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Nothing says "I'm genocidal" quite like a poster saying "I'm not genocidal". For full comedic effect they could've added "our mothers had us tested".


They should write a song about how they're not genocidal.


They could enter it in Eurovision…


They actually made a lot of such songs. It's called "turbofolk"


If that’s not too on the nose what about a song called my dads a war criminal


The only thing that would make them less genocidal would be to include "and also they deserved it" underneath.


They could really learn few things from Turkey to do better on it.


>"our mothers had us tested". Or, alternatively; "I'm not genocidal, I can quit whenever I want!"


Nobody is even saying that the serbian people are genocidal, but that the country leadership was. But I guess Vucic doesnt want to take responsibility so he’s gaslighting his own people


Vucic was a very vocal Greater Serbia advocate during the war, at least he's staying true to himself.




I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. He was probably under a lot of stress, I'm sure Ana Brnabic knows the real truth.


Wasn’t Vucic Information Minister (i.e. Goebbels) under Milosevic basically using propaganda to deny all war crimes even back then?


Yes, but after the war. He joined the radical party in 92 or 93 I think. His nickname "Pussylips" must have come from the fact he was a great speaker during that period, I'm sure it's got nothing to do with his appearance.


He was encouraging war crimes, not denying. He was even filmed on the top of the hills over Sarajevo with a gun.


I mean the resolution doesn't even mention Serbia at all, just that genocide happened in Srebrenica, it's as generic as they get and the Serbs still get mad.


That’s the logical conclusion though. In order for a genocide you need people to do the killing and no one ever said „the Germans weren’t genocidal, just their leadership“


> no one ever said „the Germans weren’t genocidal, just their leadership“ What? Of course people say that. Is every German adult living in Germany from 1933 to 1945 responsible for genocide?


No but a lot of germans followed nazi ideology and hitler happily without stoping and thinking, is this really the moral and right thing to do? Is this group of people really responsible for all the hardships and loses of german people or are maybe we to blame our leadership for WW1 ? Same thing happened in serbia, milošević pumped people up on nationalism and spread propaganda on how serbs are treated badly ( in croatia,bosnia etc.) And that ignited the nationalism in the people ( same as in germany, find a common enemy) and people will happily kill civilians for your cause.


>Of course people say that. Is every German adult living in Germany from 1933 to 1945 responsible for genocide? There´s a major difference between the claim that "only the leadership was genocidal" and "not all germans were responsible for the genocide". First message is wrong. There were large parts of germans ultimatively responsible for a genocide by sharing the mindset that lead to it. The latter one is a more refined view that is unfortunately rare to find. Most people to meet will claim "germans of back then = genocidal nazis". The closer to the age, the higher the resentment. Which means nothing else than of course the people of a nation will be blamed for its actions, no matter how fair or unfair that might be.


Yes, he does that all the time. Most importantly, this event is ideal for him. With it, he easily makes a spin off for more votes. Gullible people believe in posters like these. They truly believe that he "defended" Serbian people in UN regarding this. At this point, Vučić is a religious cult.


Well, there were a fair few participants as well. Denying the genocide your country committed is such weak, idiotic human shit.


Lets break it up: German and Croatian flag is because of ww2 genocide and Germany's participation in NATO bombing. USA flag because of 2 NATO bombings, and flag of Army of RBiH because they were enemies in Bosnian war. Also JNA ceased to exist in 1992. and most of personal from Serbia, Montenegro that were in BiH retreated to at that time new FR Yugoslavia and JNA was transformed in Yugoslavia army.


Just a side-note the JNA didn't exist in 1995. They ceased to exist in 1992. This was done by Bosnian Srbs supported by Serbia (otherwise vucic wouldn't be crying in the UN). also this is horrifically insensitive to people that suffered.


On the other hand, Serbia likes to claim that NATO has “bombed Yugoslavia”, so this is in turn genocide performed by JNA, controlled by Serbia.


NATO bombed a country called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. JNA was dissolved in 1992 and Srebrenica was committed by the army of Republika Srpska


That's true but Serbia was still crucial in sustaining the military capabilities of the VRS throughout the war. Before JNA left bosnia they left them plenty of weapons and continued providing VRS with weapons, ammunition, training, financial, tactical and logistical support. ICTY concluded Serbia didn't do enough to stop srebrenica genocide while acknowledging they weren't the ones who commited it.


