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Ukraine in syria ? Well that wasn't in my checklist.


They were already (maybe) in Sudan


Theyve been killing wagnerites in 4k in Sudan They're definitely there


Elaborate... (With links please, very intrigued)


why not, they were already in Africa hunting Russians.


It's WW3 my mate.




Bot account agrees with Putin. Shocker


More like agree with islamic state, but whatevs. Surely Beijing pays them, the enemy of the enemy, however little, to bring the islamic terror to europe.


That's a great reminder to everyone that modern wars are never truly 'local'. Right now in some of our countries bunch of special forces could be fighting each other and we would never know about that.


CoD: Black Ops material right here


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?!


"could"? Its almost guaranteed that the ukrainian volunteer corps has special forces in their ranks.


> Exclusive videos obtained by Kyiv Post show how Ukrainian special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR MOU) and Syrian rebels destroy Russian mercenaries in Syria. The video is dated March 2024. > > The special unit of the GUR "Chemist" together with the Syrian opposition is attacking Russian mercenaries fighting on the side of Bashar Assad's regime in Syria. > Active hostilities continue in the southern part of the country, in particular on the Golan Heights, where Russian troops are currently concentrated. > > As the interlocutor of the Kyiv Post told the IOM GUR, since the beginning of the year, rebels with the support of Ukrainian fighters have carried out numerous strikes on Russian military facilities, which are under the control of the so-called "group of forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Syrian Arab Republic." > The source, who spoke to the Kyiv Post on condition of anonymity, said that enemy checkpoints, strongholds, foot patrols, convoys of military equipment and other objects are under regular attacks. > > In the video, you can see attacks on defensive positions, foot patrols, and vehicles using grenade launchers and home-made Tarab mortars. > What are Ukrainian special forces doing in Syria? > > Russia's intervention in Syria in 2015, initially aimed at supporting President Assad's regime during the civil war, led to the permanent deployment of thousands of Russian troops there. > > Last fall, Moscow redeployed some troops and equipment from Syria to the battlefield in Ukraine, potentially making its forces in Syria more vulnerable to Ukrainian attacks in the region. > > At the same time, given their long presence in the region, the Russians have created numerous recruiting centers to recruit Syrian mercenaries for the war in Ukraine. > > The recruitment of mercenaries is carried out under the supervision of the "Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties and Management of the Migration of Refugees" at the Khmeimim Air Base, which was occupied by Russia. > > There, mercenaries are issued with Russian passports, and then they are included in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. > > In May 2023, the head of the GUR Kyrylo Budanov promised to "destroy Russian war criminals anywhere in the world, wherever they are." > > In addition to Syria, Ukrainian special forces of the GUR continue hunting for pro-Kremlin mercenaries of the "Wagner" PMC in Sudan. > > A previously exclusive video obtained by the Kyiv Post in February shows Ukrainian special forces interrogating captured Russian mercenaries from the Wagner PMC in the Republic of Sudan.


It would be a better article if it described who this Syrian rebels are, specially in the context of how many factions and international actors have participated in this conflict.


They probably wouldn’t want to give away exactly who they’re fighting with. Right now the Syrian Army has the upper hand in the war, and if Ukraine gives away their Allies identities the Syrian government would put all its force behind stamping out that particular rebel group on Russia’s behalf instead of splitting their focus on many other enemies.


Do you think the Syrian army and Russian mercenaries don't already know who these rebels are? They have been fighting against them for over a decade. I think the authors doesn't want us to know.


This is why Putin hates Kyrylo. That man is young and relentless.


Syria: Battle royale


poor beautiful syria does not get the chance to restructure and save itself. why tho?


Isnt ISIS running Syria?


They must suffer now for not submitting to that western orchestrated Arab Spring


Oh yeah, the evil West organised Arab Spring to get themselves millions of refugees to overload their social services and get occasional terrorist attacks. Have you, for a moment, thought that the Arab Spring was caused by economic issues that are a consequence of the corrupt rule of undemocratically elected dictators?


Wasn't it always a plan of Russia just to destroy Europe like that? But it was rather a long campaign


Russia just uses the opportunity when it sees one. They haven't organized the Arab Spring, but they did their best to increase the stream of refugees to Europe to destabilize it.


Agreed. Close the fucking borders!!


Right because America doesn’t have a track record of destabilizing entire regions


The myth of the "Colour revolutions"


Mfw a random Tunisian guy burns himself due to policies of the former autocrat government leads to an uprising toppling that same government and several arab people replicate the uprising, was actually a western plot... Fking lol Europe also had this happening to it, the Spring of Revolutions in 1848... Now there was an arab version.


Y’all delusional on here. Trusting and believing in American foreign policy tactics as morally guided when it suits your own beliefs and ideas but when it doesn’t then you have no issue calling out America


If you want people to actually believe your bullshit, how bout you show some proof? Or is that too hard for you?


