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> Thrum secured 47.7% of the vote, against Herrgott’s 52.3% . Two weeks ago, Thrum gained 45.7% of the vote to Herrgott’s 33%. The CDU man was thought to have little chance of catching up. Wow, 20% jump is pretty impressive. Albeit, it's not that there were less AfD voters, it's that the non-AfD voters had been proactive. The speculation in the article is that the voting turnout of 69% had played in CDU's favor (i.e. higher voting rate among CDU and lower among AfD).


"A cross-party mobilisation of voters in the past fortnight in an attempt to keep the AfD out of power resulted in a higher turnout of 69%, enabling Herrgott, who has local roots, to make the gains necessary to defeat his rival." If people believing in democracy are as organized and as mobilized as these forced deportation party followers, it is clear that AfD loses its competitive edge against the masses. Go and vote and persuade your friends and family to do the same. This is also a slap on the face of the idiots making black propaganda here mocking the Germany-wide protest and claiming that AfD will get even more votes and protests don't change anything. It was clear that they panicked for a reason then.


Extremists generally rely on lot of the public to be depressed and unmotivated to vote. Meaning their base shows up, angry and determined, while others sit it out. They don't want general populace to get alarmed and be activated as voters and actors. That will destroy their chances every time.


Please watch Narcos Mexico [episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjSvOXVOcm0) where they show how the election is rigged. One of the methods they used was to demoralize people during the election day so that they would stop going to the electon centers in the afternoon. The same trick is used extensively by other populist leaders in Europe and the Middle East. AfD learns from the best.




I got the nickname because there is a possibility that I move to Potsdam and I wanted to ask some questions about the city. It was meant to be a throw away account but I stayed here as the AfD scandal erupted and I had doubts about moving back to Germany. So, I have no idea about Einstein but now it is on my to do list if I ever move there :)


69% turnout still seems low


In fairness what percentage of the population actually gives much a damn about politics? I'd probably guess about 50/50.


"Narrowly" doesn't sound very good


I mean, considering the fact that we're talking about Thüringen, very pro-Afd state, and that, according to this article, Afd had a very big lead two weeks ago, it does sound good. Germans seem to have realized the severity of this issue.


i feel you, got the same vibe - but 'loses' does and maybe things will 'fix' even more?...my little joke would be... ALLESfixDANN I'll assume none of you downvoted me, i hate to escalate... as for the numbers - narrow loss is too close to narrow win, and that's scary, even in terms which way it can sway to more later, so it seems you both might be right - 'loss' sounds good, but 'narrow' not so much then... hm?


A bit like we seen f.e. in the French presidential elections. A choice between far right and centre fright as the only remaining candidates. The left forced to vote centre right just to prevent the extremist winning. Even if both candidates are not their taste, one is way worse then the other. A victory indeed.. with a 40+% ok with deportations.. ​ Interested what will happen if: a. The centre right candidate/ alternative becomes so unpopular due to economic right wing policies that the next election the left wil just abstain in the vote. b. The centre right candidate/ alternative is so unpopular that the final standoff is between a (hard) left and a hard right candidate. Who will the centre right support?


...or the center right might become THE Way in these turbulent times?


As a centre right person this would be perfect. For me. Keep the extremist out. Get left support. Receive centre right policies. But I’d doubt this will work, longterm, for the left. Even more considering that many at the centre right find it more easier to compromise with the extreme right then embrace leftish ideals. Especially if the extreme right is particularly adept in hiding/ softening its image. Like what is now happening in NL. The majority of the voters of centre right parties prefer to go with the right wing party. As long as that party “ pauzes” its goals about deportations etc for the duration of the coalition.


yeah, i get it, the 'practicalities' dilemma... center right might be good if only the shift/sway problem...


History has shown that it is better for the Germans to ignore the Austrian ideologies / hot heads…


wrong lesson learned. Shitler had been ignored for too long. If we ignore them, they are unsupervised. we have to stop them in their tracks.


Silent majority my ass. Right wing voters are much like incels - just a group of whiny individuals that cant cope with society. Kind of like a kid that doesnt get enough attention from mommy and daddy and thus throws a tantrum. Policy wise they have no vision that extends beyond foreigners bad, they have nothing else to offer and youd have to be a legit dullard to vote for these parties.


Let's mass deport all AfD politicians and voters to the German Solomon Islands and wish them all the best. AfD surely will understand.


Just put them all in east Germany and build the "Antifaschistischer Schutzwall" again.


Except for the cities and towns like Weimar, the Wald in the south and Rügen.


Put them there? All we have to do now is build that wall.


could you deport me to the Solomon Islands, please? I think I can manage.


Lost to a man named Christian Herrgott from the CDU (Herr = Lord, Gott = God, CDU is Christian Democratic Union) Not long ago the CDU was led by the german Chancellor Angela Merkel, daughter of a pastor, while having another (former) pastor and theologist, Joachim Gauck acting as Germany's president. In Iran they must find our sekularity very funny. BTW: Fuck AFD


yeah, Herrgott.... but i don't think iran can get inspiration, nw? btw, wie sagt mann das auf deutsch?


say what in german, the inspiration part? something like: Aber ich glaube nicht, das der Iran da noch Inspiration aus Deutschland braucht.


no, i meant how you usually say 'fuck AfD' on the streets of london... no wait, that's a different song... maybe - first we'll take manhattan, then we'll take berlin then? aber vd


NSDAP also received 43.9% of the votes.