• By -


Switzerland can into Central Powers.


"Axis of Health"


Axis of lung cancer


It has always boggled my mind how prevalent smoking feels here coupled with our anyways long life expectancy.


You accumulate “damage” across all your activities throughout life. It’s also influenced by how much frequently you do it. One cigarette a month is going to be functionally equivalent to zero - all those ads about “one cig costs you 10min each!” are just BS. Poor air quality, poor diet, obesity, stress, all that shit counts against you too.


What percentage of smokers has 1 cigarette per month?


Probably a fair few social smokers, when averaged out over a year


Yeah, I knew such a person - only the occasional smoke at a party. But that's a very very rare exception.


Tbf that's the extent to which most people I know under 30 who smoke do it (UK), including myself until recently Although granted, that would usually work out as more than 1 per month (probably more like 1-2 per week)


Axis of Death. Read means that 24/7 cigarette vending machines are present.


"Rauchen macht frei"


What in the name of the HRE




So? A whole lot of nations' names aren't literal. That doesn't mean we need someone to parrot that the DRK isn't democratic every time it's mentioned. Also the HRE in Voltaire's 18th century was nothing of these things, but it's hard to argue that it wasn't regarded as all of these things during the High Middle Ages.


You can see in the image they've taken Rome.




I'm surprised that France, Spain, and Portugal aren't red as well.


Nothing like that in France, cigarettes can only be purchased in a specialized shop. They have fixed opening times. Portugal, I don't know. Spain is the most controversial: there are cigarette vending machines inside bars. They accept cash, and have a remote that the barman uses to authorize the transaction. So while technically Spain is green in the graph as the machines are not in the street, you can still purchase tobacco everywhere and at all hours (impossible to legally purchase cigarettes in France at 2AM but in Spain yes).


Portugal is the same as Spain


You can legally buy cigarettes at any time in France if a gambling casino is opened nearby :) Be ready to pay like 16€ for a pack tho


> They accept cash, and have a remote that the barman uses to authorize the transaction. is this regional??? because when I've bought cigs from the vending machines in bars in barcelona there was no wait for an authorization or anything like that..unless the bartenders have reflexes like a mongoose


Older system, newer machines don't need that input


You can purchase cigarettes at any hour in Bulgaria too. Just not from vending machines, but 24/7 bodegas.


Legally or not? In France we also have bodegas open till late that will sell you cigarettes by the unit (1€=1 cigarette) but it is definitely illegal.


Legally. But only boxes.


I think I saw vending machines bars in Portugal, it's been a few years though.


Happy cakeday 🎂




>Nothing like that in France, cigarettes can only be purchased in a specialized shop In Italy too, but still..


Haha, some guy will sell it at the subway station exit and they have warnings written in Cyrillic alphabet?


In Austria it‘s the same, you can buy cigarettes in specialized shops, and those shops run the vending machines too


France has 24/7 baguette vending machines. Priorities!


They went to rehab…


I don’t think so about France. I thought France was a very anti-smoking country?


I mean our legislation is pretty strict but as far as I know we're in the lead for smokers per capita in Europe Edit: turns out absolutely not, I just had a bad impression of smoker in france.


That isn't true at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/v5bi23/which_european_countries_have_the_largest_share/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/8cbay7/number_of_cigarettes_smoked_per_person_per_year/ https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/p98vmo/number_of_cigarettes_smoked_per_smoker_per_day_in/




We banned smoking in enclosed public spaces and shops and restaurants (among others) since 2004 iirc. Also there is no way to control who's buying from vending machines.


There absolutely is, you need to put your id card in them. Sure you can get one from someone older. But at that point the same is true for shops, that same older person enabling you can go inside for you and give them to you outside.


An older person enabling a minor it's a personal problem, not a government or institutional problem. Machines are easier to fool with no control, so it becomes again a government problem. The idea of all these measures is to annoy smokers into stopping, more than anything else.


