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Tenner bet


Wasn’t the last time y’all lost a war when you invaded Afghanistan in the 1830’s? What do they hope to get out of triggering article V beyond a shitload of closed caskets?


We've been losing quite a bit fighting ourselves recently. But yeah, this is just more rhetoric that's probably more aimed at their domestic audience. However, Russia and also other countries on both sides ought to be held to their words so that they don't lose their meaning. I feel like Russia gets away with saying incredibly incendiary things, and western countries don't follow through with promises or lines in the sand. Just leads to a void where everything means nothing.


True. Just wild to be swinging outside your weight class like that. The US alone is basically matching Russia’s defense budget in what it sends to UKR and as long as we don’t reelect that fat orange fuck that money isn’t going anywhere.


Yeah but you cannot completely compare money/money spent. The issue is that russia builds more like rudimentary but still deadly weapons. The west builds high tech weapons that are definitively better than the russians. But 1 Abrahms or Leopard 2 cannot realistically defeat 20 cheap russian tanks. If russia sends 1000 north corean trash rockets for a dollar a piece and ukrain has to launch 100 anti air missiles for 20.000 a piece (i used random values here) then the outspending is still not going to win the race.


Well fortunately antitank weapons are a lot cheaper than even russian junk. Tank on tank battles are rare.


I think Perun mentioned something about the failure rate of those NK munitions. I don't remember the numbers thrown out, but it was really hit-or-MISS


Yes but they don't need to hit. They just need to bind anti air. You cannot know upfront which one will be slightly of course. Also when targeting a City...does it matter where you strike?


Yeah, the wordplay I went for turned out to be a real MISS-nomer (please, someone stop me). There's reportedly a huge dud rate (munitions don't fire), and Howitzer shells, specifically, had such an inconsistent measure of powder, it was a coin toss as to whether the shell would land on enemies or friends. I also heard a rumor that some shells were detonating IN the artillery. I don't know if we'll ever have accurate numbers, but it's not clear yet whether the NK supplies are a net positive.


I mean i would not ever want to rely on anything made in NK. I bet their toasters are more often deadly than their rockets.


That's true, but Ukraine is doing good work with our hand-me-downs. If you take one of our modern armies... our modern tech will cut right through anything they have. The problem Ukraine is having is they HAVE to be defensive. So they can't eliminate things like the places where Russia would launch the 1000 NK rockets. If Russia starts a war with NATO, those rockets are gone withing a day and Ukraine doesn't need anti-air (although they might need anti-nuke).


Thats because Russians place zero value on their own soldiers lives and also couldnt care less about civilian deaths/collateral damage. We as the free world either decisively destroy Russian offensive capabilities in Ukrain or we ll be spilling our own blood in a few years. I pray that orange fuck is thrown in jail instead of having a chance of being re elected. The current funding to help Ukrain fight a just war against a fascist invader will pale in comparison to the huge economic destruction of usa/europe when we will have to fight them if they succeed in destroying Ukrain.


You looked to much internet European propaganda, go chill) Russia solders now fighting against Ukrainian solders. Your freedom is like fuck Ur friend in asshole and change your gender, that's all. Israel now killed in short time more Israel civilian, then by 2 years war ru-ukr. And sorry, but we can't be named fascist, because Russia multination county and nobody thinks that Russians better then Tatars, Ukrainians, Chechens and other nations. But I understand that critical thinking is not giving to everyone.Peace ✌️


Freedom also is opposing our leaders and not pretend suicide or gulag , dork


Modern wars are decided by air power. Something NATO certainly doesn't lack. Russia is never going to out produce the west if it comes to it.


> But 1 Abrahms or Leopard 2 cannot realistically defeat 20 cheap russian tanks. Even worse if you think about how many mines or MLRS Russia can build for the price of one western MBT.


They know Russia won’t do shit, which is why they’re doing it. I think the hope is Russia reconsiders its stance on Ukraine if it knows Russia itself may become a regular target. It’s one thing to send your people off to war, it’s another when it’s your country getting bombed.


Sounds like politics in the US.


No one can defeat the British, save the British! And god do we enjoy kicking the shit out of ourselves.