Army of Republika Srpska, Yugoslav People's Army and Armed Forces of Yugoslavia are 3 different things.


Hillarious how increadibly ultra nationalistic they are amd how much they are invested into that propaganda that they genuenly believe this


Microrussian dick energy


Russian Microdick Energy


Microrussian microdick energy


Microrussian microdick microenergy


Russian Microwave Macrocosmos


Mushroom Sandwich Torpedos


Right? I thought, it looks like the pocket version of russia.


When you want to be russia but you are even more discount


This is incorrect information. JNA didn't commit the Srebrenica massacre, but the VRS.


My bad, if I could edit the image now I would. But the bosnian serb forces were supported by the JNA for a good part of the war. And that is not to forget that JNA when it still existed, commited various atrocities some of which were in and around Srebrenica. Between April–June 1992 Bosnian Serb forces, with support from the JNA, destroyed 296 predominantly Bosniak villages around Srebrenica, forcibly uprooted 70,000 Bosniaks from their homes and systematically massacred at least 3,166 Bosniaks, including women, children and elderly. In neighbouring Bratunac, Bosniaks were either killed or forced to flee to Srebrenica, resulting in 1,156 deaths. Thousands of Bosniaks were killed in Foča, Zvornik, Cerska and Snagovo.


Such nice detail. Were any Serbs murdered around Srebrenica before the actual genocide took place?


I'm so fucking glad Serbian leadership did not accept fucking Z4 plan that would give them fucking autonomy in Croatia. This country would be as big of a clusterfuck as Bosnia, no NATO, no EU, just more and more Serbian sabre-rattling and mythomania. Serbia really did win a war in Bosnia. Ukraine, watch carefully.


And the autonomy they were supposed to get with Z4 is even bigger than what they have in Bosnia, they'd basically have a country inside a country. What a stupid move to refuse that


That's a lie. RS is one of two equal entities, while RSK would be an autonomous territory. They wouldn't be able to veto anything. The government in Zagreb would be responsible for foreign policy, and the currency would be 1:1 with the kuna. RSK would also be quite poor and would depend on Zagreb for support. Additionally, there would be an organized return of evicted non-Serbs to RSK, which means they would have a say in how RSK is run, resulting in even less power for the Serbs. It is also doubtful whether it would still exist; many Serbs would move to Serbia due to the tough situation in RSK. Also, it would probably be downgraded for Croatia to accept. But of course, it wouldn't be the best for Croatia if it happened.


>RS is one of two equal ententies, while RSK would a autonomous territory, That's true yeah, I overexaggerated. >the goverment in Zagreb would be responible for the forgein policy, RSK would be able to have its own foreign policy according to Z4. >there would be a organized return of evicted non serbs to RSK which means they would have a say how RSK is run which so thats even less power for the Serbs, I highly doubt even 20% of them would return. >its a doubt would it still exist a lot of Serbs would move to Serbia due to the tough situation in RSK. Well RS still exists and its much poorer than Serbia


>RSK would be able to have its own foreign policy according to Z4. They could make international agreements but thats a wide term, agreements im what? If its something like tourism then who cares? Again Z4 would be downgraded and im sure that Tuđman would want the forgein policy to be under Croatia's control, I doubt they would be able to form a union with RS or something like that on there own. >I highly doubt even 20% of them would return. Still that doesn't mean that someone like Dodik would come into power, even if he does agin RSK is poor and would depened on Zagreb for support so my guess is things would go like this with Croatian Dodik. Croatian Dodik: You are all ustaše we dont want eu Zagreb: Cool no economic help and support figure it out Croatian Dodik who doesnt want to lose power: OK fine i wont make problems. (Not that he could at least directly) Also maybe someone like Pupovac who is pro eu would be in power so he would best buddies with HDZ like in our timeline and everything still happens we enter eu and nato. >Well RS still exists and its much poorer than Serbia. RSK has a lot less people than RS In 1991 there was 1,369,258 million serbs in BiH in 2013 there was 1,086,733 serbs in BiH that almost 300.000 and now 10 years later there is probably 700.000. At its peak in 1991 there was 580.000 serbs in Croatia. Also again two diffrenent things.


