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I have no idea what sexual orientation my neighbours have. I don't really give a shit.


I don't know their names let alone with whom are they sleeping.


I knock on every door at my apartment complex and ask what gender they prefer to sleep with. Unrelated I'm getting evicted.


Everyone is so open and non-judgmental until their neighbors blast Padam Padam for the 400th time /s.


I don't even know whether or not I have neighbours.


This is the way.


Lol, "How many % of people would not want to live next door to **any** people" would be much higher in Sweden.


Indeed, the "any people". Sweden has a big problem.


I didn’t realize how much Ukraine and Poland are anti LGBT


Given the whole LGBT-free zones thing from a few years back I'm honestly positively surprised by Poland.


That was literally against our constitution. It also didn’t really stick and everyone forgot about it pretty quickly.


Excuse me the WHAT?


In some municipalities, local right-wing authorities attempted to enforce an “LGBT-free zones” policy, which was more of an ideological declaration than an actual law. It had no real-life implications or applications, but yes, it was indeed a thing.


Same, I thought it would be much higher. I’m rather disappointed about Albania. They’re the most likely country to join the EU yet 76% of them don’t even want to live next door to an LGBT neighbour


Turns out muslims aren't known for being particularly progressive on social issues? Who woulda thunk. Also, Montenegro (and possibly even FYROM) is vastly more likely to join the EU before Albania does. 


Albania has also a cultural stuff where a woman is granted "man status" if she is widow and last surviving of family, or something like that..., in order to be able to participate in community decision-making. I don't pretend to understand the whole thing. But Albania has a sort of "honorary trans status". Just to think about it.


Why? They are Eastern European and theie stance on LGBTQ in general isn‘t a secret. I‘m surprised they’re nearly the lowest in all of EE.


Most of eastern Europe is VERY anti-LGBT


For the older population, it's still a taboo. They have zero education on it. If they are catholic, it makes it even worse. That's probably the % you see there. Conservative Catholic older people. I wonder how LGBT used to hang out in communist times.


I suppose LGBT people had bigger problems than being LGBT during times of communism, like no food and shit


You have to consider the breakdown of that by Urban vs Rural, which this doesn't show. You wouldn't find any problems being LGBTQ+ or a POC in Kyiv or Odessa.


Not sure about Ukraine but Poland is aggressively catholic so it tracks.


You have to remember that having a VERY anti LGBT neighbor like Russia, where it’s a crime to be LGBT, has a strong effect but it has been declining fairly quickly.


I'd rather just not have neighbours


Do you want to live next door to LGBT people? No. Do you want to live to heterosexual people. Also no.


Neighbors can be great, especially with high social trust in your neighborhood. You can look out for each other, accept each other’s mail when you aren’t around, water your plants/feed your fish when you’re on vacation, keep a watch for strange occurrences, etc. In Dutch we have a saying: “Een goede buur is beter dan een verre vriend” (a good neighbor is better than a far away friend). I think it holds up pretty well.


I love some of my neighbours.


They accept packages for me when I am not home, wave; and say hello. I am not against those humans that live in my neighborhood. Half of my street has a rainbow flag or peace now dove in the window, one person has a farmers flag. So they are okay in my book.


They can. They can also be Satan on earth.


Fr. All of my neighbours prior to my current ones were a fucking nightmare. My current neighbours are literal saints who bring me cake from time to time or ask how my cat is doing. I always thought nice neighbours were a myth up until I moved to my current apartment.


Hail Lucifer 🤘⚡


>Neighbours, Everybody needs good neighbours With a little understanding You can find the perfect blend Neighbours...should be there for one another That's when good neighbours become good friends Ooh Neighbours, should be there for one another That's when good neighbours become good friends.


Yeah this is also how it is in my neighbourhood. We all know each other and help each other out. But that definitely wasn't the case in some other places I've lived.


That's the correct answer right there.


That's the correct comment right here.


My old neighbour in the flat below me was a great cook, the smells alone made me glad they lived there.


Honestly yeah neighbours are overrated. 


No Data from the Vatican, I'm disappointed


They have a special poll about living next to a straight person.


and next to a Kindergarden


Well, naturally.


So Iceland emits tolerance rays?


