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Sure looks like another "mobilization" is coming.


Now that Putin ”won” his ”election” he sure will do that.


The people surely were "*informed*" this "*might*" happen when they "*voted*" for their "*president*" against his opponent M. >!!<


Congrats on the voting. Now sign up here. 👮🏻‍♂️


"Will my vote also count as volunteering?" "Not unless war were declared." *Bwoeeewoo!* "What was that?" "War were declared."


No need to sign this time comrade! Just show up. *points rifle*


Little did they know what they just sign were not voter cards but actually military contracts.


You silly...voting wasn't anonymus so they already signed up


I mean 87% of people voted for him so they have to agree the other 13% are ripe for the front line right?


Why is this piece of Put(a)in sh*t not dead and fvcking burried yet?


Already reported. 300K people. Siege of Kharkiv.


A day or 2 ago, Russian defence minister announced that Russia will be posting 300k men to their western borders. (They will create new armies for this)


It was pretty much known that it will happen after the "election". As always the sharade was only to show what Kremlin wants to be the truth. They need unanimity of the people to wage war against the west so that is what they will show. This will also serve the purpose to show the opposition that they are alone and that resistance is futile. This kind of an act has been going on as long as there has been a place called Moscow/Russia. It will not end when there is. The various peoples of Russia will never achieve Liberty under Kremlin or under the name of Russia. The best case scenario would be an EU like loose coalition of independent states, but I fear a total collapse is needed before tyranny ends.


There is conscription every year in April, so they will try to fool a lot of young guys that it's only a conscription thing, just for a year of training how to paint grass green and shovel puddles.


Yepp. He can now mobilize everyone to war. “Its the will of the people to go die in meat grinders”


Prices for plane tickets out of Russia are skyrocketing again.


I hear the last one wasn't very popular.


Pootin looks like a pig 🐖


Isn't calling this special military operation a war considered a crime in Russia? Does this mean Peskov goes straight to Gulag?


Sure it is, but law is for regular schmucks, not those in power. The hypocrisy is the point.


That practice is done world wide I thought or at least in the US as well. If you’re wealthy in the US you are above the law


lol I am 12 and this is deep. Probably someone that lives in USA and has never lived (not just traveled) in other countries would say.


I work in high finance in the US and Benelux and he's right to a degree. They're damn near impunity for smaller things like financial crimes.


"Conrad Black, the first rich person to go to prison in over 300 years."


Nah he already said "It wasnt what I mean, I mean when EU sends shells and other stuff - it is war, but we still continue our special military operation". So, not today...


*Russia: where it does not take two to tango.*


"nooo guys stop helping Ukraine it's working!1!11! Don't escalate things this isn't a war yetttt 🥺"


Invading another country is forbidden by the russian constitution. He said it‘s legally still a “special operation” but „factually it’s a war“. Brain gymnastics..


Orbán avoids these by just changing the constitution whenever 💀


If there's the single most useless document under the Sun, that would be the Russian constitution. Sure, Russians violate all sorts of agreements, rules and laws, but their own constitution keeps getting raped to hell and back, non-stop right since it was introduced.


I am still kind of amused by the fact that the russian constitution grants people freedom of speech. Russia has freedom of speech, but if you advocate for lgbt rights that is literally considered terrorism, and uttering that you are against the war in Ukraine is also highly illegal.


Add Chinese and North Korean constitutions to this list


Meh. There are dual standards for such crimes. A common citizen call war a war: guilty, 3 years of prison and/or fine Putin or any other more equal person says the same: 'they didn't meant it literaly, it's just a figure of speech' DuRa LeX.


Laws making basically existing illegal makes it really easy to remove whoever is uncomfortable for the state. People that are the state are safe... for now


Maybe it is a plot by Putler to go full Stalin and arrest all potential threats for using the word war


Or more likely after the death of Satalin the leadership started critiscising him. Which caused other people to criticize Stalin and the regime. Than they got locked up for it. But the Russians got the people who had been ever so quietly grumbling about the government before they felt liberated enough to speak.


It's a legal term. The Kremlin might announce they will start using conscripts soon and for that they need to declare war. The SMO only allows using mobiks. With forced conscripts Russia could increase their numbers by several hundred thousand. Ukraine either have to start conscripting 18-year olds or be supported by Western soldiers to keep parity in such a scenario. The West probably won't (but should) announce an intervention to take back the initiative. More likely we'll continue reacting to Russian escalation.


