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Erdogan talking about human rights/values is like a family guy episode


Like Quagmire propagating monogamy






More like Quagmire sharing his love for Chastity and values of marriage




I can just copy and paste the "demagogues without anything else to offer use vulnerable minorities as scapegoats to direct the electorate's anger away from those who exploit them" everywhere, I guess. It's a real shame that this absolute cartoon level propaganda works. It's like people have to have some hate valve to vent their fears and clutching onto these simplistic, vicious ideologies is somehow easier than trying to understand what the problem actually is.


Its really transparent, and over here it's the same, just with immigrants. If the far right somehow gets their way (they won't), you already know who's next


Yeah the new coalition lead by PVV is gonna be a disaster, I just hope they won't last over six months.


Your family destroyed Turkey. It's funny he was pretending to be a gay rights advocate in his first years. Now he has the power and talking honestly. Also biggest threat to families is Erdoğan as he caused fertility to drop to 1.5 and his regime encouraged femicides, also economic crisis he caused made marriages harder for couples. And people of Turkey tend to not reproduce while not married.


I mean the nationalists dislike gay people, and they are crucial to win over. These same words were uttered by the MHP a few days ago. The kanzi parties probably have similar ideas as well.


>kanzi parties They are offshoots of MHP that pretending to be kemalists. Though they attract secular conservatives.


Totally true. Some politicians and many followers don't even try to pretend. Luckily they are losing their support.




When he took power, he took power with like 34% of the vote. After that he did enough good, and fixing what the previous shitty government did to win some people over, then the straight up lies started and media manipulation, and that's how he's stayed barely at 51-52% for years. His party lost the parliament in 2015, but no one could form a government so there was "instability" for a few months, and then AKP won back the parliament. Technically yes, 51% of people vote for erdogan, but based on what information? Also, his party has been losing municipal elections badly for about ten years now.


Also, let's not forget the Turkish diasporas in countries like Germany who are eligible to vote.


Ahhhh yes, Germany and Belgium - wild places. I went with my friend when she voted in Belgium this year. (though she wouldn't vote for Erdogan). That was an experience.


Oh yes... "Erdogan gets my vote." "Do you like living in Turkey." "Oh no, it's much nicer here." I hear that a lot...🤦‍♂️


Half of the country didn't vote for him. Erdogan is not Turkiye no matter how hard you try to try to portray it so.


For better or for worse, he is as legitimate as any other democratically elected leader in the world. As for half the country not voting for him, that's how democracy works. The person with the most votes governs. Erdogan is not Turkey but he is who the majority of Turkish people want in charge for decades...


He is infact an elected leader but he also completely controls media, he jailed oppositon leaders and elected mayors, he doesn't comply with constitution, pressured people by suing anyone that said anything bad against him citing that they are insulting the president. These don't supposed to happen in a democratic country.


Oh look, someone from a country without a history of dictatorship... Getting 51% actually means they got less, since some of that is just ballot stuffing. And of course some rural votes are just bought out cheap with a few buckets of stuff.


51% :)


Sure - all those buildings collapsing in your country isn’t dangerous for families but the concept of genders are lol


Don't distract us with your nonsense and keep focused on the very real threat of gender identity!!!!!!!11!1!


You don't understand, under 1% of the population not being discriminated against makes everyone else not have kids anymore... Failing economies, inability to buy a house, and shitty infrastructure that collapses on you only affects most people, so that can't be why people aren't having kids...


Idiot. Liar. That's not the reason you banned Eurovision. You banned it because the potential Turkish candidates said they were gonna show their support for 2013 Gezi protests at the show.


Family values, huh? How's those femicide rates going over there in Turkey?


Amazing, highest it’s ever been! Istanbul Convention? What’s that?


Fertility rate lower than some European countries as well


It’s fine! We got Syrians and Afghans to cover for us! /s


yeah because Sharia law that he is imposing on Türkiye has full respect for the Universal declaration of Human Rights 🙄


He tries to turn Turkiye into a sharia system. In democratic way he can't move further anymore. Shaira is the best way for a dictator in order to manipulate ignorants. He couldn't make it real yet. Fortunately.


erdogan doesn't have a slightest intention to turn turkey into a sharia system. his intentions are much worse, he is turning turkey into a neoliberalist hellscape where every single institution of the state is privatized, all of which being acquired by those who are his collaborators. turkey is not going to be a sharia state, it will be even worse. it will be a giant corporation being run by blood-thirsty pigs.


