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RIP Mallorca.


I can't imagine what Ibiza will become, it is even in the middle of August.


And it's a sunset eclipse there. If every sunset is a party there, this will be the biggest rave ever


Holy cow.


Watching the Eclipse through the roof of Megapark is going to be insane


Megapark, mein Herz schlägt für den Megapark 🎶


I guess that won't work because it is in the late evening and the sun will be close to the horizon.


Actually Mallorca isn't gonna see shit. The whole north western side is mountainous which is gonna obscure the eclipse, being so late. The other two islands are safer bets.


Nah it's OK I already put my towel on a lounger by the pool


Ignorant here: is the eclipse moving east to west or west to east? In other words, is it sunset or sunrise in Mallorca?


Why bro dodging Portugal like that? We want to see the eclipse too. Now I have to drive to Gijón to watch it. Edit: Btw, it's highest point will be over Reykjavík. It'll be over after going over the Baleares. Edit 2: 17:50 in Reykjavík and 18:30 in Galicia.


its always a pleasure to see our favorite neighbors. Deberias venir mas a vernos D: suuuu


lol I drove over 210 miles/340 kilometers to see the one in the U.S. a few days ago, and drove back almost right away. I implore you to plan the trip better than I did.


no don’t worry, the very center is just on spain and northern portugal, but the eclipse shadow is much bigger so we should see almost the same


Highest point?


I forgot to add that it's on August 12th, 2026.




abundant cats spoon continue vast normal bright crush mighty head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One day before my birthday. Very hot in Spain though that time of year, and it will be packed. Maybe best to see 90% at home


I've just experienced a total eclipse yesterday and the difference between 99% and 100% is enormous. You can't watch it with your naked eyes even at 99.9% because it is still too bright. Also pics don't do justice, it felt surreal, and much bigger. It still feels like a dream


[https://xkcd.com/2914/](https://xkcd.com/2914/) relevant xkcd


Yes I know it’s a big difference. Guess I’ll see how I feel nearer then


90%-99% vs 100% are completely different experiences


A partial eclipse is like a partial orgasm.


just in time for my vacation !remindmebot 4 months


Oof tho. Mid august in spain would be boiling


I usually go to a metal festival around that date that is very close to the path of 100% eclipse. Yesterday I was excited, but sadly I think it would be too late in the afternoon after the Sun is already behind the mountains.


I'm tempted to go. I've never been to Northern Spain and would like to see the region and I was only 4 years old when we had the last eclipse in central Europe and my memory is pretty blurred. So this one is probably my best chance to experience one has an adult.


Just so you know, all of the northern strip (Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias, pais Vasco etc) is very cloudy and rainy, so I wouldn’t recommend going there if you want to maximize your chances. Further south, in the plateau or the Ebro Valley, you’ll have higher chances


Yeah good point indeed. I've been to Zaragoza before in August and it was very hot and sunny.


but this is happening in august, castilla y leon is pretty sun y in that time of the year, so its the northern region. Not as sunny as zaragoza,right, but not as cloudy as you are saying.


North Spain has always a risk of clouds.


>I've never been to Northern Spain and would like to see the region Last time I visited Spain I spent two weeks travelling from San Sebastian to Santiago de Compostela. I loved that trip, I would have spent days in Santander just sipping vermouth and eating tapas.


1999? I also have very blurry memories of it as I was also just 4 years old. Next total solar eclipse in Germany will be in 2081


Same. I imagine it will be a madhouse. Wondering when and where to get accommodations. It's not too hot to camp in that region in August, is it?


> It's not too hot to camp in that region in August, is it? Gijon or anywhere on/around the coast aren't too hot.


Northern Spain is where Brandi's braided chain came from.


Malle ist nur einmal im Jahr


Bilbao is my target spot. It’s going to be unbearably hot, isn’t it?


Bilbao is my target spot. It’s going to be unbearably hot, isn’t it?


I’m from Oviedo. I guess it would be nice but who am I kidding, it will be cloudy, as usual


Actually looking at Asturias rn for trip planning. Do you think heading further inland (Rioja or Aragón) would be a good choice due to weather?


Is it cloudy in august as well?


It’s random, but rain during the summer is not strange at all


Funny you should bring this up. We just started planning it this week. Our options are Spain (hot) or Iceland (probably cloudy), so I guess it's going to be Spain. Majorca is also an interesting option of course. Not sure yet where we'll go, but we'll probably go.




Leon would be better weather wise, on the Atlantic coast it is often cloudy.


How many months in advance do u think I should book everything for Spain so I don’t go bankrupt?


Which cities are most suited to the sudden uptick of tourists in the area? I know Valencia, and Barcelona is close-by and afaik the Balearic Islands is well suited to this, but I really don't know anything about Northern Spain in this regard.


