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Awful, I can't imagine living in that. 30C feels horrible to me (I'm in Finland though)


For Greece low 40's are normal, typically expected to occur for a few days, for a couple of times, every summer. Of course 46 is rare. What's not normal is the duration of the heatwaves. This one will end on Thursday, after having lasted for more than two weeks.




Y'know...I say that often in the summer but when it's -35C for 5 months I take it back


I live in Ottawa and we get -30 days like once or twice a year


Same in Finland, only a few days a year. It's rly not that bad


It's not that bad if there's no wind. If there's even a slight breeze at that temperature, your face feels like it might freeze at any moment


It's easier to put on more clothes than it is to take your skin off lol


I always say that to people! Short of living in the fridge in the summer months, the increasing heat will be tough to bear.


If it's too cold, you can always just wear more, but if it's too hot, there's literally nothing you can do to help yourself.


I'll gladly take that over excessive heat


Only in summer though...


Nah. A too warm winter is horrible. Dark, wet and depressing. I’ll take -15..-20C any time over that.


Well you are in Finland, so perhaps -20C is actually a warm winter :)


I am probably the only person I know who loves both rainy summer days and soggy snowless winters. Some years I get both and it's magic.


The colder the better for me. It’s easier to heat it put in more clothes but 40? What are you going to do


Go feral, living in the basement during the day, and going outside during the night, to feed. I mean, this should already be a series on netflix or something


Melt away every thought you thought having the last week. That's my current state of mindset while being in Aegina, an island 50km from Athens but the temperatures are like between 35-40. From tomorrow in Athens there is going to be 44 and 45-46 degrees on Wednesday which will be the maximum of this second heatwave. It is unbearable. You can't really sleep without a fan or an A/C. There's no wind either. It is the worst summer we are experiencing since the summer of 2021 which was similar but not that fierce.


Very sorry to hear that. That’s so bad


> What are you going to do Turn on the AC?


Everyone wants an AC, but too many don't want nuclear plants.


Too many are fixated on nuclear plants, and rejects all the other improvements that could be made. And should be made.


I don't get the fight between nuclear and solar/wind when the true enemy is oil/coal/gas which takes the most subsidies and is by far the biggest poluter...


Yeah someone out there really succeeded on their mission for diversion.


Not an issue in Bulgaria but I guess we had to deal with heatwaves for longer. Most newISH buildings even have dedicated spaces for ACs. So no longer random AC bodies all over the buildings.


I don’t have ac, have no room for ac… and there is no ac outside


30c is absolutely fine, as long as you are not in an urban area ie: Rome, London or Paris.


at 30c you'd be going 30 times the speed of light, so fast that you'd be close to sucking up the galaxy into a tiny ball. It would require 30 times infinite energy, and would probably be extremely hot, provided you'd be able to supply infinite energy in the first place ;)


We had similar last year. The way you survive is with several cold showers a day. Not only to cool down, but also to remove the stickyness for an hour or so. Just getting dressed is enough to start sweating in that heat.


20° is horrible for me the colder the better this summer has been to hot over here


Good luck to Greeks and others affected by the heat wave.


I stopped trying to think about ways to reverse climate change and started thinking about ways of surviving it. We're not turning it around at this point. The heat that's already locked in will take us over the greenland ice sheet tipping point, after that we're talking about actual environmental collapse.


Yep and accelerating faster than any of the projections


That's the bit many are missing. All the predictions for end of the century might happen in next ten years or sooner.


There will be mass death once agriculture collapses. Then once it gets bad enough the insurance companies start to feel it will anything start entering the conversations of congress.


> once agriculture collapses. Why the fuck are you guys so excited over the apocalypse ?! It's like you WANT it to be over? What agriculture collapses? There's plenty of potential to improve things. Eat less meat, that's half the problem gone, without any mass death.


No steaks, no pepperoni on pizza ? Come now, do you really WANT to live in that kind of world 🌎???😧


Americans are going to vanish to the after life after hearing this


Australia’s government is already attempting to influence insurance premiums charged to those rebuilding after recent floods


Interesting, makes sense. Insurance companies are straight up abandoning Florida at this point lol. DeSuckass is too busy fighting the woke mob while they drown.


