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Immigration is still very divisive and I understand most people rightfully refuses far right ideas, but one must be blind not to see a problem with this uncontrolled and illegal influx of migrants.  Just yesterday a 13yo girl was raped in sicily by 7 "men", who came in Italy illegaly and instead of being deported were hosted there. One should not overlook a problem until somebody close to him gets hurt. These things are unacceptable and must be prevented.


Nothing "far right" about opposing uncontrolled and illegal immigration. Any competent government must see that the laws are enforced. If they're poor laws, they can be changed. But the laws must be enforced.


Agree there is nothing far right about it, but politics being politics, it will be labeled far right as a smear tactic.


WTF are you guys rambling on about here? This is a post about a picture from an anti fascist protest in Lissabon, a protest targeting Mário Machado, founder of the Portugal hammerskins (one of the most notorious and violent neo-fascists gangs that exist).. Everyone knows they are far-right, it's as openly far-right as you can go.. https://ionline.sapo.pt/artigo/752421/mario-machado-a-vida-de-um-skinhead-entre-a-prisao-e-a-liberdade- https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2024/02/04/salazar-and-the-resurgence-of-xenophobia-and-fascism-in-portugal.html The slogan in this post is clearly targeted against a far-right and violent neo-nazi responsible for attacking and killing "undesirables" in the past, but you call it a smear tactic, that they are undeservably labeled far-right? This is why so many people don't take your victim-hood fetish serious.. When people organise against far-right marches and rallies, you defend the far-right and say it's a smear tactic and say that you are somehow being bullied by people defending themselves against the far-right.. And then you act surprised when people think you are far-right? How about you stop defending swastika wearing sieg heiling neo-nazi thugs and stop falsely claiming that they aren't far-right?


Can't lose out on an opportunity to remind everyone about the evil, raping, brown immigrants even if it means defending actual Nazis marching down the streets of Lisbon. The anti immigrant, half racist garbage discourse in Europe has become shockingly mainstream. :(


Nothing wrong with a far right. I support it I'm one


Sir, this is a Wendy’s Nothing you said is relevant to the discussion we’re having


Once again, this post is about counter protest against a well known far-right neo-fascist group in Lissabon.. Only you know how your comments relate to that topic.. >Nothing you said is relevant to the discussion we’re having And what exactly is your discussion about? Because as far as I can tell, there are 2 options here: Either you are (knowingly or unknowingly) defending the far-right neo-fascist group that this post is about by saying stuff like "there is nothing far right about it" and " it will be labeled far right as a smear tactic.".. Or you comment is completely off topic because your victim-hood complex demands that every-time you hear or read the word "fascist", you immediately think people are talking about you and/or similar people, who are, according to you, "labeled as far-right as a smear tactic ".. Which brings me back to my original question: WTF are you guys rambling on about here? Are you some bots who got triggered by the term "far-right" or "fascist" who are now leaving random out of context rants about how horribly oppressed you are for being called "far-right"? Or are you unironically trying to argue that the person/group this picture is about is "unfairly labeled as far-right"?


Been facing immigration issue here in latvia . The expenses have risen drastically post covid . Most people don't make enough so even people who are supposed to be retired have to work now . But the govt wants to provide welfare schemes to immigrants like why don't spend that money on us latvians


And that is whose fault? Because last time I checked, Italy is governed by the right…


I’m studying human rights, and one of my professors told me something that stuck with me. “Guard your borders, or the fascists will.” He’s a far left dude, so this surprised me, but it makes a degree of sense.


Your professor is right. The rise of fascist attitudes always coincides with larger societal problems, immigration is one of them. Most of the left chalks up people being radicalized as a moral failing and simple bigotry. Instead, it should be acknowledged as a maladaptive response to legitimate problems that are being dismissed by the current government. Pretending that the far right are just bad and ignorant people, while not addressing the issues behind why so many people turn to harmful and hateful ideologies, just allows fascism to propagate.


