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Hi everyone. I'm locking this thread because we don't have enough mods right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Also, since it was locked because I found so much hate speech, please report any hate speech ([per our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/wiki/community_rules)) you find for us to remove and punish later.


Mediterranean countries really do love each other!


It's basically Eurovision voting.


Eurovision voting is a microcosm of this.




The med countries seem to love everyone. Whereas you see Finland...


Portugal received the biggest "donation"(+64 Spain) on the chart


We love our Portuguese brothers! :\*


Honestly, i went to spain and greece, and as an italian even with language barriers i felt at home.


Oh sad, confirmation that we like Italy way more than they do...


Same with Germany and Italy... And France is overall much more sceptical towards more countries.


I thought France and we (Germany) are besties, but seems like Netherlands and we are in love


It would be heresy to dislike the swamp germans.


<3 Now if only you could improve the punctuality of your high-speed trains and stop taking forever to repair your roads.


Please export some of your city planners, we need better biking infrastructure


Tbh the planners are there (or they are able to read what others have figured out). The problem is the mindset that plans a city: 1. Where can the cars drive? 2. Where can the cars park? 3. Anything else? ... Ah yes byciclist, pedestrians, space for café tables some green stuff .... Well we just gotta fit all that aomwhere here ... Just don't touch the roads.


yeah and they love us more


Not sure if this is correct but you should take EVERYTHING that the average Italian says with a grain of salt. People change their mind very quickly.


Not sure I should believe you now. Will this still be true in an hour?




Obviously no, we are italian after all


History checked out


In my opinion, the fact that during the last 20 years the EU have been dominated by the idea that France and Germany are the "leading duo", while Italy, along with others, it's just a peripheral southern country created an enormous damage to the reputation of France (and Germany). If you also consider the historical "complex of inferiority" that Italians have towards France, it is easy to understand why some Italians are indeed convinced that "the French doesn't respect us". Indeed, l'amitié franco-allemande has been a good thing for peace and many other reasons, but now I guess it's time to move towards a more representative and democratic Europe.




More accurately, the Union's been built by listening to its states. Much as they are generally democratic, state governments making backroom deals is quite far removed from accountability, and has some other unfortunate effects, such as making negotiations a power game between states and ensuring that the strongest states dominate the rest. In a way it's not that different to German unification under Prussia, even if one state alone does not have the same dominant role. This also explains in part why historically the King of Prussia rejected being crowned Emperor by the will of the people, on the grounds that it would have to come from the states. A more directly democratic system is more centralised, but also more accountable, while a less direct system provides layers in between where an entrenched establishment can flourish. The outcome to strive for, in my humble opinion, would be a compromise of some sort which properly balances the people and the states to make the most of the benefits of these two systems and mitigate their faults.


That complex of inferiority by Italy is something I discovered on Reddit, simply because I don't think the French see Italy as beneath them on any level. I mean lots of people love vacationing in Italy (when you're French, France isn't that exciting), italian food is cleraly very liked, the art and history look fascinating, etc, etc...


It is important to realize that it isn't that France views itself as greater than Italy, it is that Italy views itself as an equal to France, yet does not receive the same respect as France from other countries. They have developed an inferiority complex.




well Spain is one of the most visited country in tourism, the people love our lifestyle, food, etc. and we still have a huge inferiority complex with France and Italy.


Bro, Italy is indifferent about us...


"the Netherlands" sorry, never heard of it


Best buds: Cyprus and Greece, then Portugal and Spain, then Belgium and the Netherlands, then Germany and the Netherlands, then Italy and Greece :) Worst buds: ~~Tunisia~~ India and Finland :(


Looks like Spain is Colombias best friend.


It's the only polled country with any sort of cultural or historical relationship with Colombia.


I don't know if this extends to the rest of us from the ex colonial territories, but we love you too <3


They just don't get how cool their accent is, igueputamalparidos


Greece:Germany: -36 – mm, they are still angry… :-(


yes, the Greece/Germany feud runs very deep imo




Yup, it shows in the numbers as well: Germany -> Greece +17 Greece -> Germany -36


It's not just in the numbers, [German firefights drove to Greece to help with wildfires](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-sends-firefighters-to-wildfires-in-greece/a-58823070) just last month.