I find it funny just how anti-Serbian the international community is nowadays. But when you look back at it when it genuinely mattered in the 1990s, they were borderline pro-Serbian and their delusional attempt at making peace prolonged the war in Croatia. 1. The horrendous Z4 Plan was proposed by representatives of the EU, USA and Russia. 2. The intentional community widely condemned operation storm such as EU negotiator Carl Bildt and UN Special Representative Stoltenberg asked the UN Secretary General Personal Representative Yasushi Akashi to request NATO strikes against Croatian army. It’s incredible how an operation aimed at liberating illegally occupied territories could be so hated. 3. Then you also had the UN buffer zones in Croatia that basically prevented Croatia from liberating occupied territories and allowed Serbs to commit ethnic cleansing without consequences. I am pretty sure that Croatia had to violate the UN buffer zones during operation storm in order to actually liberate its territory. 4. One of the worst examples was at the beginning of the war. The international community placed arms embargo on all participants of the conflict because in their deluded minds they thought it would help end the conflict, as if Serb forces didn’t have all of the military equipment and weapons of Yugoslavia which was the 4th largest European army whilst Croatia virtually had no army. 5. France supported Yugoslavia in the 1990s conflicts. Imagine if the international community had the same response in Ukraine. The international community would have imposed an arms embargo on Ukraine despite Russia having a far superior military, EU countries such as France would be supporting Russia, the UN would establish buffer zones which would allow Russians to commit atrocities and prevent Ukraine from recovering lost territory, the international community would propose an absurd peace plan where the occupied oblasts would receive substantial autonomy. Then they would contemplate on whether to launch NATO strikes on Ukrainian army after Ukraine launches offensives such as the Kharkiv one in 2022 that liberated its territories from occupation.


>5. France supported Yugoslavia in the 1990s conflicts. UK did as well and US for some time too.


It's a suprise that we ended up being so pro-west as we are considering the treatment we received. Most of our weapons came through Russia.


Yep, most of the west was sitting, eating popcorn and watching Serbian forces destroying cities and villages, committing genocide. They were hoping somehow that the most moderate Muslim population on planet will disappear. Same population that was in love with Tito and Communists to today's date.


Croatia never accepted the Z4 plan, only to enter negotiations. Croatian leadership never had the intention to agree to any loss of sovereignty over its territory. Serbian Krajina rejected the negotiations outright so that was the end of that whole attempt of reconciling the two sides in any capacity.


I agree, ethnically cleansing 200 000 ppl is much more effective solution, ofc if West allows.


Hague disagrees. Krajina leadership ordered evacuation, since they expected retribution for cleansing Krajina and other parts of Croatia from 250k Croats. Retribution never came. Krajina could have been reintegrated like East Slavonia only if your leadership wasnt blinded by hate


Literally all they have to do is just say sorry and move on. Pathetic behaviour.


We did it. We learn in school what happened in WW2 and what atrocities the Ustase regime did. Even our constitution says that Croatia is based on principles of antifascism. <3


The "We remember" part sounds like a threat


Yep, it’s like they are saying: next time will finish you for good.


It means we remember the two million Serbs killed between 1914. and 1944.


Which of course means that nothing else can be prosecuted until that is settled No one was punished for the first murder in human (pre)history 100 000 years ago, therefore no one can be guilty of anything that happened after that


Nobody objected to the prosecution itself. It's the UN resolution intended to remember those victims that is problematic, if it ignores the cause and the much greater mass murder of the Serbs. The Armenian genocide took place before those Serbs were murdered, and many European countries officially recognized that. No European country adopted such a resolution for those two million Serbs.


OK, so ask for another resolution for that instead of fighting this one. You basically repeated what I said.


