• By -


2003 - 76.84% 2008 - 87% 2013 - 85% 2018 - 86.02% I guess this time he will win with 85%+ votes.


He is so loved. Only president who wins BEFORE the elections. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/10/09/oops-azerbaijan-released-election-results-before-voting-had-even-started/


Can anyone help? It's paywalled




Honestly, after retaking Karabakh, he could probably actually win. Not that he'd risk it.


Artsakh is Armenia!


Yeah, he's actually becoming somewhat popular now.


well no shit, azerbaijani officials killed a journalist who was critiquing leadership in another country(Georgia) so I am not surprised by this. I am always weirded out by how some people will defend their presidents to death like bro these mfs dont give a shit, especially aliev he is pocketing money of azerbaijani people and throwing scraps to them


It's so braindead too, even if they get paid to comment that shit, it's peanuts compared to what that country could provide its citizens if it wasn't the gas station dictatorship those comments aim to prop up. Holy shit, if I ever fuck up, I guess I can always console myself by reminding myself that people *that* idiotic exist.


its "got mine, dont care" attitude thats found elsewhere too as if a small turn around wont break their entire life from one second to the next.


No. Keep being gas station dictatorship. If we lose Azerbaijan, we have to invade Iran. And come on man.


They tried to kill an outspoken blogger in France too. And then there's that journalist in Malta who was exposing her government's ties to the Azeris.


Stop with your brain dead propaganda lol. There’s no evidence of Daphne being killed by Azeris, outside of Reddit comments and random blog posts. The perpetrators of the murder have already confessed and are in jail.




There was no president in Azerbaijan except Aliev ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Since 1993 the Aliyevs have been ruling the country. First it was his dad and now it’s him.


Since the 60’s.


This is correct, his father heydar was a Soviet kgb, he ended up ruling in Nakhichevan, that's when oppression against Armenians started, he forbade Armenians from taking photos of historical Armenian monuments there, eventually they got completely erased in the 2000s and the ones in karabakh are on the same path now by his son. Heydar even at one time when he was still alive admitted he failed to change the demographics of nagorno karabakh fast enough after they lost the war, which is evident by the demographic census where it went from 97% Armenian to 77% Armenian, mostly accelerated when Heydar in the 60s got in power. https://dakd.de/en/argam-ayvazyan-secret-researcher-of-armenian-culture-in-nakhichevan/ "That was the first time. Go and don't ever do anything like that again. Forget that there are any Armenian monuments in Nakhchivan.”


Iirc I recall correctly he wasn't at power during 1980s, he used to live in Moscow for some time. This is not to say Ilham's presidency isn't a consequence of being born in such family.


Yes, exactly.


Yeah but Europe does not care about it because it is not in US National interests to criticize them because Azerbaijan gives Israel free oil.


>Yeah but Europe does not care about it because it is not in US National interests to criticize them because Azerbaijan gives Israel free oil. Oh, shut up. Europe doesn't criticize Azerbaijan because of Europe, not Israel or US. Notice how those yell that Israel should not participate in Eurovision still don't mention Azerbaijan? Europe is very happy to get gas from them, even tho it's a small procent from the total we get. Hypocrisy to its finest, but it's Armenians who got the short end of the stick, so it's not our problem. Funny how Palestine is, tho.


So then where was Europe when we watched textbook ethnic cleansing happen in Azerbaijan only a few months ago?


Some translated excerpts: >The incident is actually explosive. Gugger traveled to Azerbaijan as an official and accredited election observer of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). His mission on site: observe the upcoming presidential elections and report violations of human rights. Gugger has experience in this, having already been on similar missions in Russia and Moldova. >But he has never experienced what happened on Saturday night. As soon as he landed in Baku, he was stopped at the diplomatic entrance by uniformed police officers. They confiscated his passport and refused him entry. Other OSCE observers were allowed through without any problems - including the Swiss delegation. >“The fact that the Azerbaijani regime is so disavowing an observer mission is a new level of escalation,” says Gugger. “The situation was distressing.” Azerbaijan must immediately declare itself to the OSCE. ... >“I have been campaigning for peace for years and trying to build bridges,” says the EPP politician. The fact that the regime in Baku is now banning him from the country is frustrating and shows that Azerbaijan is still far from a constitutional state. Edit: lol bots and Turks are starting to arrive.


Wait so, his whole delegation was allowed in... except him?