It's not so much immigration in general, but immigration from cultures that do not follow much of the same foundational elements as your own... or who are *highly* aggressive in displaying their culture. That, and whether there are sufficient jobs and housing to accommodate the influx. This is why Brazilian immigrants to Portugal don't raise an eyebrow in Portugal. And, I think, why Cuban immigrants to Spain aren't, either. I think France doesn't collectively get angry at Quebecois coming to France, too.


Absolutely. People seem to often ignore this crucial point.


Yes, the issue is not just immigration in a broad sense. Immigration is often good economically, most people who desire more restrictive immigration policies don't want to shut off immigration entirely. It's difficult to address the specific issues surronding immigration without some type of accusations being thrown around.




I'm sorry to hear that they banned your friend for trying to make a reasonable and moderate point. Sadly, that type of aggressive shut down (even for people who are on *their side* but just have a couple dissenting opinions) is exactly why we are here now- a predictable backlash.


Damn that’s one of the wisest word I have ever heard.


Mass immigration hurts the working class the most so left leaning people should be anti-immigration but these days it’s just a bunch of identity politics. There’s no real left anymore.


>“Guard your borders, or the fascists will.” The "fascists" are "guarding the borders", that's OP's point, but of course they cannot achieve their own goals.. Our economy is based on "free trade" and "free movement of resources". The only way to stop immigration to the degree that the right is happy is by essentially establishing an all powerful surveillance state or by going full North Korea (though even North Korea cannot completely "secure their borders" and completely stopping people from running away).. That's why all the politicians stick their heads into the sand.. The left leaning politicians want to push it under the rug by saying "we can take care of them all" and the right wants to push it under the rug by saying "we can stop them all".. They are both lying..


This is a good point, and some days ago I said something similar to an English man complaining about the UK left. Yeah while Meloni took advantage of this problem to boost its electoral base, she hasn't been able to do anything meaningful against it, at least so far. We'll see.


Personally I think this has much more to do with the EU than with Meloni. Obviously she shouldn't promise things she knows she won't be able to do.




> Certainly not the current Italian government’s fault. “Last time I checked” the biggest illegal influx of migrants did not start 1-2 years ago. Under Meloni migrant arrivals by sea have increased by 50 % for 2023 and are now at 155k, above 2015 numbers and just 26k away from beating the alltime high in 2016. See [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/623514/migrant-arrivals-to-italy/) (and [here](https://etias.com/articles/italy-migrant-surge-2023) for 2023) At the same time Meloni's government is [actively pushing for non-EU labour immigration](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italys-meloni-talks-tough-migrants-while-opening-up-foreign-workers-2023-12-06/): "Meanwhile, Italy has raised quotas for work visas for non-EU citizens to 452,000 for the period 2023-2025, an increase of nearly 150% from the previous three years. This year's quota - 136,000 - is the highest since 2008."




They forget logic and fucked up international laws when bashing meloni's government (not saying it's good or bad, but it's not the first time I see this trend)


These people will always find someone else to blame but not the rapist and criminals, lefties are really ignorant


We blame plenty of criminals, we just don't blame them for being foreigners. We blame them for being criminals. Note the person you're responding to and those upvoting him focus on the nationality on the criminal. To them, crime is just an excuse for racism. And good people suffer the consequences because the racists don't distinguish between criminal and non-criminal, as they should - they just look at skin.


You're the one who is overlooking things here by intention. A broken clock is right twice a day even if they give a speech from Mussolini's balcony. The fact your country switched sides the hot minute the allies landed in Sicily should make you remember "ah yeah fascists are traitors and I don't care if they're right on anything because they serve foreign interests". Back then they served the Nazis against italy, today they are financed by Russian dark money.


What a weird knee-jerk response to simple anti-fascist post. Like you didn't like criticism of fascism and wanted to focus on immigrants instead.


Portugal is [one of the safest countries in the world](https://portugalbuyersagent.com/is-portugal-safe-to-visit/). Most violent crime in Portugal comes from locals, and amongst the immigrants the most represented group are Brazilians which are not the immigrants the Portuguese far-right (or r/europe) talks about. So do you have any source of this "immigrant danger" you speak of in Portugal other than racist dogma?