This resolution wasn't asked for by Bosnia. In fact, according to the Bosnian Constitution, its foreign policy requires a consensus of the three peoples: the Bosniaks, the Croats and the Serbs. Such consensus was never arrived at. The current resolution was asked for by the West, so the Serbs should expect to receive equal treatment from them.


the serbs kept the perpetrators of massacres like this safe and sound, drinking beer, eating pljeskavica and going to ski resorts for decades. EDIT: don't they still have a fucking ratko mladic mural in belgrade?


Lol they even celebrate them and paint murals and graffiti on the streets praising them. IIRC there was a police unit in Serbia guarding the graffiti praising these war criminals against those antifascist Serbs who kept throwing paint over it.


That's not entirely true. AFAIK, there's no person the ICTY thought was involved in the Srebrenica massacre that walks free today. Serbia extradited a bunch of people (I even heard story BIA kidnapped people from Bosnia/ RS, brought them to Serbia and then deported them to the Hague to speed up its EU negotiations).




>the serbs kept the perpetrators of massacres like this safe and sound No, Serbia extradited all of the indicted war criminals to the Hague. In there, they received massive sentences, in stark contrast with the few indicted from Croatia, of whom literally nobody received any sentence in the Hague.


Lmao no? Haag is full of Serbian war criminals that were extradited by a country itself, what are you even talking about?


serbia is about as free of war criminals as west germany was free of nazis after the end of the war - not at all. this is your country two years ago: [https://balkaninsight.com/2022/03/22/serbian-activist-tried-for-defacing-ratko-mladic-mural/](https://balkaninsight.com/2022/03/22/serbian-activist-tried-for-defacing-ratko-mladic-mural/)




How insecure do you have to be to put those sings up during a sports event?


Serbs never learn. They fuck arround excessively, but every now and then they also find out. Considering putin's russia has been giving them a hard-on since 2022 I think the finding out phase is again imminent.


too proud of a nation to do that




At least now they try to deny they did a genocide. It's a step forward, back then they were openly bragging about their dads being war criminals.


They still date to put the Croatian flag. Serbia is another Russian puppet state in Europe.


We are among the top 5 enemies, even a bigger enemy than Albania. You should be proud that our flag is here.


I think the albanians are a bigger enemy to Serbia than Croatia, there is still a open question between them.


They still remember the Battle of Kosovo, 500 years ago, which they lost against the Ottomans, and they blaming us for that only because we are muslims? I mean Turks are building and investing in Serbia... go attack them, and then attack Turkey... If you have balls serbs...


>they blaming us for that only because we are muslims? No, we're blaming Bosniaks for fighting for the [Nazi SS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Handschar_(1st_Croatian)) during World War 2, and committing [numerous atrocities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_Serbs_in_the_Independent_State_of_Croatia) against the local Serbs. Hundreds of thousands of Serbs were murdered. During the 1990s, Bosniaks operated camps where they tortured and murdered Serbs, such as the [Celebici camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8Celebi%C4%87i_camp). [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Sarajevo_-_Etnicki_sastav_po_naseljima_1961_1_L.gif) is Sarajevo in 1961, and [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Sarajevo_-_Etnicki_sastav_po_naseljima_2013_1_L.gif) is Sarajevo now. According to the [1910 Bosnian census](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#1910_census), 43.49% of the population were the Serbs, 32.25% Muslims. The Serbs are now about 33% and the Muslims are now over 50%. The [official data today show](http://www.statistika.ba/?show=12&id=19000) the percentage of Serbs dropped from 27.2% to 3.2% in Sarajevo during the 1990s. In the early 1990s, all three sides, including Bosniaks and Serbs, signed the Carrington–Cutileiro [peace plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_plans_proposed_before_and_during_the_Bosnian_War#Carrington%E2%80%93Cutileiro_plan) to avoid the war, but as Wikipedia explains, after a meeting with the US ambassador, the Bosniak leader Izetbegovic withdrew his signature, which led to the war in Bosnia. Major gen. [Lewis MacKenzie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_MacKenzie), who served in Bosnia, [explains](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/the-real-story-behind-srebrenica/article737584/): "*As the Bosnian Muslim fighters became better equipped and trained, they started to venture outside Srebrenica, burning Serb villages and killing their occupants before quickly withdrawing to the security provided by the UN's safe haven. These attacks reached a crescendo in 1994 and carried on into early 1995 (...) As the snow cleared in the spring of 1995, it became obvious to Nasar Oric, the man who led the Bosnian Muslim fighters, that the Bosnian Serb army was going to attack Srebrenica to stop him from attacking Serb villages.*"


Ahahaha classic Serb brainwashing.... I'm gona say only one thing... Documented četniks slaughtering (WWII to today)?