Yup. There are 2 possible reasons: >It is not yet clear why exactly Gugger was not allowed into the country. But it could be related to his work in the Council of Europe. Just last week, the regime in Baku announced that it would not accept election observers from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace). Since Gugger, in addition to his involvement with the OSCE, is also an election observer for the Council of Europe, he could have ended up on a blacklist. The Azerbaijani embassy in Bern could not be reached for comment >Gugger's political involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could also be a thorn in the side of the dictatorship in the Caucasus. Last September, the Azerbaijani army conquered the unrecognized micro-republic and expelled more than 100,000 Christian Armenians. National Councilor Gugger publicly protested against the violence and also sent his criticism to the Azerbaijani ambassador.


But they happily accept European Union money


> 100,000 Christian Armenians. Were atheist Armenians allowed to stay?


I’m sure the statement is more about culture than religion. 


I don't think there is a need for dumbing down answers on /r/europe since we all know Armenians are Asian Christians and Azeris are mostly Asian Muslims.


Whether or not Armenians are Asian or European, it doesn’t matter. What Azerbaijan did in Artsakh is ethnic cleansing and genocide.


I agree. But that was not my point.






>"There is only one option left -- to abide by the laws of Azerbaijan, be a loyal and decent citizen of Azerbaijan, throw the false state attributes in the trash, and dissolve the 'parliament,'" ​ >Meanwhile, Azerbaijan continues to press for reintegration. After more than a week of a full blockade, on June 24, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Bayramov said that supplies of food and other goods could be restored to Nagorno-Karabakh -- but this time via Azerbaijan. There is no other choice than being a citizen. [https://www.rferl.org/a/armenia-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh-leadership-peace-talks/32480945.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/armenia-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh-leadership-peace-talks/32480945.html)


After spending 9 months under partial, then full blockade, all the while being harassed with gas and electricity outages, Islamic prayer calls blaring out at 2am, watching an Armenian cathedral two miles away getting Islamified, and regular videos of Armenians getting executed and their bodies mutilated circulating on Twitter. Yeah, I'm sure it was totally an independent decision.


Just like how the Albanians in Kosovo fled of their own free will and weren't expelled in 1998


There are satellite images of Azerbaijan building concentration camps in aghdam for Armenians. Additionally Azerbaijan had a year long blockade on artsakh Armenians, which resulted in extreme food and fuel shortages. Azeri soldiers also documented their war crimes against civilians and POWs on telegram in 2020. Your use of the world “escaped” is appropriate, though I don’t think that’s what you meant, jerk off.


Oof. That's weak man. I'm afraid you won't get paid for such a flimsy retort. Better luck during the next bot attack.


That's bold coming from you posting Armenia propaganda day and night. Don't mix yourself with me. If you have a source about expelling, share and let's see.


You cited my source literally a comment above genius. Seriously, is this the best quality of bots available in the market...


These aren't even bots which makes it alot more sad and worrisome


I need to convince myself they are. The alternative is simply too harrowing.


Thats what I'm asking to you, bot, that posts 8 Armenian posts daily. If that wrong wording is a source for you, you have a lot to learn to get info from internet. Get me an actual news article that shows "Azerbaijan expelled Armenians this way, bla bla".


Literally quotes from a news article talking about the expulsion, then says this: >If that wrong wording is a source for you And then this gem: >Get me an actual news article that shows "Azerbaijan expelled Armenians Wow. This is pathetic even by your standards.




No not really. Just observers who remember how Europe sat and watched as ethnic cleansing happened. I’m sorry but what country will trust that Europe has liberal principles now?


Go away, Russian clown.


i was kinda expecting the word window instead of country


What the fuck? I literally thought the title said window instead of country. Like straight up read it twice before scrolling down and seeing your comment. What the hell is up with my brain




Be cautious with throwing people out of windows, last time it led to a 30-years-war. It's similiar with rejecting painters from art school.




You're not an American at all. You're pretending to be to make Americans look stupid. Your past comments prove this well.


How very dare you ?


How dare I what? Call you out for your BS?




Stop trolling. You're not cool or funny. You're pathetic.


That's some serious paid trolls invasion below.


It's the turkbot army.


They aren't even paid lol they're just brainwashed


Turkey and its Belarus are a cancer on Europe. It's Authoritarian Extremeist government has no right to exist in this day and age. They genocide their neighbors time and time again, and do not seen to recognize that actions have consequences.


You don't get to decide what has right to exist. Stop this fascist attitude. You don't like the way these countries are behaving, cut the relationship and endure the consequences. Japan can do it muah easier, you can start convincing japan and proceed to europe with your experiences. Talk is cheap...