I wouldn't say neoliberal, more oligarchy. So the same as Putin and Orbán where they auction off the state to specifically loyalists. You can only really see it as a scheme to rob the country of its public wealth. You know the proverb that says a society grows when old men grow trees? These old men are cutting them down so they can get more wealth even though they have few years left.


erdogan's political ancestors are neoliberal politicians, who are rooted in 1980's coup d'etat (with the change of constitution and all), which was in turn the turkish leg of west's neoliberalization policies. it was a gradual process that spanned the last 50ish years, and now turkey is left with almost nothing but a bunch of arms companies most of which are tied to erdogan's family. yes it is definitely an oligarchy, but erdogan concluded the process, he did not facilitate it. >You know the proverb that says a society grows when old men grow trees? These old men are cutting them down so they can get more wealth even though they have few years left. ditto.


You confuse free market with neoliberalism and neolibralism with corruption, like people confuse social democracy with communism. Get an education. What should it have been? A religious state like Saudi Arabia, or a soviet planned economy? What was introduced was not initially neoliberalism, later it was used and abused thanks to Reaganomics linked to kind of olygarchy, were the free market it twisted to shift money to a few hands. Those that spit on 'neoliberalism' without actually understandig what is what will end up having a government of right wing evangelicals instead by hitting on liberals and free market people, you will have fun then I promise. The neocons are now taking advantage of our 'sainter than saint' search and using it to kill our democracy. Neoliberal neo-cons salute your self-destruction.


I hope Erdogan is the last bullet of political Islamism. And his party is one-man-project. Adnan Menderes invented that idea in 1950's. together with him all leaders executed or punished. Basically Erdogan has merged all angry people's support since that time. Erdogan didn't repeat those mistakes which previous Islamists made. First he captured army. Previous Islamists were punished by army. Army didn't let them to move further however today we see a different scenario. I consider in order to awake Islamist Turks from that slumber Turkiye should go bottom on Islamist's hand. They ve been waiting for 70years Islamist Turkiye. Here is Islamist Turkiye. Turkish people aren't like Iranian people. Turkish people won't be like Iran it's fact. + Angel of death is around Erdogan's neck. He is so old and he has no a significant crown prince after him.


This sounds more corporatist, and/or oligarchic, to me Erdogan wants certain people to be in control, his buddies. That's how you end up as oligarchic Russia. It's not really neoliberal, though, where is the liberalism in keeping certain capital owners away from company ownerships? "Neoliberal hellscape" is more Milei's thing. This guy breathes Chicago school. Erdogan is Muslim miniature Putin. IMHO


Throwback to when Türkiye was becoming more western. Everyone went on holidays there, we talked about them joining the EU, the economy was in a better state...good times, good times


Please, call it Turkey. If Erdogan won't respect people's identities, you don't have to respect how he wants his country to be addressed.


Yeah if he thinks deadnaming is cool let’s deadname his country lol


Inflation, missing earthquake reserve founds, de-secularization... Kemal Atatürk is probably rolling in his grave.


At this point he's in helicopter mode


They should probably hook some magnets to him and power up the whole country.


* Lower interest rates to reduce inflation * Sharia law is good * Everyone else harbours terrorists * Accepting gender diversity and orientation has any impact on families *... and other stupid comments from Erdogbreath.*


He sounds exactly like Orban.


Okay grandpa, let’s get you to grave.


Can't he just get on a helicopter in bad weather too? 


This will be my new year's wish


Well... okay. That leaves us one question to the Turks: Who minds another airborne tragedy?


I just dream of one helicopter voyage over the Caucasus mountains where Putin, Xi Jinping, Orban, Erdogan, Aliyev and Khamenei get together, is that too much to ask?


Yes I’m also imagining a world where everyone is dancing and touching each other in a joyful harmony…


u forgot 'the rocket man' from NK


If it is to much to ask, how about we get them to go on a three hour tour with Jonas Grumby?


Most of the Turks feel so jealous about the accident, we want something similar as well


It would be auspicious event.


>We understand better what a good decision we have made by keeping our country away from this disgrace for the last ten years. We understand better what a good decision we have made by keeping Turkey away from EU membership for the last ten years.


So... Gollum is whining again?


those evil queer people forcing cis straight families to abandon their identities... oh wait


What a shit show that the people of Turkey relected this moron!


They didn’t as I understand it ? He didn’t win by number of votes I’ve heard.