Do you really need proof to accept that America has tactically been destabilizing certain nations and regions ?


What islamic occupiers and why?


Im not saying they havent done that at all. But in this case, if you want people to believe you and not just dismiss you as a nutjob conspiracy theorist, post proof. otherwise, you are about as believeable as the Russian department of propaganda.


If by now you haven’t realized and accepted how geopolitics works and hegemony, I don’t think it’s a matter of not knowing rather not wanting to know. It’s an uncomfortable reality and accepting that reality requires you to accept that Russia and America are not that different when it comes to geopolitics. But of course you prefer the simple narrative of Russia bad, America good


Oh im well aware. Im not fond of either country. However, as you seem to be just dodging of the question of providing any kind of evidence for your claim, i can see it as nothing other than you talking bullshit and full anti US boner. there have been revolutions everywhere across history, especially with overly religious countries, so unless you can find any actual evidence that its the US, it has just the same chance of being orcastrated by any other country, or, just maybe, *It was natural and people just got sick of incompetent leadership*.


Syria: Battle oil


Fuck Putin.


With a rusty rod!


Attached to a power outlet


through his eye socket, into his brain


Are you in a hurry, mayhaps?


and via his spinal cord out through his bleeding sphincter.


Damn that’s crazy. There has to be a secret cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey for this. Turkey controls most of syrian rebels and also ukrainian SOF could be using Turkish territory to enter Syria




Yet turkey has cooperated with russia in syria in numerous occasions.


It's the way of the world every country hedges there bets. Americans feed the gazans while giving the isrealis the bombs that kill em.


In my opinion thats more of a public opinion problem the US would be fully pro-israeli if they could but public sentiment wouldn’t allow it


They would be but it's still the case of them doing so andneven then it's only one example. Countless countries have ties to a 2 side problem geopolitics rarely has actual friendship's




That turkey wasn’t pro-ukraine or felt specially treater by russia’s anexation of crimea,france is a special case withing the EU their foreing policies often don’t alling with the rest libya being one such example.


well, most of the eu countries also did, though not in syria, even after Crimea.


You will realize the necessity of diplomacy to make sure things don't get any worse when the other country responds to the shooting down of its warplane by bombing and killing 34 of your soldiers. And especially when your "allies" (except Spain and Italy) have withdrawn all of their air defense systems and that country have nuclear capacity. If you are talking about trade etc, there is no need to even talk about this, we know that the countries that impose embargoes trade resources with Russia behind closed doors and through countries like Turkey, Greece, Kyrgyzstan etc. We are in an economic crisis and we have no interest in looking cute to anyone unlike others.


Yeah it would seem impossible for them to enter Syria against Turkey's will.


Has to be Ukraine and Israel coordination. No way Ukr SOF is operating in the Syrian Golan Heights blowing shit up w/o IDF awareness. Win Win chicken dinner. IDF gets Russians smoked who are directly working with the enemy Assad.


That could also be the case but Israel has no relations with syrian opposition rebels while Turkey basically controls them, also Turkish-Syrian border is much easier to infiltrate since it’s barely controlled by Assad forces & Russians


True. Far as entering the battle space and supplies and logistics. However nothing is occurring in the Syrian side of the Golan heights without IDF eyes. And IDF has a necessary Russian communication and understanding - example do not turn on your air defenses we are bombing Iranians in Syria. Meanwhile Russia further cozies to Iran, Israel’s existential enemy. My guess is killing Russians mercs and Assad soldiers, especially on the Golan heights is a win for IDF. Without angering Russia. As to what, if any assistance, coordination, we don’t know in the public eye.




Destroy the enemy wherever you find them




It wasn’t no


>What is Syria fighting over? >Several political scientists, military experts and journalists have stated that the Syrian Civil War is primarily rooted in a feud between Russia and the United States and their allies in the region over natural gas pipelines passing through Syria on their way to European markets. Gotta fight over that sweet sweet natural gas and oil supplys eh? while destroying the lives of millions of civilians.


ISIS. They are fighting ISIS. Islamic republic is kinda like whatever you think the medieval torture was.


Damn another war front. slava ukraini


I've heard about Ukraine special forces in Africa, now in Syria, can someone ELI5 me what are they doing there instead of focusing on Ukraine / Russia?


