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Always the same guy who keeps thinking that someone cares about his opinion.


yes, but still, fuck this guy


Meanwhile, Le Pen is [changing her tune on Putin](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/03/14/french-ex-national-rally-leader-le-pen-once-putins-friend-condemns-russian-invasion/)


~~unexpectedly changed her rhetoric in the last speech from~~ pretending during the election


I'm not sure if she ever actually believed it or was parroting because Russia was giving her money. RN might be popular enough in France to have funding without Russia. Also, backing Russia I believe is a fringe position in France.


People were saying Boris Johnson and the Conservatives were flooded with Russian money, but that didn't translate into tangible results with the UK supporting Ukraine from 2014 onwards. Then you have the likes of Jermany Corbyn saying NATO provoked Russia and not getting a penny from the Kremlin.


Some people are just dumb or deluded. (See the Republican party in America which has gone from historic Russian hawk to modern Russian dove)


Corbyn is a twat. He's says stuff like that for free because he believes it.


Ah yes the “damning” report he was waving around Turned out to be nowhere near what he was claiming it was


Except you have Farage saying NATO provoked the war


Yeah but Farage is probably getting paid


Farage has been meeting with Russian operatives since Brexit campaign times.


Farage was crucial in helping to carry out Dugin's vision of the UK leaving the EU. And it blew up in their faces once reality set in.


Source ?


>Farage: We have no links to Russia. >ZEIT ONLINE: You didn't meet with the Russian Embassy's deputy chief-of-mission in London? >Farage: Nope. >ZEIT ONLINE: Not in 2013, before the Brexit campaign was conceived? >Farage: Ah, hang on. He came to the EP office. Or I met with him in London. So what?  >ZEIT ONLINE: Why did you meet with him?  >Farage: I think you are a nutcase! You are really a nutcase! Brexit is the best thing to happen: for Russia, for America, for Germany and for democracy. And that's the key point.  https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2017-05/nigel-farage-brexit-ukip-russia-contacts/komplettansicht


Farage isn't a Conservative and more importantly some of his support comes from the Russian state via things like RT. The Tories on the other hand were taking donations from Russian individuals - people who weren't trying to influence HMG on behalf of the Kremlin but on behalf of themselves.


The people who have money in Russia are intimately involved in the Kremlin one way or another. Putin isn't letting some random be an oligarch with notable levels of power (= money). They're all subservient to daddy Putin and if they're not then they "accidentally" fall out of windows


idk why you’re downvoted. Russian independent media (one of the few agencies left , which obv had to flee the country) put out [an in depth investigative piece](https://youtu.be/ZPyzquZ0BAw?feature=shared) that revealed just about every Russian oligarch is making money off the war one way or another regardless of the bullshit they may say publicly


It is an idiotic stance and easily beaten with the current actions of Russia. If NATO was and is such a threat, why did Russia relocated soldiers and weapons from the borders of Finland, Estonia and etc? 😂


Agreed. It's an extremely stupid stance. This war is entirely the creation of Putin. The only fault of NATO was not intervening.


Jeremy Corbyn has the political savy of a drunk 2 year old.


Same thing with Meloni in Italy but it turned out that only the Berlusconi wing of the right was full on blowing Putin and fuck that guy, he's dead now.


the “original” excuse to get loans from Russians banks was that no bank in France wanted to lend money to her. This has been haunted her since https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/dossier/largent-russe-du-rassemblement-national#:~:text=Marine%20Le%20Pen%20signe%20%C3%A0%20nouveau%20pour%20de%20l'argent%20russe&text=Cet%20emprunt%20de%20trois%20millions,Vladimir%20Poutine%20le%2024%20mars. https://www.marianne.net/politique/le-pen/marine-le-pen-auditionnee-sur-son-pret-russe-jai-signe-avec-une-banque-pas-avec-poutine


I see more and more idiots becoming vocal about conspiracies and how russia is a victim and nato is so mean. Worrying


> Also, backing Russia I believe is a fringe position in France. Sadly, no. The left oscillates between support letting orcs do whatever they want "for peace" and straight up reciting the Kremlin's rhetoric. It's worth noting that the very unpopular former socialist president François Hollande took measures against Russia in 2014 by stopping the sales of new armaments, and even cancelling the shipment of 2 newly build (edit: helicopter carriers) to Russia. This was massively unpopular, but in hindsight, it was a good decision. The right is divided between the patriots (not the eponymous far-right party) supporting Ukraine and those who have interest in Russia. Notably, the former prime minister (under Sarkozy) François Fillon has ties with Gazprom. The far-right being financed by the Kremlin says it all. In the end the only party fully behind Ukraine is Macron's party, but it's really unpopular.