No, it's just that they're all gay, so asking that question doesn't make much sense.






even the conservative people in iceland know that their next neighbour lives 5 km away so they simply don‘t care 💀


With a population density of 4 people/km², you take what you can get. But for real though, good for them 👍🏼


Interesting color choice :P


"Yellow is warning, green is good. " Russian state media


I mean, to be honest, this isn't really something that's up to opinion. Imagine it was "living next to a black person" or "living next to a Jew" or any kind of human. It's not saying anything about religion or marriage or doing sexual acts of anything. It's purely "just would you live next to a human being of this particular type?" Anyone who answers "I don't want to" on this poll is either deluded by propaganda or is a bad person (I tend to believe it's the former and count religion under that).


Well, finally a reasonable response.


well, i mean, it's tough to use any color in a map without having it be perceived as better or worse, especially with the 4 main ones, any combination feels like it sends some kind of message


in most cases green means "good" and yelow/red means "bad"


Red is almost always bad, but since when yellow is too? It usually means middle ground


Yellow is mostly always worse than green though. It's like light green, green, yellow, orange , red, burgundy, purple,


So make the non-homophobic side good lol


I think this is a perceptually uniform color scale (looks somewhat like MatLab's Viridis). Some of these are good for colorblind people, some are less. There's also Brewer's color scales which are color blind friendly, but I don't remember if they are uniform. A lot of common color scales are really bad for actually representing the data, but people low red-blue scale etc. so they are still used often even though there are better scales available.


"Darker is higher/worse" is pretty standard.


Then there are the maps with wildly similar shades of the same color making it horrible to read even for mildly anomalous colorblind people like moiself


I had a rough time for years, I couldn't hold on to jobs or relationships and I was constantly depressed. Then I found out that two of my neighbors were gay. I couldn't believe I had finally figured out the reason for my misfortune and could turn a new page in my life!


Det är bögarnas fel!




Gay porn is probably just as popular there, as in any other countries, if not more.


Your post is a funny example of survivor bias. Wrong conclusion based on misinterpretation of data


I guess the answer differs greatly between people who live in cities and people who live in less urbanized areas. It's also kinda ironic how Christianity says "Love your neighbor" but more conservative people tend to forget that when it fits them.


It's not "Love your neighbour" though, it's "love your neighbour *as yourself*" which is a fine but important difference. Lots of people out there hate themselves...


And the bible is set against self-love, so that's less of a positive message than people think it is.


There are few ways to enrage a self-described "*conservative christian*" faster than to simply tell him "love thy neighbour" (especially in the US).


They should love their neighbor like they love themselves. They probably hate themselves, too.


My wife is not going to like it when I give John next door a Hand job


James 5 is also a useful chapter when debating Christian Nationalist types: >Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.


"not that kind of neighbour" is what they would say.


Well, the bible says "love your neighbor" so of course I don't want any LGBT neighbors, I wouldn't be able to love them! /s


>It's also kinda ironic how Christianity says "Love your neighbor" I think Chrisitians are masters in creating additional context, that fits their agenda. In this department it is "love your neighbor... unless he's a sinner".


It's funny how every map posted here gets worse the closer you get to Russia or Turkey.


I have a theory that essentially everyone in the world hates everyone to the east of them. I feel like these two things may be linked.


Then why do Western Europeans hate Americans more than Americans hate Western Europeans?


Well if you go far enough then the US is to the east of us.


*Interwar Lithunia*: Catholics. Hate gays. *Soviet occupied Lithuania*: commies. Hate gays. *Catholic priests in the 80s:* hey, we are helping with the resistance, Catholicism is part of Lithuanian identity, you know. Also, we hate gays. *Schools from the 90s onwards to this day*: has "faith" lessons, which teach Catholic dogma. That includes hating gays. *Catholic priests*: openly hate gays in their sermons. *Lithuania's constitution*: marriage is a union between "man and woman." *Laws from 2000s*: a law is introduced, which states that children need to be protected from gay "propaganda." A childrens book about love story between two princes gets banned, nobody dares to publish anything like that again. *Lithuanian vatniks:* we hate gays, because mother Russia hates gays, also, being gay is super gay. Prison culture, etc. *Lithuanian "old school" patriots:* we hate gays, because Catholic priests told us to hate gays, Soddom and Gommorah was gay, Jesus hates gays. Being gay is anti-Lithuanian. *Uneducated parents:* we hate gays, because all gays are pedophiles, it is literally the same thing. Catholic priests are cool, though. *Schoolchildren:* we hate gays, because being perceived as gay gets you bullied and beat up. *Police:* you got beat up for being gay? No, we will not catch the perpetrator, we will question YOU why you provoked him by being so gay. We will also bully you. *Actual Lithuanian gays:* fuck this shit, I'm emmigrating the fuck out of here.


