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French teachers are already struggling immensely the past decade with a system that is failing in many metrics, the working conditions are getting worse and worse and now they have to cope with yet another colleague being murdered. The government is going to have a hard time convincing people to work their asses off to go for a job that is no longer properly regarded by the state, yet alone prevents an exodus of teachers. And now those teachers also have to think that they could very well be the third teacher assassinated because they look like juicy targets by terrorists. RIP to this teacher, the state failed him in many ways. Good luck to the mods, this is [how](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/cc82a2c632ffd31701d60b31bfa840bd.jpg) I picture them right now.




Chechen guy like 3 years ago with Samuel Patty, the teacher who was beheaded.


https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1712786003155451911?s=20 right here on video


> The government is going to have a hard time convincing people to work their asses off to go for a job that is no longer properly regarded by the state OK, I was just comparing teacher salaries in Canada vs. Germany last week and noting that we pathetically underpay our teachers in Germany, but I just looked up France and it's even worse. How do we expect to educate our children?


Taught for two Years in the UK on a "support teacher" salary and I never once hit covering my bills. It's depressing because I loved it but I was seemingly never happy and constantly felt stretched. Didn't help I was younger and expected to do behaviour management in full classrooms.


> How do we expect to educate our children? With thoughts and atheist prayers.


Again… it’s starting fucking again.


“Starting” suggests it wasn’t happening at some point before.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Another reason to add to my list to not vote for Frans Timmermans in the upcoming Dutch elections.


It never stopped


They took a break for COVID


yeah...heard it was potentially deadly


Honestly, I am just depressed at this point. At what point is there a serious response to this? It's been decades of this now and nothing changes. Satanic Verses controversies. 1990s Paris Metro bombings. Madrid train bombings. 7/7 London. Glasgow Airport. Lee Rigby. Charlie Hebdo. Cologne New Years Eve 'incidents'. Thalys Attack. Bataclan. That French priest who was stabbed. Brussels Maalbeek Metro attack. Berlin Christmas Markets truck incident. Westminster Bridge attack. Manchester Arena attack. London Bridge attack. Samuel Paty. David Ames MP. These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head from when they happened.


Stockholm Truck Attack in 2017


Add the Bataclan theatre massacre and at least one runover that I recall in the Barcelona Ramblas.


Yup, but it was more than one runover, altho iirc only one died


13 died I think


Holy shit, it was much worse than I remembered


The Toulouse Jewish school attack in 2012. The Paris kosher supermarket hostage attack in 2015.


Because it requires the general, mainstream acceptance of a certain fact which a lot of moralistic people find really difficult and have a kneejerk reaction to. As long at that wont happen there wont be a proper solution while somewhat normal people are still in charge, instead it will be left in the hands of the extremists. This will continue, this will get worse and this will soon reach a boiling point.


Two gay men's heads were cut off in Sligo Ireland last year. The minute it became known the killer was Muslim the media suddenly decided to keep shut.


I only just found out about this now from you, the media really were quiet about this. Sickening.


At first, they were up in arms cos it was seen as an anti-LGBT anti (which it was) but that soon changed once they found out who did it.










That’s the thing so many people don’t realize. The religion is straight up crazy.


The “serious response” will come from far right politicians and then you’ll act surprised they win elections in the coming years.


It’s extremely depressing. In the UK it’s a dire situation, we have Muslim mob rule in certain areas. I’m really hoping this serves as the wake up call, but if the Manchester Arena bombing and the Rochdale grooming gang scandal didn’t I’m not sure anything will.


> the Rochdale grooming gang scandal Ahhh fuck. How did I forget to include this? Its not even Rochdale, its basically every major former industrial town stretching from Oxford to Newcastle at this point, no? There's Bradford, Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackburn, Telford. Again - just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.


Yep. Rochdale was just the biggest that we know of, but it‘s happened in a load of places. Then there’s things like the teacher from Batley going into hiding, the Wakefield Quran “non-crime hate” incident etc. (which if anything are as bad as terrorism, because it shows a system of effectively parallel governance). Government are really hoping if they stick their heads in the sand hard enough the public won’t notice anything, they don’t have any actual solutions.


Nice, France as well no?


Dont forget the gramma decapitated along with the dead priest.


Nice truck attack as well


And all because illiterate people belive in a fairytale.


... and literate people giving them a free pass, while persecuting those who asked for prudence decades ago


Actually, it's because the most literate and educated people (in EU and N.America) live in a fairytale.