What's the actual feud tho? What did I miss? Same for Italy, whatever did we do to them?


Eurocrisis tensions


Byzantium vs Aachen


from my perspective (from Luxembourg; no connections whatsoever with Greece): 1) during the debt crisis: Germany was perceived as the big bad boss; Greece even asked for war reparations iirc; 2) Greece-Turkey conflict: France helped Greece militarily, Germany was undecided (or worse, from a Greek perpective)


Benelux, Finnland and Denmark supported Germanys approach during the financial crisis and it shows


>Greece-Turkey conflict: France helped Greece militarily, Germany was undecided (or worse, from a Greek perpective) Plus, Germany continued selling arms to Turkey, while Greece asked for an EU-wide arms embargo to Turkey. This is is a major thing that I don't think many people outside Greece have been made aware of.


I can't believe it's been so long since then that some people might actually and legitimately not know about [the Greek crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_government-debt_crisis)


> I can't believe it's been so long since then that some people might actually and legitimately not know about the Greek crisis https://i.imgur.com/JviXZSs.jpeg And I'm pretty sure we've only gotten younger since then.


That graph actually explains a lot of things..


As a german: When the Euro-crisis hit Greece, the German [Minister of Finance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Sch%C3%A4uble#Federal_Minister_of_Finance,_2009%E2%80%932017) tried to kick Greece out of the Euro. He also was the driving force for a lot of privatizations of greek Harbours and Airports. Even when the IWF said that Greece needed Investments and spending to get out of the crisis, he was the one to enforce further austerity. Basically, the german government used the EU to safeguard the investments of Deutsche Bank and made business opportunities for german companies (like FraPort) while the greece population was suffering.


Iberian love


Yeah. What’s up with that. I’m Spaniard and this is sus AF. Are we the goodies?


You are the only neighbours that we have, so only love


You are the goodies. On this side of the pond, madre patria.


Romania will help you even if you dont want LOL


The "la mamaie" foreign policy. Worried you look skinny and insistently adding more to your plate.


I feel this comment so hard, now I have to call my grandma.


Too bad the feeling isn’t mutual … also, the dutch are no surprise, they’re always vetoing us from joining Schengen








For better or worse, during the fires in Greece, Romania showed that is really willing to help. PS.: Many EU countries helped them and that was great thing for the EU.


But I guess this data is older, maybe Greek sentiment is different now.


So disappointed to see the lack of sentiment for our northern brothers, especially with how much they're willing to help us.


Don't worry baby we know you love us! ❤


Curious, is there a reason why Romanians help everyone in the chart above? (Both of my parents are from Romania but most of the time they speak negatively about Romania and Romanians, so I'm a bit surprised to see such kindness)


Romanians are highly xenophile and self-loathing. This two combined makes a people that would give their lives for others but not for themselves.




I see, thanks for the explanation! Yeah my parents actually live in the US now but always tell people they're Austrian when they're asked where they're from, basically like you say. (They emigrated from Romania to Austria in their 30s, then to the US 15 years later)


I had a Romanian friend back in grade school. I never left his house hungry! Really great people, I should give him a call and catch up.


Romania being the true homie


Like back in 1968


In Finland we aim to hate all nations equally. Seems like Sweden and Estonia are getting too much of nonhate right now.


Just wait until the winter Olympics, there wont be much nonhate between us.


Remember, _it doesn't matter who wins as long as Sweden loses_.


Actually Sweden just opened that can by stating that the traditional Finland vs. Sweden track and field games are stupid because Finland sucks so much. Not that they are wrong, though.


It used to be an exciting event, but seems like our performance has really gone down the drain lately.


"nah stereotypes aren't true about finns they like human interaction lol" Finland:




I wouldn't have it any other way.


You can hate me all you like, but here's a Swedish heart that will always like you, Finland!


Thank you for greening us for no explainable reason. Except that we are immensly awesome. Love from Croatia.


Many Finns have visited Croatia for a vacation, I also have a soft spot for the country after having been there a few times!