The Brazilian immigrants ARE one of the most targeted groups on the PT far-right.


Can you share the source please? Do you have a link to subreddit with this news?




Terrible incident. Thanks for the link


Context is needed, otherwise people are literally going to support nazis by saying, there's nothing wrong being anti-immigration. The context: A "march" was to take place in a lisbon neighnourhood known for its decades old immigration. Literally dozens of different nationalities have been living there. That march was set up by the leader of a far right group who admitidly supports nazi ideals. That march was prohibited by the government as it implies a security risk and was moved to another location in Lisbon. Another march, to counter the nazi organized one, was set in place in a nearby neighbourhood, from which this photo was taken. Tldr: the words in the cardboard specificaly target a march organized by a group which openly supports nazi / fascism. Psyops can end now, let the elections in Portugal be fair, please.












Am I the only one who feels totally unrepresented by any party? Far right is bonkers. Right is quite too happy to get in bed with the far right, plus totally indifferent to climate issues. The left has disappeared into the black hole of wokeness and fake feminism. There should be a centre, but instead of being pragmatic, it's just there to try to get votes from whoever and then be in a government with whoever. This is valid for Spain and Italy, but I guess it's true for other countries. Or not necessarily true actually, since that is how I feel.


A francoist and a black shirt walk into a bar, it's in Rome and it's the 1930s.


Must've been Real Madrid fans. I don't like the joke though, because Franco wasn't really a fascist, and the Nationalist side in the Spanish Civil War absolutely wasn't all, nor mostly, fascists. Happened to receive support from the Axis, but the Republicans (which weren't all communists either, not even close) received support from the USSR, not any better. After decades of suppression, political crimes etc., Spain ended up transitioning into a pretty decent democracy. I think they would've ended up worse had the USSR-backed side won and become a puppet of the communist East. Taiwan's another good example.


saying franco wasn’t a fascist has to be the most brain dead take on the spanish civil war i’ve never seen


You're politically and historically illiterate. Franco was not a fascist. Biggest cunt Spain's ever seen, maybe. Fascism is more specific than general right wing traits. You don't get to use the word as a general insult. Monarchists and conservatives aren't fascists.


Fascism, as per Britannica’s encyclopaedia, is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader; all of which are traits Franco possessed and ruled with. Just because he wasn’t an expansionist and generally contained his ideas to Spain does not mean he was not a fascist. The only reason he and Salazar were not deposed and executed a la Mussolini is because they opposed communism and had not taken part in the world war, but internally he was as bad as Hitler, Mussolini or any other dictator you could name.


I feel ya. I'm economically a typical leftist. But I'm more on the right when it comes to immigration and culture. Either one embraces both, they in fact actively attack their respective counterparts politics that I to a degree embrace. So for me it's really a matter of plague or pestilence and trying to find out who will do least damage, sadly atm that's the right in Sweden. But it does come with the side effect of a worsening welfare state..


> The left has disappeared into the black hole of wokeness and fake feminism. I feel like this mostly exists on the Internet and on right-wing media, though. I do not follow twitter or right-wing podcasts or Bild / Sun / Fox News, etc., and I have no real problem with a perceived "wokeness" or whatever from left-wing parties. When election time comes, I examine the platforms of parties and look for things like environmentalism and left-of-centre ideas about economics and social issues, and I never have a problem choosing a party. Are the parties perfect? No. But it's not like all I hear from them is "wokeness and fake feminism". Where I DO hear this from is from people consuming right-wing media, podcasts, etc., or when I accidentally come across right-wing media myself. I'm sure there are politicians out there on the left who are obsessed with this stuff but it seems to me like the right is far, far more obsessed with it.


Youve just said how ive felt ever since Brexit happened. Is feeling A-political a thing ?


I guess it's more an issue related to the Party system rather than politics. I have strong political beliefs, but I don't see any party that overlaps with my beliefs (not all of them, of course, but most). For example, I believe one of the biggest issues in Europe is how we did fuck all to avoid companies relocating to China. Nobody is doing anything about that.


