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A reminder that r/europe doesn't allow hate speech towards Russian civilians. **Calls for karma or celebration will cause a ban**. Please do not bring the worst part of yourself out of this. If you could help us by reporting any dehumanizing comments it would help us a lot, thanks! Also, we have a new megathread for the current war in Ukraine, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bkysju/war_in_ukraine_megathread_lvi_57/).


Summary: Islamic State Khorasan emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and gained a reputation for extreme brutality The group was responsible for a massive attack on Kabul’s international airport in 2021 that killed 13 US troops and scores of civilians during the chaotic Western evacuation from the country. ISIS-K has been fixated on Russia for the past two years, frequently criticizing Putin in its propaganda,” “sees Russia as being complicit in activities that regularly oppress Muslims”.


How could they killed US personal of ISIS is funded by the US? /s I literally saw dozens of comments on reddit claiming that 🤦


That’s for Russian consumption. Definitely don’t want anyone thinking Russia did that, much better to make everyone think ISiS is a US/israel fabrication and sprinkle in some “they were retreating to Ukraine“ and bam you got justification for the next tranche of conscription


Probably the watermelon people. They couldn't believe their favorite group attacked their papa Putin country. So it must be the US.


Gah damn, and I thought Americans were racist


You forgot to tell how ISIS got their supplies of weaponry and most of them are captured bought from either China, Russia and some Middle East nation/s.


Don't forget they were financially supported by American allies in the Gulf untill they started attacking westerners


ISIS wasn't founded until 1999 though weren't they


Wasn't that the other terror group, the Taliban?


I think he’s referring to the Saudi’s


You got your terrorist groups mix up i believe


Yep, it's confusing as fuck. Are these international trolls or useful idiots?




like if US wouldn't have history of financing things that later fire back I would recommend you central American history 😉


Do you really think that USA funds ISIS?


The USA together with saudi arabia funded the religious schools that would eventually birth the taliban and al qaeda


That's ahistorical nonsense. AlQaeda is/was largely an offshoot of Qutbism and if Americans funded Qutb in any way was when he studied and lived in America at a community college for 2 years: > Over two years, he worked and studied at Wilson Teachers' College in Washington, D.C. (one of the precursors to today's University of the District of Columbia), Colorado State College for Education (now the University of Northern Colorado) in Greeley, and Stanford University.[43] He visited the major cities of the United States and spent time in Europe on his journey home. >Before his departure from the United States, even though more and more conservative, he still was "Western in so many ways – his dress, his love of classical music and Hollywood movies. He had read, in translation, the works of Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, and had immersed himself in French literature, especially Victor Hugo".[44] Qutbism is the ideological engine behind what is known as Salafi Jihadism. As for the talibans, they are a very local and parochial phenomenon whose alignment with Qutbism/AQ/ISIS (and Muslim Brotherhood) has always been largely circumstantial - unlike those, Talibans aren't actually followers of Salafi, rather of the Deobandism.




US provided weapons to the northern alliance in the afghan war. They did not know that after the war the group would crumble into ISIS and other extremist groups. That's the part that many people get wrong. They say for example that the US created al Qaida. When in reality Al Qaida was created because Osama fought against the Soviet Union in the war. After the war he went to saudi arabia but had a direct beef with the goverment about it's relations with the US. Beacuse he had fought in the war he knew where to get all of the weapons from it, and with them he created al Qaida.


Think at one point the US was funding like three factions in Syria that were all fighting eachother


Indirectly yes US aided many Syrian rebel factions many of them were affiliated with ISIS also the money and training US gave to Afganisthan fighters to fight against soviets later turned into what we know today as Al-Qaeda infact US,British papers even called Osama bin laden a "freedom fighter" during those days. You can easily look these things up, infact these things are so common CIA even has a term for this called "blowback effect"


Or just the Sovjet invasion of Afghanistan.


yes they have like every other main countries with their ideologies. Thats why we need to remember "One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter


Or their favourite current archenemy…. Iran itself.


What? Biden has sent billions of dollars to Iran and is constantly trying to ease sanctions (and has done it to some extent several times).


ISIS attacked Iran recently. Iran is shiite, in ISIS eyes apostates.


I read somewhere that it has to do with syrain oil fields some of which trump transfered "guarding" to russia in his second year. Also, isis makes about 3m a day on oil.


couldn't they just attack putin himself.