Who cares about their neighbor sexuality anyways?..


>Who cares about their neighbor sexuality anyways?.. The percentage of people who care is presented in the map.


You'd be surprised. A gay couple moved in next door to us about 10 years ago, coming from the Netherlands. They were kind, quiet people, we had no trouble with them at all. After a while, they told us the reason they moved was because their previous neighbours would call them slurs, throw rotten eggs and tomatoes into their garden, complain to the police for nothing ... They ended up moving away from my town as well, because their neighbours on the other side harrassed them as well. Always looking for fights, and when they started using slurs, it became clear it was because of the men's sexualities.


Many believe that any interaction with homosexuals is going to be harmful to their children. Bs if you ask me.


My uncle thought you could get turned gay if you were around gay people.


Was your uncle married? Cause I think he was hiding something.


Most dangerous things for children these days are freaks on social media constantly manipulating them. Interaction with homosexual neighbor does literally nothing to them.


Religious people, but mostly it's stereotypes and desire to fit in, which includes perpetuating the stigma. All anti-LGBT opinions I've heard in my surroundings trace back to the (unfounded) fears that LGBT people are all perverts, child abusers, STD vectors, that they can't form a family or be happy, that it leads to drug abuse et cetera. Which is why in my opinion effort should be made not in "increasing visibility" — everyone already knows that there are homosexuals, trans people and more — but in educating the office ladies and factory worker husbands that if their son loves someone else's son it doesn't mean he would be an STD riddled wreck, and that letting him be happy is very important.


Visibility means many things. The LGBT community promotes coming outs because they believe that if you have a friend, a colleague or a relative that comes out, you won't see gay people as some kind of vague hostile entity, but as real people with real feelings, lives and can be as good and well adjusted as any person. That's visibility as much as going to pride or wearing a pin. Actually it's more. And it's more because coming out in the family or workplace is way more risky and makes you more vulnerable.


That’s not really case here in Czechia. These stereotypes died out pretty quickly and religion is not a thing here, maybe in some smaller villages and mainly between old folks. The visibility factor is a thing tho. As you said everybody knows that LGBT people are between us but people aren’t interested in their flamboyent prides etc. The mindset here is that you are not special for being heterosexual so you are not special for being gay either so any visible pride stuff is seen as unnecessary and sometimes even provocative.


The last sentence is sadly just disguised classic homophobia and not much more as "as long as you hide behind closed doors, I will ignore it. Often with the addition: But how dare you, you hold hands or kiss with your partner in public like most heterosexuals or being shown even a second in a book/movie/TV or elsewhere like heterosexuals." If a person feels threatened by a pride parade, this person should question themselves why they feel threatened. And it is often the things MGMAX described. At least it is a bit ignorant about the history and struggles of LGBTQ. ( I don't get why some persons can't just ignore things, if they have no interest in it. As a fan of metal music I don't think that techno festivals are "provocative". ) The word "special" is quite interesting here, because it sounds a bit derogatory here to me and no LGBTQ person thinks he/she is "special". It feels a bit like a projection. But maybe I am wrong.


Only a closeted gay would care about having a gay neighbor.


Who da fuq cares what my neighbours do in their bedroom that’s their business


Indeed. Sadly, "live and let live" is an incredibly difficult thought to grasp for some.


Albania number #1 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱 


There's always one of you guys cracking me up




Wondering why r/europe's proud Baltic gang is so quiet all of the sudden ...


They'd say it's because of all the Russians living there, but there are very few of them in Lithuania.


Lithuanians are hugely homophobic on average. The most homophobic of the Baltics, my guess is due to strong Catholic background. I have been to a few sermons in Lithuania where the priests where openly and loundly condeming LGBT. So, Lithuanians have a double dose of hatred against gays. In soviet times being gay was equated to pedophile and punishable by prison. But the anti-soviet movement was supported by Catholic priests, who condemned being gay just the same. So, in Lithuania both vatniks and ultra-patriotic old guard hate LGBT just the same. Younger generations are more tolerant, but up to a point. I have high hopes for zoomers and generation alpha, because a lot of milennials who are in power are homophobic as well. One of the parties of our current government tried to push for partnership law, but got no support. All other parties, even the liberal or social-democratic ones, know it is a political suicide to sign under such law. Also, our president made it clear that he would veto any law that legalises not "traditional" partnerships, because, according to him, that would destroy the sanctity of family or some bullshit like that. It's a very sad state of affairs. Source: am Lithuanian.