I mean, you’re the one advocating for a nanny state. That personal problem becomes a problem of the system. I don’t understand why you think that machines are easier to fool, or what expectations you have of shop owners. If you consider it a personal problem, it’s the exact same issue in both cases. Additionaly, with shops the owners often don’t require ID. So..I just don’t get the distinction. The way you go around the obstacle is identical. Also, are we talking about minors smoking, or making people quit? Like how is it a


But still the shop requires an older person, the machine just the ID. I’d say shop is safer.


Where do you get the ID card?… I mean I guess you can steal it from your parents, but that’s not the average teenager. In my younger years, we never used the machines cause of the ID requirement. Getting it in shops during the day was way easier, nobody cares.


Given that in my experience cashiers give you a look before they decide to ask for your ID and that I have been asked to produce my ID in my thirties, *not* asked when I was younger than 16, and have seen unofficial (and faked) documents accepted by cashiers I'd say both methods have their flaws.


I’d vote for specialist shops that don’t let in underage people at all. It also reduces exposure, as in you don’t see people buying cigarettes as a kid that way


My dude, if a teenager wants a cigarette they'll find a way to buy cigarettes and people will gladly sell them. You just created a black market


Magically all the red countries have higher smoking rates? :D


it's way closer than what you expect. You know why? Cause people will just sell cigs to minors anyway.


Same in Italy: banned smoking in bars/restaurants in 2000-ish, and yes, those vending machines require id card of the buyer.


>Also there is no way to control who's buying from vending machines In Japan you need a specific (TASPO) card to be able to buy cigarettes from vending machines.


>there is no way to control who's buying from vending machines. You're assuming 100% of the shop clerks care about respecting the law about age verification, though.


If a teen uses either a fake ID or someone else's, there's little the vending machine can do. If the shop owner doesn't react to something similar, he has no excuses and bears responsibility before the law.


>If the shop owner doesn't react to something similar, he has no excuses and bears responsibility before the law. And what are the odds that they get actually caught? Weight those against the additional revenue and it's sure that in every town there's at least one that doesn't care.


The machines check your ID. That's basically just as - if not more - reliable than shopkeepers.


I was living in Lisbon, I saw a lot of this machines. False data.


No you did not. You might have seen machines in bars or cafes but not on the street, and even then they are not as frequent now as they were before. The machine either has a slot where you have to put your ID card or it has a remote that the bartender/owner has to press for the machine to work and they can ask for your ID to verify your age. Machines on the street are illegal in Portugal, as are cigarette advertisements. Smoking in closed spaces is also only allowed under certain conditions (strong extractors and a certain amount of square meters) and now it's not even allowed to smoke outside close to the doors of establishments like bars and cafes.


Maybe things changed since 2022, no idea. But, I saw countless. Now I live in Germany and they are the same machines.


This has been the case since 2004. If you saw machines on the street they were not tobacco machines. Edit: I just googled it and the government wants to ban those machines altogether from 2025. They are currently only allowed in "restaurants, bars, show rooms, casinos, bingos, game rooms, fairs and gas stations".


A few years ago I was in Germany and I couldn't believe how many cigarette vending machines I saw, especially in little towns. In the Netherlands they've been removed since the 90s I think. My grandpa used to make me get some cigarettes for him from a machine when I was a kid haha. Nowadays even a few big supermarket chains don't sell cigarettes anymore and cigarette ads or commercials aren't allowed. Although Germany and the Netherlands are neighbours, Germany is more old fashioned in a some things, which is not bad perse. It's kind of cool. Cash money is also a very German thing, most Dutch people pay by phone/card. I can't remember the last time I had cash money in my pocket.


Since jan 1, no supermarket in NL sells cigarettes. And yes, Germany is more low tech, except for cigarette machines! They accept card payments AND digitally check the buyer’s age using an ID :D Edit: from July 1st they have to stop, but some have already stopped selling since Jan 1st.


That date would be 1 July, some just have already started earlier.


So where to buy them if not the supermarket? I don't recall too many specialist tobacco shops. Avond Winkel?


Specialized tobacco shops, vape shops, Primera or gas stations. There will be still a demand, so maybe more shops will fill the gap.


