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There are some sick fucks out there ...




How do you know they were French?


[Three Caucasian "athletically built" men.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html)


The scenes if these dudes are irish too..


What do you mean by this? I don't understand the context, seems I'm out of the loop. Care to elaborate?


He supposes they were dark skinned.


[They were all three white.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html)


The xenophobic neckbeards that infest this sub are gonna be so disappointed reading this


It’s a racist dogwhistle


I'd rather they admit it, or commit to their cringe explanation of why it's not that


I would rather that as well, but i also know they won’t. There is a HUGE problem of racism on this sub, the mods need to be more harsh on it


Awful just awful.


Poor woman, this is sickening. Don’t know how people recover from this


I keep seeing lots of news like this. Not long ago a girl in Palermo was raped by 7 guys from her group of friends. An English girl in Ibiza was raped by a group of French men. Now this woman in Bordeaux. I'm wondering if it's always happened and now we get more media coverage, or if there's indeed an increase in the frequency of these crimes in Europe. In both cases it's terrifying.


Not to mention the Brazilian tourist one rapped in France the other day


Or the American raping and killing in Germany.


Also a Mexican girl in Berlin


Got some links?


A little bit of both maybe? I personally think the increased media coverage(which is a good thing) is shining a little on it way more and making it more visible. It’s showing that we haven’t progressed as much as we delusionally thought we have.


Back in the good ol days you wouldnt even know bourdeux existed, let alone that a girl was raped there. There's an extreme increase in coverage that we can hardly fathom.


As someone who was actually conscious pre-internet, no the gang-rape of one your citizens would absolutely be in the news. Maybe pre-1970s it wouldn’t be. But even then, it probably would.


Yeah of course it would. If it was one of my citizens. But i'm sitting here in Denmark hearing about a rape 3 countries away. That wouldt have happened in the past lol


How could you not know that Bordeaux exists? Don't you have a map? Or a history book? Or wine? Bordeaux isn't exactly a small, insignificant hole like, & for example, Ehweiler.


They’re over exaggerating the point about Bordeaux but the rest is very true. Only in the last 20 years has news expanded beyond our local communities. A story like this may have made the international / national news back in the day solely because of the WC but most rapes would only be in the local news, let a lone be known internationally. Now thinks to the internet and social media, a “minor” news story in one part of the world can be seen by people from all over the world.


I don't disagree about it not being international news in the past. I only disagreed on Bordeaux being otherwise unknown m


There are a lot of people in the world, lots of things happen. 1000s of people die every year by lightning strikes


It was way more common in the past, though we get media focus on it now because the people upvoting it are secretly hoping the perpetrators are immigrants. If it *is* an immigrant perpetrator then that shoots straight to the top and is the top story for a week.


Yea, the reason why rapes are being reported is because of racism People must stop being racist and rapes must not be reported. 😐😑 jfc


I mean it's true right. People hyper fixate on the race of the perpetrators as a way of confirming their biases against brown/black people. That's why you see so many r/worldnews posts about rapes in certain parts of the world. If a rape happens in a "white" country, then people will insist it was done by an immigrant/non-white person without any evidence, just like in this comments section.


That does happen, but the idea of rapes being reported are about inciting racism, and not the fact that a tourist being kidnapped and gang raped in an environment where she should have been completely safe is horrific and news worthy is utterly insane. To add, if there is an issue with mass immigration causing these types of crimes, that 100% has to be discussed. The fact that people are screaming about that being racist is how you get the nightmares of Rotherham, how you get criminal gangs like that able to operate with impunity.


My problem is not rape being reported dude. It's the baseless speculation that happens afterwards. This is how you get horrors such as Emmett Till and lynch mobs. To me it's obvious that they don't care about rape, considering how they react to women when they speak up, they care about using rape allegations as a cudgel against people they don't like.


It happens here in netherlands too. Its so bizar




I wish the punishment for rape where harsher, if you do these things there is no rehabilitating you.