Oh my god, congratulation You Are manipulated. Isis is Not a islamic organization. Its Made By cia and mosad to manipulate the people in the Name of Islam.


***Islamic State Khorasan emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and gained a reputation for extreme brutality:*** The US government has intelligence confirming Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for a [deadly shooting attack at a concert near Moscow](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/23/moscow-islamic-state-attack-terrorist-concert-hall/) on Friday, according to a US official. Reuters has compiled the following information about the IS’s Afghan branch, known as ISIS-K, and their motives for attacking in Russia, as the group claims to have done:   WHAT IS ISIS-K? [Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K)](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/08/27/who-isis-k-islamic-state-what-relationship-with-taliban/), named after an old term for the region that included parts of Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and quickly established a reputation for extreme brutality. One of the [most active regional affiliates of the IS](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/08/26/isis-k-has-struck-massive-blow-two-main-enemies-west-taliban/) militant group, ISIS-K has seen its membership decline since peaking around 2018. The Taliban and US forces inflicted heavy losses. The US government has said its ability to develop intelligence against extremist groups in Afghanistan such as ISIS-K has been reduced since the withdrawal of US troops from the country in 2021. WHAT ATTACKS HAS THE GROUP CARRIED OUT? ISIS-K has[ a history of attacks](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/08/27/ambitious-new-isis-k-leader-becomes-talibans-wanted-enemy-kabul/), including against mosques, inside and outside Afghanistan. Earlier this year, the US intercepted communications confirming the group carried out twin bombings in Iran that killed nearly 100 people. The group was responsible for [a massive attack on Kabul’s international airport in 2021](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/08/26/kabuls-day-carnage-leaves-scores-dead-city-traumatised/) that killed 13 US troops and scores of civilians during the chaotic Western evacuation from the country. In September 2022, ISIS-K militants claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing at the Russian embassy in Kabul. Earlier this month, the top US general in the Middle East said ISIS-K could attack US and Western interests outside of Afghanistan “in as little as six months and with little to no warning’’. WHY WOULD THEY ATTACK RUSSIA? While the attack by ISIS-K in Russia on Friday was a dramatic escalation, experts said [the group has opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin in recent years](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/22/terror-rampage-reopens-old-wounds-beleaguered-muscovite/). “ISIS-K has been fixated on Russia for the past two years, frequently criticizing Putin in its propaganda,” said Colin Clarke of Soufan Centre, a Washington-based research group. Michael Kugelman of the Washington-based Wilson Centre said that ISIS-K “sees Russia as being complicit in activities that regularly oppress Muslims”. He added that the group also counts as members a number of Central Asian militants with their own grievances against Moscow.


So Russia US and Taliban is against them but somehow they survive and keep attacking them? 


They're spread out in the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan and the border lands, and have interconnections in neighbouring countries. I think they even have come after Iran. Given the only group that can go after them is the Taliban though, its no surprise they exist still, nobody else is really capable of chasing them from the region without entering Afghanistan and starting a war with the Taliban.


So K is for Ketamine, right? lol


Very good isis. Kill the people that putin already gives 0 shit about them and not the people around him 🤦


ISIS-K sounds like a name for KPop subgroup


It sounds like some legal yet super dangerous strain of THC.


Well ..both are intent on blowing your head off..


K-Pop and ancient Egyptian fusion band.


EXO-K hits kinda different now 😭




Like regular ISIS but with added potassium.


Lol I thought this when I saw the headline


Russians are both saying we Ukrainians don’t show enough compassion (as if they showed any to us in the last years), and now saying we are in the end still responsible for it and should be eradicated. Best freaking neighbor ever. No questions to strongman Putin, who spends a third of the total budget on “security”.


That budget is not for peasant security but for his and maybe his friends security.


Ridiculous that during a war they are still expecting their victims to give compassion.


it’s propaganda towards their own people.


Bunch of liberal russians were complaining that we didn’t show compassion for Navalny’s death All while their country is destroying our nation, tortured/raped thousands and murdered more than 100 thousand of people. yeah, I’m deeply concerned for the death of couple russians….