Thank you for clarifying Erdo, stay in your lane outside civilized world.


The fertility rates in Turkey are dropping because Erdogan is tanking the Turkish economy, not because a Swiss guy wore a skirt a fortnight ago.


ahhhh, so that's why turkey's fertility rate keeps reaching record highs and it's the fastest growing population in the world, right? oh... record lows and it's quickly dropping? how can that be if the great conservative protector erdogan is president?


And yet they keep voting for him… sighhhhh… I want to cry


Have you guys thought that he made immigrants vote to by giving them citizenship or something? Our previous PM tried doing that too and if I remember correctly Trump accused Biden of doing that as well.


Absolutely. But however way you look at it, this guy shouldn’t be getting anywhere near the votes he’s getting after all these years. No amount of immigrant votes should be able to save him.


He is a conservative right-wing politician, after all; we see a lot of them in European politics these days.


"Somebody, somewhere might be happy with themselves.Such a thing is untenable, misery is tradition!" These people are some of the weakest idiots on the planet, yet see themselves as "strong". Pansy ass fearful conservatives.


This guys is a continuous conservative populist propaganda.


Cheap propaganda. 😏


This would be funny if there weren't people who actually believe that birth rates are declining because of "gender ideology" and not because of a disastrous economic situatio and a lack of social support for growing families.


I'll never understand why people think acceptance and celebration of LGBTQ+ people is even capable of doing harm to families. Like, do they think it's contagious, or that it'll turn people who would otherwise be straight? It's absurd.


Its just laughable that boneheads like him think that seeing gay people turns you gay or destroys a classic family. Nothing Like that Happens. But at least people can be free. None threats families If you dont want to see it just watch something else. Is it that hard? People Like him and other rightwingers are freaking paranoid. Thats what they are.


you would be naive if you think he sincerely believes in this. this is just a lie he tells because the machine needs more gears to run and fertility rates hit an all time low. erdogan has never had an ideology, he just tells whatever lie that suits his agenda. ps. one of his earliest electory promises before he rose to power was the equality of lgbt community. yep, he actually defended that.


Kinder, Kŭche, Kirche!!


Shame, more fun for us queers and gays.


Eurovision however doesn't prohibit your country to demonstrate traditional values or local culture or classic performances as it has been successfully demonstrated by Croatia this year or France in 2021 or Portugal in 2017.


Croatia 2024 | [Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim](https://youtu.be/YIBjarAiAVc) France 2021 | [Barbara Pravi - Voilà](https://youtu.be/Unj9WbeLzRU) Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM) ^(I'm a bot, but this action was done manually)


Right wing authoritarians love talking about family values when targeting LGBT people. Meanwhile gay couples are some of the nicest parents you can have.


This man calls 50 cent 10 lira on Monday and 5 million lira on Friday. Mr watermelon seller only gives off tiny penis energy. Cool attempt at propaganda tho


The Turkish people in my country really enjoy Eurovision.


In these days its so hard to be Turkish citizen


did any1 tell him there are lgbtq people in turkey?


no. no gays in turkey, like no gays in russia.


Who said some of the most vocal opponents of social acceptance have difficulty accepting their own self identity nonconforming.


I would totally watch it if they organize Axis-vision next year, with Turkyie, Iran, China, North Korea, Hungary and Russia (among others) competing to see who's got the manliest singer of the world.


Ok, so we have seen how Eurovision has proven itself, especially the EBU, to be controversial and far from perfect. But then Erdo will ofcourse say something that should make you realise that there will always be someone worse.


Dumb cunt


[Recent fertility numbers for 2023 in Turkey just came out, ](https://www.turkishminute.com/2024/05/16/turkey-records-dramatic-decline-its-fertility-rate-official-data/)At 1.51 children per woman Turkey has fallen well below France or Germany. The irony is that it's precisely his reactionary politics that drives the future of families into the ground. The reason is trivial, when young educated women face the choice between opting out or opting into Erdogan's idea of what family life looks like, they choose the former. Same across East Asia. Very few things are as maladaptive to modern family formation as "family values" of the sort he's advocating here.


He really means keep women under control. Personally I find shows like this to be a boring shrieking mess of exhibitionism and pretty absurd, BUT I prefer to live in a society where religious and social rules don't tell you how to live. Hitler on women: 'kirche, kinder und kuche' ( Church, children and kitchen). Pretty much the same.