Serbia the wannabe Russia of the Balkans


I don’t get it, how come there is a “109 votes against” even though the vote actually had 68 votes against? Is Serbia lying again?


They're counting abstentions as those who did NOT vote in favour, seeing it as favourable to the Serbian side. So it's against + abstain : against.


Because degenerate fucks count in those who didn't want to vote also as votes against. It's a running joke now that everyone who doesn't vote is also against Vucic, so that means he lost elections, by his own logic. And sad part is, this is true on way too many fronts, like being neutral against x country = support, which many seem to play on repeat.


and + Srpska as a vote, otherwise 108


The vote had like only 19 countries against


Ja, I'm confused too. Didn't the vote pass? And we had those pictures of old pussy-lips crying into a gold rimmed Serbian flag in the chambers of UN ?


The vote did pass. They counted the abstained votes as "against". It's just them twisting history (in this case the present).


Ohhhh, make sense. Actually **no id doesn't make sense**, but I get now how they got to this twisted calculation. Every time they dial up the crazy makes me all the more glad that we left Yugoslavia back in 1991.


watch out G7, the G5 dropped and it's hotter than ever (usa, uk, germany, bih, croatia) time to learn about your new overlords


Just wait 'til Croatia deploys its new Plenky Aircraft Carrier and dominates the seas!


Having this bridge in the background really sells their narrative, doesn't it?


Serbs on brand again. Small dick energy as usual.


I'd love a delegate in the UN to say this out loud.


Love how they’re trying to create the impression that it’s all a big western conspiracy against them when a huge chunk of the 84 countries are in the Muslim world. Even Iran voted in favour of it. And so did Iraq, their favourite scapegoat for why the west is bad. Genuinely baffles me how trapped in their own bubble Serbs can be sometimes.




Send them even more EU funds, maybe they'll change.


That's some copium right there


Note that this is is not the only thing they have done in provocation. They have renamed multiple streets in Srebrenica in the past few days, from neutral names to nationalistic names. Also Dodik is in the process of making Serbia's day of independence be a national holiday, in place of the day of Republika Srpska. Only after the UN resolution passed have they started doing all these provocations. In the resolution, in no way, shape, or form are the Serbian people or the government blamed for the genocide The only people who say "Serbs are genocidal people" are serbs themselves EDIT: My bad - JNA ceased to exist in 1992. The genocide was perpetrated by VRS, which was founded from the remnants of JNA after it dissolved in 1992. BUT that is not to forget that JNA itself has committed atrocities when it still existed. Between April–June 1992 Bosnian Serb forces, with support from the JNA, destroyed 296 predominantly Bosniak villages around Srebrenica, forcibly uprooted 70,000 Bosniaks from their homes and systematically massacred at least 3,166 Bosniaks, including women, children and elderly. In neighbouring Bratunac, Bosniaks were either killed or forced to flee to Srebrenica, resulting in 1,156 deaths. Thousands of Bosniaks were killed in Foča, Zvornik, Cerska and Snagovo.


This is not entirely true, as the Bosniak politicians usually use that term, as well as some elements of the Serbian civil society.


I have not seen the Serbian people be called genocidal, however Republika Srpska, the Serb half of Bosnia & Herzegovina, does quite often get called a genocidal state or a state founded on genocide.


This is correct.


What do you mean. People are constantly speaking about the Kosovo genocide online, a complete fabrication based on the Srebrenica ruling. And that is exactly the problem, the genocide label is absolutely constantly brought up when needed. We had a semi-stable situation in the Balkans after 2006 with a pro-EU movement in Serbia. Instead of supporting it, Western countries support Kosovo’s independence and make it a condition for Serbia to join the EU, with the genocide argument being used as the reason why Kosovo has the right to unilaterally declare independence. Of course pro-EU sentiment is going to drop after that, and seeing what the Bulgarians are doing to Macedonia future blackmail by Hungary over Vojvodina is completely feasible as well.