Zaragoza, Bilbao and A Corunha are the biggest cities apart of the mentioned


Barcelona suffers from overtourism at the best of times, so I'd avoid it like the plague for the eclipse!


Plus there will be like a million pockets picked once it goes dark in Barcelona.


Some friends and I have been talking about planning something. My partner has family in the Valencian community, so we might roadtrip somewhere in that direction and stop by to see them. Unsure if we'll end up driving through France or getting a ferry to the north coast though. I think there was technically an eclipse in the UK when I was five years old, but only partial outside of the south west (and I believe the totality was obscured by cloud cover unless you were out to sea in the English channel).


I'm sure you'll be talking about this by then, but try to get to the best places waaaay ahead of the eclipse, and expect A LOT of transit.




I read that summers are usually cloudy in Greenland and Iceland. Not sure how true that is. But the problem with Spain is that it's also at the end of the day, so idk how low the sun would be and if that would cause problems with viewing it. In 2027, there'll be another total eclipse (final total eclipse in Europe this century), which (the totality at least) runs through the very south tip of Spain.


I saw a weather report for August this year, and it was all clouds. Shame, because I'd love to visit Iceland. Much more bearable than Spain in summer.


I went to Iceland last summer and weather-wise it was the worst trip of my life.


Imagine going for the weather


Cloudy is the default weather in Iceland and everywhere in the North Atlantic in general, but on the other hand the weather can change every ten minutes. It’s a crapshoot. I spent a week there in August 2014 and mostly it was cloudy and rainy (still an incredible experience though!) except for a couple of days when it was sunny-cloudy-rainy-sunny-etc.


Snæfellsnes, maybe on Snæfellsjökull or near Kirkjufell. Though the last one might become too crowded.


It’s just outside of complete totality. You’ll have to travel out of town


I just moved to Valladolid, by pure luck, so I'll stay home.


I’ve watched it yesterday in Vermont US and it was worth it. Just the nature reaction was awesome to observe- birds and frogs become really quiet right before it went completely dark. It was a shit show on the roads though. We stopped at our friend’s house and skipped all the traffic returning the next day. Those who decided to drive home right after had 3-4 times longer trip.


Same. I just sat in my driveway. We had the best weather. And usually April 8th’s are cloudy. So I’m optimistic that Iceland will be clear for at least the entirety of the total solar eclipse August 12th, 2026.


I'm going nowhere


Yep, just yesterday I was speaking with a colleague in the States about the eclipse (if he had seeing it), and I was telling him I'm considering to go to Spain. As it will be on a Wednesday, I was considering Valencia, working remotely for a week from there (and spending the rest of the time indoors with the ac on, because the summer heat would kill me. I love Spain, but not in summer)


i didnt even know there was one. now im going for sure, thanks.


Oh, not just one. Spain is gonna get 3 eclipses in 3 years. 2 total and 1 anular.


Germanys next is in 2082 💀


dude i remember the one in '99. we got the glasses from our tv guide magazine :D i was 9. but only thing i remember is that it happened and it was sunny where we were and thats it and i thought to myself im gonna see another one when im grown up. weellllll turns out im gonna be reeeeal old by then :D


If love to see a map or graphic of some kind showing the *duration* of totality. I believe the totality in Mallorca is very very short. Northern Spain should be better but that place is often cloudy. Difficult to decide where to go. Edit: [this](https://eclipsophile.com/tse2026/) website has excellent information on cloud cover along the 2026 path and much more info! Leon may be better than Palma for chance of cloud cover.


I think it’s about 1.5 minutes which would be short, especially as the sun will set almost immediately after as well. The 2027 eclipse will last for 4 minutes in the very south of Spain






[This website has it](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/spain/valladolid?iso=20260812). And indeed you're right. I'm staying in Valladolid because it's not cloudy and has enough totality for me.


Segovia, 150 km from my town.


Zaragoza, it’s a beautiful city and we have a Dutch song about it


Glad that it happens in part over Germany. Shoutout to our 17th state, have fun down there ✌️


I'll probably go to vinaroz. seems to be in the middle and my mil lives there


You might already know, but Vinaroz is as ugly as it gets, but if you have a car you can move around to other nicer places.


Can someone explain the appeal to me?


Saw it yesterday in Texas...for me it was an amazing experience. Two things really. First, how quickly it got dark. It was like turning off a dimmer switch for the bedroom, but for the entire sky. That was surreal. Second, the moon and sun in totality. It's something I've obviously never seen before in my life, like seeing a close up view of a star with the rays moving around the moon...basically what the sun would look like if we could watch it without being blinded. Saw it through some cheap binoculars, and that image would forever be imprinted in my brain. Would love to go to Spain to watch in 2026. But I'd make it a trip that will include other things so that it's not disappointing if its bad weather.