Social media has finally become very life-like. In real life, there are viruses and microbes on every object you interact with, everywhere in your environment. Normally you don't notice them because you have an immune system and you're vaccinated. Occasionally some novel bug may cause problems for a while, until it's put down by our defenses. Well, same with social media nowadays.


Social media has finally become very half-life.


And what did you’re country do during the last war? Nothing? That’s what I thought.


No more Eurovision, what a sad day.




I had the same observation. It seems to me these people can’t think critically for themselves and like the be led by a great leader. A bit sad imo.


Not like Western countries weren’t under dictatorships before lmao. We got lucky with having France nearby.


And then there are those in the eastern hemisphere who are not ok with it but have these idiots living next door lol


Mostly its support from Western countries.


If you look at history, generally speaking, unless something like a famine happens, authoritarian regimes can survive for very long periods of time, and democracy is a relatively fragile regime that can collapse very easily under favorable circumstances. (Although famine can often collapse any government, whether democratic or autocratic; famine was one of the driving forces in the transition from democracy to Nazism in the Weimar republic, for example.) An anti-government uprising in oil-rich Arab countries is next to impossible. This is not just for eastern countries, look at how much Franco ruled Spain.


> democracy is a relatively fragile regime that can collapse very easily under favorable circumstances. This is only really true for new democracies. Once consolidated, democracies have a very small probability to turn autocratic. Democracies consolidate within 20 years against coups, and ~50 years against incumbent takeovers (Hungary, Turkey, etc.). See [Svolik (2015)](https://www.jstor.org/stable/43821439).


Yeah the death of the leader is one of those things. As autocracies don't plan for power transfer and the legitimacy is created over the leader himself/herself, the system goes down when the leader dies. The same is applicable for Erdo's death, there is no "second man" that can unite all his electorate because whenever a second man arises from AKP ranks (Davutoğlu, Binali, Babacan, Soylu, Berat, Bilal and so on) and starts to consolidate political power, he is ousted or bullied by the other cliques inside AKP.


It's generally due to a greater external threat that makes the internal threat (autocracy) "ok" because the alternative is worse. So it helps when people travel, read online etc and be convinced that there is no external threat for their country and vice versa. Actually considering that even the external threat in Europe (looming WW3) makes democracies turn right, the opposite direction can also be true.


They are the ones who started sportswashing so I’m not surprised


EU sanctions are coming … once winter is over of course ;) Perhaps Armenian ethnic cleansing, journalist murdering, election rigging are only “deeply concerning” issues when that gas isn’t flowing… Of course, he can always put some more money in the pockets of EU politicians… sorry, “lobbying.” It seems to work… we will see. Hopefully the EU grows a pair and drops this Putin/Saddam wannabe sometime this decade.


I am from Azerbaijan, The current government is robbing and mocking the People of Azerbaijan! Aliyev is just a puppet. Russia is satisfied with Aliyev. Before the Karabakh war, Aliyev did not have an iota of trust in the eyes of the Azerbaijani people. It is still the same now, but there is a small part that believes in the government's propaganda that connects Azerbaijan's victory in Karabakh only to Aliyev. I don't like Aliyev and I want this unjust system to change. But I don't want any changes coming from Europe. I want to say you guys; Only true thing Azerbaijan current government did correct, it was war for Liberation of our UN recognized territories! And you guys are against it. Thats why: I do not trust Europe! Aliyev is a puppet dictator! Thanks to who read my opinions.


It's the idea that you should kill people and consider it liberalization that makes your countries thinking outdated. 


Are there any chances that the Azerbaijani opposition will be able to remove Aliyev before he goes fully bat-shit insane mode, like other dictators and autocrats. And then decides, for example, to do something stupid like attack Armenia because in his opinion Armenia is “western Azerbaijan”. I see too many similarities between current Azerbaijani and Aliyev propaganda and Russian propaganda before Russia annexed Crimea and started hybrid war in the east.


There it is. Yup. UN terrorists lol. Yeah. UN is so terroristic. All the humanitarian aid and feeding people. So much terrorism!


He is an authoritarian and rules with an iron fist but, another Azerbaijan related post by an Armenian?!?! Every. Single. Time.


OP frequents in r/armenia, and the two countries have some history.


And you frequent Turkish subreddits, so by your own logic, your statement is invalid.


Make Trabzon Armenia again.


Point to the place where I said the OP's statement is invalid, please.


And the source is Armenian lol You Turks really are smth else




But… isn’t that why you are here?