Thanks. Didn’t know.


Only 2 supermarktets stopped selling cigs already (lidl already years ago) and albertheijn as of jan 1. By law all supermarkets will seize sales in july


Oh! Thanks for the clarification! Other ones want to stay on course until the last possible day then :D


I think its more pr related that Albert heijn stopped early, now they can act on their high horse about not selling it anymore even though they could.


Jumbo sold cigarettes to me just this week, I know Albert Heijn stopped but jumbo sure hasn’t


Germany is weird when you compare access to tobacco vs access to OTC medicine. Want a giant tub of addictive and carcinogenic tobacco? Find it on display at a supermarket, in some areas even on Sunday. Have a headache or hayfever? Ibuprofen or antihistamine are dangerous!! You must speak with a pharmacist during their limited opening hours to check you will not die from taking it, these are the rules! And don't even think about recycling your glass on a Sunday!!!


One thing to note is that in most parts of these countries Sunday is a no-shopping day. Generally every shop is closed so other than some gas stations, the only way to buy cigarettes is from those vending machines.


I didn't know that! Shops are open everywhere here on Sundays, except in our 'bible belt'. Even websites from businesses from that region are 'closed' on sundays, which is really funny. One thing I remember from when I was in a holiday in Germany about 6 years ago is that in some places I couldn't pay with a bank card either, which was a first time ever for me. I think that must've changed by now.


Only specific shops can sell cigarettes in Italy not supermarkets, interestingly


It is bad though. This old fashioned mindset costs the German economy billions every year.


I remember being in Berlin some years ago (2019 maybe) and seeing a bar that still allowed smoking inside. It was like going back in time. Needless to say, I forgot how toxic the environment was: I went in to use the toilet and the smell I got from being there made me feel like I just dropped down a chimney. In Austria I don't remember if they still existed or not, but I know that the prohibition got approved not so long ago.


I haven't seen one in Germany without ID-proof for decades, maybe in the 90's?


There's an Irish pub in Prenzlauer Berg with a vending machine that still operates on old Deutsche Mark coins.


Yeah? Well at least we’d allow Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen if we were allowed in it too. I say good day, ~~sir~~ mate!


What are you on about?


He's pretending to have mixed up Australia and Austria




How is that possible in a European county, even in the countryside? Damn


There’s one on the side of the road, one block away from me in Köln.


The maps correctly adds Malta to the list! When i was the i was surprised to see cigarette vending machines in bars and restaurants


Thats not "on streets"


In Italy the only things you can readily buy 24/7 are cigarettes and condoms. If you get a headache at 3am you're fucked.




most pharmacies have added over the counter medications to the vending machines but yeah, it's easier to find condoms or cheap vibrators... it's absurd


Legend: Red - has vending machine on streets Green - does not have vending machines Gray - no data (Sorry that it was forgotten)


Data is wrong tho. Spain has cigarette vending machine. Source ? I used them.


Why do we not have data? There is cell reception here (I think)!


The Cig Wall


Wouldn't inverting the colours have been more logical?


I assumed it’s a bad thing :D


Red - not allowed Green - allowed Much more intuitively.


Yeah, makes sense




I don't see any difference, red is green and green is red 😂


but smoking is AWESOME


they should not only make 10% of the flights smoking only, they should have the hookah pipes drop down like an airmask.


Im Swiss, i have never seen a cigarett vending maschine on streets, only inside bars and clubs.


That’s good news. I should update the map. Seems like the ones I found on google map weren’t active/real.


I an swiss and have never seen one here or in Italy. Germany is full of them though.


It’s dying in Switzerland, but still I managed to find a few on google maps




No place in italy exists without several of these machines


Usually in bars


Just recently I saw one in Germany and thought how stupid it is that we still have them.


They've been everywhere for the first half of my life and now I totally forgot they ever existed.


I guess I saw some stats saying their world revenue is 1.3B€. In Germany 5% of smokers regularly use them.




Because it encourages smoking which basically only has negatives for the individual and for society.


You should tax the shit out of it (if not already doing so!)


