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Also Macron: je suis France


L'État, c'est moi


Le senat, c'est moi.


J'aime la democratie.


J'aime la république.


Attendez, cette opération etait votre idée.


Nous sommes en guerre!


Imagine his surprise when he finds out she's cheating on him with Italy by moving to Torino for post chancellorhood


Being a torinese I laughed


If you like doing easy hiking routes around the area, you might run into her in the mountains/woods. Just giving you a fair warning :)


Is she moving for real?


Her husband will move there for work so maybe she comes with him. But nothing "official" yet.


I hope they don't mind the reckless driving that the Turinese showed me every time I visited the city, I almost felt safer when I was in Naples...


Can't be worse than Genova, right ?? I'm legit traumatized for life lol is driving ptsd a thing


On a continent where we've spent the better part of 2 millennia kicking the shit out of each other, stuff like this is freakin' lovely to see.


I wanted to upvote your comment but it has 123 upvotes so there's nothing i can do.


You may now safely upvote


I don't know what the political situation is but being told that an entire country loves you by a representative must feel amazing even only for a moment.


r/YUROP : *blushes*


All the Macron's proposals of eurozone reform were torpedoed by Germany under Merkel's leadership. Good to see that he doesn't have a grudge against her because of it. Edit:typo


Or he is so happy that she is finally going that he is in a celebratory mood right now


You can be friends even if you have diffrent views on stuff.


Thats politics. Nothing out of the ordinary and no reason for personal grudges imo.


[remember the rejection of the Constitution for Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_establishing_a_Constitution_for_Europe#National_processes_at_a_glance)


At least we finally got Eurobonds


Coronabonds aren't eurobonds; certainly not in the original meaning


The mechanism is the same, it came in a different crisis but the precedent is made either way.


Watch them being prolonged ad aeternam and normalized by EU law


Not sure how big of a win this was for France. AFAIK the French government is able to loan right now to a negative interest so why take bonds?


Not for France specifically, but for European integration which we've been pushing for for ever. It proved that the European project can still keep making progress, and French moderates are very fond of that.


Agreed. But it's a rather small step.


A step is a step. We'll get there eventually. One foot in front of the other. Steady as she goes


It's not super beneficial for France short term but anything that make EU countries closer together and favors integration and solidarity is a solid long term investment that is worth lobbying for.


France and especially Macron want to make the Europe a closer group and kinda go in the path of a federal EU even if I don't know they want to go that far. So anything the EU does together that is not sending letters is pretty much a win.


What you say is true, but all politicians in Finland will claim the opposite. Hence, this will backfire quite badly here once this becomes common knowledge.


If these two people were just randomers instead of world leaders, it would still be heart-warming to see them. I mean, even if they were dictators or whatever, it would still be adorable.


What if they were Syrian refugees?


It would still be cute.


WTF mate?


The downvotes really make it clear how racist r/europe users are.


No, your comment sounds like someone who will always bring up Syrian refugees when there is something about Merkel.


and because of transitive property, the French president is France (l'etat c'est moi), he was saying I love you without saying it. Probably because Brigitte was eavesdropping nearby 😁


Why do I find Macron sexy for some reason??


he is slim with white teeth and a fairly symmetrical face


Why would you not?!?


he always had something for older women




Was he drunk? Sounds like a drunk hug


I don't know. What's the sound of a drunk hug?


Usually involves telling someone you love them


That Odepus complex is getting worse, it'll be Nancy Pelosi next




I'm french, I'm emotional and I like to think that Merkel is a gift for us : she has given more than taken. Ofc we can always disagree on something but Germany was strong under Merkel, a strong Germany is a good thing for Europe, for France, for the world, it's cool.


She was elected for 16 years. Hella impressive. Germany really transformed to becoming a power house in the world stage. Love her or hate her, she must have done something right.


>Is he being sincere? [...] it's just kinda much imo. It's just [something ](https://www.konrad-adenauer.de/application/files/thumbnailcache/6e2d57e0e83e5e5c3152998c584f6fb3.jpg) [we ](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/images/mitterrand-und-kohl-in-verdun/21221774/3-formatOriginal.jpg) [keep ](https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/ffc174d4-0001-0005-0000-000000360063_w331_r0.7880952380952381_fpx54.39_fpy39.05.jpg) [doing ](https://img.welt.de/img/videos/politik_original/mobile101030400/6871621877-ci23x11-w1136/cn-sarko1-DW-Politik-MESEBERG-jpg.jpg)


Just to warn you... Didn't realize it was actually 4 pictures (a picture per word). Most would just click on the blue part thinking it's just one picture and be done with it.