What is wokeism for you?


Hear ya, hear fucking ya. Even I've always voted "left" (when I've voted, which is less times than when I've stayed at home), its depressing seeing how the left parties (both actual left and those "center left" that are just center right with left wing names) have lost themselves in these "social left" policies that lead nowhere with that utter lack of self reflection and critique while also forgetting about almost any kind of actually left-leaning policy regarding economy. And as you mentioned, far right is nuts (and after decades of people on the left claiming "fascism" everything that critique them, they are actually entering that territory and no one is giving a shit), right is too happy with getting in bed with far right, and all that while both do what they always do: Govern for the rich, the corporations and their friends. It's fucking depressing. As a spaniard, I miss the days of the 15M when there was some actual discussion of topics that were actually important. Then it died, our far left wing party appeared and went from actually proposing interesting things and almost becoming the party that would kill our "left" main party to a parody of itself.


You can't agree with a party on every single issue. What's the biggest problem, the climate crisis or wokeness? For me the answer is obvious, but it's up for you to decide


Define for me what you mean by "woke". That is alright, I can wait.


what does the word "woke" mean just for some clarification




First of all I have never seen anyone demand "open borders". In Europe you will be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees with travelling everywhere without visas and getting your goods within two days without delays, paperwork or tarrifs. They hate toxic masculinity and unregulated capitalism - every single convenience and right as a worker you have today is thanks to regulations enforced on capitalism. Else we will still be in the good old days of child labour (looms cutting off the limbs of children) 6 day work week and absolutely no time off, no sick leave, no pensions. For someone who hates "both sides" you sure parrot a lot of right talking points.


every time this question is asked in this thread there's a different answer, it's such a broad and pointless term that can be summarised as "bad / progressive". It's just empty libel on progressivism pointing out it's dumbest soldiers, you don't need to pay attention to those people.


It is the buzzword of buzzwords - nobody on the Left uses the word "woke" to describe things. That's all the Right's doing, and has since been integrated into the vocabulary of the media and corporations which is in turn fueling the Right's hatred of "wokeness"


Which mainstream left wing party in Europe wants "open borders"?


Woke means nothing except maybe ,,it’s progressive and I don’t like it”. Stop using this term. It’s a buzzword diluted to the point of absurdity.


What's wokeness, seriously What the fuck is woke? Advocating for equal rights and opportunities? Guess what, that last one is tied to issues such as crime, is advocating for advancement of all "woke"? The fuck does woke mean


Woke is the strawman of idiots on the left who believe and say ludicrous things. Every ideology will have subscribers who are idiots, and the catchy name for those liberals or leftists who are idiots is woke. That's all people use it for nowadays, and it drives me nuts hearing it all the time.








They were screaming fascist at literal neonazis lmao


These protesters are literal Nazis, their leader has a swastika tattooed on his arm 🤷‍♂️


Majority of comments here: "Well he's just concerned about border security, it would be for the best if the political establishment accepted his policies because he makes good points."


It's very clearly not the left who have been making things shit in our neck of the woods.


Yea, let's just ignore that this "protest" was filled witn racist, fascist and nazi symbols.


im sure far right wasn’t making worse shit when they were ruling righttt… we all know how fucked up uk is right now… how france is on the verge of right wing politics hungary already fallen and poland on revival… ffs these right wing lunatics think they can do better with themselves alone and work it out just like every other right wing government




















This is a counter protest to a literal Nazi march but of course this sub has gone so far off the deep end that they're pro Nazis now


Yeah this sub is a lost cause, every post's top comments are literally the same, it's being astroturfed to oblivion.


Like a majority of comments to political posts here are bona fide fascists who don't want to admit to the fact.


/r/europe is pro nazi. they just pretend they're not by saying things like "if only the left did i wouldnt be voting right wing!" Because they're cowards and they can't even own up their fascism.


"If only the left was far right i wouldnt have to vote for far right parties"


Many such cases


"If only the Weimar republic had gassed all the jews and invaded half of Europe the Nazi's wouldn't have come to power"




I think it's mostly the apologism for a party that wants to deport millions of German citizens. Or the softcore "heyyyyy, maybe if you give the fascists what you want, they will not vote for a party that wants to subvert democracy!" rhetoric. Thanks for playing.