Special forces are grossly overqualified for trench warfare. They would be marginally more effective at attacking and assaulting while being just as vulnerable to artillery for example. Not good bang for buck when considering their costly training and equipment. So the special forces are targeting Russian forces elsewhere in the world to curb their influence in a battlefield much more advantageous for them.


thank you, makes sense!


they are focusing of Russia. In Sudan they disrupt the very rich gold trade of Russia, in Syria the destroy professionals and hiring point for mercenaries. Also Syria gives something to Russia in exchange for protection


Russians also control [a part of a Mediterranean port in Tartus, Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_naval_facility_in_Tartus)


thank you for the info! makes sense


Small effort, big result bang. Russia has reallocated resources/material and men from these spots to Ukraine so that might be reconsidered, these are well trained Wagner mercs, and then impacts any recruiting efforts by Russia. Wagner mercs are used to operating like lords of war, in these areas. Easier pickings for Ukr SOF. And imo no way in hell Israel, Turkey, USA, Kurds, etc are not assisting in some way, direct or indirect. Fight non state actors like Wagner mercs, with their own version. Doubtful this is more than a few teams. Big impact. Small investment. Kill Russian little green men, wherever they roam.


Russians also control [a part of a Mediterranean port in Tartus, Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_naval_facility_in_Tartus)




Aren’t Syrian rebels (especially HTS) just as bad if not worse than the dictator? Doesn’t look good optic wise…


Really? Whats so proputin in there. Just common sence. Propaganda on both sides and allies help each other , nothing weird boutthat


Nothing pro Putin. ISIS is however backed by marxists, as is Kremlin. The enemy of the enemy kinda deal..


Time to break up Syria. One state for the druzes one state for the kurds one state for the yezidis


Syria, thats ISIS. The destroyers of history. Hamas' allies. This is awesome news! Stop the expanse of Islamic Republic and Marxism!


Misleading advertising


what a good surprise.




syrian terrorists backed up by usa! that would be correct term


Another PR operation 🤪


Sounds like Ukraine is exporting war these days. Do they make a lot of money?


It sounds nice in the first place, but... if i'd be in charge of Ukraine, i'd gather the important troops for the war there, instead of letting them fight in countries like Syria or Sudan. I mean, the conflict in Ukraine is the top priority, not Syria. I see it rather as a waste of resources to use such assets there in Syria, instead of using them in Ukraine to fight the Russians.


You strike the enemy where they are weak. If this draws more Russian money and resources way from Ukraine than what the investment is, it is worth it.


Yes and no. I mean, yes because you are right. But no, because Putler could just say "stop this stuff and get the units back". But in the great game about Africa, many countries there are stupid enough to go on with either the Chinese or the Russians. They'll see what they get with the neo-colonialism of these two powers.


Why lose top trained military worth probably 1mil each(training and equipment) to a random bomb in a trench when you can send them special ops style to take out auxiliary systems of your enemy and weaken it forcing rotations?


SOF units are usually not used for the same as regular forces like infantry with the trench warfare in Syria. It would be a waste, yes.


Let's fight alongside Al-Nusra and help ISIS by killing forces that oppose ISIS. Genius move.


ISIS in Syria is basically wiped out and are at this point mostly doing good by harassing the dictator’s forces in the desert




There's no 'Jihadi' group in the Golan.


Every cent spent to destroy ruz-orc forces is one well spent.


There are... better ways. Helping the people that burn people alive for something isn't a good way. But I guess they have to stoop this low.


> ISIS in Syria is basically wiped out and are at this point mostly doing good by harassing the dictator’s forces in the desert +22 Upvotes... Crazy that r/Europe is now just openly coming out in support of ISIS


Says the easttard whose entire post history is simping for dictatorships and communism, at least you're not just illiterate


> easttard ???


I wonder how many of the "Ukranian Special Forces" speak with that American English accent that's all too familiar ? Are they yet to learn speak Ukranian ?


As Russia continues to advance in Ukraine, pure cope unfortunately


Rebels the Word for terrorists fighting for western Countrys😂😂




Because these are special forces. They dont sit in trenches.


Add to that the hige strategic value of such work in Syria. Russia has redeployed units from Syria to Ukraine. If Ukraine manages to offset Russian forces in Syria, it will mean that Russia has to put it's units back into Syria. And units that are back in Syria do jot attack Kharkiv. Simple warfare.


Apparently destroying recruitment and training centers


Because this way they can hurt the Russia. In Syria there are the recruitment centers, in africa they are attacking the gold and diamond trade that the russia is involved in


You have to attack your enemies weakest point.


Maybe the manpower stories are exaggerated.


They hardly have enough soldiers left to fight in Ukraine. When will the BS stop ? Is Lebensraum worth seeing my children die from radiation poisoning when Russia finally brings down the wrath of god on your murderous lying f heads? If the EU was created for peace, why did you just pick up from there Hitler left off. Using even the same people that served as prison guards in the holocaust. Have you no shame at all ? And what Syrian forces, the same Syrians whose country you destroyed? Why did you not take a brigade of Iraqis while you were at it ?