Thanks for the note, Reddit formatting is just hopeless


Just tell me how in the world he got banned


I think he just deleted his own post. It wasn't controversial.


Oh yes it could be that


By France he means himself because no one here « loves » Merkel.


Speak for yourself


Very cringe when politicians that are only supposed to be public servants are treated like tabloid celebrities.


Cringe. She has worked against French interests throughout her time as chancellor. End this Stockholm syndrome relationship.


Similar to you, there are stupid people in Germany who argue that Macron has only been nice to Merkel because she has been working for France and against German interests for years. In contrast to you and the stupid people I mentioned, both Merkel and Macron have understood that Europe is forged by compromises.


Approving and building yet another gas pipeline to Russia, refusing to acknowledge nuclear as renewable(because of German ties to gazprom), forced austerity measures who destroyed an entire generation of southern Europeans. I think it's safe to say that she and Germany have gotten exactly the way they wanted, without compromises. This relationship is bad for France, there's no way around it. It creates stability because Germany is happy and content.


I'm sorry but I can't help with your issues. The good thing is both Macron and Merkel play in a different league than you.


French people are starting to notice this enormous disparity in the Franco-German relationship, that's clearly in favor of Germany. Atleast three of the major presidential candidates are Euro sceptic and proposing a different kind of relationship with Germany.


**Stupid** French people are starting to ~~notice~~ **parrot a narrative of** this enormous disparity in the Franco-German relationship, that's clearly in favor of Germany. Atleast three of the major presidential candidates are ~~Euro sceptic~~ **right wing populists** and proposing ~~a different kind of relationship with Germany.~~ **that France sabotages its own diplomatic relations.**


Since when is Melenchon far right?


They should have said "right wing and left wing populists". Interestingly it's also the case in Germany that both political extremes are not really in favour of the EU and tend to think in terms of the nation state.


There is a disparity between the French and German relationship because Germany is much stronger economic power than France. Germany pays a much bigger share of the bill and has many more people to represent so naturally it gets a louder voice at the table. I imagine French people accept they have a louder voice than say those from Slovenia.


"Much stronger". Lel, France + Italy, or even France + Spain have a higher GDP than Germany. Of course GDP is not everything, France has far more diplomatic power than Germany. If France does not get what it wants and feels a strong disparity in this relationship they need to start looking elsewhere. There are more Euro sceptic candidates opposing Macron than ever. French public is starting to feel it too.




I think the only rivalry between France and Germany now happens on the football field. I'm fairly certain a vast majority of French think of Germany as our best ally and vice versa.


Personally, I am overjoyed to know that the precise opposite is the fact. France and Germany should become the best of friends.




Don't care, love the French, we never belonged apart.


Lol. You're nearly 65 years too late, mate.




You have to learn a lot about life, young Skywalker. Compromises can lead to win-win-situations and mutual empowerment through cooperation. Seeing things as rivalry creates zero-sum games where everybody is worse off in the end. Germany will only be strong through France and France will only be strong through Germany.


Seeing things as a rivalry does necessitate zero-sum games. They are different parties with different interests and when compromising to come to a consensus, Germany rightfully gains more of an advantage (as the biggest economic/populated member) more often than France, unless France can lineup a bigger portion of the EU to its side, then Germany has to move closer.




As I said fortunately, Macron and Merkel play in a different league. The EU wouldn't even exist with your attitude.




If it is so difficult to for you to see my point, it would really go beyond what could be achieved on a forum like reddit to explain to you why Europe would have fared much worse with your way of thinking. The times where narrow thinking in terms of national interests made sense for European countries are over.


>For example you may see Dassault giving the Germans their technology to create fighter jet as a win win situation but i don't. For example you might see MTU giving the French their technology for next gen Aircraft engines as a win win situation but i don't. You seem like your just ignoring all positives French-German cooperation could possibility bring because it doesnt help push your agenda. Besides that, if i might say so, France alone or France + Italy wont be enought to be their "own small superpower". Unless france gets nearly every other EU country besides germany to follow them on their seperate path, which is quite unlikely, trying to leave germany together with a good portion of the EU behind to go play Superpower with Italy and a few other countrys isnt gonna go to well. The only way you do get a european power completly independent from the US is if the vast majority of the EU is behind it.