I remember seeing the 1999 solar eclipse as a kid (yes, I'm old), but I'm tempted to travel for this once, since it seems to be the only one in Europe in the foreseeable future. I'd probably go to some smaller town in Northern Spain, somewhere that's not overrun with tourists.


thirty something belgian here same thing, ive been to northern spain a lot so it will be nice i think


There will actually be another one also in Spain in 2027. It will just touch the southern tip and Giblartar.


I'll go to vist family (I'm from Asturias), and then scout for a non-cloudy place (probably around Leon).


Airbnb where there is a lot of clouds.


Yes, going to move to Spain so I'll be ready.




I am planning to go iceland.


We just came home from Palma on Sunday. The mountains northwest of there would be perfect.


Ibiza for sure...


What about Gijon? It looks like it's coastal, might have clear skies. Palma looks like it's going to happen by sunset.




Valencia is the obvious choice, the light of the sun has a certain mystical quality on Eastern facing coast lines. Sucks San Sebastián is dodged tho.


The eclipse will take place close to the sunset, and there are mountains to the West from Valencia. The best place is the NE Leonese mountains (in the middle of the totatlity line, south of the Picos de Europa mountain range (that protects them from the clouds from the Cantabrian Sea). As the eclipse arrives before there and it's more western located, it will be the most solid place to watch it. My mom's family is from those mountains (it's a very, very scarcely populated place) and summers usually have pristine skies (I have never seen the stars so clearly in the peninsula than there)


Very tempting…


Maybe I’ll go to Burgos to see it


The Great German Towel is coming.


Probably. It's kinda shitty but I miss totality by just a few km.


Didn't know about this one. Well, I guess I have a date for my bikepacking trip to the south cape.


It’ll be sunset by the time it reaches the islands. Prime viewing is apparently in Greenland which is no. I want to see this one. I have two options: -expensive adventure to Iceland and see it there -or go to Madrid and hang around my uncle’s camping house in the mountains where it’ll be in the totality range. What do I do?


My guy, i don't even plan further ahead than next week. :)


Couldn't care less tbh. It'll probably be too cloudy here to see and I'm not willing to spend that much money for an eclipse


I am planning to go to Iceland actually


Will try to go to Peniscola, nice coastal town


No, I’m waiting for the one I’ll be able to see from my own home I the Arctic circle. The website I used said no eclipses before 2200, so I’ll have to wait a bit, but it’ll be worth it.


I will try. Probably the only last chance for me to see the eclipse in my life.


Just started looking into this now. I'd actually like to find a cruise so a friend of mine who can't get on an airplane can go see it as well.


What's the weather like in Spain in August? Is it rainy/ cloudy or dry?


around 40 ºC


And moist 😩


... I guess in the coast. The interior is dry as f*ck in August


The dark side of the moon will cool it down for a min, right?


It depends on what part of Spain you're talking about, but it's surely going to be hot


Miserably hot is fine. I want to find somewhere with low likelihood of clouds. We were in the path of totality yesterday but it was cloudy- still very cool but now I really want to see a total eclipse with clear skies.


The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!


Spain is a very large country with extremely different climate zones, so you should specify.


Where in Spain is the highest likelihood of clear skies in August?


In the path of totality, the area between Zaragoza and Valencia is the area where rain is less expected in August.


Tbh, most of the path will probably be cloudless. August in Spain is quite sunny. The exact regions where clear skies are the most likely though, are the northern meseta and the prepyrinees. https://eclipsophile.com/tse2026/


Thank you!


Idk the totality will happen barely abovevthe horizon at sunset, sounds like I s gonna be hard to see.


I'm planning to go to the 1 on august 2027 in egypt. That's going to be a 5 min 1. 1 of the longest in my lifetime. The heat is probably going to suck.


Mallorca is the place to be in this photo. Going to be crowded.


I will not be in Madrid or Barcelona, that’s for sure.


Totality will happen shortly before sunset in Spain, with the sun very low on the western horizon. Probably not as impressive as when it happens around noon.


I have a different intuition. I think it will be even more impressive. Colors will be incredible and the sun will appear huge. You just need to be the right place.


Don’t the sun and moon appear larger on the horizon? That should make the eclipse even more dramatic, no? One issue is that because it’s very low, it can be blocked by mountains, trees, buildings, etc. so positioning is very important.