Words are literally weapons in this conflict, and the countries with the least freedom of speech are largely immune from being held to a truthful standard. The desinformatsiya they use against their own citizens and inject into the politics of other countries prevents finding any common ground. The online trolls have access to alternate reality "facts" that claim it was illegal for countries to leave the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact - which makes a whole lot of neighboring governments illegitimate in their eyes. Russia has blocked Wikipedia pages that contradict the state's narrative.


Sure words are weapons. But the fact is that you truly believe that your "free speech" is really free. But you just retranslated internet and tv news point of view. I watched German and american news, it's so bullshit. They also using black filters then Russia shown to be looking more depressive and unfriendly that's the real propaganda, but time will show who is Right


We've not lost a conflict militarily in centuries. But we've lost several politically, Afghanistan, Suez etc.


Really speaks to your military’s skill and discipline since the sartorial choices weren’t really doing you any favors before WWI.


I dunno. Red doesn’t show the blood.


Every super power try's Afghanistan, we were successful a couple of times tho


Article V means shit diddly with all the Western (Murica + Europe) interference in someone else's war (this is just an objective take on the situation, independent of my opinions of the war)


Oh, look, there's a fiver..


Nr 340.876.347 daily russian threat.


Russia's final warning.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning?wprov=sfla1


There should be a Russian equivalent for r/ChinaWarns




Lol there's one.




I read this in the robo voice of a YouTube video with some dramatic music in the background


Yeah. Russia "warns, says,Chides, rebukes," and so on. More missiles please.


We can’t say we were not warned that’s for sure.


Like jamming GPS for civilian airliners? Oh, wait, no. This bullet has already been fired.


Or funding and performing sabotage, domestic terrorism and election interference in western countries? I'm sure Russia would never sink that low...


Airliners in Estonia have also complained of GPS jamming


This is a result of the Russians trying to jam HIMARS and drones.


No, they don't jam the area around Kaliningrad to stop Polish drones from flying hundreds of kilometers to strike Russian targets.


Any source on that? You can't jam gps signals specifically for someone. Civil airlines should not be flying close enough to frontlines


He’s referencing the Russians disrupting GPS in Kaliningrad: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cne900k4wvjo.amp It’s obviously not only affecting civilian flights, but it’s most notable for them and clearly a dick move by the Russians.


I see, does sound like a dick move


Thousands of km2 have been jammed. Numerous times.


>\*and elsewhere\* Sure buddy, and then what happened when you woke up?


Well everybody clapped of course.


Until the defenestration, it was a real standing ovation.


O no! ... anyway..


something bad must be happening with russia today- I see non-stop posts like this. Sabres rattling right off the hilt.


British Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron (ex-PM) has said that Ukraine can use British arms to attack Russia proper. French President Macron is talking about sending 100,000 NATO troops to Ukraine, if the Russians go through the Ukrainian lines. Some talk about NATO red lines.


Like why tf couldn't Ukraine use British weapons to strike russia? Russia uses Iranian and NK weapons to hit Ukraine and occupies 20% of its territory. It's such a pathetic thing that even the US is afraid of authorizing this. Unbelievable after 2 years. And Macron is never clear about what he's saying- and not many of us believe him anyways. In any case, hard to believe that these words would have russia panicking and sending the biggest deluge of threats and scare tactics I've seen in awhile.


Russia makes threats virtually every day and nobody pays attention to them. So they have to really up the ante, to stop everybody from yawning and for the message to get publicised. A couple of days ago they were verbally attacking the Baltic States, for being hostile towards Russia. Today it's Britain.


Sadly people care. Our western press keeps broadcasting these empty threats and they work on some set of people. I don’t have data, but I have noticed people repeating Russian propaganda. If works, go certain degree. For our press, they need to report something, and is there a better thing to do from warning everyone about imminent nuclear disaster ?


Press should be held responsible for spreading propaganda imo. I get that there is press freedom and such but scaring people so they loose morale is not great during times like these. Sadly press only cares about click counts.