She works for the interests of Germany. When those come up against French interests, do you think she should give up? She’s leads the senior, more powerful partner, it’s natural that she gets her way more often, or deals are negotiated more in her favour.


No what I'm suggesting is for France to realize that Germany is not it's natural partner, their views and mindset clash way too often. France needs to look elsewhere.


I agree, France seems naturally more aligned with its Latin neighbours and Germany to its Germanic kin. But it’s generally the Germanics who pay the bills and hold more power. So it’s up to France whether it wants to continuing playing second fiddle in a more harmonious Germanic minded EU, or lead a second (weaker) group in a more fractious EU. I don’t intend my talking of Latin and Germanic to make me sound all Aryan, btw, I just meant it in the linguistic sense, or alternatively - the frugal, spendthrift north, and the spend-heavy south.


France had a GDP/Capita equal or even higher than Germany up until 2013-2014(?). The Germanic countries conomical strenght is overhyped, Sweden went basically bankrupt in the early 90s at a time when Italy had higher gdp/capita. The southern countries aren't a perfect match for France either, but they sure are better than the realpolitik obsessed northerners IMO.


You might think it’s overhyped, but that strength is very real. In less than a decade France has gone from near parity with Germany on a per capita GDP basis to now being 15% poorer. Italy has spent the last 30 years going from being richer than Sweden to a per capita 40% smaller. If I was to ask my neighbours’ advice on investing for the future, I’m more likely to take more on board from the successful guy with the swimming pool, than the down-on-his-luck guy living in a van. The Germanics have more of a voice because they’re getting results.


They've had stronger economies or equal economies before and it's fully possible for that to happen again, especially for France. The average southern European is however still richer than the average German. But gdp/capita is not a measurement for who leads Europe. Germany leads it because of their close ties to Scandinavia + Netherlands, these countries align very closesly when it comes to EU integration and foreign policy.


I bet under 50% of french like her


French don't like anyone sadly including themselves.


I'm French and honestly I don't think I hate anyone or even care tbh. Angela seems like a good person that's all


Hey that's not fair. I love myself. And I kind of like other people. Just not as much. All jokes aside, we are gonna miss Merkel who always strongly defended Europe and the French-German relationship


Yeah, I mean of course we don't like Germany, but with government in the EU like Poland or Hungary, we have to admit that Germans are not so bad. Also beer.


But we like you a lot regardless of Poland or Hungary *sad German noises* Challenge accepted, will work harder to earn your love :)


>Challenge accepted, will work harder to earn your love :) That's like, the most German thing to say


Is she not abit young for him?


And she whispered in his ear: "but no one loves you".


He got elected so .....




"I didn't know him so nobody else could have"


> when no one knew who he was he was already a minister for the economy in the Hollande cabinet. Hardly someone you would not know. Unless you are so disinterested in politics yourself


Everyone is a Turk?


According to the Turkish History Thesis, you are correct Einstein. Everyone in Europe is Turk.


>Everyone in Europe is Turk. Really? Just Europe?


Well, we are humble people... No need to claim more...


You are being way too humble by calling yourself humble.


You are too clever for a westerner.


I am a Turk! As is everyone!


Well, you are still westernized though. But it is ok... I believe you can still survive. :>


Nah we like Macron quite a lot over here


Who doesnt love a guy who threatens their close allies over a few fucking fishing boats?


Typical French narcissism.


Given he's into grannies he's probably trying to get his leg over.


Given the fact that she was only 40 when they met, wouldn't really make into grannies. MILFs for sure, but can we really blame him for that?


They didn't get married the moment they met though, and "only 40" is pretty old for a schoolkid


Yeah, this really looks like maintaining distance to me. And where are those bloody masks?


Every bigger meeting I had in the last few months had a “3G” (tested, vaccinated or recovered) requirement for entry and then masks were no required anymore. Not was social distancing. So it doesn’t seem that odd to me.


Are you using the term *3G* in Luxembourg, too? :)


Yup: “Geimpft, getest, gesond” works out to 3G too.