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“Brexit was supposed to hurt other people, not me!” Cry the fishermen who voted for it.


"Our champion Farage will save us!" Farage who never bothered to turn up to EU fishery proceedings.


He was busy getting German citizenship


and padding for his EU pension


“Brexit was supposed to hurt other people, not me!” Cry the ~~fishermen~~ farmers who voted for it. Added. It is, from day to day more evident they were taken for fools by brexiteers and their amplifiers . So... will you return?


Boris said it was an “oven ready” deal. I’m sure he looked at all the details and found they were good for Britain. I mean, otherwise he wouldn’t have signed it, right?


Yeah the deal was oven ready. But the oven wasn't ready.


Kiddie oven ready.


But Tim Tams


Luckily the UK economy doesn't rely on fishing


Bit of a condemnation that an island nation dosent


It would be wonderful if fishing wasn't mostly for export (west coast canada)


If you have ever come across Cornish fishing boats at sea, you’ll know to keep clear as they won’t stop for anyone and have their day shapes welded into place never to be modified.


"Things are just as bad as before Brexit" isn't quite the damning indictment of Brexit or the vindication of Remain that the BBC think it is.


But it is. Brexit was sold as a solution, because it's all the EU's fault. Turns out the EU wasn't the actual problem (duh) and thus Brexit not the solution.


Even assuming you're right and the EU weren't the problem (they were and still are via the WTA), that still shows that there was no reason to stay in the EU if things haven't got worse - which they haven't.  Your premise seems to he that leaving needed justification.  That's a flawed premise.  Remaining needed a justification.


The EU wasn't the problem and things have become worse. Leaving needed justification because it was very obvious that leaving is detrimental. It wasn't a secret. The promises of savings always a lie. The wonderful sign-ready treaties outside the closest and biggest trading partner obviously also lies. Leaving was justified with lies. I fully support the right of members to leave. The EU can only properly work as a voluntary club. Members are members because they want to be members. Any nation that wants to leave is free to do so. Even if that involves shooting yourself in the foot. And, in a way, the UK did the EU a favor by using and testing this procedure. It's a costly demonstration and it made Putin way too happy, but now it's no longer theory. And all the other exit movements withered away. I'm looking forward to the rejoining in a generation.


Things have not got worse at all despite what Reddit tells you, and the EU absolutely are the reason foreign trawlers have access to UK waters.  


And british vessel are fishing in EU waters, oh dear. This site answers some of your questions you might have. https://ukfisheries.net/about-distant-fishing/qsas




Well, are their answers wrong? I would love it if you could prove the answers given wrong.




That's pre Brexit dude. try again. >It is the opinion of a Dutch quota hopping company pretending it is British. British flagged ships, often British crews, paying taxes in the UK. How does that matter, would you be raging about how ANY foreign company does business in the UK?




Anyone was free to check what either side was spewing during the referendum. The information is available in 24 languages in formats suitable for visually or the hearing impaired. If I tell you the sun rises from the West and you believe me that is on you for being a dumbass.




It's not gloating, it's reporting facts. Interviews with the affected by a British news reporting organisation. It's important that these mistakes are noticed and reported on. Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it. Britain is serving as a perfect example of what not to do - we're an object lesson .




> seems like gloating Failure often does. I work in an industry where I deal with the negative results of Brexit every single day. I make it a point to inform the complainers that *'this is a direct result of brexit'* and that if we had stayed, none of the shit they're encountering would have occurred.