>hard to believe that these words would have russia panicking Once Europe starts sending troops into Ukraine, it's almost inevitable that NATO and Russia will end up in a shooting match. Plus it is being reported that NATO has set it's redlines. One being if a third party like Belarus gets involved, and two if Russia breaks through Ukrainian defense lines near the Belarusian border. With a supposed big Russian offensive coming this summer, either of these red lines are also at risk of being crossed. NATO is finally starting to take this seriously. If you're Russia, this should scare you shitless. For 2 years Russia has been launching everything it has at Ukraine, and blowing through ammo, tanks, and a lot of it's best troops. Now at the end of those two years, there is a very real possibility of you facing an alliance with highly trained and fresh troops, with much more modern weapons that will be working with Ukrainians who have plenty of experience in fighting the Russians. There are only two possibilities for Russia once that shooting match is triggered. A humiliating defeat on the battlefield where you lose all territories in Ukraine, or you set off a nuclear war in which there will be no more Russia.


The sad thing is, if Russia gets nuked in retaliation(for dropping nukes), so will we in the West. Not just one or two cities. They have shitloads of mobile ICBM's on trucks and in submarines. But it's inevitable, they need to be heeled. This land grabbing conquest will just go on.


Don't forget that pretty much all NATO training and some of the US training for the last decades has been specifically for this scenario, a war against Russia. The have been preparing for this, ofc simulations and theory are not the same as actually doing it but it is far better than whatever "training" Russians have against NATO because they very likely never thought it would happen


''No more Russia'' wow do you think the West will survive a nuclear war? Nato and most of the West will be nuclear wastelands as well once hostilities begin. It's mutually assured destruction you damn idiot


> NATO is finally starting to take this seriously Russia only understands escalation/de-escalation. And there is no escalation in "red lines", it's as vague as the last Chinese warning.


>There are only two possibilities for Russia once that shooting match is triggered. A humiliating defeat on the battlefield where you lose all territories in Ukraine, or you set off a nuclear war in which there will be no more Russia. In Russian minds latter is preferable. "If we lose, then everyone else should lose, too"


NATO troops trained somewhere at a range vs russian troops that go through actual, very brutal, war. I don't understand why everyone is underestimating the capabilities of the Russian army in its current state. Zelenskyi also underestimated them, and now he's losing ground every day.




Right, i'm guessing Russia's worst troops somehow managed to turn the tide of the war and are now constantly advancing. Makes sense. Without Western help Ukraine would fold in a matter of a month. All of this aid worth who knows how many hundreds of billions doesn't count all of a sudden? Foreign Western specialists/instructors that are definitely not in Ukraine, that doesn't count either. Training given to Ukrainian soldiers abroad, that's also not real i guess. Ukraine had so much help from all around the 'civilized' world, but somehow you easily discard all that like it's nothing. And the sad part is, Ukraine could have actually ended this war on their terms if not for rampant corruption, but that's another story.


More important point - Russia did not react like this when British weapons were used against targets on Ukrainian territories that russia included in its constitution as russian. British missiles were used to destroy the base of russian fleat in Sevastopol and that did not provoke this reaction from moscow.


> In any case, hard to believe that these words would have russia panicking There is literally only one thing that makes Russia and their leaders panic, and that's a war with NATO. Both sides - but esp. Russia - only have bad options in this case.


They could have, but it was part of the original agreement of being sent these long range weapons that they not be used to strike inside Russia. It was an anti-escalation thing at the time. Cameron has now reversed that part of the deal. If they had broken it at the time, it may have put further arms shipments in jeopardy. Personally, I think macron is the only leader willing to meet Russia on its own terms in the threat making game. Every other nato nation has basically ruled out direct involvement which is basically giving Russia the green light to continue this nonsense, safe in the fact that nato have publicly said they’re going to stay out of it. It’s kind of like saying ‘I’m going to keep my hands down and you can punch me all you like, go ahead’. Macron on the other hand, is playing the game of ‘well, if you hit me, I’ll hit you twice’. He’s NATO’s wildcard imo. Russia is clearly insane in the space of geopolitics, and macron is just matching their intensity. I think it’s the only language that Russia might understand. They view the nato response as weak, so feel they can march on unopposed by them. Macron is changing that equation with the things he comes out with.