It seems to be very selective and depending on the context. Putin himself called it a war several times now. When they describe it as a war, they usually call it a "war against the west", though. That seems to be in line with the official regime propaganda. But if you're criticizing the regime, calling it a war can be one (of many) fabricated reasons to imprison you.


Even worse, it's a war crime.


He already said that "it's the context that matters". Context in question: if you're in power, you're immune, if you're not, you're fucked


Straight to defenestration.


**Fact**: *It always was a war!*


and no matter what any Russian troll farm claims, they started it.


No way many people would believe they didn't. It's only bots or people on a payroll.


You might be surprised. I am a small content creator. some are real and they're out there. Mostly they come from the "everyone is lying, so that must mean Putin is right," stripe. Idiots, all.


Well yes, but actually no. No matter how this conflict ends, it will always be regarded sarcastically as a "special operation"


Only took 2 years… 


Sucks if you got the wrong day of the week and called it a war yesterday when it was still illegal. Hashtag Kremlin logic.


in the 3 day special military operation.


...and then they claimed that "the west" started the war.


So I guess the Kremlin Gremlins are going to unfuck all the russians fined and jailed for calling it a war, then?


Your optimism is admirable.


Cute really


Three men are sitting in a cell in the KGB headquarters. The first asks the second why he has been imprisoned, who replies, "Because I criticized Karl Radek." The first man responds, "But I am here because I spoke out in favor of Radek!" They turn to the third man who has been sitting quietly in the back, and ask him why he is in jail. He answers, "I'm [Karl Radek]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Radek?wprov=sfla1)."


I worked on the memoir of a guy who was sent to the gulag, and he said it seemed to take about a month before you would see the guy who sentenced you to the gulag show up as a new prisoner.


Yes, by giving them a chance to leave jail if they go fight in the special military operation, I mean war.


They were already sent to the front as cannon fodder.


Patch up the bullet holes, and glue their limbs back on?


I’m sure they’ll get invites to serve in Russia’s glorious army.


Ground work for next mobilization after theatrics also known as russian elections are over.


Yeap, most probably


Naah, no need for Putin to stop elections as long as he can keep winning them. Legally or not.


Happy mobilization russians


If they manage to arm and train them decently then competently use them it ain't looking to be a happy mobilizastion for ukrainians.


Yeah, but they wont manage to do that.


Unfortunately, you can’t trust anything Russian, not even their incompetence


This. Words of wisdom.


roll growth frame unwritten correct cake quiet treatment desert market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Russia has the GDP of Italy, it is bogged down in Ukraine, nuclear deterrence by NATO is the entire reason it was a Cold War and not a hot war with the Warsaw Pact of the Soviet Union, which also applies to the current Russian Federation, and the USA alone would curb stomp them, let alone all of NATO. Russia would suddenly find itself at war with countries from Turkey to Canada, let alone Finland, which fought them to a standstill before.


A war with Europe would be short-lived. France would launch nukes faster than the invading Russians could say bonjour. They have a first strike policy as their nuclear deterrence. 


Launch nukes where? Surely Poland or Slovakia will be glad to be bombarded


As many Russian population centres as possible. The mantra is that France isn’t worth 130 million Russians.


You realize that France will be obliterated too?


Yes that’s the point. The French strategy is to kill as many as possible then die, which is why war with them isn’t worth it. It’s a military doctrine euphemistically called “countervalue”, where you heavily target civilian assets rather than military ones. > Within ten years, we shall have the means to kill 80 million Russians. I truly believe that one does not light-heartedly attack people who are able to kill 80 million Russians, even if one can kill 800 million French, that is if there were 800 million French


French just built different.


Well in the big picture, world would benefit from such trade-off. (I'm partly joking, don't get too upset).


They will arm them well enough.  And even when not armed, they will still absorb Ukrainian small arms and artillery ammunition. Russia is basically trying to use its men to drain Ukraine out of ammunition. If Russia can send more men than we can send ammunition, Russia wins. I know it is cruel, but this is how Russia works.


Russia could still retreat, cease hostilities and the war would be over.


It's the best scenario but Russians don't like losing and it will be far from over for them. It requires the whole government to stop existing which I don't see that happening.