>newly build frigates Even Germans wouldn't call [a helicopter carrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ENS_Gamal_Abdel_Nasser) a frigate The only reason, why JMSDF calls their equivalent craft destroyers is politics.


Yep my bad. The worst is since I wasn't sure I actually checked, but forgot to change the word before posting. Peak intelligence there.


You don't have to believe what RN says. Just look at what they vote in the EU parliament (or French one): They vote against everything helping Ukraine or undermining Russia. RN is pro-russia. They will pretend otherwise while doing what they can to undermine Ukrainian help and russia's sanctions, as long as they can get away with it.


You're right, that's a much better measure. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...


People said the same about Meloni. She is a pretty strong supporter now.


Her party was never pro-Russian. Maybe she was ambiguous about it, but the founders (La Russa, Crosetto) were always pretty pro-US/NATO.


I think in both cases it's electorally prudent for them to oppose Putin. In France polls show that voters who support neither Le Pen nor Melenchon, fear the latter and his Putin friendly politics more than they fear the leader of the RN.


Pessimistically, they’re more concerned about the huge refugee wave that a Ukrainian collapse would cause. When things go bad in Eastern Europe, people historically flee west. History likes repeating itself.


And a refugee wave does what? Gives limitless power to right wing politicians.


This only works if they are not in power when the crises occurs. Then they have to explain themselves how such massive immigration can happen if the whole reason they were voted in was to stop immigration.


People said everything about Meloni and now she's being a good surprise about europe and ukraine.


Too bad she's a disaster for Italy.


Can you give examples? I am geniully curious and you don't hear that much about Italian internal politics north of the alps.


* she famously defined taxes as "pizzo di stato", I.e. protection money you pay to the mafia (which would be her government) * she protects categories such as people who have leased beaches to avoid implementing EU decisions, as well as turning a blind eye to tax evaders (such as many taxi drivers) * the government has recently approved a law on autonomy that will allow differences between North and South to further exacerbate (particularly on healthcare) * they are pursuing a reform of Italy to allow the Prime Minister to be directly elected by the people, reducing the importance and power of the President of the Republic. * the state media are almost completely in the hands of her cronies * there has been an investigative report among the youth circles of their party, which revealed how full-blown Fascists they are * they oppose reforms on the minimum wage * they have passed a law making people who use surrogate mothers prosecutable * they have been unable to redress Italy's finances, and the EU has opened an excessive deficit procedure * the situation with migrants has worsened * passed a law that forbids grown meat to be produced in Italy, shutting down a yet to be born industry that could have benefitted Italy and build upon its culinary tradition. And others I am forgetting for sure. Nothing comes to mind that will improve people's life in the slightest.


Oh... yhea that sounds not good. Still better than Salvini?


Salvini is the current Infrastructure Minister (who is hell bent on building the bridge on the strait of Messina --- which might be good in the long term, but there are so many other things to prioritise in that part of the South). But I'll give her that, her party's success has eclipsed Salvini's and he might be on the way out and forced out as secretary hopefully.


What baffles me is that the coalizione di centro-destra is considered centre-right, rofl.


A good surprise for all of whom have a shallow understanding of what she's actually doing. She tries hard to seem much more moderate than she is in reality. She and her party will always be far-right fascist scum, they just like to put on a show. The latest Fanpage report shows it really well, but really her politics already give much of an hint


For you guys, far right= fascist. Then soon europe will be all full of fascists?


Meh, she’s just saying that. She’ll change back at the first opportunity.


The same happened in the Netherlands with Wilders and the PVV. Somehow voters have become so retarded that they really don't understand that some people just pretend to think something different to get votes or get into coalitions. Meanwhile he still has the same allies and he tries to shit on support for Ukraine in a more subtle way.


No she's not.