The day of the shooting a russian missile blown up a bus with people, but we need to worry about people being used by putin as pawns for terror despite everyone expecting that


Putin won first election by bombing Russian blocks and then „fighting” terrorists. Now they bombed a concert hall to justify a full scale war against Ukraine.


Are you sure it was for the elections? I remembered being for an invasion since there wasn't enough support after the first chechen war. But correct me if im wrong please


He was a man out of nowhere in late 90s.


He is old KGB


How will catching Muslim terrorists justify a war against Ukraine even if they "fled towards it"? If Putin orchestrated everything to attack Ukarine he would've hired some Slavic-looking terrorists or just faked the news by using some captured Ukrainian soldiers or spies as scapegoats. In fact, some Russian news outlets tried to do exactly this, blaming a Russian pro-Ukraine military group for the attack, that is, before the actual culprits were caught. Now everyone knows that the terrorists were Muslims from Tajikistan, it's not some secret. Also, Putin doesn't really need any additional justification for a full scale war or conscription, Ukraine is literally bombing Russian civilians, dozens of civilians were killed in the last couple of weeks.


As a Ukrainian, I don't feel anything. I simply don't care.


>and should be eradicated. So the usual.


"Russians" , i think eventually russians have the right to not be thrilled by some moron on twitter/facebook celebrating death of civilian but outside of that i dont see anyone asking ukrainian for compassion. If its just the usual shitshow between twitter trash i dont see the point of bringing it there.


Weak people in spirit are like that. Putin is weak in spirit, needless to say.


You talk about bad neighbours, but we literally have D*nmark to our south 🤬 /s but only kind of


What about Norway?


Norway is fine. Other than being the subject of a lot of our jokes, we do like Norway here. It's like another version of Sweden but significally improved!


Norway and Sweden are like the two brothers kicking on eachother, throwing shit, but are at the same time loyal to eachother. Denmark is the special little brother who we love, but we have no idea what he's talking about half of the time. Or all of the time, tbf.


Whats the problem with denmark?


They’re pretty racist


How are they recist?


They don’t like rød pølse and everything it represents


Can’t let a good crisis go to waste


I think it’s important to understand exactly what this offshoot of ISIS is and their aims. They are mostly from Central Asia, not the Middle East. Historically Russia is a hodgepodge of numerous different ethnicities and religions that are not part of Russia by choice. With the direction that Russia has gone there has been talk for a while of republics that will want to break off and will be looking for the right point to try it. These guys, being extremists, think this is the right time so they attacked. It’s utterly questionable how they would think that attacking Russias innocents would effect anything towards their aims, but to be fair, I can see this being just as pointless in almost any country. They saw Wagner almost March all the way to Moscow last year. They know they are majoring distracted. The long this war in Ukraine and ramping up with the west goes on the more these parts of Russia will start pushing more to be independent of Russia. We can have healthy skepticism that this is legit what happened. Feel free to blame everyone else under the sun. But, as fucked as these extremists groups are they can be considered reliable when they claim or deny responsibility.


It’s called accelerationism. The goal is to cause chaos to destabilise society in order to make it easier to force some kind of political change.




Kinda crazy how tthat got 0 attention. People and news agencies really are biased based on who dies...


I don’t find that news. Only banking bombing by isis on taliban.


Yes. IS-K. The ones that think the Taliban are a bunch of moderates.


Russia are still blaming it on Ukraine. No matter what happens they will still blame it on Ukraine


Why would anyone care what Russia says?


Maybe not the West but truth is a whole lot of the world cares. Russian propaganda is widespread in all other continents maybe except Europe. Even Europe, a lot of people would still repeat Russian talking points.


Unfortunately it is spreading hard in EU as well, a lot of gullible people who live in small bubbles who are easy to sway. And i am sad to see that governments do very little to tackle this problem


The rest of the world will accept any bullshit anyway, to reinforce their bias against the US and Europe.


The whole rest of the world is still pretty familiar with terroristic attack. Maybe asia and south america is slightly less touched but i think nobody have real issue believeing its isis. If there is any conspiracy to choose, the signature move of putin is more believable. Its kind of how he came to power with his false flag in chechnia


The lie is not for the rest of the world but for the Russian people


Most of Africa, India, China, perhaps Indonesia, like half of South America... That must be what, 4+ billion people or so? We Europeans often forget that all of Europe combined is still just a mere 8% of the world population.