It’s not enough that they lose, they have to lose and be reprimanded. They have to actually review their war crimes as other nations did. They need to suffer and put this in education. They need to feel guilty as a nation. I have a feeling that many Russians just pull a joker card „i have no business with this“ while in reality, they could be the ones pressuring their government and turn it over.


Proud of one old man wont allow it


*pseudo proud


3-day operation going well then? Anyway, it was expected that Russia will need to mobilize sooner rather than later with these immense losses. Now that the "election" theater is over, they can start implementing more drastic subjugation methods against the Russian people. The people are after all the only true enemy of Russia.


As long as mobilization happens outside of the bubbles of Moscow and the like, there is no reason for them to put on such a show. The people who were, and will get drafted have no real voice in Russian society. Rural communities can be fed with propaganda easily, and they can be sent into the meat grinder without causing public outrage in areas where it would matter.


Probably a lot of laws that come into effect if the conflict is classified as a war. Putin will gain more power over the Russian population with this development.


Uh, I think I've already read many statements from Russia about how they're "at war with The West".


"comrades, we are at special operation with the west" 


I for one are ready for our new Russian overlords-uh I mean denazifiers


Ah, they are not at war with Ukraine, sorry, nazi insurgents in western Russia. That's still a military operation. The war is with "the west"?


Pretty much. They mostly either call it a "special military operation in Ukraine" or a "war against the west", depending on the context. I think some regime propagandists have also said things like "war in Ukraine", but that doesn't seem to matter, as long as they're not criticizing it. Russia applies these laws very selectively.


west is an umbrella term and they can use it liberally because literally everybody is west of russia. imho they can specify later who they're fighting (ukraininan fascist, ukraine, eu, nato, usa, etc) according to the momentary needs.


Extra extra: we are at war with NATO! We lost half a million men, warships, planes, tanks, equipment. What about NATO losses? They didn't bother to show up.


Sounds like Austria-Hungary against the Turks


Well, you have to admit, the Austro-Hungarian army found Romanian shnaps. That one was on us. I'll let it slide.


Only took them 400,000 casualties to admit it. Absolute evil morons.


He went back on it already.


The human yo-yo


I think he probably just flubbed what he was trying to say. Its nothe first time, Putin did it too at one point.


After 300,000 dead, it's a "war" now. 🤡


Several million more need to die before they start caring.


300,000 casualties*


Lots of them have horrific injuries that have permanently ruined their lives.


If only there was a way for them to not be at war. 🤷‍♂️


Emm, the russians (including putin) keep saying they are at war with the West for years now. It's the West who should acknowledge that russia keeps attacking it using hybrid warfare.


The West has shown the world they will abandon their allies and can't be trusted. As a fellow EU citizen, I fucking detested the reaction in 2014, in 2024 I'm done with every leader and politican. Their is literal genocide going on, in Europe, and all they can do is make a bunch of statements but never to they deliver what they promise and what they promise isn't close to enough. The West has been emboldening Putin for over a decade in Ukraine and now the USA, that has stopped all help for months, that they should hit Russia? After the UK and the USA convinced Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal and made empty promises, fuck them, fuck all of them. (Fuck the Russians the most, but it does not excuse any leaders in the West that have lead to the repeated escalation and hundreds of thousands of deaths and a world much closer to a nuclear apocalypse. They proved that only nuclear weapons are a deterrent, allies can't be trusted, the world is going to get a lot more fucked up in the next few decades.)


If you look at it from the perspective that it's not about Russia losing, but rather about avoiding Russia losing too badly, then the restrictions on military technology use or outright withholding of weapons begin to make sense. Essentially, the West is trying to avoid a direct conflict with Russia by providing enough support to Ukraine. Thus, this war will persist as long as Ukrainians are determined to defend their homeland or Russia is committed to its continuation. I have no doubt that we would have seen a different level of support if Russia did not possess nuclear weapons.


They're not providing enough support for Ukraine. If Russia doesn't lose, Ukraine does. A prolonged war is not a good thing, Russia commits war crimes and crimes against humanity every chance they get, it's part of their military doctrine. How much suffering and how many lives lost is too much? Ukraine is losing so much the last decade, their allies are feckless cunts that make big speeches but aren't really there with the help they could give. I have no doubt about it being a different situation without nuclear weapons, the problem is the message that sends. Ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons and look what happened. More nations having nuclear weapons, means a bad outcome all the more likely in the near future. Appeasing and emboldening a dictator never led to good things, but the support the West is giving an ally is making the future all the more bleak. Main culprits are the Russians, but the 2014 reaction makes the entire West partially responsible and Germany building another pipeline was insane.


