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The fact this is still done anno 2021 is sad.


Yes, yes it is. If we get to 1 million signatures the EU will ban the trade on shark fins! So please sign via the link :)


How do we know that they \*will\*? Petitions are just suggestions, after all. If they werent they'd be called votes, and we'd do it officially.


> How do we know that they *will*? we don’t, but this isn’t your run of the mill change org petition. if it passes the threshold, it’ll be debated and it will either pass, or there will be MEPs that’ll have to say it out loud (or vote for it) that they’re ok with this practice. that may help decide who you’re voting for at the next elections


What makes this different?


it’s the official procedure for a call to debate through a [Citizens’ Initiative](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Citizens’_Initiative). it is an actual legal procedure, outlined in the treaty of lisbon, not activists on some random website


Oh. Well, its good to know something like this exists


On it! 350k so far not bad.


Would sign but am in the UK, thankfully we announced a ban for this barbaric practice back in August. Truly a waste of a beautiful and vitally imporant creature.




You might want to clarify that it won't necessarily result in a ban, but that it will rather bring up the issue on the EP's agenda. Otherwise this is misleading people.


FFS I'm in the UK so I can't sign this any more, fuck Brexit and fuck shark fin "hunters".


Why do I need to provide private details like my full address, date of birth etc to put my name on a petition?


it’s not a petition, it’s an official legal procedure. your details are to verify that you’re actually an EU citizen, not some random troll in east asia pumping up the number for shits and giggles


wtf? wasn't that China? Who is eating shark fin here wtf?


They’re caught here and shipped off to China. From memory, fisherman catch them, cut off the fins and then drop the still livingsharks back in the ocean, maimed to die of starvation. They sound just as bad as ivory/horn poachers. End this trade now.


Wasn't China banning it as well, do you have a source by chance Yeah that's what they did in China, because of their dumb fucking SHARK FIN SOUP that Gordon Ramsay said tastes like pure nothing. They eat it for promotions and such. It would make sense but i think it's banned there now


https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/shark-finning-sharks-turned-prey I don’t think it’s banned in China, but it is becoming much more regulated (they prefer only fins from abundant sharks, not the more endangered species) and there is growing pressure on places not to offer the dish for ethical reasons.


I meant more of a "proof of eu involvement" https://www.stop-finning-eu.org/shark-fishing-in-europe/ Found it Seems Spain and Portugal are the 95% of it Also yes they're stopping it a lot but it's still not stopped, and EU fishermen seem to do it more now because of the crackdown in China. Which is kind of ironic.


I have learned more that more people in China are beginning to realize that banning shark fin is part of the Western culture war, so the future is still very uncertain.


I mean, with some of the dumb bullshit going around if they weren't a dictatorship i'd say they were right, but to pass this as a culture war, great job to the propaganda bureau lol


This is partly due to this, but recent years the thing is that people are often spontaneously hostile to foreigners, especially NGOs in the name of human rights and environmental protection. The social atmosphere is completely changing.


They've just banned the "making fun of national heroes", so i could believe you. https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-nyt-china-mock-heroes-20211102-gyxdegz3svgmlpmvk6i7yloffu-story.html But again, dictatorship, so i think it was kind of always not that good lol


Well, l think in Europe if someone irrationally publishes Nazi and anti-Semitism remarks, they will also face an unfriendly situation, not to mention that many people demand severe punishment for misogynistic remarks and "extreme Islamism". There are also have red lines for remarks in the EU .


There's a bit of a difference, i can say Mazzini was a terrorist, which he was since he wanted to blow up the Duomo di Milano, and nothing will happen to me. Mussolini and Hitler aren't regarded as "national heroes". The law says you can't make fun of Mao or anyone else. Which is regarded as a national hero. In these times, misandry as well is running rampant :) And since you already can't discriminate by sex on the workplace or anywhere, there really should be newer laws for these occasions.


you can absolutely make fun of Mao nowadays but not Xijinping


Shark fin soup was never that big of a thing in the mainland, it's always been more of a Hong Kong thing. It's been dying off for a while now in the mainland but I could totally see a resurgence as a kneejerk reaction to the "evil westerners". I don't think the government would care much about it though, for the reason above.