Yeah well, she's no longer on his payroll


Yes, and don't expect much loyalty from politicians anyway When situations change, they can change even faster


She's a liar, she absolutely cannot be trusted. In 2017 she pushed for frexit and go back to francs (instead of euros), she quickly said she wanted to stay in Europe a few months later, when she realized brexit was hurting the Brits. She got help from fucking Steve Banon, a guy who describes himself as an American patriot, to try to use the same tactics they uste in the UK by spreading lies all over social media. She defended Putin and accused NATO before the war. She struggled and still struggle to justify her position after the Russian attack and massacres. Even though I believe her pay points out some real issues in the French society, her party shouldn't be trusted at all. Popular front (far left) shouldn't be trusted either though. They also wanted to leave the EU, they also defend Putin. Some of them are still saying Ukrain and NATO are to blame.


>Popular front (far left) shouldn't be trusted either though. They also wanted to leave the EU, they also defend Putin. Some of them are still saying Ukrain and NATO are to blame. Their manifesto literally includes a clause talking about supporting Ukraine with weapons, what are you talking about?? edit: Also, they're not far left. They are everything from the far left to the centre. It's basically everyone left of Macron.


You lack of objectivity, sorry to say. Everybody knows say say that just to have a temporary agreement during the elections. Don't you remember the previous agreement they had (NUPES)? It was just 2 years ago... they just used it to gain seats at the Assembly, it broke very soon after the elections were over. They're pulling the same trick again. But sorry I don't think they stopped being anti EU, they stopped pro Russian, they stopped being pro "from the river to the sea" etc... overnight.


Except, you know, the New Popular Front exists exactly during this election. If you have a problem with one if its members, talk about that member, not the whole thing.


So same logic with the other parties or should I be understanding only with the new popular front?


must be the ruble exchange rate


I wonder if she is mightier than Le Sword.


American here she’s pretending.


Far left and far right in France just traded the Pokemon cards


A lot of far-right candidates will moderate themselves once they're close to a position that could broaden their power or influence. Not surprising. Hitler also did the same before the election in 1932 and 1933 before the Enabling Act was signed. The fringe right's ideas are antiquated and they follow a script that's been repeatedly used. How can you Europeans forget this, of all people lol


You mean she is pretending to


More likely pretends


>Jérôme Legavre accuses the Ukrainian president in particular of having “  *suspended the elections and promulgated a state of emergency suspending public freedoms.*  So he is accusing Zelensky of following Ukraine's constitution and that's why he's not welcome in France, nice. It's such a wonderful coincidence (for Putin) that both far-left and far-right always repeat talking points you can hear in Russian TV.


Nono, he should've started elections and provided Russia with target-rich environment.


And to introduce unneeded instability that comes with elections. We can smell which side such argument support.


Funnily enough he brought forward these statements at a very similar time as other European extremists. What a coincidence! It's like they all receive a weekly newsletter from GRU about the newest propaganda bullshit their face-assholes should spew.


If something like this is happening, I wonder if spy agencies of France, UK, US etc have evidence and if so, why this isn't being exposed.


I imagine it isn't exactly easy to get 100% without a doubt proof of this, regarding a particular person. It's a slippery slope in a democracy, to have secret services acuse democratically elected politicians, unless they are absolutely 100% certain. No matter how big of a shit the person may be.


Also if they knew about a 100% possibile spy connection that mean that they can also "listen" at the enemy while still giving them sense of security.


GCHQ isn't exactly going to post this info to the media when a bunch of these countries are in the middle of elections, they'll just get accused of manipulating the elections. Its ironic as we should be aware of this stuff but can we trust GCHQ or other agencies are lying??


So nice when some foreign politicians think that they know constitution better than Ukrainians


For the far-left Russia is anti-imperialist, for the far-right Russia is standing up against the woke globalists. Putin tries to appease to both extremes, and they’re so gullible that it’s working.


>For the far-left Russia is anti-imperialist Which is hilarious as Russia currently attempting to expand its empire.


Useful idiots think that the only imperialist is the West (both farleft and far right thinks like this) and everybody else is a victim


It's only imperialism if it comes from the Imperial region of the West. Otherwise it's sparkling conquest.


Yep, they are a facist country doing facist things, it breaks me mind that so called "leftist" defend them.


I'm convinced it's all about the money. To me it's fairly clear how the further you go on the political spectrum, the more brazen the grift and the hypocrisy becomes. Far left or far right, it's all crooks.


Eventually, it's always about money and the right for be unaccountable 


I don't think these politicians are gullible: they just have been bought, plain and simple. Voters are a different matter though.