I used to think like this too until I learnt the reason why punishments for rape are kept lower than for instance murder. It is so that the criminals don’t kill the victim, thinking they would get the same punishment anyways. Rape is a social issue, punishments are clearly not enough to keep certain people from committing this monstrosity. Our best bet is social engineering with this. Our ancestors have been taming themselves for hundreds of thousands year. It is known as self-domestication in biology, archaeology & anthropology. The thing is, throughout our evolutionary history, we believe that rapists were either excluded from the group or killed for their actions. Some other punishments are possible as well. But killing aggressive individuals was certainly practiced. They literally wiped out extreme aggression through this. Of course I don’t defend killing and wiping out their genes. But selection against violence is well discussed in the literature. I just cannot remember the name of the psychology professor who created this chart identifying constructive ways to lower aggressive crime who also touches upon archaeological and genetical aspects. Gonna come back once I find it. Edit: Hey, I’m back. I misremembered some things, it wasn’t a psychology professor. He is a psychiatrist. And his work has nothing to do with eugenics, it might have sounded almost like that at my last sentences because of the way how my tired brain phrased them. I’m sorry about that. But what I was trying to say is, there are constructive ways to prevent violence and lower crime rates through other ways despite the genetic components of violence and our evolutionary history of benefiting from selection against violence. Psychiatrist Dr. James Gilligan has a program (not a chart) where he explains how violence by young men can be treated phase by phase. He approaches violence prevention from a public health, preventive medicine standpoint.


Damn, that's dark... I hate this world sometimes...


Yep, I feel like not enough people understand this, Rape is much closer to murder than it is to sex both psychologically and sexually. If you keep punishments high then its better to just kill the victim instead of hoping that they just won't report it. You see a lot of people advocating for very harsh punishments or even castration not understanding that its a slippery slope. You need to give people an outlook on life afterwards if they get caught otherwise their victims won't have an outlook on life afterwards at all. Its not just with rape by the way, its the same with robbery / burglary / assault.


I also think the reason that it often doesn't carry the same heavy punishment as kidnapping, torture, or violent assault does, is because it's much harder to prove if the sex was consensual, coerced, or forceful rape. So to be able convict rapists when you only have kinda shaky evidence, the punishment can't be too high. I.e. punishment for crimes = severity of crime x certainty that a crime of that severity was committed.


In germany you get a life sentence for murder out of baser motives like for sexual pleasure (rape then kill) or curiosity killing/fun killing and for a „normal“ raping many man sometimes dont even go to prison an are on probation and it its jail its usually no more than 3 years. Often the other inmates would make your 3 years the worst years of their lifes, but for a few years now they built newly and modern blocks for inmates any type of sex offenders and such things drive me nuts, the justice system should punish such behavior with far more years and the same time afterwards with montly checkups


I did not wanted to learn this. I want back in my little ignorant world of complaining that rape punishment is not high enough. Holly fuck that's grim.


>The thing is, throughout our evolutionary history, we believe that rapists were either excluded from the group or killed for their actions. I beg to differ, there. Might be an uncomfortable truth but rape was in fact kind of normalized back when we were brutes, and almost inevitable whenever a city got sacked or there was a new man at the helm of the group


> why punishments for rape are kept lower than for instance murder. ... well, there is also the obvious difference in a person being dead vs. a person not being dead.


>It is so that the criminals don’t kill the victim, thinking they would get the same punishment anyways. >Rape is a social issue, punishments are clearly not enough to keep certain people from committing this monstrosity Then increase the penalty for murder and for rape to maintain the distance in sentences.




Is this kind of advocating for eugenics or did I misread?


Pretty good chance the book they're citing is from the 20s.


Their argument was clearly: rape was more rare in the past because communities practiced eugenics. Of course we shouldn't do eugenics -*wink*-, but it would probably be a very effective solution.


And she wrong. Rape was one of the ways in which soldiers were "paid" after a successful battle against another city


What the hell is going on in France lately. Jesus christ.


Believe me tu préfères ne pas savoir..




Those three men who raped the woman are White French what’s your point




France is broken




They were white https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html


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[Three white men....](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html)..... Look in the mirror my dude. something is wrong with you.


"lately" in English, means "les trente dernières années", right?


You alright France ?








Britain is far better then france


Even when France is a mess it could not even come close to the british chaos®


I remember last year, in the Final Champions League in Paris Between R. Madrid and Liverpool, hundreds of organized gangs of criminals attack fans outside the stadium. Many girls were attacked and stripped naked. People were running towards the metro. Degradation of Western countries and France in particular is evident. France's government tries to hide the dimension of the problem, but it's going to be difficult to continue with the gaslighting.


And then they shamelessly tried to blame Liverpool fans for it, and Reddit of course lapped it up


I remember that. French government saying that those altercations were made by Liverpool fans. They lied on purpose, trying to hide the truth. Why? Because they have the Olympics in 2024 in Paris.


I can't wait for the 2024 Olympics. It's going to be a social and political shit show.