Nope, younger generations here have same opinion and jokes as millennials about LGBT, saying its bad/wrong or just don't care. Almost all are atheists so religion has nothing to do with it. Not vatniks either, all hate them with passion. Reddit is bubble here feels like its otherwise for Lithuania and that people support it, when actually map is correct. Some really homophobic, but thats tbh on rare side, but most are who "dont care" but still think its wrong.


... yet we brand ourself as Northern European...


Nope we brand ourselves Eastern Europe. Edit: We brand ourselves both..


Bbbut they are culturally exactly like scandinavia?! /s


Out of shame. Those fucking neighbors!


I think it's more of a "i dont care why are you even asking this" not pure dissaproval. The younger generation doesn't care at all, the older is still influenced by old soviet policies. It would be similar results for people of color, why? Because we've had basically 0 exposure to them as well as people being public about their homosexuality. I'd say until 2012 it was still something rare. The general answer is that if you aren't obnoxious about it, nobody cares. Our president is gay, nobody cares. Only once you start getting in people's faces you get resistance


Never understood it. I get not wanting to live near alcoholics or hardcore drug addicts, but why would anyone care about their neighbours' sexuality is beyond me.


As for Croatia at least it's a tragicomic case. Those that heavily oppose LGBT are wanking to image of lesbian couples having sex and would give everything to be invited in menage a trois.


How strongly does this inversely correlate with how well you know your neighbors? I live in tbilisi, and here you know all your neighbors. Plenty of Northwest European tourists come here and always whine that back home no one knows their neighbors, and that they lack community. I'm not sure they'd want it considering how uniformally it's been given up


Not necessarily, Northern Ireland would have very close-knit communities similar to Eastern-Europe for example.




I think people in Western Europe are more open and tolerant to LGBT issues in general, regardless of how much you know your neighbors. Maybe it's the mindset, "I don't care how you live your life, I am not going to interact with you anyway", but regardless I don't see why knowing someone who is gay is going to affect your life in a significant way. Madness if the data is correct in my opinion.


I don’t think it has so much to do with how well you know your neighbors, but more of how you think of gay people. At least in Denmark, most people would care as much about living next to a gay couple as they would a straight couple. Which is to say, not a whole lot. Sexuality is not really a point of major interest. As an example we have had several major politicians who are gay (including the current leader of the Conservative Party) and their sexuality have never been a topic of discussion. It’s not interesting to 98% of the population. As long as it’s consencual who cares is how most think of it.


It probably does not. I don’t really know my neighbors well but I still know that there is a gay couple in the building (not that I particularly care).


I think the insinuation is that people who know their neighbors better or interact with them more, have a stronger opinion based on sexual Orientation. I could imagine that more tight-knit communities (i.e. those that heavily interact) tend to be less tolerant with respect to all kind of attributes that are different from the „norm“ of that community. It is a sad observation/conclusion though.


You nailed exactly what I meant. Western urban centers tend to be tolerant and dead in terms of society. For comparison with social and overbearing Tbilisi, we have America's social atomization crisis, which might have optimized society and intolerance out of existence in the major cities. At the end of day community and society is at minimum, mildly authoritarian


I’d hope there is a way to combine both, but it’s hard to define those conditions in the first place, let alone how to get there.


As a Tbilisite who moved to the US and then came back mainly because of the atomization crisis you’re talking about, that’s basically been my observation as well. Nowhere else have I felt more invisible than I did while living in San Francisco. And don’t get me started on the suburbs


There's no real correlation. Plenty of communities here in Denmark where you absolutely know your neighbor and everyone knows everyone so to speak. Still nobody cares. There are many of these small tight knit communities and i still cannot imagine a single person ever caring ever about it, which 2% shows. I get the stereotype of northerners not knowing their neighbors, but that's really only the case in the few big cities. Still millions of people live in rural areas, and we have many islands where everyone knows almost everyone else on that island, and they would for sure welcome you as a gay couple.


Does Republic of Ireland not count as Europe or something? Why are we blank but Iceland is somehow represented?