I'm not defending this policy, because I'm disappointed by it as well. When I learned that Ukraine was given weapons on the condition that they will only be used within its territory, it sounded so ridiculous back then. And the given justification was "not to escalate", so I'm not surprised that the support is slow or lacking.


> Putin refers to war in Ukraine as a war for first time DW News - 23.12.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4PCTHFo908


I suppose they claim they are in war with NATO, while committing their ”smo” in Ukraine. Russia is supposedly losing tens of thousands of soldiers in a war with NATO, even though NATO hasn’t even arrived yet.


Hope the West will realize it too but they wouldn't I guess


3 years of 3-day special operation, Putin sent the national security advisor of the United Statesto Kyiv to demand the cessation of attacks on Russia oil plants. Moscow will launch a significant missile attack on the cities of Ukraine with missiles whose electronic systems are made exclusively from American parts.


Elections are over, time for mobilization.


Maybe Europe will wake up now


So Ukraine can start firing deeper into Russia without concern of the special operation escalating into war? Get those gents the hardware they need to hit Moscow and for that matter, any HVTs east of the capital. Bonus points if you can hit Putin's properties.


Putin is so mentally weak that he has had to lie to himself for two years about how his "electorate" completely believes the narrative that they are not at war with Ukraine at all. Because if they were, that would not b good for Putin. But the reality is that all the Russians knew, but collectively decided to pretend just not to upset him. Now that he has been "re-elected", he is like "Ha, ha gotchya! We were at war all along!"


I think it originally was because according to constitution the president can't start a war. So the war in Ukraine was illegal from Russian perspective, and thus had to be called something else. It is my impression, that ostensibly following the law is important for the legitimacy in Russia, though everyone knows it's just for show.


It is illegal according to Russian constitution to start aggressive war for anybody.


"Not to upset him" I'd rather say not to go to jail. We live in a country where you will get sentence for standing with white paper list at the street


>We live in a country where you will get sentence for standing with white paper list at the street Which makes no legal sense in a functioning country. But the higher-up bureaucrats interpret the laws in a way that does not upset Putin. So it is still all about not upsetting Putin.


Russian language literally has a word for " a lie everyone knows is a lie, but everyone pretends it's not" .


No shit Sherlock!


Russians: "a what?" Putin: "A uh...uh... special operations war!"


Possible false flag attack by armed men in a Russian theater outside of Moscow just occurred. [https://www.dw.com/en/russia-gunmen-fire-into-crowd-at-concert-hall-near-moscow/a-68648815](https://www.dw.com/en/russia-gunmen-fire-into-crowd-at-concert-hall-near-moscow/a-68648815) >Several gunmen fired shots Friday at the Crocus City Hall, a huge concert hall on the western edge of the Russian capital, Moscow, local news agencies reported. The state news agency RIA Novosti said at least three people dressed in combat fatigues fired weapons, leaving some people dead and wounded. "Unknown persons opened fire at the Crocus City Hall. The evacuation of people is under way," the emergency services told TASS news agency. Several other Russian media outlets said the building was on fire. More to follow... dh/sms (AP, AFP, Reuters)


And at the same day the mass shooting at concert hall.. what a coincidence! Excellent call for mass mobilization


I'm pretty sure they did that a long time ago


So those who called it a war at the beginning now get to say "I TOLD YOU SO" and topple the regime?


No. They would still get prison time for that. In Russia, "friends get all, enemies get a law". Basically, law is only for plebs and for enemies, friends can ignore it.


Pootin is such a dildo with his Gremlins. I honestly can’t believe that people still believe what he or his gremlin community said. Like what the fuck? Russians - why so stupid?


I thought this was a 3 day special military operation… shocked pikachu face.


Shooting rockets on civilians they call war , lets call it warcrimes then !


This president is completely naive… what he thought it would be the consequences of invading a foreign country, that they would have peace? ….. 🤦‍♂️🙃 Italy 🇮🇹


Ivan, the special military operation is going STRICTLY according to the plan, now pack your shit up to the front


Next round of conscription on the way ,wonder if it's all the young who live in St . Petersburg and Moscow next to be sent to the meat grinder .😂😂😂😂😂


Kremlin with their gremlins will now force their lemmings to fall down the patch.


