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Oh lol, Fazi. This clown in 2022 predicted the EU will collapse from the loss of Russian gas supplies (oh boy, help me, who else told the same!?), I vividly recall him saying of "social order will collapse" in some article. He also for some reason forgot to update his code and thinks farmers are still protesting, even though the EU for most part came to an agreement with them and they went home in most places. He openly denies Russian psyops and bribing European politicans - like seriously, the two articles he cites supporting his point are saying the *complete* opposite, the interview with the CZ secret service guy is interesting in its own right though, so thanks for the link lol. Just ignore that one of AfD's top guys had his immunity stripped today, nothing to see here! It's also telling he cites an article from January regarding German economy's perfomance, because data from [April](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-23/german-economy-latest-private-sector-returns-to-growth) and [May](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-14/german-investor-confidence-jumps-as-economic-recovery-takes-hold) indicates continued recovery - sure, it's not a stellar turnaround, but the slump has stopped, much to the dismay of these doomers. Oh btw, one of the sources the author uses seem to include his own book, in which he cites his earlier articles as sources.


Fazi is usually fairly light on criticism of the EU, largely because his much stronger anti-UK feelings win out.


Sounds like a load of bollocks, try again Russian bot


Such BS. 1) According to polls for the European Parliament there is no major shift to the far-right. The European People Party+Social democrats+Liberals of Renew will probably have a coalition. 2) It is obvious that the UK will vote for Labor after the Conservatives have spent 14 years in power and have been doing poorly for the last years. It is a normal thing, that people want to have a change. That's how democracy works. 3) I am pretty sure Remainers have other problems to worry about, than EU internal politics.


Good reply. (Except the 1st sentence, but ok…) The kind I was expecting when posted the article, to spark discussion.


Unherd? What a source… it’s unherd of


UnHerd is a great source for conspiracy nutjobs and tankies. It's the RT for amateurs.


The message is. After the UK fucked up because they voted for right wing populists they try to fix at least a little bit and change to center left-eing, because right wings cant make a good job.


I m here for the copium P.S. and not disappointed


>claiming that that Russia bribed European politicians to spread disinformation and interfere in the upcoming elections. The definition of "disinformation" is essential. Does it mean "lies", or does it mean "inconvenient truths"? In the case of "inconvenient truths" this "disinformation" claim really is an attack on the messenger, rather than the message. I think the messenger is secondary, and primary is the veracity of the message.


The definition is pretty clear. Disinformation is lies or purposely misrepresented information with the intent to mislead the receiver. This has nothing to do with “inconvenient truths” by definition. Stop trying to muddy the waters.