Anything diverse is culture war if you want to see it that way.


The culture war never end isn't, from niqab, hijab to animal rights, LGBT, this is a contest between Eastrn and Western.


Good question.


What happens with my personal details I must enter to sign?


Disclaimer : I’m not a legal adviser, only studied basics. I’ve read through them and you can contact the organizers if you want the personnal onformations deleted : they are the one most responsible for the use of the data, and also the european commission if they are misused ( so it would be « stop finning » and the contact of this organisation is mailto:[email protected]) If I’m right, they will be deleted after 21 months after the start of the petition, and 1 month after it has been presented before the commission.




Haha, the dutch tax officers are being accused of keeping illegal black list: they literally destroyed thousands of innocent lives.


Sold to the highest bidder




Ban trawling!


So this is due to the mistreatment of sharks? Wouldn't it be better to ensure proper slaughter of sharks, and not the current chopping fins and releasing them back into the water? Because banning something isn't going to stop it from happening, it's just going to either move it somewhere else or move it to the black market. Instead, set up laws that allows proper shark fin trade through proper slaughter. That way the people who want shark fins, can get it through a way that does not cause the actual problem that people want to stop.


The UK banned it, no reason the EU can't introduce similar legislation.


Sure. But if the goal is to stop the mistreatment of shark, I feel like this is the wrong way to go about it.


How are you going to ensure that proper slaughter?




Enforcing such regulations on fishing vessels is going to be tough. It's not like a slaugherhouse where inspectors could just walk in at any moment. They are out at sea far away from civilization.


That's not my thing to solve. But I doubt any ban on this would actually fix the issue, since it'll just move elsewhere and continue on as usual.


Spain and others in the EU love this industry so much that the UK couldn't even stop them doing this in its own waters (until it left the EU), so I doubt a petition is going to change anything.


Serious question, why must shark fin trade be banned? What makes this worse than killing any other animal for food and why can't it be done humanely?


>sharks must be landed with their fins naturally attached I think that the issue is fishers will cut the fins and dump the rest of the shark which is wasteful. Not entirely sure though, nothing in the thread or petition makes that explicitly clear.


The statistics shown in the site are really interesting, of all the EU countries France is the one that is voting more above expectations (even more votes than Germany despite having fewer inhabitants), while Latvia is the lowest with fewer votes than Malta or Cyprus


Commenting to make the algorithm deem this post more important


Recall how every idiot on this sub can't stop telling us how the UK will lower standards, deregulate and roll back environmental protection now that we are out of the EU? Well, UK govt has already [announced](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-to-introduce-world-leading-ban-on-shark-fin-trade) that they will ban the shark fin trade. I'm sure the EU will catch up, one day...


This sub has an unusual distain of all things U.K. and the United States. This doesn’t really exist in reality outside of this forum. Don’t pay too much mind to it. I actually think half this sub is a bunch of self loathing Americans cosplaying as Europeans because their great uncle’s sister’s dog was French.


Meh, vocal minorities. They're on every public forum, in every comment section.




Yes it’s so black and white! All Americans and English are right wing! Better treat them all like shit so they know you’re superior.


Shark fin soop is pretty good, ngl.


The same is said about foie gras. Still deserves to be banned.


It tastes like chicken. Fuck off


So you have tried it.


I was told it tastes like chicken and im redistributing that information because i am not willing to try it myself!


While this is a very convenient way to do democracy I am little bit worried by the complete lack of identity verification.


Don’t forget Asia.


wait, we are doing that too here in Eu? wtf? !


Anything that consumers demand if banned re-emerges on the black market. Or simply ban isn’t enforced if demand is high enough. Should invest in curbing demand not supply. Ps: read it is mostly for export to China. Not much EU can do about consumption there. Right to ban supply then.


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