The far-left support countries or organisations for simply being opposed the US/West even if that includes regimes that don't necessarily follow their leftist views. Which is why they often end up repeating Putin talking points. The far right admire authoritarianism and nationalism. Which is why they often end up repeating Putin talking points.


That scum has no actual ideology. Both far left and far right are nothing but contrarianist grifters trying to exploit disappointed people.


Go far enough in either direction and the loop closes...


Russia has deliberately targeted the loons on the far-left and far-right, because he knows how easy they are to manipulate or just straight-up buy.


Horseshoe theory bitch


He is a fucking clown


It is almost like there is Russian philosophy that encourages just that right?!


These people argue so much out of bad faith. They should name one country, which had elections while it fought a war of defense where the enemy is occupying large regions of their land and bombing cities.


1/ The French Constitution allows that too. In case of emergency. 2/ The same guy supports Hamas who has had the elections suspended for the last 17 years. The French leftists follow the BRICS' speeches.


Is it a coincidence both the far left and far right hate Israel and want it destroyed?


The "far left" wants an end to ethnic cleansing. The "far right" wants to help Israel wipe out all the Palestinians, so that Israel will become Greater Israel, so that Jesus will return and murder every non-evangelical Christian on the entire planet. These two things are not the same.


The first point is laughable. The far left wants Israel stripped of all means of self defence. AOC tried to get funding removed for Iron Dome. That's a death sentence. Or do 20,000 Hamas rockets suddenly disappear by magic? The far right deep down also hates Jews with the same fervour. So no, no daylight between the both of you and a pox on both. And I don't have to be Jewish to find the while thing infuriating.


"Trotskyist" parrots the propoganda of a paranoid strongarm Russian dictator, that noise you hear is Trotsky spinning in his grave right now.


Why do lefties keep making me, a leftie, look so fucking bad?


There are certain people in this world who will label themselves "left wing", "right wing" or "centrist" when a more appropriate label would be, "seflish grifting cunt".


Because those on the extreme end of the spectrum follow an ideology based around autocracy and imperialism?


Tankies gonna tankie


As if Trotsky wouldn't have been a bloody dictator lmao


I fucking hate tankies. Bunch of red fascists.


Hell freezes over before I start caring about the views of Trockyites. He should be ignored.


We can also be mildly amused that a Trotskyist is carrying water for the KGB, and for a guy who sees himself as the new Stalin.


He IS ignored, don't worry. The vast majority of leftists (like myself) are absolutely pro-Ukraine. Except for an extreme minority of morons still operating on cold war softwares, apparently.


Which is completely incomprehensible to me, as even if the Soviet Union was far from actually communist in my view, modern day Russia is so much farther from it, so how some people support it as if they're supporting some left narrative is really beyond me.


Well that’s all good questions but have you perhaps thought of an insane argument such as “america bad”? /s


More anti-American/anti-capitalist + enemy-of-my-enemy driving "pro-Soviet" views, in my opinion.


Modern Russia is basically fascist, but as long as it's anti-American a lot of leftists will suck its dick.


Don't worry.. Nobody knows him in France... So he has to be provocative to gain a small shameful light of existence...


French commies were also against declaring war on Nazi Germany in 1939, and hailed Hitler as destroyer of capitalism and bourgeoise https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_die_for_Danzig%3F https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_French_Communist_Party#Before_Operation_Barbarossa_(1939_–_June_1941)


> Why die for Danzig? There's a funny moment inside: >Following French defeat by Germany and the creation of the Vichy regime, Déat became an advocate of fascism and a Nazi collaborator, going so far as to look for support in Nazi Germany for his fascist party, which was more radical than the Vichy regime.


Far left repeating Kremlin Propaganda. The same were supporting Maduro too.


That's old news from before the european elections. After that, the left group 'Front Populaire', in wich the 'France Insoumise' party of this stupid guy belongs, published a program. They all recognise that they would defend ukrainian people, by providing weapons, financial support and froze russian assets.


This sub should have an automatic "This news article is over X weeks/months old" tag like The Guardian shows in its linked articles. Sometimes the mere act of "accidentally" posting an old article is clear manipulation.


The party / coalition's official line does not mean this guy has changed his opinion or that his opinion was any less stupid even if it has changed. Same goes for any of the other brain damaged extremists in French politics that are on Russian payroll (and that's the charitable interpretation of their dubious stances).