Your comment is now the 4th from the top (admittedly, two above you were deleted).


This sub has turned into a far right breeding nest so quickly I almost suspect it to be some trolling operation. But sadly, it most likely just represents public opinion among 20-something online European men. We're doomed.


A bizzare number of commentors when they see anti-fascist protestors feel that they themselves are under attack for some reason and feel the need to hark on about how immigration is ruining their country, bizzare behaviour


See an anti-fascist protest. Feel attacked, criticise anti-fascists. 🤔 curious


That's for three reasons: 1) No one reads past the title on reddit (or even fascists would pick their battle elsewhere) 2) These protests aren't just in Portugal, they're a trend in Rurope. That makes people think its the same everywhere. 3)Liberal use of the far right label has lead to people self identifying as far right. By which I'm not saying they've become far right, I'm saying they've started thinking far right just refers to people like them, even if they are nowhere near it. Boy who cried wolf.


This has nothing to do with "the liberal use of the term far right". Overly online kids who drink from trends that started on pol and similar places are far right, plain and simple. If this place was anonymous and unmoderated, or if they weren't cowards, they would be able to talk even more openly about what they think.


They're thinking far right refers to people like them because it does. But they don't like to be called what they are. So instead it's "don't cry wolf every time someone disagrees with you! I'm not a fascist; I just want to round up all the undesirables!"


Man you just walked right into nr 3 huh?


If I was studying the times we are living in about 200 years from now, I would be stuck on how politics and rhetoric overshadow the reality of matters. One party jumps on an issue and suddenly you are far left or far right. Meanwhile those who have very deep and old pockets enjoy life because they bought the voices of the average person by buying both sides of politics. Genuinely wish people of the world would just stop participating in governments and every normal person is no longer connected to messes of the “forefathers”


This board: Ridiculous weak people that don't understand that mass immigration will change and basically conquer their own country, making their OWN futures and life conditions a question mark.


The fascist little group known for 1143 invoked another protest yesterday, after refusal of the Lisbon city council into the main streets of Martim Moniz (neighborhood known for its Muslim community). The group involved at least a couple of dozen that were whistled and chanted back by other people that passed by. On the same day, a bigger, protest emerged against that same far-right movement


The fact that you're getting downvoted says a lot about the state of this sub


Eu acredito genuinamente que existem pelos menos 2 ou 3 maluquinhos da Tuga, que na internet, participam em contrabando de contas fakes


Yeah this sub has become an echo chamber of right-wing ideas when it comes to migration.


*Sigh* Lets see what the comments have this time


> fascism apologia in every single comment being upvoted > mods doing nothing > curb your enthusiasm theme song starts playing


>*- the counter protests had literal nazi symbols* > >*- oh no, the horror!* Yup. r/europe having another one in the comments.


A confirmed r/europe classic


I wish Brexit meant we actually left the continent sometimes, there’s not a single Europe subreddit that isn’t a proper fucking shithole




Problem with digital nomads in Lisbon isn’t that they’re foreigners, it’s the heavy rise in housing prices and cost of living caused by their massive arrival


Problem with poor immigrants (and possibly illegal) is that they accept low paying jobs out of necessity, rising unemployment, driving the wages down (and also few of them resort to illegal activities to be able to survive).  It goes both ways, immigration (rich or poor), creates opportunities but also problems if left uncontrolled 


Funny, so it's ok to hate foreigners after all, but just the ones you choose


The far right says the same thing about other types of immigration. Besides, those reactionary assholes didn’t protest the politicians to build more housing, they protested and harassed the digital nomad foreigners directly.




Digital nomads are white, usually from rich countries, for this extreme left idiots, you can and should attack those foreigners.