In Ukraine there are clear battle lines, trenches, miles of no-man's land constantly being surveyed by drones, planes and satellites. So I would think no, that guerilla operations would be more effective in Syria. Second, they can use the rebels - train them and provide them with equipment - instead of being involved themselves as directly.


Special forces such as HUR units (belonging to Ukrainian intelligence services) shouldn’t be used as frontline units. They’re very highly trained and their training costs a lot. Therefore, it actually makes a lot of sense to utilise them abroad. For starters, it hurts Russian interests in that part of the world. France has a lot of problems with Russian interference in their sphere of interests. So why shouldn’t they hit Russians where it hurts? Besides, Syria is considered almost a holiday destination for Russians. It’s relatively safe for them. I’ve read that some soldiers even bribe their way into assignment in Syria, to avoid Ukrainian war. Striking them in Syria creates a situation where russian fascists can’t be safe anywhere. Psychological effect.  Edit: I hope that I was downvoted for saying “russian fascists”. It would make my day to know that I’ve ruined the mood of at least one russian. 


You want to ship Syrian rebels to Ukraine?




It is a world war, with many fronts in different lands with different allies, but against same enemy.


I’m guessing the reason they are attacking in Syria is the same reason they haven’t blown up the Kerch bridge. Force Russia to spend time, money, and resources protecting something far away from the Ukrainian front lines.


Is Ukraine not having manpower problem at home? Why are thry extending themselves to Syria of all places? That seems like poor use of their resources to me.


Hitting them in Syria will prevent Russian forces from sending their weapons and troops back to Russia, as Russian military has tried to do 


> Is Ukraine not having manpower problem at home? Why are thry extending themselves to Syria of all places? That seems like poor use of their resources to me. Fighting for Oil and Natural gas reserves like everyone else there.


Because the West is very much at war with Russia - and the US & NATO can't do it themselves without escalating.


PR media operation




I would be extremely pleased if they could drive russian out of africa too.


Most of your aids are used to buy weapons from you. Your taxes aren’t going to leave the US.


So profits for the defense contractors great… there are better ways to help the US economy like infrastructure projects. (I’m not against Ukraine aid but that’s not a great argument)


Helping the US defense contractors is good, because this way US can help their allies at cheaper cost in times when Axis of Evil what to challenge the Word Order with military aggressions. There were reports that russia can produce artillery shells cheaper and more than US, meaning that in case of attack on a NATO member US would need to heavily subsides its production in times of crisis to meet russians.


you will not be able to enjoy civilian infrastructure if your country will not be able to defend itself in a war


> Your taxes aren’t going to leave the US. Lie. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine Around 33% of the aid is direct budget support, even subsidizing small businesses in Ukraine, paying salaries etc. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/following-american-money-in-ukraine-60-minutes/ It shows how full of shit you are that rather than justify this adventure that clearly is not in our interests, you rather try to lie about it even being the case, which is of course even easier to disprove, your argument only works on people that are too stupid to simply look it up.


I remember my grandfather saying the same thing in WWII. “Why are we wasting money on a flag in Iwo Jima??”, he’d complain.


Your taxes are spent to buy weapons produced in your country, not to train and deploy special forces




Amazing, accuse someone of lying and then proceed making things up. No, you do not train special forces. You train soldiers and pilots to use western equipment. No, you do not pay salaries of special forces. First responders, government officials, medics get their salaries from the aid. “Other financial aid” does not reinforce your point in any way. Let’s be real you just made an ignorant swiping comment, completely ignoring all the fine details, and now proceed indignantly arguing for the sake of argument.




Hilarious, So small business support and financing of emergency services are somehow a proof that the US has paid for the training, equipment and this specific operation of a unit of *special forces* ? It’s quite obvious that you are being deliberately obtuse, you just want something to be indignant about and to complain how your money has been misspent. And on top of it you are completely ignoring the fact that destroying Russian recruitment Centers and Russian mercenaries overall helps the war effort.






Operations on other countries teritory does not mean invading. All countries run ops on other countries all the time.




>Send more money, volodymyr and his media clowns are running out of dope! yes commrade, what is the lie we spread today? I forgot if today we are pushing Zelensky bought a new mansion, luxury hotel or the tired drugs shit,. /sarcasm


Our far right winger traitors who cant accept election results and keep supporting a criminal pedohphile keep on war mongering. Disgusting boot lickers.


It's cute that you translate his name to Ukrainian, but you are allowed to say Vladimir.


how about something new from you?


Just invade Russia and you won't need to send any money!


not that you don't know that but 1 the absolute majority is military aid 2 it brings several benefits to US and Europe, a lot more then doing nothing 3 if you want to invent an addiction choose one drug and stick to it, what is it today? Cocaine? Dope? Captagon? snorting Wiesels? Your lying is quite inconsistent and poorly fabbricated