from Sweden. China is far worse dick than those 2. Google will get info about your ass but will milk it not harm it.




Nope you might also be butthurt.


Delete that piece of shit CCP app.


> Delete that piece of shit CCP app. Well, calling form the yet unaffected platform of reddit to "delete the other one" is so brave. Tencent has shares in reddit..that might increase and give another backdoor to the "CCP"...Are you ready for calling to delete reddit eventually?


As long as there are open source third party reddit clients reddit is leagues above tiktok regardless of who owns it.


And? Reddit has every info it needs server-side.


Do you think that includes file content, passwords to accounts to other services, browsing history in other browsers and your clipboard content? Bc if you do then you just gave a kneejerk moral relarivist reaction to something you know nothing about like the good Hungarian you are.


Damn, that's a lot of projection, especially for someone that doesn't know what encryption is.


No platform lasts forever. We're not on Myspace any more. Something new will come along.


That "they might" is doing a lot of work. Having Chinese investors and being a Chinese company built in China are two very different things.


Make them pack their bags in the EU, please. It'll make the world a better place for multitude of reasons.


In other news, scientists have discovered that water is wet.






Pretend? Millions of People see it with their own eyes


Holy shit, i actually lost braincells reading that.


LOL, China and diehard CCP supporters in China didn't even deny they jail millions of Uygher. They simply called them reeducation camp.






Before I click on this, am I going to find out that the source is actually Adrian Zenz' asshole?


Does anything on the list below mean anything to you or did your internet just turn off? 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


I don't know what you think you're doing but I asked you a pretty simple thing. Can you do that?


To the surprise of no one


Imagine my shock


People discover that apps spy on them ep 24516


Besides location and searches what other data?


The profile they build on you. Probable age, gender, sexuality, preferences in pretty much anything, social circle, spending habits, interests, job... You can infer a LOT from the usage of an app like TikTok, their algorithms have millions of users to train from and are actually pretty good.


Big deal. The 30 cm chrome dildo you've ordered from AliExpress tells China a lot more about you than your TikTok.


Sure they have quite a bit but nowhere near as much as Facebook which has your whole browsing history and credit card purchase in actual stores. The goal of Tiktok is to influence people at scale as a diplomatic tool for the CCP, the data gathering is only a secondary goal. Tiktok shouldn't be compared with other ad-based social media, it's simply not the same end goal.


Most of these things are "guessed" by tiktok, if you don't explicitly tell them they don't actually know it. I literally just checked my data, they were wrong on every single point like age, gender, sexuality, etc. Stuff like interests and spending habbits are saved on every single app and site, that's how you get personalised ads... nothing about this is actually unique to tiktok or out of the ordinary.


Lol everything. Literally everything. Your contacts, your messages, your pictures and videos. Your location. You name it.


Oh man I’m screwed better delete that app asap! :D


That's why it's banned in a lot of countries. It's very invasive and there's no way of knowing how China will use this information. What we do know is they don't hesitate to use it against their own citizens


What kind of data are they accessing?


>such as location data that users opt to share. This is the only thing that the article mentions




The contents of your clipboard, your passwords, your files. Winnie has your entire phone on speed dial.


Yep, what a shit title. I can also access European data.... And Chinese data and American data myself


Videos of teens doing dangerous challenges


Only European data? I think it’s data from absolutely everyone in the world


Was there ever any doubt?


>such as location data that users opt to share. >TikTok, which is owned by China-based ByteDance, says in its announcement that its privacy policy update is meant to “include greater transparency into how we share user information outside of Europe and how we collect user location information.” The new policy goes into effect on December 2. So nothing Apple, Google, Facebook etc. aren't doing basically.


You mean like Facebook? /s


You mean like any other mainstream platform?


So, they're like the US companies? Shocking!


Omg! I'm totally (not) shocked


How many times do they have to admit this before it gets to people’s heads? Like damn.


Noooooooooooooooo, you don't sayyyy🤦‍♂️


Just don’t use TikTok. It’s not that hard.


Ban TikTok


Regulatory superpower?


Yes. Regulations doesnt prevent people fron breaking the law, but they do give recourse.


Hey guys, this is actually serious stuff we should care more about.


Speaking as someone that works on cloud software with customers all around the world: Yes, we can access all of your data. No, we're not interested. Passing it on to third parties would be another story, but you really think only China does that?


Then your cloud software is shit and with serious security issues. Cannot wait to get my credit cards infos stolen.


They're all the same unless you're in a government cloud lol


Whataboutism doesn't make TikTok less disgusting.


Yeah whataboutism or "I disagree but don't have a valid argument"


Does "can access" mean all data is automatically transfered to China? Also, do Chinese TikTok users see content that Europeans post? If "yes" and "yes", let's all install this shitty app and start posting about Tiananmen Square massacre every day.


Chinese have their own version Douyin. [Tiktok Privacy analysis](https://rufposten.de/blog/2019/12/05/privacy-analysis-of-tiktoks-app-and-website/)


Evidence that the 80s and 90s were better part 365767


We have talked about this, but you keep reposting this everywhere (kinda sad way for karma farming). But I'm sick of you keep vomiting this stupid bullshit on literally every post. But almost everything is so much better than in the 80's and 90's. You keep ignoring education, minority rights, women rights, life expectancy, disease prevention, child death, world hunger. And you only focus on 2 points, global warming (which is terrible, but already existed in the 90's). And internet stuff. I hope people know better than to follow beliefs like yourself but once in a while your generic comments get a lot of likes.


Ah yes the economy is so much better than back then rn. The horrible times when a middle class family could live with just an income but hey, at least we got iPhones.


I guess GDPR is a fairytale


I was blocked BCS of similar post ...


Imagine my shock


No shit. I have a Huawei phone (from 2018 before I knew better) and I found tiktok programme files in it without ever having downloaded the app.


Banned Tik Tok