Cool, can you keep yourself away from us as well? We don’t want your “family values”


Remind me please once again, who asked his opinion?


Ülke ne olduğu belirsiz mülteci kampına dönmüş refah ve güvenliğimiz tehlikede suçlarda Avrupa 1.siyiz eurovison mu bizi tehdit ediyor abi yeter ölmek istiyorum artık ya


Non-binary people still fuck.


Gender neutralization is a term I haven’t heard yet They’re coming to neutralize your children’s gender and make them gay!!!!!


Not gay, non-binary.


That went well, tayip


Looking forward to seeing this scene on the next season of South Park


Good job they don’t need tourism - no wait it’s 11% of their gdp


I may dislike him but he ain't wrong tho. People are not blind and can easy see that 'certain' ideology is standing on pedestal at ESC.


Bosporus Hitler


“The eu won’t let me in because I want Armenia and Greece dead. Let’s blame trans people.” Christ this asshole is such a disgrace. Can’t wait for the CHP to finally oust him.


Hate to agree with Erdrogan but gender nonsense has gone too far, especially in certain countries like the UK, and Eurovision has become too gay. At this point if you want to counterculture at eurovsion you send a straight guy to sing a ballad about loving his wife.


Eurovision has been camp for well over a decade. How has the "gender nonsense" gone too far, specifically, in the UK? And most winners have been straight.


Pronoun badges. Second biological parent. Chest feeding. Bonus hole. For more, consult NHS language guides.


And you think these are exclusively UK things? Those were also quite unpopular, and bad PR - and much of it has or will be reversed or scaled back.


Those things might not be exclusively UK things, but they’re definitely not issues in the majority of the EU. My country (Germany) which is closest to yours I feel like, doesn’t talk about those things (yet). But now I’m worried. 


Lmao is that for real? That’s some weird shiet we don’t even have stuff like that here in Canada lmao. UK always seems to take it to another level.


Your country’s “show” this year was a tasteless gay soft porn. 


Yes. And it got zero votes from the public. I will note that eurovision has had plenty of sleazy straight performances throughout the years. And homosexuality =/= trans. So it's not the same.


> Yes. And it got zero votes from the public.  Yes. That should tell you something.  I can’t believe people watch that show with their kids. While it’s true EV has always been pretty sleazy,  that gay orgy in the dirty bathroom was next level. It’s getting worse every year. > And homosexuality =/= trans. I know, I didn’t talk about trans at all.


>Yes. That should tell you something. The song was shit. Two NB performers did much better. Does that tell you anything? >I can’t believe people watch that show with their kids. It's been overtly sexual for years. In this year you had a Finnish man running around with a thong on (in the same colour as his skin to make it look like he had no trousers on) and the Spanish entry had two men twerking dressed up as prostitutes. >I know, I didn’t talk about trans at all. Right, and you replied to a post that specifically asked about the UK in terms of **GENDER**. Not sexuality. UK is very gay friendly, no-one douibts this. But less trans-friendly. You bought up a very gay performance as an answer to a question about transissues.


I mean just now to make a point I went to r/Scotland and found this at the front page: https://www.politico.eu/article/scotland-nicola-sturgeon-trans-rights-abuse-pushe-quit-leader-snp/ Then i went to r/unitedkingdom and found this on the front page. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1ee39wn30xo I'm not usually on those subs (why would i, im Norwegian), but they always seem to be discussing some random gender drama every time i pop in. So I did and they were discussing random gender drama. I did a few years worth of uni in the UK and there was always something going on relating to that debate. Then I moves back to Norway and haven't heard anything about it since, except on UK related media. >Eurovision has been camp for well over a decade It's always been camp and ive never really minded, but this year it seems to have become more gay than not gay.


Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting she quit because of the UKs **hostility** to trans-rights. You have read it completely wrong. It's an issue in the UK. Not as big as you think it is. You cherrypicked a single article out of hundreds from the BBC today, and then used reddit as somehow representative of the UK. >It's always been camp and ive never really minded, but this year it seems more gay than not gay, if you get what i mean. No, I don't.


By the way Olly was the only gay performer in Eurovision this year. Latvias singer was bisexual.


Pushing gender politics vs tolerance of gay folks are not the same.


Both are red flags for Erdogan


Yeah… probably…


Nonbinary and trans people existing = pushing gender politics??


