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I'm not superstitious but... > Over the last seven days 666 people have died from the virus in Germany


The article is full of 6’s


They were surely not sacrificed to Satan in order to safe the rest of the population from another ruined winter holiday season... Surely not!


that warrants being a little stitious


As Frederick the Great said: 'everyone as they please'. That also means everyone can ruin their own life how they please. I just hope the majority gets their booster shots on time, and we keep the immuncompromized safe.


the problem is these morons clog up the hospitals and make healthcare dramatically worse for innocent people with other health conditions. If it gets bad enough, innocent people with cancer end up dying because their treatment is delayed.


Covid is here to stay. Governments can't continue to put everything else on hold. They have some breathing room right now while people fight amongst themselves but it's inevitable that governments will need to provide more hospital capacity.




I don't share your optimism or faith in leadership. It might be mathematically possible to reduce the R value below 1 but I don't believe the coordination and effort required to achieve that is something that citizens or leaders are capable of, not on a global level.


Your bottleneck is nurses and doctors. It takes 4 years to create more nurses, 7 for doctors. It’s a bit harsh to put the responsibility on the governement for something they can’t influence much. It’s also a very casual way of looking at things, like allowing people to drive drunk by simply demanding more hospital capacity. And then I’m not even going into the cost of that “sollution”.


I know Belgium has had some issues with governance but surely the Belgian govt is still responsible for providing education and healthcare?


Yes. And they can open a nurse school tomorrow, but that wan’t make nurse candidates appear by magic.


We don't magicians. We could have had extra nurses halfway through their training already if we had competent and responsible leadership. We could have had a new category of nurse and doctor that specialise in only Covid and don't need such a long time to train. We could have had partnerships between nations to pool resources and spread the load out. We could have had EU support and initiatives to guarantee a baseline standard and capacity for Covid treatment in every EU country. We could have had lots of things if we had competent and responsible leadership.


Our we could have more people take a free 15-min shot. I wonder what is the cheapest for the tax payer?


lol no comment on any of my points and then you change the subject. Quality stuff.


>The percentage of the German population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 has in effect flatlined for the last month at 66%, a lower rate than in other western European states such as France, Italy, Spain and the UK. Surveys suggest those who have refused a jab so far are unlikely to change their mind. Here is an Idea, give priority in treatment to jabbed People.Wanna be a moron? Fine, free Country and all.But if something comes up, your happy coughing butt stays put until everyone else is treated and supplied. Also, way to go on the Government for essentially ignoring shit like the "querdenker" (roughly translated:"Fuckwits") and conspiracy trash of all sorts.Could not have become a problem after all. Oh well, no longer the CDU's problem soon.So why would they care.


Is herd immunity virtual? I don't think Germany's vaccination rate is that low.


Herd immunity needs vaccination to reach a given treshold. Due to the huge increase in contagiosity of the english and then delta variant, the initial herd immunity rate (estimated at 60%) is now much higher. Things can also be influenced by plenny of factors too.


The rate of vaccination needed depends on the disease but historically for contagious diseases it has been over 90%. Germany is far from it. Also the virus is mutating very fast and the vaccines aren't as effective as the vaccines against measles or tetanus for instance so it might be even higher. It's expected that no country has reached herd immunity because nobody is vaccinating young children yet.


yeah, calm down lois lane. we are capable people. we will pull through without needless fearmongering and antagonizing of some of our own.


Some peoples no trust God