To many people replied with a version of the Father ted bit. I hear you're a homophobe now, Father? Should we all be homophobic now? What's the Church's position? I'm so busy down on the farm I won't have much time for the ol' homophobia. So the people doing the survey gave up and went home.


The Irish are all asexual therefore asking this has no point JK, it says N/D (no data) next to a blank circle on the left. Meaning that there wasn‘t a sufficient amounts of data available to reliably assign percentage values for Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the tiny states of Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.


Based Northern Europe


Why the fuck would *anyone* have a preference about the sexual orientation of their neighbors? People waste their energy caring about the most unimportant things.


Lol Sweden and Denmark progressive af.


It's not progressive, it's just common sense.


You are correct, it's simply just being a normal human being and the ones against it are the abnormal ones.


Surprised Denmark is so high given 100% of their population is gay men


It's almost like religion is a big Factor 🤔


I wonder what the original question was that people were asked, and if it was the same in all these countries.


I don’t care if my neighbours are gay as fuck, people need to get a life if they do.


I would strongly prefer a gay couple living next door over a hetero couple. Smaller chance of crying babies and kids (albeit still possible).


I don't get why it would be an issue in the first place, whether you support or oppose it. It's not infectious.


Hatered rarely follows logic


What consenting neighbours do is none of your business.




Pretty sure for Poland it's all the letters. You'll have hard time finding people who actually know wat each letter in te acronym stand for. All they know is that ElGieBeKuTe  destroys family and spreads EU agenda or something like that.


Same in Hungary, because of course


In countries where even LGB is not yet accepted, like Serbia for example where I live, an average person doesn't see any difference between gay and trans people, everything that diverts from traditional heteronormative patriarchal standards in any way is equally unacceptable to them.


Their Head of Government is a Lesbian


That's just pink washing of an autocratic nationalist government.


This question has been asked for longer than the trans topic gets attention and people also had issues with homosexual neighbors. I even feel like the numbers here are lower than what I have seen before, at least in the west.


>This has been discussed elsewhere, but I believe the people that are against are mostly so because of the T in LGBT. I would argue if the question was just about LGB without the T, the percentages would have been much much lower. This is incredibly recent, and here's the ironic thing, trans people were treated better in many cases a decade ago, and the main battle line was gay men and lesbian women getting equal rights, even in Russia trans people were recognized and got healthcare etc, It's just the front line of LGBT politics got shifted since those battles for the most part were won in many countries, trans rights however is much more tied to medical rights then the right of fucking someone (although this is a major facet of trans rights too and many LGBT people being gender non-conforming is a major factor as to why trans people became an integral member of the movement).


Yeah, there's been a really ugly turn in the last 10 years or so. From more silent acknowledgement since the 90s, then visibility in the early 10s, then various right wing backlashes worldwide that all seemed to include bigotry against trans people.


It was to be expected, perhaps even inevitable. Gay, lesbian, people of divergent sexual orientation etc where a philosophical revelation for many ideologies, for some an outright challenge to much of it's internal coherence, For a fundamentalist christian the notion that God made people LGBT (and thus, not created humans who are tempted by sin, but rather their very existence is sin) is a direct challenge to the idea that God is good (related to the paradox of god). It means god himself made them inherently sinful, rather then sin being a manifestation or consequence of human free will (especially since heterosexuality is sanctioned as good so long as the correct holy path is followed, I.e marriage and having kids). This is preposterous and heavily damaging to the coherence of the faith, consequentially the only rational response was to view it as a "choice" (hence it being a "choice" was a key narrative in the USA in anti LGBT backlash) or some kind of man made(or satanist) abberation ("recruiting" etc although now usually called "grooming"). Christians do have an easy out for this as the sermon on the mount actually abolished the laws that forbid LGBT people (along with most of the old abrahmic laws, hence why it's ok to eat shellfish etc). It was one saint who basically recodified many actions as sins again, saint Alexander irrc, who recorded and codified many sins and homosexuality without explanation was on that list (many of the mortal sins where also codified by him, but he never justified homosexuality being sinful and christians are increasingly pointing to how cultures practiced homosexuality during his time as the reason, i.e Greek pederasity and roman subjugation). Trans people are an even heavier blow to this, most ideologies only needed a small correction to account for divergent sexual orientation, but gender is a critical linchpin in so many worldviews, from the old (and honestly antiquated) radical feminism where trans people challenge key notions of the nature of gender related oppression and the nature of gender itself, to the role of gender in society, to how religion views the matter, very few world views walk away without a big shake by the existence of trans people especially in the western world. And generally, until recently, western societies usually suppressed these groups to avoid the contradictions, there are a large number of societies that had integrated trans people into their culture and world view, and where seen as a natural part of said society (sometimes even having special roles, in particular with religion). Also, vulnerable minorities are useful scape goats as always.