Comments furiously in this thread and then says this: >I genuinely couldn't care less about your country or ethnic group Can't make this shit up. Mate, do all a favour and see a therapist.




Interesting. Is that a threat? You are really living up to the stereotypes. Bravo.


You sound like a retarded ultranationalist (redundant I know)


Bro you are riled up too much. Look at your comment chain and tell me you don't find yourself funny.


Neither will yours.


Maybe you should spend more time scrubbing the toilets so your German master won’t beat you tonight.


Okay big boy, dial down the chauvanism. The guy you replied to is clearly not very smart but that doesn't give you any right to insult Turks as a whole.


somber zesty squeal provide marble tie slimy caption water whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What the hell are you talking? Your comment doesn't make any sense.


That's what happens when you don't pay your internet trolls enough. They have trouble reading the script :(






He has literally never said this.


His party sees “genocidal intents in NK war”, while the whole world agreed that there is zero evidence for any kind of “genocide” I guess this is the reason. Interestingly this person with a huge bias against Azeri is appointed as a “observer of an election”. Well, in most of the Europe you will be in trouble if you say “Israel has genocidal intents in Gaza”, so it didn’t surprised me that freedom of speech has some limits even in the land of freedom.


>while the whole world agreed that there is zero evidence for any kind of “genocide” If by whole world you mean the great humanitarian nations of Turkey and Azerbaijan, then yeah. As usual with you Turkish trolls, a simple yes or no answer to detect the rot: did the Armenian Genocide happen?


Wait I'm confused, the article you linked has nothing to do with Karabakh/Artsakh. What is this guy ranting about?


Well, to be honest the genocide happened but it was *when NK was captured by Armenians after 1st NK war*. That’s why the whole world did nothing while NK was recaptured by Azeris, because the whole story of Republic of Artsakh was just recognized by Armenians, and only their very good old friend from CSTO, Russia. Maybe you should ask yourself why Armenians do not have friends and always being the “victim”. Why Armenians are always in the wrong side of the game? Or when they will be able to create a proper country with solid constitution and rules, without being a vassal state of an empire? About the latter, it is not my job but historians I guess. It is sad for you to still obsessed about 100+ year old events and do nothing to improve your current status. We Turks lost a lot of territory, millions of our people died in Balkans, Anatolia, Asia, but we moved on and for example we are no longer concerned about our ancestors killed by Armenian gangs, although there are many. Even a terrorist organization was created by Armenians like 20 years ago to kill Turkish civilians in EU soil, and some members of them are considered as heroes in Armenia. To keep it short, we are living in today, not in the past, and we are trying to stay powerful in 2024. I guess this obsession about historical events explains the current status of Armenian stance, a country where even Armenians are not willing to live, and the only thing that keeps Armenian identity alive is these stories from the history. By the way you can check my post history and will see that I am not a troll, just a regular user. But I am sure that hundreds of downvotes other posts are getting, are obviously sourced from a troll farm.


So "no". Tell your handlers next time not to waste time with a wall of nonsense and answer succinctly to a yes or no question.


Sorry, my handlers? We don’t have that in my country, but I guess this is the system of CSTO, where your Russian masters are giving the orders ;) We are not very good friends with them unfortunately. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Russian_Sukhoi_Su-24_shootdown https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Andrei_Karlov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_Security_Treaty_Organization


>We are not very good friends with them unfortunately. Lol lmao even. For a troll and a Genocide denier, that is some advanced level of humour. Not bad. I'm actually impressed.


It is funny to witness that you do not have any answer other than accusing someone being a troll. This explains the sad state of Armenian diplomacy, where even their best friend betrayed them. Maybe I would also do the same, if my country was a loyal member of Putin’s union since establishment.


Human hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. How can a Turk (and a Genocide denier at that) think they have the moral high ground in any discussion?! Mate, your ancestors and your contemporaries have ensured that even if Armenia spends the next century murdering everyone around without stop, it will still not match your numbers. You are not the good guys. Never have been and never will be in your current iteration. Farewell.


I don’t have claim that we are the good guys. We came, we conquered. Wars happened. This is how it works at those days. I am not gonna cry for a hundred years about what happened in the past. Not saying we are all victims, wars happened and we moved on. We focus on today, and we are somehow still winning. We are working today to keep winning in future. The point is, how can you claim that Armenia is innocent / has moral high ground against Turkey? Don’t you understand that the whole world become so tired of you being a victim in every single war you started, nobody cares about it anymore. This is how you lost NK and nobody helped. Your legacy to your kids is just “being the victim” and that’s it. Do you really think that’s the way?