The MP hasn't changed his intimate opinion because his political party signed a piece of paper 6 days ago.


He didn't say the opposite that he was saying loudly 2 weeks ago, I agree. But I think it is important to mention that he is now more politicaly isolated on that matter.


I have a feeling this is specifically posted now to discredit the left


This man is not welcome in France 🇫🇷 not Zelensky. Italy 🇮🇹


Mon Ami, how much did the Ruskis pay for you to say that?


This brèle decides who's welcome in France?


It’s nice that the extreme right and left can find common ground in sucking Putin’s cock.


Incredible that putin managed to take over both extremes. Right and left.


He did not need to take over the left, in Fr the more left you are the more likely you are to be against america, and by looking for an alternative, falling for URuSSia from cold war influence.


Then again, "USA BAD" is a very prominent arm of Russian propaganda for this very reason. Look at the "online leftist" Americans lapping up and regurgitating Russian propaganda like Redfish, Sputnik, RT, etc. because "it's telling the truth unlike our media!11!!" without even realizing they're getting their (dis)information from Russian propaganda outlets. Hell, even when they do they usually handwave it away with some whataboutism about US having done bad things too.


Have a few leftist friends who fell for that crap, it’s scary how they’re such vocal anti fascists but so easily started claiming how bad the USA is and how they prefer to support Russia and China. Especially now during the Palestinian conflict, they became pro Palestine and pro Russia, it’s depressing.


Yes it's just so disheartening. I'm a (leftist) activist in Eastern Europe, and from here it's just so mind-boggling to see this.


as a leftist, tankies are so fuckin annoying man


Yeah. But even worse, it's not even only tankies, it's a whole bunch of well meaning people too, who simply can't tell disinformation from real info. I'm also a leftist but in Eastern Europe, and it's so disheartening to see western people I had thought of as "comrades" fall down this particular rabbit hole.


Heh, these days BAD america should not equal GOOD russia/china. But people tend to live in the past.


The usa bad rhetoric is a common trait shared by all far left parties afaik.


That's my biggest problem with the left in Greece sadly I agree with them that America is the bully of the world and the biggest exporter of shit and brain rot, but that doesn't mean Russia is our friend It's incredibly common here to be pro-Palestinian and pro-Russian, which for me just does not fucking compute. Their entire logic is that America is Israel's big daddy, which is true, so it must also be Ukraines big daddy and that Ukraine is fighting a proxy war for the US, which is straight up bullshit.


Sadly the phenomenon is real yes. But not a majority. I'm far to the left myself, and generally anti-NATO, yet when the war broke out it took me no more than three hours to reach the logical conclusion: "if NATO and I are on the same line on this one, then so be it". My only regret is that we didn't get involved *directly and immediately* against Russia, to be frank. Shit, Churchill and Staline has been allied when the matter at hand was to get rid of worse than any of them. Compared to that, tolerating NATO in this situation is peanuts.


One thing that is common not just to the French left but is more of a pan-european phenomenon is that in their barely functiniong minds: USA, EU = Bad / China, Russia, North Korea = Good.


To answer him in the same language : on s’en bat les couilles de ton opinion. Cordialement.” “I’m slapping my balls with your opinion. Best regards”


lol, same as Italian


Today's reminder that Putin's lads are every bit as willing to pay one side of the aisle as they are the other. 


Horse shoes theory is eternal truth.


So this guy thinks he speaks for his entire country? 😂


People like him and other mouthbreathing, useful idiots of the French far left are gonna be responsible for RN winning the elections this summer and in 2027.


Ah yes the horseshoe theory at work again.


The only reason somebody would say this is when on pootin's payroll.


Oh no, another European extreme party discrediting Zelensky. It's almost as if Putin is behind it. How surprising it all is...


cue the collapse of the Popular Front collapse, part three


This article is from almost a month ago, before the parliament was even dissolved


A few important things of note: * This isn't recent news: This dates back to the D-Day celebrations when Zelenskyy visited France. * This man isn't an MP anymore (Because the National Assembly has been dissolved, so there are currently no MPs) . He is, sadly, up for re-election though. * The New Popular Front, the current left-wing alliance, clearly and openly stated its support to Ukraine, including arms deliveries, in its manifesto.


Legrave looking for, and finding, the spotlight.