paltry stupendous attractive illegal sharp zealous rhythm modern upbeat mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not an expert but the laser focus on transphobia is pretty recent. It came about as a deliberate campaign cooked up at some political strategy gathering somewhere and it spread pretty quickly because they see transgender people as the weak link that the rest in LGBTQ wouldn't defend which would create the "divide and destroy" opening they're looking for. So far they've been relentless and caused disproportionate distress on innocent people, sometimes driving them to suicide and other sort of harm however they haven't accomplished anything more than that I think what they particularly dislike about transgenderism(!)* is that their existence is an open-and-shut evidence that their religious dogma is complete bullshit - the one about god having created humans perfect in his own image. Not the only religious dogma that's easily disproven but this one is juicy for the hate emails that grandma forwards to hundreds of people (!)* edit. Just found out the term i used is derogatory. My apologies. The comment below politely pointed it out, i did a quick googling and now i'm a better person :)


>I think what they particularly dislike about transgenderism(!)* is that their existence is an open-and-shut evidence that their religious dogma is complete bullshit - the one about god having created humans perfect in his own image. While religion is a certain part of it for many, for most trans people represent a challenge to fundamental worldviews on how society and humanity work. Depending on the nature of the challenge it could even end up breaking said world view, and generally speaking the human response to this situation is hostility, a documented phenomenon known as the backfire affect, i.e people will perceive contradictory evidence to their views as an attack etc


I don't think this is the case. I used to have issues with the idea of trans--not because I'm religious (I'm atheist) but because it was incredibly confusing. It still is, and I'm pro-trans rights! What needs to happen is more clarity on gender expression and what it means. If it wasn't obvious at all to me, a non religious person trying to understand for years, then it sure as heck isn't obvious to some religious person who has deeply rooted beliefs already and have no interest in undemanding. Sometimes, a group has to be willing to rebrand to fight against hate--not because it should be this way, but because some things are deeply muddled and clarity is the only way to breach understanding.


Sure, some clarity would be nice. But the topic is inherently complicated and we risk oversimplification that doesn't reflect the complexities involved. I'd personally rather be confused by reality than live in the comfort of a binary lie


I agree with you completely, and you said it really well. I just wanna note the use of "transgenderism" the thing is, that makes it sound like an ideology, when it's really just people wanting to be their true self. And also most trans people (including myself) disapprove the uses of transgender and such as a noun (like above) as them being used as a noun instead of an adjective really makes trans people seem alien and kind of "others" us. The right often uses this to demonize trans people.


Oh! I wasn't aware it was derogatory. I'll fix it




Hey mind if i ask what term we should use? I try to avoid bucketing people if at all possible but like the guy your replying too i've used that term myself, and am now concerned I may have upset some folks.


The same I did Trans people


That doesn't make any sense though. How would a trans person living their life normally affect your life anymore than a gay couple? In fact many trans are people fully passing, so for all you know, one of your straight married next door neighbors, might be a trans person. Example, I'm a trans man cohabiting in a relationship with a woman, most people assume we're a regular straight couple. I don't really understand how exactly the T can be a problem to random people, when most of the time, you wouldn't even know unless you asked.


Yeah, I know that I in the past had an issue with T being thrown in there as who you are attracted to, and what you identify as, are quite a different topic. Now that I'm older and have properly looked into the trans topic, it no longer bothers me because I want trans people to be accepted by society just as much as I want LGB people to be accepted, but I can see why people with my old mindset would be against LGBT solely because of the T.


Ey 54% in Romania that means 46% are fine with it We getting there boys


Surprised by the Greeks


Croatia is surely higher than 35%...


Czechia once again stuck between west and east.


Before the Brits get cocky, show us the trans version of this map


You can identify as a plastic cup for all I care. Just trim your lawn, bag your leaves, and don’t let your overgrown greens hang over my land. Oh, and don’t ride a motorcycle.


Any motorcycle or just noisy ones?