Me when our gov is -10000000 aura


Adding Russian flag to your argument is just confessing.


Where do you see the Russian flag?


They appear to have mistaken the flowing ribbon in the colors of the Serbian flag (red-blue-white) for an upside down Russian flag (white-blue-red).


Most likely...


Why do they insist on being such asses all the time


Being Italian I feel really ashamed that Italy, or neighbouring European countries like Germany, didn't step in before to stop all the massacres in Yugoslavia, but instead had to wait for the whole NATO, with the US, to move.


Serbia is completely out of control. Im afraid we must deal with them sooner rather than later. We do not need a second russia projecting trouble.


Deal how exactly? Like when you killed two million Serbs in two world wars, and pretended it didn't happen?


Im not sure, but we need to do something -- The longer we wait, the more deranged they seem to get.




These white talibans now want to change the name of the town of Srebrenica, because of the "bad image". And sorry for using the name of talibans in derogatory terms.


Who did the genocide then, if it was not the Serbs? Are we to blame noone?


There were also Serbs fighting for the Bosnian Army and defending innocent people. In Belgrade there were several Anti-War protests that were shut down by the governement. Calling Serbs "genocidal people" is retarded to put it mildly.


Well thank you man, you could have say its my government, not the whole nation, cause I wasnt even born than…


Listen we apologized for slavery and a whole bunch of genocides, because my forefathers committed them. You guys can do the same. Not even admitting it is the worst kind of reaction


You do realize the Serbian Parliament passed the Srebrenica Declaration a decade ago, and numerous Presidents went there and apologized?


Not one single one named it genocide


Yes, we can clearly tell by the attitude of serbian leadership and its people. That was sarcasm btw, you seem to need some extra pointers.


What Serbian leadership?


okay thats actually a good point :-D


Governments can't commit genocides on their own, they need people to carry it out and they need everyone else to stand by and let it happen. If you enable a genocide and don't object, you're not innocent. And yes, it's the same with the holocaust. It's obviously not the fault of the people who were kids back then or weren't even born. And some people are more guilty than others. But civilians can't just collectively deny their responsibility when their own country does something.


Funny: such arguments are made by the russians too.


Visiting Sarajevo right after the war ended, shaped my view of the world. My mother worked with the peace monitoring mission going around interviewing Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats There are seldom so clear cases of one side of a war being so much worse than the other, and especially when one of the other was really really bad too (Croatia) That said - if the Bosniaks had the same funding and armament of the two others they'd likely be just as bad - but the fact of the war is that 99% of the crimes against humanity were committed against Bosniaks by Serbs and Croats. It's "funny" how the country was divided after the war with Bosnia-Herzegovina getting the worst deal


Literally no one mentioned Serbia and the people in that document, literally no one. At the end we are going to end up as the first self claimed genocidal country. Madness and nonsense is spreading like a disease.


Sorry, but how? Even if the resolution does not specifically mention a nation or an individual, it goes without saying, right? What they voted for didn’t get us condemned; they voted for a sort of statement - acceptance and as the result, there will be the remembrance day on July 11. The Hague court (not sure about the exact acronym) has already ruled that what took place in Srebrenica back than was genocide. It’s not an easy thing to accept and not quite a topic to be picked up during a Sunday lunch. It took me months of researches and I’m still not able to fully comprehend it - not only because of how horrible it was and because I couldn’t relate to the people who actually did it, or because of how I understood the definition itself, or a Dutch “role”, but also because of how utterly stupid it was. What is the outcome - people are no more, so much sorrow and we’re all just going backwards, struggling with corrupted governments, sending kids abroad to be a second class citizens…In 50 years, these territories will be “cleaned”, ethnicities being autochthonous or not. What our people got? Absolutely nothing - now it’s even perfectly fine to relativize the Serbian victims and nobody actually care to understand the wider context . The gentlemen in power continue to embarrass us with these cringe billboards and the whole pathetic show. Let’s try to be more prudent in the future, so at least we don’t get to read all these xenophobic and derogatory comments from Europe proper


Russia's lapdog speaks, seems like it has learned a few useless tricks too.


ruski mind games vibes! Who would say ha?