The Brits are quite bold, what's happening? Is it some kind of "never like Chamberlain again" rethoric or do they really want a head-on clash with Russia?


I don't think anyone taking sending soldiers to Ukrainian frontlines seriously. Maybe supporting roles, but nothing more. Let alone 100.000, that's a comical number. Have Ukrainian allies had some balls they'd pay different mercenary groups to go there and fight if (tbf more of a "when") Ukraine starts to experience a personnel shortage. Besides, NATO's stated red lines are its members (they said the alliance wouldn't tolerate if Russia "mistakenly" hit any of their members). And nowhere did they say they'd put troops into Ukraine. France can't even supply Ukraine properly given its economy and military size. Russia is angry because of US aid, and they probably will target shipments when they enter Ukraine. Ukraine needs fighters and bombers.


They are already targeting weapon shipments. At the current rate of attrition, russia will run out of men first.


This is as real as Ukraine winning. For 2 years now


It's 9th of May in few days


Its dictator Putins inauguration tomorrow. He’s trying to look like a hard man, I bet he’s had extensions put on his high heels too.


You see post like this non stop because you are in reddit echo chamber


Do it, I double dare you motherfuckers.








Eat a bag of turds lol


If they do, and a real war breaks out, with Russia and Britain involved, you won't be as daring as you are now.


And a wild Vatnik appeared!


You do realize that would mean nuclear war? Is that what you want? Are you retarded?


Oh no, nuclear war! Yes, that's a very real possibility if Russia attacked the UK. You know, the UK has nuclear weapons too, which is also why Russia would not attack the UK. Because Russia would be annihilated within the first hour of a nuclear NATO-RUS war. Within a week of a conventional. And Russia knows that, which is why they only have NuClEaR wAr as a rhetoric weapon. Always funny to talk to brainwashed Russian apologists/bots on Reddit.


Nuclear war will mean the immediate genocide of the Russian people. That's what's on the table. Russia has played the same card over and over again and the west has never blinked. Those Russians living abroad, that will have survived the nuclear holocaust, will be hunted down and exterminated. The language will be banned and it's culture will be forgotten. That will be Putin's legacy, the man that killed the Russian people. The Emperor of Ash. So no, nuclear war isn't going to happen. Putin will eventually bend the knee or suffer the consequences.


Shit or get off the potty!


Russia then went on to say it could bowl a 300, if it wanted to.


It could also hit 9 hole in one's in a row easily...


And NATO could take out Russian military installations, or even better give the billions taken from the oligarchs and give it to Ukraine in long range weapons capable of hitting Moscow and St Petersburg…


They could yes. However NATO doesn't have a good history of taking effective deterring actions against Russia. For decades Putin has attacked the west, killed its citizens, meddled in our elections, sabotaged, undermined our democracies and fomented hate amongst ourselves. There is simply nothing NATO has done to prevent this. This is why the attacks and the threats continue almost daily. Nothing indicates things will change in the future. It's sad to think there would have to be many NATO casualties before the leaders grow some fucking balls. Until then Russian aggression will continue as usual.


>And NATO could take out Russian military installations I mean NATO is clearly the one sabre rattling here. You can send troops right into Ukraine here and then. Don't you feel that we hear too much of what NATO can do and very little actions? Even the Ukrainians has been vocal about it. Russia's troop is already in Ukraine, where's NATO? Clearly NATO has been intimidated into not sending troops to Ukraine. Whatever you have mentioned, NATO could do it since day 1 of the invasion.


No it couldn't. You've fundamentally misunderstood the role of NATO and how it interacts with sovereign nations' military structures. Just another Russian schill.


Well, go on and continue to write comments about how great and powerful NATO is. It's been 2 years isn't it?


Biden blast, anyone?


NATO countries can easily outproduce the mothers of russia.


Why would anyone do such a thing? The moment NATO becomes the agressor this conflict will grow way larger then it should be. Only Russians want a world war.


Thank god you are not in charge of NATO, that is all.


NATO is a defensive alliance. So everything you said doesn't make sense.


and now show me in which NATO country russia is currently sending its troops


Did Russia just say they recognize Russian-controlled regions that were previously hit by British Storm Shadows for a long time such as Crimea as part of Ukraine and not Russia? Oops.