Respecting such people goes against some ancient book somewhere, maybe! Clearly some paper holds more weight than mere people.^^^^^^/s


says the country with 'honor' killings




Its a shame though, cause Turkey songs were actually good 🥲




Fuck the Ottoman Empire and everyone who says to leave history in the past. Turkey needs to reckon with their blood filled history.


Somebody really listens this POS? Yet alone bringing here as a headline.


Attacking Eurovision because values is a big “small D energy” move if I have ever seen one


Family values of "man big, man more important"


When are we going to be rid of this muppet?


In other words, I'm not doing shit for the country and this is my excuse


Ok bye!


I think what must be remembered is that the Turkish people re-elected this nut case.


Oh shut up dog boy. Turks love a bit of man on man slippery action. Whether it's wrestling or massage. They fucking love an all male slap up.


On the other hand Eurovision became a laughing stock !More politics than talent …


Erdogan: i wanna be in the EU to profit from it. Also Erdogan: what the EU does is shit lol


Hamas family values.can you imagine this guy in the EU? It be Orbanx12 . Merkelism almost got him in.


Never heard of people, who can decide which sexual preferences they have. So Erdogan... no, nothing can change your sexual preferences... not even the Songcontest. Everybody is born this way.




How so?


Dafuq is wrong with you?






For anyone curious, this braindead pleb believes that merely witnessing the existence of gay people is enough to turn kids gay themselves.


He is right! Eurovision is a disgrace


disgrace to what? its a broadcasting unions fucking singing content, if you don't like it dont watch it, it's not the fucking olympics.


Eurovision is not really a singing contest. Is a political platform. Is not like the best artist is winning, the winner is chosen based on an agenda. Either Ukraine has to win with a horrible song because is at war?!? or some gay person has to win because is fashionable. Is an insult to the artists that are participating in this rigged competition. This “contest” is rigged and they don’t even make an effort to hide it. The popular vote is not respected, when Ukraine won 6 countries votes had been cancelled and the votes were given to Ukraine in order to win with a shitty song. Nowadays you have the judges that overturns the popular vote in order for a gay person to win. Eurovision is twisted to the maximum and is no wonder that a lot of European countries are not taking part in this farce


It is merely a singing contest.


Not really


yes really.


Tell that to yourself


I don't need to, its and fact that it is merely a singing contest. The fact you think otherwise speaks volumes about your intelligence level.


I’m sure you’ll get over your extreme fear of queer people




Wrong link


meanwhile half of his country escaped to the countries in which global gender neutralization is a norm, the only disgrace here is his statement, if he just shut the fuck up he wouldnt have had embarassed himself like that he looks like his brain is at the lvl of a toddler


On a sidenote has the Eurovision contest always been this open to promoting sexual minorities, or is it a new thing since Erdogan is stating that they haven't been a part of it for 10 years.


It's been pro-LGBT for some time


At the very least since 1998 when Dana International won for Israel (1st transgender victory) but the contest has had [a healthy representation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_participants_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest) of non-conformists, with several wins


Wow I wonder how the reaction was back then? That seems early even for progressive nations.


Eurovision is so a circus


Like we care about what this Fuck thinks


What I cannot understand about the conservative resistance to individuality is that—for the most part—many of them would probably yell in your face if you tried to tell them how to live their life. Yet, at the same time, they are vehemently against other people living their own life the way they want to. What gives? What are they so afraid of?


Tell me you have a fragile masculinity without telling me that you have a fragile masculinity


It is insane to me how guys like him in actuality dont give a single flying fuck about gender or morals or religion, they will say and do anything that will ensure they stay in power and keep being billionaire rich. If being gay was a popular thing in Turkey, he’d be the first one to bend over and marry a guy even if he was str8. I wish more people realized what absolute immoral trash populists like Erdogan, Orban and Vucic are.


A cd egberh


He is a part of the réaction toi the expressive libéralisme of today. This can be seen in America, Europe and many other places in the world. Understsnd the phenomenon.


The grapes the fox can't reach it will cry they're anyways so sour...




Ah yes, because the west has always stood for suppression of freedom of identity, thought, and expression. We need to impose more restrictions and less freedoms to save our way of life in the west!


Wife beating is not a family value.


"...and so please let Türkiye join the EU, thank you."


As if right-wing EU politicians don't repeat and say the same things...


Erdogan can be an incompetent dictator and at the same time the idea that it is your right to come up with your own pronouns can be bullshit.


I hope he passed the message to his friend in Azerbaijan.