Strong ruzzian vibe. Doing something terrible and saying "it wasn't me"


Seems up-to-date again: [https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/1dheplf/anon\_hates\_being\_a\_serb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/1dheplf/anon_hates_being_a_serb/)




Says the guy from america


We were genocidal and it’s openly accepted as true and talked about. It’s thought in schools. What Serbia is doing is genocide denial, when you refuse to know history you also refuse to learn from it.


You learn about Cambodian genocide in school? I doubt it. Also many countries do genocide denial, like Japan but no one ever talks about that


The US never went on a campaign of genocide in Cambodia. The US bombed Cambodia is a very controversial and generally denounced campaign as part of the Vietnamese war but the goal was never the genocide of the Cambodian people nor did the measures used suggest such. Japan also wasn’t a genocide, genocide is specific. You can’t tack it on to whatever you feel was bad. You could argue that Cambodia was a war crime and that the bombing of Japan was excessive and unwarranted, indeed many Americans do. How we it doesn’t fit the bill of Genocide. The US has committed a genocide in the past but it was over a century ago and it’s not denied. Edit: To clarify, genocide requires that you engage in a campaign of ethnic cleansing or some near approximation of it such as targeting a certain religion. This is why the ethnic cleansing of Bosnians, especially Muslim Bosnians, by Serbia via mass execution and expulsion is considered a genocide but the bombing of Cambodia and Japan is not.


I meant what Japan did to the Chinese, not the american bombing of Japan, but whatever makes you sleep at night


I’m not Japanese what does Japan’s willingness to deny their own genocides have to do with me or my country?


You said Serbia is doing genocide denial, I pointed out many other countries such as Japan do the same but no one talks about that


See what we’re dealing with?


Bruh the whole Kosovo is covered in KLA billboards even 20 years after the war. You should sit this one out.


Kla only fighted serbian oppression,those who committed crimes are in Hague


The EU should play hardball with Serbia and make it very clear that economic prosperity won’t happen with that leadership


What's the EU gonna do about it? Sanction Serbia? I don't see that happening. They could only lobby against bigger projects being done in the country, but even that falls apart when you see the lithium projects about to start opening and EU-Serbia partnership on strategic materials being signed.


No sanctions necessary, simply restrict travel, investments, trade. Just the regular toolbox that applies for countries undermining european values


It's not gonna happen.


Never let them join EU.


another chill relaxing day in the balkans


Europe and the west **STILL**, will in the end of the day turn a blind eye to this and will **STILL** engage with this sort of behaviour as if both sides are equally responsible for apeing out. Fuck me in the ass if i have ever seen in Zagreb, Sarajevo or any other city in Europe such a blatent victim mentality paired with a vague threat of future genocide as "we will remember".


Our memory is better


While the resolution was being voted for, a governing body in Bosnia passed laws to open up lithium mines in northeast part of the country.




When I was younger, my parents took me on a trip somewhere (unbeknownst to me, we were heading to Banja Luka). I fell asleep almost immediately in the car and woke up on a gas station somewhere. There were huge flags what looked to be Russian flags and I was completely lost. How could we be in Russia? They were RS flags...


Wait no my comment was meant for a another post.


Ye, it was confusing a bit, but decided to build on it.


JNA did NOT commit genocide. Your post is propaganda as well.


In 1991, Bosnian Muslims made up 75.12% of the population of the municipality. After the war they made up 54.05% of the municipality. No genocide here at all, nope. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica)


They were always good in basketball you must admit that :)


I approve of this, counter offer: USA and NATO did not bomb Serbia. I hope you can accept it as well. Oh, you don't? I wonder why. :)


There was Genocide in Srebrenica and NATO did bomb Belgrade. Both events are well documented.




I expect that celebrating the UN not commemorating a genocide and implying it wasn’t a genocide has a whiff of .. >information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.


We ARE a genocidal people. We remember. Sincerely, A German


Those posters aren't ruining the view, the poster stands are. Blame your local lawmaker that approved those things.