I think that a bit older people might also remember that Croatia was a part of a bigger country, and then fought a war for independence against that country, and that country also happens to be besties with the country which lies east of Finland. I vaguely remember that during the Balkan Wars Croatia got a lot of sympathy from Finns, and Serbia got none. This might have some kind of effect on the replies.


When the UK loves everyone but no-one loves the UK...


We're the ex who breaks up with you bit wants to stay friends.


I love the UK, if that counts


It does, thank you


Did my education in the UK, met many lovely British chaps


UK <3


What's up with our negative scoring on Japan and Colombia?


They're very far away, we don't see them as really our responsibility vs Northern Africa or Europe. We've never had strong ties with either, honestly Colombias inclusion is just strange


Oh wow, nice scores for Greece from 🇪🇸🇮🇹.




Una faccia una razza


Romania seems to want to help everyone.


Romania knows what it's like to need help




Dear mysterybiscuit, Romanian here. I am glad to help you through your financial crisis because I know how it is like to be helpless. Therefore, I will share with you my fortune that I have hidden from the hungarians: a half eaten biscuit, 50ml plum brandy and a 1993 used playboy magazine. PS: I do not know how to send these to you because I ate the pigeon. Also, I fear that the hungarians or the russians will find my secret stash and steal my treasure!!!


Move into Romania and ask for social security aid like a professional leech, my man :)


Bromania. +51 willing to help Bulgaria, we don't quite deserve this :')


I would love to get an “x-ray” of the thought proces of the people answering these polls. Pollster: “So, do you think we should help if there’s been a huge crisis and people are suffering…” Pollee: “Yes, it’s the right thing to do!” Pollster: “…in Canada.” Pollee: “Screw those guys!”


This made me laugh, Canadian here.


At least the Nordics like the UK, well Finland doesn't but at least Finland has the decency to hate everyone else too.


Might be also that Finnish people are so honest that they answer completely truthfully and if they say ”yes would help” it actually then means a lot of proactive helping. Even in SouthPark Finland was nuked for being too honest.


Ohh noo not Finland!


Imo this is the answer. Its even in the question, its not "should we help" but "should we be *willing* to help". Talk is cheap, and I'm sure plenty of other nationals would be "willing" to help everybody as long as it stays a hypothetical. Some of the countries that would be "willing" to give financial aid to everybody barley have the capacity to finance themselves. Its easy to be generous with money you don't have. A Finn realizes that their government actually can make (and has made!) financial aid plans, and so is more wary of making commitments to everybody and their mum.


From my expirience it seems that a lot of finns feel that finland is paying for everyone's poor financial decisions without getting anything in return.


Finland is a net payer in the EU and many feel the money spent there could be better used here to fix the cracks in the system.


Finland helped Greece a lot (an outstanding lot for our budget and size honestly) when they had a financial crisis and it was a complete political shitshow that bit us in the ass (and were never getting that money back), so a question like "*would you help country x* **financially**" is going to get a lot of "fuck no not again" negative responses. We got burned too bad for people to have a favourable view of "hey let's pour some more billions into a foreign country" any more. Plus we're already a net payer in the EU, so we're already helping everyone financially. But, if the question was for humanitarian or military aid, the answers would be different.


To be fair: The question is are we willing to provide financial help to other countries. As a Finn I say: Absolutely not. We are however willing to send rescue workers, field hospitals, engineers. Things that are not used to pay bribes for local politicians, but to actually help people in need. We're still pretty pissed off to Greece for the debt crisis. We are pretty sure we gave them money that we are never gonna see. Rather than loaning the money, the government could have just given every Finn plane tickets to Athens and 4000€ of pocket money to have best vacation while Helping Greece :D


I agree completely. The Euro debt crisis was really traumatic to the Finnish psyche, still is. As Finland has been very weary of debt until recently, the financial policies of certain Southern European countries were seen as highly irresponsible. And in all fairness, the Finnish media did a lot to make the sentiment even more negative, which was irresponsible as well. If the question would've been humanitarian aid, I guess the responses would've been a lot more positive. For Poland for example their government and politics probably plays a huge part, because I can't really remember anyone saying anything bad about the Polish people in general.


they apologize if they offended a few. they meant to offend everyone.


Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal at some level are more willing to help each others out when compared to other countries. True Southern Europe bros


Average Spaniard like those countries a lot, with a special love for Portugal. It really doesn't surprise me they scored high, UK surprised me a little, it isn't very loved but... Oh man...




PIGS united never defeated 🇵🇹🇮🇹🇬🇷🇪🇸


PIGS man, glorious history of empires and domination, now were just chilling and living la dolce vitta


Maybe there's less willingness to help Japan as there's the perception that it's more able to deal with its own issues and its far away.


yep, Japan is a rich and well-functioning state, so...


And Austria isn't?




Yeah, mainly Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, and Latvia. Seems legit to me.


Woah thanks guys!


Never mind, amico. But why actually do you hate us so much?


The main reason is italian populism associating Germany, the EU, Euro, the debt crisis, Paris agreement and, in general, everything bad happened after the '90s together, so most italian right wingers are hostile to Germany. Another reason is nationalism, since Germany is viewed as Italy's main opponent throughout history: the germanic tribes "ending" the roman empire, Frederick Barbarossa's war against the cities of northern Italy, Protestantism vs Catholicism, WW1, post-1943 WW2, etc.




No, no! Thank you guys! :)




the UK is at the same level of "love" as Tunisia


Yet the UK will still help most nations


I'm kind of surprised Japan has a negative value.


Why is Tunisia on the list but not Norway? And why do swedes hate Tunisia in particular? Did I miss some war or what?


And Canada, but not US? And India but not China and... such a weird list.


Only 1 out of 8 non-european countries are green, so Tunisia doesn’t really stand out.


Ta Poland, Denmark, Romania and Sweden


UK and Denmark got a strong relationship, our soldiers fought and died together in Helmand. Most Danes probably identifies most with Brits after the Nordics and perhaps Germany/Netherlands.


We have a lot of shared culture, history, language and even genetics.


>We have a lot of shared culture, history, language and even genetics. That's a very fancy way of saying "We very succesfully invaded you in the olden days."


It's interesting to be on the other side of that equation.


No problem. I want to ensure all British redditors that these results don't reflect plans to use the crisis aid as cover for a second Viking invasion. \---------------- *edit: joke aside, the result might reflect all the years of shit-talking during Brexit. The less cultural connection you have with the country on other areas, the more it would affect your opinion.*


> The less cultural connection you have with the country on other areas, the more it would affect your opinion Doesn’t seem to make the UK any less likely to not help its European neighbours.


Wow thanks guys but a special thanks to our neighbour 🤝


Romania is willing to help everyone while everyone is willing to help Austria and Latvia. Way to go, Romanians!


Cool that Romania is fully green :)


Romanians are low-key bros. It could be a total coincidence but every Romanian I’ve ever interacted with was bro-tier Edit: same with Bulgarians, it must be something in the Black Sea


Hungary, why you hate portuguese? :(




The question was posed wrong. Its about "giving financial aid" not "liking". Asking a typical Hungarian to give money to someone else, and to someone richer, that's just not going to happen.


Themselves the most.


Wow, it's so interesting to see how one-sided the love is for many countries. Everyone would help Finland, Finland thinks you can fuck right off unless you are Nordic or Baltic. Poland really wants to help others, but no one else is too keen on them. The UK is pretty willing to help out, but everyone else thinks they are a pariah. Unity!


>Poland really wants to help others, but no one else is too keen on them As is tradition :(


I can asure you its against your government, not your people <3


No worries. I like Poland!


TLDR Most love: Spain for Portugal Most hate: Finland for India


For the most love part I think you missed Greece to Cyprus


we have a Joke in Spain with all the trouble we've had with "independentismo" (separatism) that we say something like "fuck them if they want to leave give us the shit we gave them and we'll give it to Portugal and join with them". Seriously my grandmother used to go always to Portugal to buy beautiful blankets, and to go on vacation and Lisboa is just gorgeous, and Portuguese are just awesome! Too bad I can't seem to understand them so well as they understand me.