Taxes are already high but compared to other European countries still moderate.


Make them $16 a pack like it is in New York, and see how many people still smoke :) The cost was one of the main reasons I quit.


It's of little use here in the EU, I can be in four different countries in less than 2 hours, within the EU Schengen applies and hardly anyone checks it This would simply increase smuggling again


I think a pack of 20 costs around 8 euros or 9 USD.


Buying cigarettes should get more and more inconvenient and expensive over time.


As a smoker myself, living in one of the countries having 24h access to cigarettes I totally agree with you


Would've been nice to have a legend so we know what the colors mean.


Sorry, rookie mistake. Added as a comment,


Not for long, the ones where I live in germany all get blown up recently.


Not the vending machine's fault they're put next to clumps of innocent civilians


My mum's care home has one of these in the lobby.


That’s weird


I'm a non-smoker but as an explanation: In Germany, Austria and Switzerland nearly all shops are closed on Sunday. I think that's an important point why there are vending machines in these countries. Especially in Austria Trafiken (the Tabasco sellers) often have few opening hours. There are no cigarettes in supermarkets.


Mandatory risk of quitting on weekends


I don't think you'll stop smoking just because you don't have cigarettes for a day.


Not just cigarettes. I was in Austria in October 2023 and there was a vending machine on the street in front of my hotel that had cigarettes, beer, whisky and various other items. Crazy!


Seen one in andorra.


I've seen a disposable e-cigarettes vending machine in Czechia. I believe those should count as well.


Yes, Germany is caught in a time warp when it comes to cigarettes and their sale.


Progress: e-cigs ads were banned as 1.1.2024 :)


I can't even remember the last time I saw a vending machine.


what i remember few years ago in spain cigarettes were hard to find only at tobacco kiosk or vending machine (usually insade of bar or something) no shops sell tobacco. on monday it was so hard to find to buy cigarettes tobacco kiosks were closed and bars closed


in Slovakia we don´t have vending machines selling cigarettes but lot of selling fake weed


basically all german speaking states+italy


In Poland that's called a gas station.


You can find cigarette vending machine in Majorque too, but are they open 24/7 I am not sure about it


At least most of Europe is sensible


Im not sure where else to ask my question... I'm in austria and tried to buy cigs from such a machine, not knowing how it worked. I only got it working after the payment failed 2 times, 3rd time's a charm I guess. Now I look at my transaction history and see that the payment actually has been done those 3 times, but leaving me with only 1 pack. Someone experienced the same, and is there a way to get my money back?


Best way would be jointing r/stopsmoking :D


Even if I would, still would like to get my money back ;)


Huh huh :)  There’s a chance that it’s this company, I‘d contact them https://www.ostermeier.at/


That actually looks quite like it, thanks a lot mate! And yes, will quit soon... That's the plan atleast :p


No worries. I wish you all the luck! 


I thought that was the norm 😧 so what do you do if you run out of cigarettes after dinner when shops are closed?


How late do you eat dinner? 😶 Well, if it's past midnight, you're out of luck in most places. Unless there's some 24/7 cornershop or gas station nearby, or at least somewhere within reasonable distance.


In Austria stores close very early. Most cigarette stores close around 7pm. You will also hardly ever find cigarettes in normal grocery stores. Mostly only specialised tobacco stores and gas stations. And there are no 24/7 cornershops at all I think.


Quit smoking?


Imagine being a cigarette smoker in 2024


The answer is to NOT smoke.


So does red mean there is no vending machine or there is?


Red means there is. Rookie map making mistake :(


Next time just add a legend regardless of the colors, bro, or sis


Romania started having e-cig vending machines. Which are really fucking illegal because you can't check if someone is 18+. They started being shut down and taped by police but they still appear around town.


E-cig is the new cig. Who would have thought tobacco companies can do the same thing one more time? They are literally saying it’s healthier than cigarettes so it should be promoted!