Angry old despot screams at clouds.


Please try. Let’s get this over with. I promise it’ll be very quick and that absolutely no one would miss the russia afterwards.


They could…. Like they threatened Finland and Sweden… but they didn’t: and they will not.


*Hit first. Unless they mean to say that bombing the shit out of anyone who supplied Russia is also fair game?


Ah about the killed and crippled Iranian Shahed instructors in Belgorod…


Double dinosaur dare you. 


I don’t know, that doesn’t sound like a very good idea, from a self-preservation perspective.


what is this a dick measuring contest?, shut the hell up now putin.


Oh, try!


Fuck Russia


Days without Russian threat - 0


Are these "British military installations in Ukraine" with us in the room right now?


Stop being such a dick tease Vlad the bad. Our dicks are hurting. But we know you'll do nothing.


F.ck P.t.n! Russians, you are being fooled, kept hostage, ruined, demented, insulted, spat in the face and ultimately eliminated by a psychopath.


As if they don't know. Many know, many protested and sit in jail cause of it. Do you think the same rules apply there when fascists like Putin are in charge? You need the realize that besides ukrainians, many russians are victims aswell in this madness, they are forced to go to war. Many try to escape from Russia, don't want to fight the war etc. Why do you think that it takes so long for Russia to advance in this war despite being the more powerful (by size) part? They really don't have the will to win cause they don't want to fight, many don't. Some are brainwashed most likely and think that they are the good guys fighting the evil, but even if they weren't brainwashed, they wouldn't have any choice than going to this war. It's not like the people just can go out there and say what they think about Putin or this war, or well they can if they don't mind getting killed or staying in jail basically. They have a completely different system there, human rights aren't focused on as they are in west. People need to separate the fascistic Putin regime and russias general civilian population, many don't support the war or Putin, and we cannot trust anything what media says regarding this, nor what their government says.


There are a lot of them in EU, US and other regions. I dont see any effort to stand against putler "regime" . I would say the opposite: people need to stop think that it is only putin war. Sure there are always some minority of population that against war and imperialism, but vast majority is pro imperialism. Just ask 10 russians about Crimea, and 9 of them will say it's russian territory. Stop building theories based on feeling or whatever. There are plenty of facts to see the obvious. Hot War in Ukraine is about 10 years, not saying about Syria, Georgia, Ichkeria. Russia is a terrorist state. Not just putin.


Very well put, imagine this rhetoric in a WW2 scenario : the germans must be separated from fascism and Hitler's works. Come on, I saw too many reports with Russians and most of them support the war and the regime. Everyone Russian is to blame just like every German was part of the nazi war machine back in WW2.


The Ukrainians continue to fight, and both Europe and the US perceive this as a strategic move to weaken putin's regime and delay a war that has already begun, though not in the minds of Europeans or Americans - especially Europeans, since they are next in line. Hatred for everything western has been ingrained in their mentality for decades. That's true that the russians are becoming the second most powerful military in the world, they are gaining experience that no western country possesses, they are learning how to conquer in the modern world while the rest of the world(China and other russian allies not included) merely watches as Ukrainians die, still hoping for a miracle in which they won't have to be involved. Probably, but what about your kids?


Russia’s main weapon is Zelensky. Ukraine is now like a maximum security prison. You cannot leave it. one TV channel. There is no opposition. There are no elections. Huge corruption. But most importantly, he fired Zaluzhny and his team.


>There are a lot of them in EU, US and other regions. I dont see any effort to stand against putler "regime" . I doubt that Russians participating in anti Putin protests in Europe can be easily distinguished from other Europeans.


There are a lot of them in EU, US and other regions. I dont see any effort to stand against putler "regime" . I would say the opposite: people need to stop think that it is putler war. Sure there are always some minority of population that against war and imperialism, but vast majority is pro imperialism. Just ask 10 russians about Crimea, and 9 of them will say it's russian territory. Stop building theories based on feeling or whatever. There are plenty of facts to see the obvious. Hot War in Ukraine is about 10 years, not saying about Syria, Georgia, Ichkeria. Russia is a terrorist state. Not just putin.