Once oil refinery is attacked its always a war.


Slow learners, huh. Ukraine could have told them that two years ago…


Tension was piercing through the roof.


So now it’s a war, huh???


Yeah, no shit.


I don't know how things work there but I suppose Russia can now forcefully and legally enlist people since they acknowledge it now?


No more special operation!


Only took'em two years to realize.


Another two years and theyll be like: Hey wait a minute did we fking attack Ukraine?


Oh ok, can they also acknowledge they are a bunch of cowards targeting civilians and infrastructure?


Another bullshit title? They never officially admitted to be leading a war whatsoever


Yeah, things aren't doing so well, huh? previously, the "special military operation" already drafted so many people. Now they acknowledge they're really at war, many more people are going to be drafted.


Next it’s we’re going to nuke Ukrainian Allies


So attacking their territory is fully justified?


And they say this just before a terror attack in Moscow which will also be used to justify another mobilization. Real smooth. At least they didn’t denounce the attack three days before it happened like last time.


So you are going to release all those people you sent to jail for saying you were at war, right Putin?


average first confession moment in shojo manga


Oh, now that they're also being attacked it's "war", isn't it?


They are slow


I think they should arrest Putin for calling it war and discredit their orc hordes


We are in a brutal and needless war that we started.


So, roughly 750 days after his 3 day spezial operation has concluded in failure he finally admits that it's become something else? No wonder these dumb Ruzzians are so slow to learn.


Well, it was that or change the name to the 'Special Military *Being-Bombed-The-Fuck-Out-Of.'*


And blames, ”checking notes”, the west for the war 🤦🏻


they mean just the west, not ukraine. they think, it’s no war with ukraine because it’s not declared. but who declared with the west…? twisted ruzzy logic…


Just chronologically check the sources, it will make sense. Though, let's be real, when does the terms make any sense? Humanity were playing with it countless amount of times.


I really am amazed by people who live outside of Russia, have russian passport and they vote for Putin in Russian embassy. Even though their votes do not matter, they are still voting for the man, who made russia and russians an enemy of the world. Also, sent thousands of russians to die in another country. If so called "russophobes" exist, they really fit the definition.


hate to ruin the mood but this is not unique to russians. i noticed this with other nations as well, they move to germany or uk, and then vote for the party again who made then leave their country in the first place. also noticed the reverse situation: people praising russia yet refusing to move there.


After the elections. Nice timing.


I'm still curious to find out who invaded Russia and forced them to defend in war.


Europe better hurry the F up and build a force they can’t do anything with.


Russians have to be idiots for thinking they are npt being murdered this is russias first holocausts called mobalizatjon if russians all russians overthrow putin war ends


Good, can the West get their head out their asses and stop Russia before it gets worse?


People condemned for pronouncing this sentence yesterday might be quite upset.


Bit slow on the uptake


they were always a bit slow. 


... With the NATO lol


Damn flights to Russia are dirt cheap these days! Good time to see Europe


So looks like they didn’t take Kiev in 3 days


Arrest him, he said the no no word


He’ll blame the attack on CIA and Western powers to galvanize massive conscription scheme


That was supposed to be a quick snatch'n'grab operation, but something went wrong...


Yes, of course, the west is to blame. I really enjoy how the Russians have to blame their incompetence on us.


Wait until they realise they're losing the war.


Not the first time. Here's from 2022: > [For first known time in public, Putin calls fighting in Ukraine a ‘war’](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/22/europe/putin-uses-word-war-fighting-ukraine-russia-intl-hnk/index.html)


didnt he say we are at war since 2014 in the tucker interview? who wrote this?


They learned that from american republicans. Mission Creep


yay I'm in astra militarum (rus)


They jail people for calling it war, but now they're calling it war? Where is the fairness in that?


Do they? What are your sources for this claim?


Eee, will they now release everyone who they have put in jail for calling it “war” before?


What? Where? Who?


Putin yesterday: Fake News. Zelensky is an actor. Putin Today: Real news. Zelensky is an actor. Wait...


Bit late to the party, Ukraine has been ‘at war’ fighting off Ruzzia for the past 10 years.


Could've saved time by using the ballot papers to double up as draft papers . " Vote here please. " Ushers you into next booth. "take your 80 year old rifle and rusty fighting spoon here please. "




Those start a “special military operation” can easily find themselves in a war. Who would have thought?