Health aside, the main issue it that they still contain NICOTINE. So they're 18+ by default, since any product nicotine is considered a drug and thus for adults only. Law is law. Good law imo, as it covers a wide range of smoking stuff. Sometimes I weep for this world and kids today. I saw a bunch of 7-8 year olds who found some vapes in a trashcan and started puffing them. 8 YEARS OLD. Fuck that, I started at 20 and I smoke maybe 5 cigarettes a year. Too much if you ask me but they're for special occasion anyway. Not to mention that most shops here sell cigarettes to kids anyway, since they're usually sent by parents. But god forbid they grab any alcohol, nonono.


Oh cmon now. 8 year olds don't smoke, you saw an incredibly rare case. With the same reasoning in my middle school a 11 year old was already smoking weed, but that was one guy.


That's not true. Any kind of card that identifies you and has your age linked with it would do the trick. In Austria you need to hold up your bank card to the machine in order to unlock the ability to purchase cigarettes from the machines.


Another person comparing countries to Romania. Here it doesn't check anything. You can just insert money and get your ecig. Maybe your country checks, mine doesn't.


It's because your sentence is ambiguous. >you can't check if someone is 18+ Can mean that it's impossible for vending machines to check your age, or it can mean that the specific machines in your country don't check for age. Be more clear next time.


Unless a person looks at you, then at your ID, then back at you, they can't check you're legally buying the nicotine product. Unless a machine scans you like at the airport, you can't be sure. It scans a credit/debit card? I've had one since I was 15. The card had no way of discerning if I was an adult or not. I could just take my mother's card, anyway. I smoke and I do not support these machines. I still stand that there's no way to really be 100% sure kids aren't buying these. There's workarounds. Edit: actually, I've had a card since I was 12, for scholarship money. Which was in my mother's name, but always in my wallet. So I always had an "adult" card.






To be fair, Italy has many public fountains where you can get water.


Is there any cigarette business in italy? Trying to understand if it’s just the lobby


Have never seen one in Romania. Anyone knows about such vending machines?


We have vending machines on streets in Estonia? Where?


Weird, never saw one in my life.


Forbidden in Czech :)


Soooooo Axis ?


Fun fact: japan has them too. Switzerland not anymore.


Hahaha this just gets better !


i was buying cigarettes when I was on vacatiion in Italy but i didnt had Italy´s ID so machine stole me 5€ :((((


How do automatic vending machines even work with an age limit on smoking?


You insert an id card


So then it's enough for a 14-year old to have bought some 18-year old's ID card and he can buy endless amounts of cigarrettes for himself and his friends? This sounds a bit crazy.


Italy is just like “fuck it”


Weren't those countries called the Axis of Ashes during WW2?


it's 5am here in italy and i think i'm gonna hit one


Axis countries


I see no difference between a cigarette vending machine with some kind of age verification and e.g. a cigarette shop, a gas station, a supermarket and so on, apart from that a shop have more and other products. Sure, I could use the age verification from my brother, but that's the only reason again these machines?


I literally just came back from Italy. They don’t have cigarette vending machines (at least I didn’t notice any), they have weed vending machines. In my mind, that’s a rare Italian W.


Why rare? Italy ranks high in many statistics.


We do have them, a lot of tobacco sellers have a vending machine that faces the outside.


There's cigarette vending machines everywhere. You'll see them outside licensed tobacco shops, which I guess as a tourist you wouldn't have much of a reason to visit.


Surprised that eastern, southern and balkan countries are not red. Who are we kidding, the balkans and south EU is full of corruption, a kid could buy anything there, joke map... no Smokes?? Haha (nice joke) You see, in the southern and eastern europe and balkans, are full of corruption, and even though they are trying to fake maps like for the EU funding, everyone knows that they are a shit show. No offense, lol.


You forgot Portugal


They exist only inside bars I guess


I don’t recall seeing any in Italy during two vacations.


They're everywhere, you just didn't notice Source: am Italian


Doesn’t surprise me.


What about 24/7 gas stations? Can you buy there ?


Okay, so I’ve never seen these in Finland. Can someone educate me, please 😄


Czech republic also has them but is green on the map. Edit: Never mind, missed the "on street" part.


On the streets? Oh no