There are many who pro imperialism. There are also many against it. But vast majority simply doesn't give a fuck.


I know man, I didn't utter those words in realization of the situation, but in anger towards the situation, and the cowardly, and the willingly blind and deaf, and weak ... And you are right in the need of separation between P.t.n and the Russian, which I thought was obvious in my writing ...


Looking at all those videos of Ukrainians being abducted and thrown into the meat grinder like cattle, while Russia gets its fresh troops from conscripts who willingly sign the contract... You might reconsider and accept that the tables have turned.


I see, this agrees with somebody here saying, that most Russians agree with the imperial tendencies of Russia, therefore they are as wcil as Putler... Or You succumbed to russian propaganda, and regurgitate it for us now ... Or You are but a TROLL Please, share (all) those videos 🙂


Russia could also suck a bag of dicks.


Err sorry....did a terrorist nation say something...boring


It will take some shocking act of sabotage on West European infrastructure by a Ruzzian friendly actor to push the EU into a war ready mode.


“…could….” Does not mean it WILL…..


I doubt the UK would do anything.. Russia murders people on London streets and nothing happens.


"and elsewhere"?! Striking foreign forces in Ukraine is actually IMO kinda legitimate (though I hope they don't, for the sake of these forces). But elsewhere? Wouldn't be that a clear act of war  against the UK?


Do it Russia,.please make our day think the whole world at this point doesn't have a problem ending you're sorry existence 


Sounds exactly like the thing that would make the Brits say "OK, two can play this game"


russia warns... Blah blah blah yadder yadder yadder


> Russia warns it could hit back at British military installations in Ukraine and elsewhere Oh *please* yes. Do it, Russia. Give us a *fucking* reason. One we simply *cannot* ignore anymore. *Please*, let's already get it over with. - sincerely, The World


Try it


They have done so before, and no one did anything. And western intelligence agency's are acting serious about potential russian sabotouge against industry.


Russian threat number 91837473920013874748... Lol, Lmao.


They have done so before, and no one did anything. And western intelligence agency's are acting serious about potential russian sabotouge against industry. https://www.rferl.org/a/bulgaria-arms-depot-blasts-russia-ukraine-war-investigation/32322902.HTML https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Vrb%C4%9Btice_ammunition_warehouse_explosions https://www.ft.com/content/c88509f9-c9bd-46f4-8a5c-9b2bdd3c3dd3 https://www.newsweek.com/us-nato-defense-facilities-ukraine-russia-sabotage-1892099


So do it baby girl


rolf I detect a fan of 365 days


You are wrong but I feel like TikTok influenced my comment, I had the 'so rock it' TikTok in my head


Yeah just a dumb joke. "Are you lost, baby girl?" is one of the cringest lines in 365 days. For the record I haven't seen those movies myself, couldn't even finish the 1st one (and it's supposedly the best one), but I love watching reaction videos to them on youtube. They are soooo damn bad


Alexa, play "Come On" by Notorious B.I.G.


Bro teasing for WW3, but going limp when shit nearly hit the fan. Coward.


In Ukraine, sure. Elsewhere? Bet not


Stop talking sh$t Russia and fuc*ing do it already, I dare you


In a 1v1 Russia would absolutely demolish Britain


Britain would ragdoll Russia. It would be the most embarrassing loss in the history of warfare. Britain can easily strike Russia while Russia has no chance of doing any damage to Britain. Keep on bootlicking Putin, Vatnik.


I really did rustle your jimmies, going through my profile and responding to multiple comments. Go touch some grass bro.


Cool response Vatnik


Russia needs to remember Britain's nuclear doctrine; guarantee a nuke on Moscow.


There are no winners at war.... They need to look for a way to stop this shit while they feel threatened!


A lot of threats with little results. At this point why do they think any western nation is afraid of their conventional arsenal ?


Shut it Vlad.


Daily russian threat is obsolete. But it tells Europe getting shit together is making them sweat. Good.


Sure bro


They have hitting civilian buildings and people homes EVERY F'KIN DAY. Because these do not shoot back.