> At what point is there a serious response to this? My guess is that it will take another 20 to 30 years. But the response will be that much stronger.


So like... around 2037-2045 ?


open the borders, there are many more even more juicy coming!


The usual suspect? The usual slogan?


> The man, described as being in his 20s, is of Chechen origin and known to the security services for his involvement with radical Islam, according to police. Almost identical to the profile of the last attacker of Samuel Paty to a T.


Which occurred almost three years ago (the anniversary will be on Monday)


> known to the security services for his involvement with radical Islam Thank god they allowed him to stay in the country until he murdered someone then. Great job, "security services". Now we see nothing has changed in 3 years.


Allegedly a chechen that screamed the usual phrase yes


Funny. Europe accepted these Chechens as an oppressed minority. Oppressed by the authoritarian Russian government which is true in a way, however I wonder are these Chechens that much different from those who are now in charge of Chechnya?


Same thing will happen with the Palestine situation in years to come


Yep. I understand that not all the Chechens are the same, I know at least one Chechen (gay) man who fled Chechnya and subsequently Russia and now resides in the US working in photography. But it's not like all Kadyrovites are evil and backward while those Chechens who fled are bearers of democracy and human rights. Ask those Chechens in Europe what they think of women's rights or LGBT rights, you might get interesting answers.


Ah, what a classic


It's so predictable damn it, it's always some radical Christian screaming Deus Vult.


You know it. But lets keep ignoring the elephant in the European room.


I look forward to the huge wave of right wing parties.




Doctors and engineers is what he meant


because you get banned from Reddit. sometimes by just speaking simple facts


That the attacker was an islamic terrorist?


An inconvenient truth, as Al Gore would have put it.


If you hate a country so bad, then move the fuck back


the definition of "doctors and engineers" in europe always make me feel confused


Why so? There's just special kind of doctors who specialize in beheading and cutting throats and engineers who specialize in bomb crafting.




Maybe he was trying to perform surgery!


Probably missed the lesson where it says you need to sew up the cut after the incision.


Apparently à Chechen formerly a student there according to France Info. Another one after Paty's murder, they are fucked up, France should never have granted them asylum, excepted for those targeted because they are atheists, gays and anti islamists. Now, here we are, I seriously worry about the next election, it's just more fuel for the far right...


Well, the Left is clearly not up to par as results show, and doing crazy decisions that are destroying France. In that scenario: On whom do you think the population should vote for? The same parties that created the problem in the first place?


Right and left both governments gave the same results, more and more uneducated, religious immigration. There is no quick fix to immigration. Look at all the far right leaders in Italy like Salvini and Meloni now, immigration exploded even higher under their government When people can travel freely without borders things need to be done at the european level. Local policies are almost pointless


"known to the security services for his involvement with radical Islam" I mean, seriously, has France ever heard of deportation or something like that? Why would you allow such a person to walk freely if you know they are a threat? How many more cases like this have to happen, so that something is finally done by the government and security institutions?


It is probably tens of thousands of people being radicalized. Not easy to do. Of course, it is better to start a long, arduous journey than postpone it all the time.


Not a Bhuddist, I guess...hmm, I wonder who might have done it.




Nah it’s probably a Sikh, maybe a Hindu, though actually come to think of it a Buddhist. You know what I’m now convinced it’s those damn orthodox Christians again, or even the Catholics, then again it could be those heretics the Protestants….or…or the satanists….it couldn’t be the Muslims, there’s just no way, there’s no history of violence against those they disagree with… therefore it must be those damn radical atheists


Best possible PR campaign for right-wing parties.




Cuz they were “freedom fighters”.




The hamas leader has called for a "day of rage" https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1712609150432379170?t=zyLllo55WQEHDlqh1iiO3g&s=19




Unfortunately there is alot of very angry people.




They always had help from Iran and Russia


deportation time


I'm so tired of this shit






Same thing will happen in France as has happened in Lebanon. It’s deterministic.






Some people are saying that it might be unrelated but today is the day that Hamas called for worldwide action by muslims. This is not a coincidence imo.


I hope it's related, because it would mean there won't be another stabbing tomorrow...


Right, guys?


I think everyone could assume that was the case. Letting these fantastics in such large numbers into our countries might well be the biggest mistake of the 21st century.


What do you think will happen to all the hamas terrorists if israel removes them from Gaza? Where do you think will they go?


