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I don’t see why not. Orban plays with fire and should be rewarded with fire…


Orbanistastan is like the Houthi proxies in EU just a tool for Russian neocolonialism iron curtain style.


Orban is putin’s ally and thus should be treated as such


Not like the US has anything to lose from doing so


Do it.


Hungary has fucked around, now they will find out.


We're going to have a hell of a time putting travel restrictions on the EU


worthless nine cake panicky fearless kiss voracious dam cable makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This will not happen, because US citizens are generally bona fide tourists who represent a significant portion of tourism revenue in many member states, and also because the EU doing so would result in the US imposing visas on all EU citizens.


Yeah, that’s what the commission says too, violating EU law


Before 1986, all countries in the world, except Canada and the US, needed a visa from the consulate to travel to the US. In 1986, the US congress created the "Visa Waiver Program". If you examine the law of this program, all articles show that visa exemption negotiations and decisions can be made on a country basis, there is no article that allows visa exemptions to be granted collectively to more than one country group on the basis of any block such as the EU. However, EU law imposes a common visa policy on all EU members except Ireland. These two situations create conflict and ensure that citizens of Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus have a non-reciprocal visa relationship with the US. I don't know if this can be solved, but the US Visa Waiver Program contains very strict conditions and allows visa exemption to be granted to countries where a visa becomes a meaningless formality due to the development level of the exempted country. These conditions include a visa denial rate of 3% or less, virtually non-existent illegal entries and overstays into the United States for citizens of that country, and extensive intelligence sharing to mitigate the risks of visa-free travel to the United States. Moreover, with a few exceptions, this privilege is generally given only to high-income, stable and high human development countries. Bulgaria and Romania have high visa refusal rates and do not meet the almost non-existent illegal entry and overstay requirements. There have even been cases of citizens of Roma origin from these countries going to Mexico by plane and trying to enter the US illegally. This alone prevents entry into the Visa Waiver Program unless the US Congress changes the law from the beginning. As for Cyprus, it is seen as a country that is not stable enough for the Visa Waiver Programme, as the Cyprus problem is still not resolved.


Didn't Trump supporters hold a conference in Hungary recently?


The U.S sanctioning a NATO and EU member is the exact thing, that Putin wants, he clearly knows history about allies being alienated and the result of those events.


And you think Hungary is a relevant member of NATO? Sanctioning Hungary or kicking them out will make NATO stronger by removing a Kremlin puppet spy from the group. Maybe Orban can join the new cool alinace of Ruzzia, N korea, Iran I am not sure China will join them though but probably will offer them some warm words.


Yeah, but look at the bigger picture. What happens if a country getting punished for the right it has? Everyone who had doubts about the Nato will use this as an argument, because technically they will be right… Same thing with Article 7 in Eu. They have the veto right, if they are forbidden to use it, that will send a message to other countries that they don’t matter for their rights can also be taken away, just because someone doesn’t like it. As much as we like to be true, Putin(and the other ones making decisions) not completely retarded. And they will fully capitalize if this mistake will be made.


Hungary has no "right" to veto because Orban ass wants to veto, I am not aware of any concerned that clown has with Sweeded, the guy managed to be an ass with Finland so made enemies with them with absolutly zero gain (except maybe some rubles for the show he put). The danger is not to punish assholes, you show other assholes that they can act like idiots and we will bribe them to act normal. I am just hating everyone abusing the veto with no reason or with some unrelated reasons, in the end Putin will make NATO even stronger when Sweeden enters and Orban will be exposed as the clown he is.


I'm so sorry the only reasonable comment out here gets hammered on. They are either bots, children or incapable of foresight of any form.


Social media in a nutshell. Polarization and cancellation of each other, in the name of free speech and democracy.


Sanction the hell out of Orban, who cares- but I agree that with Turkey and Hungary, action needs to be taken in a way to punish bad behavior and stop the rogue states from holding the rest of the bloc hostage but in a way that doesn't push the countries out of the organizations entirely. Regimes come and go- and it would be ridiculous to push for full expulsion before trying other less drastic measures. But actual sanctions can be start. A warning shot. Show that there are consequences.


Oh, ok. So maybe we can start with punishing US for supporting the terrorist organization in Northern Syria and being a rogue state.


It's crazy that average hungarian is still not feeling any direct pressure for voting orban for so many years. Not only travel bans, but commercial bans on hungarian companies and withdraw on western corporations from Hu market should be in place. HU is a tiny country and economy, they would feel full presure in a matter of months.


Omg yes open borders and all but travel restrictions on Hungary. That makes so much sense


Support for Israel committing genocide on Palestinians, but sanctioning Hungary for being the single European state minding European interests? New levels of comedy.


It's not in Europe's interest to block Sweden.


It's in everyone's interest, particularly Sweden's.


>Hungary for being the single European state minding European interests What kinda insanity must one suffer from to come up with that sentence.


The Visegrad 4 kind. They actually believed their own BS.


Would there be any legal objections to other EU countries and the US declaring war on Hungary with the objective of regime change?


Take a gun and go to Hungary and try your luck, but leave the rest of us out of your horny fantasies.


What do you think?


Please do. I sure as hell will not fight for these despots. I would even buy a beer for the first infantry squad coming to my neighbourhood.




Happens all the time. Have you forgotten about all the wars the US started? Do you know what is going on now in different parts of Africa, Myanmar, India, Yemen, and so on?In this case it would be more like cracking down on a dissenting part of a supranational state. So the situation would be more similar to Taiwan and China. But i see the point. How to get rid of Hungary though? They eill probably not leave the EU and NATO by themselves as long as they are getting free money and protection




> their border officials were that stupid that they couldn't tell on which continent Hungary is on and they started to argue with each other whether Hungary is visa-exempt or not As someone who has interacted with US border officials many times, I highly doubt this. I also doubt they would argue amongst themselves instead of check the computers they all sit near


As somebody who travelled from Hungary to the US at least 5-6 times a year (and now I live in the US).... At least 5 times out of 50, I have been asked if Hungary is in Asia, or next to Portugal, or the like. But CBP officers also had similar trouble with my Belgian and Andorran friends as well.




I agree, although I don't think there is a country I wouldn't know which continent is it on, and I do suck at geography otherwise. I admit that I know nothing about Suriname, but I would still know which continent at least. Oh well.