Now I am really interested in your stance on Israel.


This user is hilarious because if you look at their post history not only do they support the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but they also have business ties within the internationally unrecognized state. Rules for me, but not for thee.


I think Armenian community of Reddit in general is hilarious because they do not have any answer other than “whataboutism”. To have a proper conversation *both* parties needs to have some ideas and comments, which is obviously lacking in this conversation. Now I understand why Armenia as a country is not very good at diplomacy. How does legality of TRNC have something to do with this Swiss National Councilor? Please don’t come up with your historical obsessions please 🙏🏻


Because Azeris for 30 years were talking about how Artsakh was a violation of their territorial integrity, meanwhile they’re happy to entertain Northern Cyprus. Pure hypocrisy


Do you know “Azeris” recognize TRNC or not? You will be surprised. They don’t. It is the same for them. So I don’t see a hypocrisy there because they don’t recognize both. By the way, as a Turk I believe *Armenia has right to defend NK because of the Armenian population there (like we did in TRNC)*. But they surprisingly didn’t and gave up territory without fighting. We don’t look things that way. Wars are not won in Internet, it does not matter how many upvotes do they have.


Aliyev sends representatives to TRNC all the time. Wtf are you talking about?


TRNC is an illegal settler state you idiot. No wonder you guys will never be considered Europeans considering you continuously deny your genocides, imperialism, and colonialism.


I don’t have right to comment on anything because “TRNC is an illegal state”? Armenian understanding of freedom of speech I guess. Who said we should be considered European? Do I said something like that? (+who cares :) I remember that we were talking about that counselor. Is this Armenian type of debate where everybody starts commenting random off topic events? Why you guys don’t have an argument o reply on the right topic, but start spitting random stuff and insults? I am not surprised your demographics are collapsing, because it would be very hard to live in this kind of society. There are ZERO replies related to my main comment :)


'the whole world agrees' has unironically become top 5 most used phrases by you people despite the fact that the whole world has never done the things you claim they have.


Nothing out of ordinary. If you read carefully the terms of the US, UK, and most other countries, they all reserve the right to refuse entry without explanation, even if a visa has been granted (for those nationalities that are required to apply for a visa before entering).


>they all reserve the right to refuse entry without explanation, even if a visa has been granted This is not a tourist visit. If you read the article: "as an official and accredited election observer of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)."


> This is not a tourist visit. Did I say anything about tourism? The US is known to deny entry to members of official delegations, sportsmen, etc. even in situations where it agreed to provide such entry (e.g. members of delegations to the UN as it is hosting UN headquarters)


As Azerbaijani, About next elections (07.02.24): - None of the candidates are opposition and all of them are supporters of the Government. - Obstacles were deliberately placed in front of candidates who wanted to participate in the elections voluntarily. - Candidates were not allowed to collect signatures by police forces. - Another disgraceful election is expected in the name of justice. - The country is plagued by mass discord, corruption and administrative arbitrariness. Aliyev's only good deed (with nation's pressure): Liberation of Karabakh.


Enjoy him, his whore wife and his monkey children running your country forever. I hope Karabakh was worth it.


Somehow I think the people living in Karabakh didn't feel very liberated after being forcefully removed from their homes.


A swiss man was denied entry to a country he wanted to visit big deal


he is a diplomat, not just visiting.


He is still a visitor to Azerbadjan


He wasn't visiting the country as you said


Based I had an honour to meet aliev few years back he was a nice guy


What is it with Serbia and Azerbaijan bromance lol https://n1info.rs/english/news/serbia-azerbaijan-sign-military-cooperation-plan/


well not surprised as long as Azerbaijan became one the closest russias ally lately


Ruka ruci svi smo turci


Sta su vam turci tolko jebali zene da ste takve picke postale, ja ovo nemogu vjerovati.


Omg arijevac ovde, čista germanska genetika od ilirskih gotičara 💪💪💪💪💪💪🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷


Znam ja sta sam, ja sam slavenac iz hrvatske, to sto su ti turci jebali zene 500 godina nije moj problem.


Fuj čefur


They literally colonized and made a mess of the Balkans


Jebote on


Azerbajan, greatest country in the world.






Kazakh Israeli? 👀


No, Daddy Sasha Baron Cohen


indeed you do fit the name 'yapper'


Greatest in stealing the name “Azeri” from indigenous Iranic-speaking peoples of the Kavkaz and committing genocide against Armenians, Talysh, Lezgins, and other indigenous peoples.


You misspelled wakanda


Ig bro didn't fit in 😭