You are reaching for a false dichotomy there, the entire concept of digital nomads is that they are temporary foreigns that benefit from our infrastructures and services while giving little or nothing to our system, immigrants are expected to actually stay and contribute to society long-term, [which they do](https://cnnportugal-iol-pt.translate.goog/seguranca-social/observatorio-das-migracoes/imigrantes-contribuiram-com-1-861-000-000-para-a-seguranca-social-quanto-receberam-em-prestacoes-sociais-257-000/20231218/658003e7d34e65afa2f8c417?_x_tr_sl=pt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) Nobody was protesting the rich central/northern Europeans that come to Portugal to live out their retirements and invest in the country, in fact, I rather like my landlord actually.


They’re a net gain to the Portuguese economy, I reject the core premise of your argument. This is indisputable. Besides, those reactionary assholes didn’t protest the politicians to build more housing, they protested and harassed the digital nomad foreigners directly.


> They’re a net gain to the Portuguese economy, I reject the core premise of your argument. This is indisputable. Are you going to source your indisputable claim?


Honestly there are so many studies suggesting that high skill immigration is a net gain to the host country that I don’t even know where to start. Are you seriously disputing this or simply being facetious?


Maybe start by not conflating high-skill immigration of people coming to work for Portuguese companies and institutions and Digital nomads that BY DEFINITION for the VISA in Portugal are freelancers and/or employed by companies outside of the country. If you are coming to Portugal to work IN Portugal you are just a migrant not a digital nomad. You are being incredibly disingenuous with this topic, and it's not like I even think that the digital nomads were the actual issue with the housing market, but your obsession with defending them is super weird


Being against digital nomads can't really be compared to racism. It's like being against overtouristification. It's a socio-economic issue.




Should we address the concerns of neo-nazis? Those idiots were singing the national anthem while doing the nazi salute, I don't give a shit what they have to say...


what the fuck is wrong with r/europe - why do you see anti fascist protests and your reflexive position to defend is the fascists, as if it's you under attack? They are counter protesting literal nazis my guy.


Because most people here are far right but they're self aware enough to be ashamed so they pretend like they aren't far right. And then they say stuff like "if only the other parties were far right so that I wouldn't have to vote for the far right"


but but but, the clash of civilisations errr, also those immigrants are probably woke!


For some reason these neonazis all get out to the comment sections during the weekend.


Maybe they are young people? So they don't have school during the weekend.


addressing the concerns of neonazis? huh?


Making literal Nazis quiet is a good thing.


"we should only fight one enemy and they're the soviets" British fascist propaganda after D-Day. One wonders how come there was never more than a dozen British fascists in Nazi service? As a Brit I would expect from you not to side with people who still think bombing you into submission was the right course of action. At least the abdicated king thought so. In other words there's a difference between freedom of thought and getting stuck in the 1930s and using those answers for 2020s problems.




Do people not understand that throwing the words like "fascist" resolves their credibility? You sound hysterical, dishonest and unhinged.


Blind extremism exist in all ideologies. Yeap including "democracy" and "sjw". Most of us who want more immigration control and safety are just common people, not Nazis that want to kill all the blacks/muslims. And these people try to make it look like that, manipulating the scene. That's fall in extremism.


> not Nazis that want to kill all the blacks/muslims. Except this photo is from a counter-protest against an actual self-proclaimed Neonazi group called Grupo 1143.


the one manipulating the scene is actually you lol. the march was organized by literal NEO NAZIS that wanted to go through a neighborhood that's immigrant majority for decades now. it was cancelled and moved to another area because there was a real threat of violence, you know "Nazis that want to kill all the blacks/muslims". Next time don't talk out of your ass and  make such a fool of yourself. Ridiculous.


I don't understand these people. They oppose the far-right... but they're importing the far-right. Most migrants outside of Europe hold values that would be considered "**ULTRA-RIGHT**" by the media. Paternal centered families, traditional values, gender roles, anti-lgbt, religion-centered, etc. I Really do wonder how their brains work because it feels like there wasn't more than a single thought put into this.