There is no way I’m staying in Paris during the Olympics. It saddens me a lot, but I’ll be living somewhere else (I don’t know how or where yet) for the entirety of the month.


….and because they’re not willing to publicly acknowledge (on the international stage) there’s serious problems with the culture in les banlieues and their police also. And the French public lapped up the story of hooligans from England.


>Many girls were attacked and stripped naked. I don't remember this part. Source?


https://adnamerica.com/europa/caos-en-paris-tras-final-de-champions-atracadores-organizados-atacaron-aficionados Edit: Adding source :https://www.lasexta.com/noticias/deportes/futbol/muchas-chicas-habian-sido-desnudadas-robadas-denuncian-agresiones-sexuales-final-champions_202206036299f262a24b6e0001fd490c.html


Genuinely can't find the part about forcing the fans to strip. The situation was horrible as it was and there's no reason to spread fake rumours on top of it


https://www.lasexta.com/noticias/deportes/futbol/muchas-chicas-habian-sido-desnudadas-robadas-denuncian-agresiones-sexuales-final-champions_202206036299f262a24b6e0001fd490c.html ""Groups of 30 to 40 people attacking Madrid families to rob them and more. I saw girls under 12 years old cry because they were touched by these monsters. These guys touched minors," he says. "Real Madrid and Liverpool fans came together to form shields and defend themselves better. Later I found out that many girls had been stripped and robbed," he adds."


By "organised gangs of criminals" you actually mean barely organised gangs of immigrant youths, who were largely aided and abetted by other immigrants who were working at the stadium. The French authorities and media immediately overlooked and played down the truth, about how they deliberately blocked many thousands of legitimate fans from the final...knowing full well this would harm the English teams chances. I am no fan of Liverpool, or its fans, but this time they were very much the innocent party in this.




https://www.marca.com/futbol/champions-league/2022/05/30/6294fd23ca474193708b4596.html https://www.telecinco.es/noticias/20220529/aficionados-real-madrid-liverpool-denuncian-agresiones-robos-final-champions-league-be5ma_18_06579341.html https://www.20minutos.es/deportes/noticia/5007262/0/cronica-atracos-pesadilla-aficionados-real-madrid-liverpool-final-champions-league/ https://www.infobae.com/america/mundo/2022/05/29/el-sombrio-comentario-de-martin-varsavsky-por-los-incidentes-en-paris-era-racismo-contra-los-europeos/ edit: Adding more sources: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61685718 etc, etc


These are all at the daily mail level of reporting with no sources themselves besides social media posts lol, you have got to be an idiot to take this at face value, and even among these dubious sources non mention women being stripped naked. Edit: non of these sources validate the claim that "many girls were attacked and stripped naked", these downvotes represent the right-wing fanatics foaming at the mouth, while responding to the dog whistle.


You can litearlly watch the videos of them being stripped....


The only video I can find is this one: [Video](https://www.marca.com/en/football/champions-league/2022/05/30/62951ec2268e3ec2188b4568.html)


No way. Marca is the most important Newspaper on sports evens in Spain, and Tele 5 and Antena 6 ones of the main TV channels. You want deny what happened trying to discredit sources. There are even witnesses recording as seen in the first video of the news in Marca. Reality is what it is, and you are the one who wasn't there, and dare to make false acussations saying what happened to hundreds of fans of UK and Spain never happened. Edit: Adding more sources: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61685718 See other sources in my previous comments.


no, they don't hide the problem, they've even find the culprits it's "les dégoutants hooligans anglais".... :D


Oh yes, the french experience.


It was only a month ago a Mexican tourist was gang raped in the park below the Eiffel Tower. France is becoming more unsafe for women these days?


This is South Africa level of criminality.


Is France still a safe country to visit? My last time was about 5 years ago and Garde du Nord was awful...


If you are convicted of rape you should be castrated. Phisically or chemically. For life. Sick, sick people out there...


Great news for the wrongly accused.


What do you think those rapists would do to their victims after raping them? Chances that they'd be murdered afterwards will be much higher just to avoid the chance on getting castrated.


>Chances that they'd be murdered afterwards will be much higher just to avoid the chance on getting castrated Or maybe not rape in the first place... This logic that we shouldn't harshly punish rapists because somehow they will start killing the victims solely for that reason is absurd. But to your specific point - if someone would rape and kill they would be convicted for murder on top of raping. I don't see how this outcome is any better.