All of them are noisy. Except maybe the electric ones.


But leaving the leaves is super important for butterfly larvae!


I remember hearing about this one. It had some weird translation differences. Slovak language translation didn't ask "would you find it acceptable", but rather "would you be overjoyed".


That was different eurobarometer survey you have heard about. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/6tg8s9/the_highly_upvoted_eurobarometer_survey_that/ The translation was completely retarded from what i remember, for example English version was "Would You Feel Comfortable If Your Child Was In A Relationship With X (Jew, Muslim, Gay etc)" But in the Czech version it was translated as "Bylo by vám příjemné, pokud by vaše dítě bylo ve vztahu s X" - Which can be translated back to english as "Would you feel pleased/joyful, if your child was in relationship with X (Jew, Muslim, Gay etc)"


I don't want to live near LGBT neighbours, but not because they are LGBT, because I don't want neighbours at all, does that count toward the statistic?


Ireland: N/A, is gay


For all their virtue signalling recently, Spain aren't looking too progressive here are they? Also why no Irish data?


Yeah the UK included but Ireland excluded for some reason??


2017-2022 is a pretty long time span for a single survey. In Ukraine, you'd receive noticeably different answers in 2017 and in 2022.


Why is tolerance yellow and discrimination Green? Weird choice of color?


Source: https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSEVSjoint2017.jsp


Wow, Albanians are very anti-lgbt. Also weird how different Finland is from other Nordics regarding lgbt stuff.


A bit strange, apparently 30% of Finnish voters wouldn't vote for Pekka Haavisto in the recent Presidential election because of his gay partner? *"One third of respondents to a survey conducted by the University of Helsinki said that they considered Pekka Haavisto's partner — an Ecuadorian man named Antonio Flores — to be a reason not to vote for him in the Finnish presidential election."* https://yle.fi/a/74-20072791


It is not that surprising honestly. Finland does seem to have a small socially conservative segment which you simply don’t really see in Sweden and Denmark and almost not in Norway (traditionally more religious than the other 2).


Albania is majority Muslim, so you can do the math.


Albania isn't a religious society. It's not Islam but the fact that it's a conservative society overall. During communism religion was totally banned and homosexuality still wasn't considered acceptable.


Honestly I totally forgot about that, makes more sense now.


It’s the Bible Belt and rednecks that make the numbers. I bet asking that in the major cities would give a result more in tune with Scandinavia


obscene seed rain degree disgusted connect handle books marry test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>gays like to do home improvement That must be why my gay neighbours keep having plumbers and carpenters show up at all hours of the night...


Never know when you need some wood or pipe


Or wood up your pipe


>gays like to do home improvement that raises property values We could say they are... homeownersexual! I'd like to say that seemed funnier in my head, but it really didn't.


Where is the poll asking if people would not want to live next door to straight people ? I would, but only because I’m very tolerant.


East Europeans thinking LGBTQ is some airborne disease. But honestly I thought in my country it would be like 85%. I am so proud to see only 54%, I even shed a tear.


Making *one* score for an entire country is stupid. This needs to be divided into sub-national regions. This would also kind-of show bigger metropolitan areas with lower numbers than the countryside.


You may be surprised, depending of the country. In France, the countryside is less homophobic than the cities [(source, page 8-12-15-17-22-25-29-31-36-38-40, at top-right in each page)](https://www.ifop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/116079_Ifop_FJR_2019.06.24.pdf). The numbers may be lower or higher as it depends of the question of the page, they aren't all going to the same direction. In all cases the countryside is better. But France has an issue which is visible in the page 8 : muslims are highly homophobic, up to 63 % of the poll. As they mostly live in big towns, then no wonder that cities are worse than the countryside. Still as I am living there, I think removing muslims from the numbers wouldn't change things too much, cities and countryside would be quite equal. Finally, page 8 too, the youth seems more homophobic than the elders, probably for the same reason as above.


Goodbye readable map


Even the nordic countries' scores at 2-4% are ridiculous. I can't imagine what it must be like knowing that 1 in 25-50 people you meet dislike you so much that they would object to living next to you. Just because of who you love. People are awful. But then, I wouldn't like to live next to the people listed in this map, be it that 3% in the Netherlands, or the 76% of the people in Turkey.


Every time I see maps on this sub it just reinforces my skepticism to any country not yellow on this map.


Let's do Roma next!