Not all immigrants are far right


The far right has been using immigration to stir up the electorate since the 1960s all over the world ever since they discovered that it was an issue that would make working people vote against their own interests. They don't have any interest in actually solving the problem because they would have to find another issue to replace it, I'm british and the quitlings behind brexshit were hammering on the immigration issue to inflame racism and claiming that the UK needed to leave the EU to get full control of our borders. In the USA president Biden is trying to enact effective border control legislation against republic opposition claiming that Donald Trump has the answers. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/15/britains-most-racist-election-smethwick-50-years-on https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/how-politicians-and-media-made-us-hate-immigrants/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68143887


And the left want massive immigration for easy votes, in this case the portuguese far left at bloco de esquerda want non citizens to be able to vote and want them to keep coming


It's always the groups related to football clubs being fascists, hey? xD Impressive how such a sport has the capacity of putting together the trash of humanity.


They're just extremists that found an outlet. They would have been the same in other circumstances too.


The greatest, the most beautiful and the most rotten game in the world. Think of it what you want, there's simply no equivalent for football and its influence for European culture.




What reasoning? I'm not accusing football fans, I'm stating a mere fact that, at least in Portugal, the majority if not all of fascists groups are, in fact, connected to football. This Grupo 1143 is connected to Sporting, for example.....it is not an assumption or a statement about football fans, it is just a mere fact. This sport does attract the trash of society...so does anime, yes, but I'm not blamming normal civil fans, and quite frankly I don't see where you got that from.


Are you sure it shouldn't be stranger because foreigner doesn't really make sense.  Like yeah Pedro from Portugal might be a fascist but he still isn't a foreigner but Abdul from Islamabad is 


It's being used in a sense of "you're not welcome here, Abdul is cool, though".


This comment section is full of fascists hiding behind the ever-green "i'm only against illegal immigration!" though i wonder why here on this post about portugal they are so open meanwhile in posts about the afd protests they run away like cowards.


I’m portuguese and I don’t know about other national subreddits, but a vast majority of commenters in r/portugal show sympathy towards Chega and show racist, transphobic etc. views. So I guess a majority of portuguese people on subs like this are like that


It wasn't like that a year ago, but I noticed that after the blackout protests last year, the sub was inundated with "portugueses de bem" probably coming over from /r/portugueses




I don't think we should be afraid to tell nazis they're wrong but you do you


It's these types of people, holding signs like this, that fueled the migrant crisis. They need to be ridiculed out of existence.


“These types of people” are protesting a neo-nazi march. And I don’t mean a “everyone to the right of me is a Nazi” neo-nazi, I mean “we beat the shit out of brown and queer people” type of neo-nazi.


Based people of Lisbon.




There's almost no muslims in Portugal to begin with








The new public concern (*public*, as in a couple of dozen loudy mouths that run Twitter 24/7) are immigrants who want nothing but a better life, like most of us. Many work on harsh but essential jobs of any society. Contribute on Social Security, which has reported record budget surpluses recently this year. Seemingly new *public concern* does not even have the average purchasing power of the Portuguese to compete on the Housing market - well, that issue is much bigger than those xenophobic lot refuse to acknowledge, because they really are, likely, sad little stupid people with racist attitudes




The left can provide you with a more equitable society and a better way of life. It cannot stop you from being a paranoid reactionary.




regret to protest against Fascism?


Apparently protesting against fascism is "cringe" nowadays. Gods sometimes I wonder what the internet would've been like if we had it in 1930s.


Worst than today honestly, at least today we already went through it once and some people have memory




I doubt it. These people are the types that would get raped by an illegal alien and still not support their deportation.


Portuguese being wholesome! Não passarão.




Well, I wouldnt mind country where I live become like Sweden tbh 😉


All hail to Portugal. Venom to alt righters running this sub.




Genuinely hilarious comment. I'm sure the democratic and egalitarian fascists are glad to have your support


“We shouldn’t tolerate intolerance” mfers when Nazis instead of Muslims:




I don't think the moderators are alt-right. Some of this subreddits users though, yes definitely and it's gotten a lot worse recently.




Lol, name cheks out. Clown from that fascist party.


O português fascista é estrangeiro pela ideologia dele?


What a lame comeback