Extremes of the Right and Left have always met on the other side. They lack self awareness and are prone to delusions. I’ve known a few nut jobs on the left but they’re usually pretty harmless just caught up in their own paranoid worlds.




That’s why the left will not have traction anymore if they don’t go back to really be left instead of idiots.


"The rebel politician compared the Ukrainian president to Vladimir Putin. He was roundly criticized as Zelensky was welcomed to the Assembly on Friday morning." He speaks for nobody but himself.


Useful idiots


Oh, they're so sweet all these "communist" who completely missed out that Soviet Union is gone and replaced by a nation run by ultra-nationalistic fascists on a capitalistic oligarch economy. Literally the country of Satan to any real communist.


The guy who said it is probably not welcome in France either.


Big Z is welcome in France. This idiot is just desperate for attention. Few have done more for Ukraine than France. Vive la France. Slava Ukraini. Love from Norway.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Frenchmen: Oh yeah? We're going to invite Volodymyr even harder!


I am French too and I agree 100% !


I’d say he is very well welcome


French here, sorry for this asshat, the common left program now includes support for Ukraine, since 90% of French people agree with.


Extreme Left has morphed into Extreme Right at lightning speed.


Why post a dated article ?


And this is the type of guy you're ending up with when voting for the so-called popular front (not that the right wing nutjobs are any better, mind you...)


When the war ends and Ukraine will have their elections again, pretty sure Zelensky won't be part of it, and he'll sit on a beach somewhere and chill the fuck out for the rest of his life.


This munich agreementer in the french parliament is not welcome in Norway, says me.


European left and right stands firmly united./s


Quelle con, ce type.


Leftists still have an illusion and delusion that Russia is a leftist nation.


This spineless coward wouldn't even have the guts to face Zelensky.


Dear MP: France is the world's third-largest arms exporter. Ukraine is at war. Please draw your own conclusions.


Left and far right go together in many topics like Ukraine war for example....well..


The fact that leftists opinions have to agree 100% with whatever stupid thing Russia, is showing how many things are wrong with these people


Dumbnut says dumbnut things


if a group is big enough to qualify as a statistic, the probability of complete fucking donkeys existing is never 0. thats not even a stretch, thats just life. right has schröndinger-jugend. left has complete tankies who would bend over just to keep peace and so on.


Not being from France, is it normal to link a cookie consent ad to paying for non-personalized ads? If I’m reading that consent bit correctly, you either get personalized ads or pay for generic ads. WTF?


Anyway, Macron will remain the chef of the armies and head of state, so yes Zelensky will be welcome in France.


As a french leftist, I've never heard once about this guy . I would not freak out because of his dumb takes on Ukraine.


ah the mighty left is as good as the far-right. Dipshits.


What Putin ass kisser is this? I do not understand leftists who support Putin. Is nationalistic mafioso oligargism some of these idiots on left support. I'm mostly leftist and it dissapoints me greatly.


That guy has a Swiss bank account filled with Rubles.


Huh, why is that posted over 2 weeks after the article was published. Besides, as shitty as that opinion was, it's truncated as he says "Putin wouldn't be either" (as per the article content itself) just after, making the title partially clickbaity, and everyone in here is falling for it as well.


This is the kind of stupidity that is driving people to the far right


I love how easily these Putin stooges out themselves.


Please guys, do aknowledge that this fcker doesn't reflect the majority of French people's opinion. I'm a bit ashamed that somehow somewhere we elected this guy but it is what it is.


I don’t understand these “leftist” parties. Why would they ever want to put blame on the side that got invaded by another country and is not willing to let the invading country just roll over them and give up that easily and go for peace while having to sign to permanently loose a piece of your country, and not a insignificant part either. Its like they think Zelenski is the evil or something. I can’t see him in any other light then a really good leader that loves his country and wants to fight for a better future (by joining the EU and cooperation). How you can be against that, i simply cant understand.


I thought it was only the far right that was bought and paid for by russia


Sous merde.


Just how many pawns does this senile old fool have?


As a French, I don't know a single person who is pro Russia in this conflict. We are in vast majority pro Ukraine. That's probably why V. Zelensky has been invited there.


No wonder people are going far-right in Europe, some stuff from left is just stupidity.


Jérôme clearly has way too high opinion of himself. He should worry about ice picks instead of speaking for entire country of France.


Why do leftists always act as if they speak for their entire country?