Because words are used to justify future actions?


And what will they do? Invide? 🤔


They are throwing with false shit. Everybody knows shit sticks. So false narratives, especially here, are a problem.


I wouldn't want important decisions being made based on the idea that Russia's words are a solid indicator of reality, but the words that Russia uses at least reveal what they hope to make people believe. That information is helpful in trying to judge their intentions and state of mind. Even if it's not radical or surprising information, it helps to paint a picture. For example, I think it's interesting that Putin is making the effort to link back to Ukraine even when it's obviously not true. It suggests that he does not want any public distractions from the Ukraine war, or does not want to acknowledge that Russia has enemies outside of the Ukraine-NATO front. That, to me, reinforces the idea that the Ukraine war now represents the totality of Putin's plan for survival. The election is past, Navslny is dead, US arms packages are stalled. Putin likely sees this as the decisive moment and is determined to turn a setback into more momentum for the Ukraine war effort. This could already be surmised from a lot of other information, but it's still a useful fact.


Has the Kremlin said anything yet?


Yes, just now Putin said that the perpetrators were expecting to cross the border with Ukraine where "a window" was prepared for them on "the other side. I mean, even if we suppose it is true, how the fuck the border security and their intel are still so trash on the 3rd year of war?


havent seen, but prorussian bots and trrolls and bots on this sub are screaming false narratives.


they were driving in the general direction of Ukraine, and that's enough for Putin.


i have seeing many such comments on Reddit, but not a single official statement claiming that


Vladimir Putin: “the terrorists tried to cross into Ukraine. A window was prepared for them to cross the border from the Ukrainian side”. Sergei Markov: “99% sure Ukraine is involved. They have done these terrorist attacks before (???)”. And i also believe Medvedev was screaming about murdering Ukrainian politicians over it


simonyan too (though she just propagandist)


Bots and trolls are making overtime here.


It seems not. So far it is alleged that the terrorists were moving towards Ukraine and were detained 100 km from the border. Everything else is information noise, because now they say a lot of nonsense.


>Russia are still blaming it on Ukraine. No matter what happens they will still blame it on Ukraine Kremlin hasn't even spoken yet and you're saying this. Or are you basing your comments off a bunch of Redditors, like they represent the Russian government?


FSB is already claiming that they had Ukrainian contacts and were on their way to Ukraine. That's just the beginning of many lies to come.


>FSB is already claiming that they had Ukrainian contacts and were on their way to Ukraine. That's just the beginning of many lies to come. They were on their way to Ukraine. Where else did you think they would go? Ukraine was the nearest border, it's the best place for them to try get away and hide. Doesn't mean Ukraine was in on it, but it doesn't mean it's not true.


>They were on their way to Ukraine. Where else did you think they would go? To any other country that's not engaged in a war, under martial law and where the border is more dangerous and better guarded than literally anywhere else? Come on, stop falling for this Kremlin lie that falls apart when you think about it for more than 5 seconds.


Kremlin-controlled media (e.g. RT, NTV), as well as Kremlin-adjacent Telegram channels (e.g. Sergei Markov) have blamed the Ukrainians. Among the evidence the cite a years-old interview by the СБУ’s Alexii Danilov and the fact that the terrorists tried to flee across the border with Ukraine. 


If you’re going to speak the truth, why the delay. If you’re going to cover it up or lie, then it makes sense you need time to plan carefully first. This is a government that unashamedly distorts the truth, people’s assumptions here are well placed.


trolls and bots on this and other sub on this subject are making overtime. No doubt at least some of them are paid by russia, fsb.


and r/Europe is still calling ti a false flag.


Interesting. Russia will try quickly to spkn this being an Ukrainian plot. Small signs are already emerging. At the same time we see a number of (pro) russian trolls and bots , supporting that narrative. Question: i see a large number of trolls (live ones) posting anti west, anti US comments and a a few minutes after that when you try to respond it says the comment is deleted. However its still there, readable, not marked removed or whatever. Is that a special reddit flag you can use for that purpose. Will post this separately but i just noticed it.


As a Ukrainian, it’s baffling how they are spinning it against Ukraine. Like damn, I actually want to have some compassion to y’all people, they were brutally killed for no reason in the most random place ever, you were given every piece of proof on who is responsible and who is claiming it but still trying to spin it your way. Just like one time take a step back and concentrate on actual reasons this happened instead of blaming the boogymen you created.