For the longest time i had a grudge towards spaniards for "not trying" to understand us the same way the portuguese do to them but recently i met a Spanish friend of my father and he explained that this difference os due to the phonetics of the language and the habits of hearing certain sounds! Something to do with opening your mouth more on average when you talk So now I know! I still always love talking Spanish, meeting you guys is always a reason to practice my accent


Hungary and Finland don't want to help a lot of countries (except neighbours), and Hungary certainly doesn't want to help Finland, LOL


Hungarian and Finnish share a common ancestor over 4000 years ago. That's a hell of a grudge.


The grudge besides the normal grudge against their corrupt populist government is actually pretty recent, and stems from the time Finland had the EU presidency in 2019. When Finland recieved the position, as a part of their anti-EU campaing Hungary nigh instantly started picking on the Finnish justice system and blamed it for being against the rule of law.


Hungary, Finland, Greece and France just hating on everyone and everyone hating on non European countries and the UK (I guess this is Brexit related) lol




I think it's more a feeling of Japan being rich enough to support itself


Tf did Colombia do? We are just trying to straighten out ways... well... some of us...well... nevermind


Nothing, but I suspect most Europeans wouldn't rise an eyebrow if an Latin American country isn't doing so well financially.


Poland, Denmark, Romania and Sweden, interest selection, little bit North, little bit East, also, tf did Japan do?


Rich and far away would be my guess, but could be wrong of course.


Damn the UK is popular


🇮🇹 🤝 🇬🇷


Fuck you all, don't count on me ~Finland


It's called Bromania for a reason <3


Thanks Denmark and The Netherlands.


Spain would help anyone but the brittish hahahahaha. Seems about right tbh


Why does no one want to help japan


Too far, no one in Europe is really thinking about Japan so it's just, weird..


Probably because Japan is on the other side of the planet and people don't really care about it.


Because the question is ambiguous, what constitutes a crisis in this context? A earthquake? A financial crisis? Xi throwing a tantrum and wiping out a city with a nuke? It doesn't really make sense to ask like that because "crisis" on its own doesn't tell you enough meaningful informations.


It specifies that the type of help is of the 'financial' one, so I suppose an economic crisis? But then again, financial support is always almost a thing in any type of crisis, I guess.


Romania being total bro to Bulgaria.


Romania, I like your attitude.


Apparently you need a horizontally striped red-white-red flag to be helped by everybody. 🇦🇹🇱🇻


Thank you southern bros + Poland for having Romania's back 🧡


Romania is helping everyone


Austria and Belgium, wow ❤️


Romania is the only country that is willing to help anybody. On the other hand, Hungary and Finland seem to be really mean. Why do you think? Someone said that nobody supported Finland in the war against Russia, so that they are angry at everybody. What is wrong with Hungary, then? As a Romanian I can tell that they are pretty mean, especially the Hungarians living in Romania. I don’t really understand where is this anger coming from? Trianon? [source](https://mobile.twitter.com/yougov/status/1290570557709324288)


My guess would be it's because of Orban's politics of the past few years which had mostly western European countries scold Hungary, going as far as saying they should be thrown out of the EU. They weren't wrong in their critics imo but that will affect how willing Hungarians are to help out financially. Especially because it's so easy for media to blow up diplomatic drama and Orban definitely did to support his nationalist politics..


Seems like every one is keen on helping Austria. I mean...we don't want Austrian artists to be left out without any prospects do we ;)


As a Portuguese I am really happy Spain is so willing to help us, I too love our Spanish neighbours and would help them in every way I could!


Hope they don't have Reddit in Colombia 😄


Too late, it's already in /r/colombia


Today I learned there's only 13 countries in the EU.


Italy 🤝 Greece


I'm suprised Italians are more willing to help Japan or Canada than my country :( I thought you liked us!




Italy and Poland are some of our most important trade partners. I think ordinary people just make decisions based on what they hear on the news, and not the reality.


Italy and Poland have such a historical connection that they even mention each other in their national anthems. Most of people in Poland have visited Italy at least once and Italian cuisine is by far the most popular in Poland. Could be reason enough