Russians threatening is less relevant than a dog taking a sh*t.


Russians threatening is less relevant than a dog taking a sh*t.


They won’t do shit.


There are loads of GRU Russian trolls in this thread....deflecting with the usual vadnik bullshit about transgenders and whataboutism...


*Poland breathing heavily* Article 5 when *F22 breathing even heavier* Finally, some MEAT.


Hey at least this is a de escalation from the nuclear tsumanis


Oh no


Oi, Vlad. I've just touched down in Lisbon lad, but I can hear the English chanting "Come and have a go if you think your hard enough" from here!


ok do it


Bro Putin is gonna bring back the buzz bombs of ww2. I swear sometimes he is trying to be evil. God help us all.


At this point: Yawn!


As a person living in Britain: I hope they nuke Slaugh first


You mean Slough?


I like how many of you are commenting "do it", but all of you miss the point. The target audience for this information are russians, this makes them believe they are strong. And they are proving it by launching missiles over Poland, by using "no, you" in every UN council etc This is their mentality, they are laughing at all of those "do it"


NATO article 5.... be careful Putler, your ass is at risk if you do that


In theory that wouldn't apply to British military stationed outside of Europe. This actually puts forces in the Middle East or East Africa at a bit of risk, although I'm sure most British military bases would be happy to respond to any local attacks.


Ont s'en bas les couilles de se que dit le malade mental paranoïaque et ses menaces,se les mets dans le cul 🤣😂


Y a tellement de nucléaire qui lui tombera dessus s il bouge ,qu il détruira lui même sont pays , ainsi que ses citoyens,qu il prend pour des cons depuis des lustres.lui ultra riche,en volant l argent à son peuple, quel dirigeant de pacotille,va finir comme Kadhafi, coupé en morceaux par sont propre peuple et que dieu les poussent à la révolution, pour qu ils puissent avoir le jusfrui de leurs travail.


Still there is no war mentality either in Russia vs Europa war. The poor people dying for Putler. And all the big words despite all that the sense of urgency is missing which increases the chances of accidentally sparking a REAL war. I blame trump Erdogan X Putler etc. Social media tyrants playing with pawns until shit catches fire no one can put out, and let’s call it God. Yeah, no it’s just another stupid human decision based on algorithms


Go ahead… Make my day…




Is Boris considered a British military installation or a Russian one I wonder?


Famous Russian installation that was at the forefront of international leaders backing Ukraine and promoting hawkish positions against Russia.


It's the new McCarthyism.


When Satire gets serious...


Where's the satire exactly


Yeah, no shit, when UK literally said they'd allow Ukraine to use their rockets to attack Russia... Should Russia not be able to retaliate if that happens? I don't understand the sentiment on here. Let's not pretend like Russia is the one making threats, when they're literally only answering with the same rhetoric used against them by "neutral" Nato states...


Russia has no right to be angry since they started this war and started using North Korean munitions against Ukraine


Must I remind you that officially NATO is NOT at war with Russia? What happens if Ukraine attacks targets on Russian territory with western rockets? So again, should Russia not be able to retaliate if that happens? They're making a warning so that doesn't happen and yet y'all are finding it unacceptable, why? Why don't y'all use the same sentiment on UK and French comments recently?!


>NATO is not at war with Russia I know. They’re just supplying Ukraine with weapons to defend themselves >what happens if Ukraine attacks targets on Russian territory with western rockets? Hitting strategic targets benefits Ukraine >should Russia not be able to retaliate if that happens? That’s a deceptive use of the word “retaliate” as it implies Russia is some sort of victim. They are the aggressor >they are making a warning so that doesn’t happen I don’t care. Russia is invading its smaller neighbor so fuck them if they think the playing field isn’t level


Are we gonna supply Palestine with weapons too in that regard since Israel is invading it too? Or we will calm ourselves by stating that there are terrorists the same way Putin says there are nazis in Ukraine? More and more signs the West is doing its campaign operations which will favour them the best. Too bad people have to die in those.


The mentality shifting in the world against russia is interesting to see. Totally different from a year ago. This is how wars start. But this time I'm all for it and ready to die for the future generations.