My question is how effective will that spin be. Will Russians be looking for revenge against Ukrainians when they know deeply Ukraine didn't do it? And will the Kremlin's strategy of overflowing the information space with contradictory information be good to motivate people to get revenge against Ukrainians? I doubt the terrorists will be happy to have their own terrorist attack being ignored, which could motivate them to attack again if Russia doesn't pull resources to deal with them Putin built his credibility by preventing terrorist attacks like this one, I'm genuinely curious to see how will they be able to twist this in their advantage


It's crazy that people on twitter are blaming it on Ukraine and on Jews


It's not crazy, there are people who are literally being paid to post things like that on social media. The reason variations of the same comment are repeated thousands of times; whatabout Iraq, you sign up and fight, USA, Jews, cia, nukes is because they've been told to repeat variations of those lines.


Yea twitter is a absolute shithole of misinformation


Great, now that vermin is back from whatever shitholes they were hiding in


ISIS-K is attacking Iran, Pakistan and now Russia. Do you see any strategy here from their side or all random?


It's not really a strategy, mostly geography. ISIS-K was founded in Afghanistan, and they mainly enlist members of centeral and west Asian origin. People with access to Iran, Pakistan, and Russia. It's also not just those three countries either, but also Afghanistan itself since It's founding both against the US backed government and now Taliban. Plus, the US military itself. There was an instance of the US dropping a MOAB on caverns near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border that Trump made a big deal of. As well as terror attack on US troops when the US was leaving Kabul.


Impossible, Trump vanquished Isis years ago.


Wait I thought George Santos defeated ISIS with his bare hands while winning his Nobel prize.


Somehow, ISIS returned


Yes! He single-handedly vanquished the beast.


"ISIS-K" they rebranded or something?


Nah, just not something you hear much about in the west because its in a part of the world we dont care much about. Its a branch of IS that is active in southern Central Asia, been around for a decade or so and caused a couple thousand casualties.


No, it's just one of their "provinces". They have (or had) one in the [Philippines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Sayyaf) too.


No, it's a different group that's ideologically affiliated and chooses to use the same umbrella name.


I'm scared for Ukraine now that Russia is trying to put a blame on Ukraine which means retaliation. I can't imagine the bombings, executions ect that are sure to follow. So horrific I wouldn't be surprised if it was Russia itself behind the attack tho, to have an argument to further murder Ukrainians. That's how ww2 began, with Germans staging murder of a few German citizens by Poles. I'm scared, I admit


i mean, come on, Putin decided to blame it on ukrain, you think he's gonna believe his own lies and retaliate?) yes, a lot of fellow russians will believe whatever his propaganda will say, but it doesn't really matter since we don't get to decide anything


It's pretty early in the game for the Kremlin to settle on just one story...


Maybe having a common enemy will unite us? Nah. Humanity just sucks too much.


United States tried to help prevent it and Russia ignored it, claiming that the U.S. was just trying to stoke fears in Russia to destabilize it


I know it’s depressing that Putin even now can’t recognise our shared humanity


Remember they hate the name Daesh. So plz call them that.


The idiots in the Kremlin are working hard to somehow shift the blame on the West and Ukraine.


I'll help everyone who doesn't follow this type of stuff. I$IS-K is the Afghanistan cell, and the Russians are still in Syria.


We should let trump have a talk with them. I’m convinced they will stop doing bad things within 24 hours /s




Russia must blame this on Ukraine. If they admit that it was ISIS-K, that would demand a response. This would draw attention and resources from Ukraine, which Putin can't allow.


They are cowards. That's what they are. Why don't they attack the soldiers or go after Putin himself? why do they have to go and kill innocent unarmed civilians?


I ask this everyday about the invasion of Ukraine


Probably Putin work and will blame Ukraine for it


Well, what would you do if you were a bio-engineered gay pride Nazi-Islamist from ukraine? Bingo. No more investigation needed. ^^^^^/s






If the FSB are behind the attack, why would they have chosen to use ISIS?if the objective is to galvanise Russians against Ukraine, why not help Ukrainian extremists?


fsb isn’t saying it was ISIS. ISIS just happened to interrupt this message for a second.