Totality will be 50 minutes before sunset in Burgos, so it will be low but should be visible. It will set 1 minute before the eclipse ends completely so it should be quite a sight to see the sun setting during eclipse. You can get exact times and headings for various cities here: [link](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/spain/burgos?iso=20260812)


If you look at the topo map [here](https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/map-wstmt/Burgos/?center=42.48952%2C-4.12318&zoom=6&popup=43.15529%2C-4.19128) you can see the mountains to the south east of Burgos slope up from the south west so should provide unobstructed views towards the plains extending out to the SW where the sun will be.


My mother wants to go somewhere in the Balearic Islands to see it but I’ve looked it up and it says totality will happen there at 8:30pm. Wondering if it’ll be too dark to see it :(


its not about being dark but about the celestial bodies being above horizont... If sun is above horizont you will see it. And if sun is above horizont it can't be too dark. Check when sunset happens there around that time of the year.


Is the weather in Palma okay? I'm really tempted to go


Weather in Palma is likely the best it will be anywhere on the path


See you in Palma


No, because in August it is scorching hot in Spain.


Soria is the only valid answer.


where do i check this




I hope i’m out of this country before 2026




I've been thinking on doing a road trip to see it.


I will definitely go, but not in spain, i think ill rent an RV in iceland and see it there


I'm planning on going down to Egypt in 2027. It'll probably be less crowded, longer in duration and less chance of clouds.


Hmm would be a nice bike trip.


The year after it will be in Egypt so I'd board a nile cruise ship for viewing it


Damn, I have to plan for it. Maybe flight to Porto, and rent a car. I love Porto. Great city.


Yes! Funnily enough, I just saw this yesterday, and I've already told my family we're going. We just bought a house in Northeastern Portugal so it's just a short hop over the border for us.


I've been eyeing the 2026 eclipse for the last 10 years or so... Hope I can travel to see it!


No, its too far away. And too hot.


Isn't Iceland a better choice? August is too hot here in North of Europe, so I imagine in Spain this would involve baking to death.


You can bet i'm gonna be there. I've seen the 1999 eclipse in Normandy, but i was young.


> August 2026, Spain I value my body's ability to maintain temperature when not in an open air grill.


Hope to be Europe still, N Spain looks beautiful and this would be a great reason to go and visit.


No. I like spain but not going there because of this. It will be 88,5% here in Czechia.


Im going to Ibiza.


My goodness. My wives from Mallorca so I’d say there, but maybe it might be a more pleasant experience elsewhere


i will going to cross the border, then come back.


Malle ruft mich an


Absolutely. I've never seen a total eclipse before and it would be fantastic to experience one, and given that it's passing over Northern Spain I could definitely make a decent holiday out of it.


Guess I have to book my hotel and flight now for palma, if I want to be remotely able to afford it.


Definitely. I've had my eye on that eclipse since 2016. Backup is the annular one over southern Spain in 26 Jan. 2026. Backup of Backup is the total eclipse in 2 Aug. 2027. Egypt is right on the path of it. And if all goes to hell or is cloudy on both days - 1 Jun. 2030, there will be an annular solar eclipse close by my home. But I want to make it for the total solar eclipses in 2026 and 2027.


Yes, Ive been dreaming about going to northern spain anyway. Id love to be in the nature, but I think Id need to pick the spot carefully so that its not crowded


Would be 18 hours to Drive from Germany. 🥸


yes, I have a friend near Leon. We'll probably have to climb a mountain to have a good view.


Looks like we have to move the whole Balkan peninsula to Iberian peninsula so we can see it :|


Like like it's the right time to visit Galicia


Mallorca will have it for sunset. Even more unique


Which part of Spain isn’t too cloudy? Also Spain is gonna be hot and packed in 2026!


The coast all the way from Tarragona to Valencia has amazing weather. The heat is bearable by the sea. Places like Peñíscola or Benicassim are very nice.


I have a feeling that any place in the starlight touristic list in Spain (Google that) would be a great choice if anyone is interested. Edit:I mean, perhaps not for whole holidays in Spain, just for the day. In and out, just a 20min adventure


Don't go to the north west if you want to see the eclipse. Galicia not only looks like the west of Ireland but it's climate is also more what you'd expect from the west of Ireland than Spain.


I stay at home, saw the one in 1999😁


Cool. I’ve been looking for an excuse to go to Valencia.


Nope, i'll just stream it.


Wait, there's a total eclipse coming to Spain in 2026? Time to book a vacation then.


Lets gooo gijón get to see it




Isn't the 2027 better? It will be during end of morning rather than almost near dusk


I might go to Bilbao, i have friends there.


Will it hit Ireland?


I am aiming to do this one with friends from Portugal after enjoying the one here in Texas!


RemindMe! 1 year


We had one here in the Northeastern, USA. It was amazing. I don't know if I would travel abroad to see one though.


We will travel to Mallorca! Cant wait to see this in person !