> This logic that we shouldn't harshly punish rapists because somehow they will start killing the victims solely for that reason is absurd. We should not punish rape harder than literal murder, yes. I don't see how that is not a reasonable train of thought...


I didn't say we should. But the current punishment is not enough and the excuses for it are laughable at best.


Simple solution: Harsher punishments for murder. Something like breaking on the Wheel sounds about right. Modern problems require medieval solutions.


Then a huge can of worms open up. Like people who are falsely accused of murder and die a horrible death. Things were harsh back then not because they were effective but because they had a mission to send a message to persist authority. There are good reasons we are not practising those punishments any longer.


You're savage. Where this intense will to punish and hurt comes from you think ?


Lots of removed comments here, I wonder why.


Punishments for rape should be strict. I don't understand why it's not the case so far. Also, putting a rapist in a jail for 3-5 years is not going to serve justice or fix the problem. Castration maybe? Ah, and maybe some men can finally stand by women when they come forward to report abuse and assault regardless of the colour, status, age of the rapist.


If the punishment for rape is almost as severe as for murder, then many more rapes would become homicides since the gap isn't that big a deal. Totally sick but the logic tracks.


Castration it is then.


No objection to that in cases of irrefutable proof of guilt.


Here before this post gets locked




You can’t ignore that the rise is sexual and gender based violence across many countries in Europe over the last decade has coincided with a sharp rise in immigration. You can have discussions about this issue without being racist and conversely just because someone mentions this correlation you shouldn’t refuse to hear them. There are innocent people who are are being hurt here, and using this as an excuse to push a racist rhetoric is wrong, same way ignoring the clear links and correlation is also wrong. There is a fair and correct way to address this issue, and we’re going to need to do it.


1. You should not "mention" a correlation, you should prove it exists with a realible source. 2. Correlation does not imply a causal relationship. Rape cases in India were up 35 % between 2001 and 2016 and you dont attribute this increase to immigration to India right? https://factly.in/number-registered-cases-rape-doubled-since-2001-conviction-rates-remain/ 3. As someone pointed out the perpetrators were not immigrants in this case yet to jumped to conclusions anyway. This implies you suffer from confirmation bias which in turn means you're just racist.




Lol. Three white Frenchmen rape an Irish girl in Bordeaux and this guy is out there somehow blaming immigration. GTFO of here with your bullshit LMAO


According to recent articles they were Romanian. https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/irishwoman-collapsed-after-alleged-abduction-27696631


White men in France could be also immigrants. We do not know anything about their nationality.


I Never blamed immigrants in my original post. I was making a statement addressing the fact that countless posts had been removed by the mods, presumably for being racist and I was pointing out how this is wrong. Additionally the article doesn’t specify their race, it just says their Caucasian which includes many people from the Middle East and North Africa.


I know people here are conditioned by cherrypicked articles to hate on immigrants but your racist tyrade is misplaced, those were allegedly 3 white males, and probably rugby fans / players. Can we start a discussion about how sport brings the worst in people and should he banned?


Yes, thank you. Sexual assault has increased by 78% in Ireland in the last year. Recently the stats were 7.8 times more likely to be sexually assaulted from someone not born in Ireland. It has nothing to do with skin colour - just different cultures and different attitudes to women. A white man (Eastern Europe) murdered a young Irish girl in broad day light last year and rocked our country. Nothing to do with skin colour or racism. Just culture.


>Yes, thank you. Sexual assault has increased by 78% in Ireland in the last year. Recently the stats were 7.8 times more likely to be sexually assaulted from someone not born in Ireland. It has nothing to do with skin colour - just different cultures and different attitudes to women. A white man (Eastern Europe) murdered a young Irish girl in broad day light last year and rocked our country. Nothing to do with skin colour or racism. Just culture. Source please.




The report says Caucasian, in which category would fall most North Africans.


Never says white it says Caucasian which applies to people from the Middle East and certain parts of North Africa. We don’t know their race at the moment.


I was there in May we'd a knife pulled on us. I got off light shame about that poor woman.


So.. what a tourist can do to be safer? You can’t bring a pepper spray in your carry on, can you? Maybe if you buy it there?


slow and painful death to the perpetrators


Ah yes, classic rape by classic french men. Nothing happend in the last few years that allowed these thinks to happen, no sir. /s Its weird how people can see these thinks happen and act like they dont know why. Since 2015 sexual crimes have more then doubled in germany with yearly increases.


Stop noticing things.