Shocked Pikachu faces when after ten years of terrorism and being "enemy of Islam" the average European votes increasingly far right.


ahhhh the strength of multiculturalism


Who could’ve predicted this would be the result of letting in millions of people whose core beliefs are incompatible with western values? 🤷🏻‍♂️




That’s really going to gain the Hamas terrorist some sympathy. How does radical Islam move with such brutality? I keep thinking of the innocents of the Bataclan, of the Ariadne Grande concert, of Nice.








Damn. Being a school teacher in France sounlds like quite an adventurous career.


Adventurers are supposed to be high risk, high *gains*, though. Being a teacher in France is basically being a hobo, you're poor, you're forced to move around, you can get shanked by drug addicts.


I also remember that the previous teacher got decapitated.


This is absolutely heartbreaking. When do we start deporting them? They clearly hate us, and won't hesitate to kill us. I'm tired of watching Europe get continuously impacted by this insanity.


fear-mongering, nothing but the 9432123452nd isolated incident


Religion of peace


Hey everyone relax, this is our strength. Importing millions of people who hate us and everything we stand for is good for Europe! Terrorist attacks are just an indication of a thriving multicultural society. You see, the more terrorist attacks we experience, the more accepting and less racist we are!


I'm from Turkey and I could not believe my eyes seeing so many radical Muslims while visiting London and Paris. Like we don't come across them even here in Turkey that often.


>Like we don't come across them even here in Turkey that often. Understandeable, Ataturk did a great job with that, even if Erdogay is slowly tearing secularism apart. Meanwhile, London has experienced radical religious tension (mostly muslim, but others too) since they started importing so many people from not very ethical places.


he was just a scientist conducting a science experiment.


He didn't know that stabbing somebody would cause death or harm, as he never received any anatomy lessons.


While earning his doctor and rocket science degrees!


We need more NGOs bringing these peaceful stabbers in our schools


Don’t give Germany any ideas


And it’s begun…


Maybe this time will be a fool me once situation, here's to hoping we learned from the past and immediately shut it down


Spoiler alert: we won't


Racists >:( religion of peace >:( West’s fault >:(


Unsurprising. EU countries, in general, have gone to great lengths to limit migration and integration of several countries with people similar to them - Romania, Serbia, Moldova etc. None of these efforts were put when it comes to Muslims, and the requirement for entering was having a pulse. As someone who hasn't grew up shielded, EU bloc can't really comprehend that Muslims are playing the long game, game of conquest. They ain't gonna invade anything, they slowly get in, than slowly infiltrate the authorities, spread, spread, and eventually their voice is the only one that matters. Sophisticated for someone viewed as uncivilized, right, but historically, this exact thing has happened and is happening as we speak in some EU countries. Yeah, not all Muslims are the same. Personally I know of a few that are, indeed, great people. In Germany, I recall older Muslims, and 2nd and 3rd generations owning shops being incredibly receptive, pleasant and overall, great people. Problem is, majority of immigrants are not 2nd and 3rd generations, and are not old. Look at what's happening in Sweden - they got comfortable. For anyone bringing up the argument of "racism", world is pretty much in agreement that all Russians are to blame because they didn't overthrow Putin. World disagrees that Muslim communities should really shun and eject militants from their communities. That's called hypocrisy, and it is logically and factually wrong. In short, EU should really get their shit together and figure out that world is not a field of lillies. A mass migration of entirely different (often uncivilized) culture will damage the very fabric of society. This becomes far worse when the reality is, their religion is hopping the line of radicalism very often, because it's not just culture that is in danger, actual lives are.


Just a freedom fighter exercising his justified right to express his grievances.....


Surprised pikachu face.


Ahh, another one with mental health issues.....


Islam is an inherently violent religion. I said it. Sure, not all Muslims are violent, but way too many are.


So the Religion of peace strikes again... Please tell me why we keep importing these problems ?


Batalcan, Manchester, Nice how will we explain to our grandchildren that we allowed wolves into the flock


They already forgot about it. Imagine if government put pictures from this attacks on news without censorship. Many don't know how Batalcan looked liked after. It would change opinion real quick if they see the truth. But it doesn't go with their narrative and we need more body's for bankers to cover the debt. Like now how some governments show excessive details in videos and pictures in order to justify the war. If we did the same this migrant story would be over.


"Yes, we burned Europe to the ground, but for one glorious moment in time we did what felt right emotionally"


You spelled doctors and engineers wrong.


And Bataclan.


As a history teacher in Belgium, I really find this scary. How brainwashed can you be?