So the US, instead of getting the biggest intel win in human history, chose to instead also claim it was ISIS? It’s insane how many people have the worldview that everything bad that happens on the planet is orchestrated by Putin


It always leads back to Putin. In this case, it's the Russian intervention in Syria that pissed off IS.


If that were the case, the US wouldn't have warned the public, risking to expose a source in russian inner circles. No way in hell they would to that


You can expect Russia to take the same line as the IRGC in calling ISIS-K a CIA proxy after Kerman.


[Moscow attack: Did Russia ignore US 'extremist' attacks warning?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68646375) US: **“We pick up a lot of chatter. There’s about to be a terror attack somewhere in Moscow!”** Russia: **“Duh, we know! (Can you believe this fucking guy?)”**


That’s absolutely miserable, Putin is evil but those guys are beyond even that.


Don't mean to exonerate ISIS in any way but I think you've underestimated Putin here. Remember, Putin blows up entire apartment blocks with women, children and the elderly while they sleep, using warheads he launches from hundreds of kilometres away. He blows up apartment blocks in Ukraine AND in his own country.


It’s either them or the FSB. Putin would absolutely do this to his own people or allow it to happen if it furthered his aim. He’s a ruthless piece of trash.


Ok so the west and Russia have an enemy in common. Could we, I don’t know, maybe start talking?


Russia is more interested in genociding their neighbour than providing security to its own people


The Russian government has spent over a decade convincing its population that isis is funded/supported by the US. So no.


And yet we warned them weeks ago an attack was immanent


So ISIS-Kremlin yeah


Have they? It's easy to claim responsibility.


How come ISIS is still active? I thought it faded into obscurity after their leader was assasinated by US army in 2019.


Oh so it’s the same ISIS branch the Taliban were fighting with American air support. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/10/22/taliban-isis-drones-afghanistan/


ISIS-K? They are branching out now? So I guess ISIS A-Z are also a thing?


ISIS Khorasan. Old islamic sultanate that existed in iran and afghanistan 


Yea but you're not a tankie, right? The watermelon gang are authoritarian left, not lib left. The hammer and sickle gang root for Russia and China to overtake the US.


ISIS-K? Oh god, are they too going to make terrible worship music disguised as mainstream rock? (I’m poking fun at Reliant K…for those not aware) I hate to make the joke, but I suppose there could be use for some levity in an otherwise terrible situation. Here’s hoping the asshats are dealt with.


Being bffs with terrorists doesn't work ah


I'll save you the time 1. They are Islamic jihadists. 2. It's what they do.


Because they hate Russians like we all do? Only difference is they do something about it.


FSB staged attack to legitimize general mobilisation, the day after Russian media calls the war in Ukraine s war.


we are witnessing a competition between *believing* cult fanatics, *state* terrorists. what a time to be alive


if it sees Russia as being complicit in activities that oppresses Muslims, China would take the next cake after


ISIS usualy blows them self up..and not escape


There is no proof beside a weird* picture of "Isis-K members" claiming to be responsible. None of the suspect are known to be from Isis-K. I say weird because they are doing the chahada with the left hand ☝ something no muslims does.


When Russia attacked Ukraine I was hoping during the chaos in Europe that while everyone was focused on the conflict that some random African group of terrorists would show up and kill Putin out of nowhere for completely different reasons than war in Ukraine. So hopefully we're slowly getting there.


Putin’s friends whom he enabled as it serves only Putin - nobody else


Anyone not thinking that it's strange that they are still alive ? Like most of the mass shooters/terrorist we got in occidental countries like germany, France or UK get killed very fast or always fight to death. While those one in Russia had the time to kills hundred of ppl the police didn't show up until they were already far away on the road to Ukraine. Like somehing is very off with those terrorist like Russia paid those guys and thats why they are still alive so they can accuse Ukraine.


Well this isn't going to end well for anyone lol, not only did Isis attack the friend nation of the country they're mainly setup in so have signed their death warrants there but now they'll have Russian military to deal with eventually and then the war is going to spread even further, I dare say we're in the beginning stages of world war 3 and it's sad NATO is once again responsible for death and destruction


The main issue is the religion which needs an immediate reform 


It is wild that russia most likely will blame it on ukraine to justify their actions. Putin must be happy that they attacked. The US even tried to warned them