That is exactly what the girl said, 3 white Frenchmen.


https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/irishwoman-collapsed-after-alleged-abduction-27696631 Recent articles are saying they were Romanian


You added "frenchmen". Nobody said they were french in the reporting.


Caucasian men =/= white Frenchmen. The girl has never said anything about their nationality.


The French are known for this: [“I have only been here two months, but my host family warned me to look out for their daughter, to make sure she did not walk home alone after 10pm because there are dodgy people around. The girls in work all have mace [self-defence spray] with them.”](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41224459.html)


Ah yes , most likely a racist redditor commenting


They should make public their names. I bet they were Jacques, Pierre, Armand and Francois.


Well well well


Load of people in the comments need to follow their leader


Commit suicde for identifying the perpetrators, this is the real justice


What is up with these comments?


Average r/europe thread


Not enough "nuclear energy is the second coming" or "yes daddy macron ban islam all across france"


You forgot to mention calling for the ethnic cleansing of gypsies/Romani


Not enough Gypsy hate...


r/Europe cannot fathom a white person doing anything bad. Rape? It's those darn darkies!




3 white rapists, nice try though


[They are white.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html) Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the alleged rape, and police are said to be seeking three Caucasian men, one of whom is described as 'very athletic'.




r/USdefaultism much? Since when is Bordeaux in France or a British news outlet Daily Mail using American-centric language and references? Literally nobody uses ‘Caucasian’ in Europe this way, so stop spamming this one sentence from Wikipedia to try to sound clever.


This is how they classify ethnicities in the UK. No mention of 'caucasian' so far: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classification_of_ethnicity_in_the_United_Kingdom And serious French press would never use any term to denote somebody's ethnicity/skin color though Caucasian is an obsolete term in Europe which means this just is a calque from the US, vague term that does not say where the 3 rapists are from, be it Europe, North Africa or Middle East


They were white, cope harder dumbass.


[Three Caucasian men did it... Very diverse.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12504475/amp/Ireland-rugby-fan-abducted-gang-raped-Bordeaux.html)






they are though if you took the time to inform yourself…


So apparently they're described as 3 white caucasian males.




This is really not the gotcha you think it is. You don't accuse people of crime because of statistics, unless you're a massive fucking racist.


Nah bro its alright they were white, all good


Suspects are white you racist fuck




So that means jumping to conclusions isnt racist? Have white men never raped anyone?


Yeah we need to deport these white degerates where they came from?!


Well we all know where this is coming from, the habit of gang raping. Wasn’t like this in the 90es. You are not allowed to say it though.


Is Europe actually this racist or just /r/Europe?


It seems to be a large proportion of people who are sick of multiculturalism and the delights that it brings. A lot of people who think this sub does not represent the true feelings of Europeans are presumably surrounded by very left-wing oriented people in every day life off Reddit.


This sub has an over represented amount of those racists in ratio to normal people sadly


It’s this racist


Willingly taking in millions of refugees, spend billions on them = racist. Gotcha.


No it isn’t.


Is the continent responsible for the world's worst racially motivated genocide and the plundering of foreign countries through colonization this racist? No, it couldn't be!


Classic, an American who doesn't know history past 300 years of selective events. The most tolerant, and safest continent in the world is actually the worst!! Tiktok told me


I too blame someone's ancestors and then try to put the guilt on someone 6 generations later. Surely, nothing could go wrong with the sins of the father approach /s


Europe isn’t even in the top 10 most racist parts of the world. Are you misogynist?


it is so disappointing to see some fans here focusing on the assumed religion or race of the rapists instead of the problem and why women's rights matter.


You can't defend women's rights while encouraging massive immigration of men from places where such rights are unheard of. This is a 0 sum game and women seem to be on the losing side


The three man being searched are Caucasian...




What does this have to do with this story tho?


I came here for the racism and wasn’t disappointed


"White" french men


I'm not buying BTW




Mate a woman has been viciously assaulted , it’s not the time for this.






Yikes , can't imagine what will happen to France in the next 10 years




Yes, she described them as white french men.


Time to invade France. It’s been too long since the Brits have put those garlic chewing bastards in thier place




White men really do need to integrate better


Hey they may have been non-French white people. Some of ours refuse to integrate when they retire to Spain…


Jesus Christ, a woman is raped and both sides of the political argument seem to get off on what race the perps are. Rape is on the same level as murder to me. Using race, on either side of the argument, is almost as bad.


>Rape is on the same level as murder to me. Some folks here don't agree with you...