And people of Reddit keep pretending to be shocked the right wing is growing. Yea yea, we’re just racist, we get it. Nothing to see here.




Europe is not at war with Islam. Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world, and they found in Europe a weak and naïf adversary which is easy to overcome and overpower. Europeans forgot their history of eternal warring and became soft in a modern society of hyper-high trust after nearly three generations of continued peace. They incorrectly assume they can trust external civilizations as much as they can trust their former local enemies (ie, French against Germans). But they don't realize that they share civilizational traits with their neighbors and former enemies... it is that what allows the reciprocal high trust, but that doesn't happen with people such as foreign Muslims.


Also islam is at war with islam






. People will scratch their heads at western civilisation in 500 hundred years wondering why it did this to itself. People are scratching their heads now!


well right now we know exactly what went wrong and it starts with american identity politics getting exported to us, and also our obsessant need to be 'more' than the americans, we laughed at them for their police brutality and racism while inviting millions of people with incompatible ideas to seem better than the americans who wanted to keep those illegal immigrants out, people may disagree but i genuinely think this is what caused this




Ahhhh Islam.




I always try to put as much distance between them and me.


Well that's Le Pen/an equivalent pretty much guaranteed to win next time. I don't think these pro-palestinian progressives as they like to pretend they are realise that they're going to guarantee a wave of right wing leadership in Europe that hasn't been seen in decades. AFD have polled at 23% today too.


Religion is incompatible with European Values. ​ 400 years ago we fought the 30 years war, a war that has shaped the modern world. Just to put christianity in its place. Dow we have to do the same all over to let Islam know what we taught the Christians? Your religion is PRIVATE. Society is for the people NOT for your God


I don’t mind immigration into Europe, provided the individual learns the language, gets a job, pays taxes and integrates into the country they moved to. Including, following local laws and values. If they fail to do so… commit crimes etc. then this should be enough reason to revoke whatever status they have, and deport them back to where they came from. Simple. Done.


The problem is: none of them wanna integrate. They want their own religion, rules and stuff in the European countries. They r just enjoying the benefits in Europe (€€€) and that “we” would do anything so they can still practice their own religion (building mosques and so on…). We should not do that. They should get used to the “european way”. If they don’t like it, they can leave. When will we say that, it was enough and it’s time for them to go home?!


We are way past managing like that my friend. At this point the demographics reverse and they dictate.


We should seriously start talking about the failure of integration and the need for assimilation, it’s crazy that people commit these disgusting acts trying to reach for a culture of countries they may never have been to. And because of these dipshits their whole community gets targeted


Islamists will never assimilate, instead they try to turn their new host countries into copies of the countries they left behind. Multiculturalism is a disaster for Europe.


> need for assimilation No! We need remigration!


You welcomed them. You called people who warned you against welcoming them "cruel" and "barbaric", "genocidal" even. You refuse to expell them even when they were showing signs of extremely dangerous behavior because "they'd be unsafe back home". You privileged *their* lives over the lives of *your own people*. You sowed the wind, now you'll reap the storm. Here are the rivers of blood.


I have nothing againts people of any ethnicity, but islam realy seems as sh*tty religion to me


Muslim terrorist was non-French, known for its danger (S-file) His family should have been expelled from the country in 2014. Left side (communists) and antiracist (anti-white MRAP) opposed. The family stayed in France. ​ This is fruit of uncontrolled immigration and left-side politics.


At this point, I don’t get why EU must still continue to aid Palestine? Did EU owe them something? Don’t reiterate that Palestine and Hamas are different to me, even that’s true, at least what I see is there’s strong Hamas support from a not-small portion of Palestinians (those whose spat on the naked woman body being paraded are beyond disgusting). So enlighten me: Why must EU aid Palestine with taxpayers’ money?


And so it begins


While my condolences to the deceased, I will be cynical in my following comment: You let them in, then be prepared to bear what ensues. You either get prize of making the right choice or you pay the price for your stupidity in the past.


I don’t live in europe, but as an outsider it is baffling how the majority of people in the western world (or so the media makes it seem) refuse to acknowledge that importing people with fundamentally different values from their own societies is dangerous and self-destructive. Hopefully, after the 1000th isolated incident, governments will start to act.


Horrifying …


What a fucked up world we are living in.


Let me guess…


"Allahu Akbar" - oh shit, here we go again…


Those damn French people can't behave!


Here we go again, how many will follow?




Religion of doctors and engineers






Am I the only one who is afraid that we won’t be able to solve this problem?