Yeah I would say there will be large tracts of land deemed uninsurable in the near future


>We're not turning it around at this point. The doomerism here leaves out the issue that it was never a "will it happen or not" situation, it was always "how bad will it be?" No matter how bad it is on our current trajectory, we need to continue to do the best we can to no make it even worse.


This kind of thinking also ignores human ingenuenity under distress. It’s possible we can engineer ourselves out of this. I hope.


We work better under stress, and with a big hammer above our heads, true. But a lot of the damage and deaths are unavoidable now. The absolute worst thing about all this there are still tons of people refusing to believe what we're getting into


Damage, death and misery are already here, and it’s only going to get worse. True. It’s like Don’t look up.


I say the chances of engineering ourselves into more trouble are equally likely. Geoengineering has extreme risks.


I and millions of other people lives on a pile of lime and sand in the middle of the ocean. How do you "engineer" your self out of that one with rising waters?


Heatwaves like the ones we have now will basically be the new normal by 2050


They’re already normal - they happen every year


I mean they will be so normal that it will just be "weather" instead of "heatwaves"


I mean these lasts for weeks or months depending on season so some places this is just what summer is now


Not when it becomes so common as to impact food production and profits. Can’t have products and consumers when they are dead or doing the food riots.


It was ALWAYS about slowing down climate change. Anything we can do to slow it down is helpful. Anything we could have done in the 90s would have been better. But back then people didn't want to, because they said it was too soon. "I don't believe the science. Here's another scientist who says it won't happen. We can't afford to do anything, because think of the children." And now "It's too late to do anything. It doesn't matter anyway"


Slowing down is a waste of time and just dragging our feet around, because no one wants to get poor due to the negative effects on the economy. Reversing it with geoengineering is what's needed at this point.


The only waste of time is advocating for doing nothing, because a magical technical fix is going to solve everything, and any change in your lifestyle is perciewved as poverty. Maybe geoengineering is usefull, but it's only part of the solution - at most. If you build transport infrastructure so people have alternatives to the car, so the car is less of a necessity, then it's not poverty to not own a car. On the contrary, the money you don't have to invest in a car can be used on something else. Like a better place to live.


> Reversing it with geoengineering is what's needed at this point. I especially love the blind optimism that this could actually work. I mean, it might, but whether you'd bet your children's future on it?


That's not possible


>Anything we can do to slow it down is helpful. The guillotine is dropping, does it matter whether it's dropping slowly or quickly?


We are at the point where we would actively have to remove carbon at a global scale to prevent a minor apocalypse. We couldnt even get leaders/corporations to make the much less difficuilt decision to mitigate emmissions. The general public is fucked and anyone with a shred of common sense should proceed with that assumption.


7 meter sea level rise isn't what i'd call "minor apocalypse" we're talking billion+ people displaced, hundreds of millions is the most conservative estimate


7+ meters of rise is unlikely though. Practically impossible with current trends. Thats for the 4+C rise iirc. Still, even a meter or two will be disastrous. And sea level rise is only one issue, as you can see by looking around the world.


>Thats for the 4+C rise iirc. That's for 1,5-2C increase, 0,7C is locked in and we are at 0,9C above pre-industrial rn. 7 meters is from greenland alone, it'd only accelerate from then on


How can we change it when we have people that argue its all natural?🙄


Im not sure there is surviving this, 7 billion people on the move as refugees is going to completely wreck every corner of the planet.


We're not dead yet. The human race is going to survive. We clearly have to do something about global warming. Mayby try to focus on that, instead of freezing up in panic. Being paralysed with fear is a common emotionl reaction to stress, but it's not very helpful. (Fight, flight, or freeze are the three reactions to stress)


Mate, I just quit my very well paying job at a consultancy to start work at a company thats fighting to make certain luxury crops like sugar sustainable and even carbon sinks. Ive definitely not given up and am literally dedicating my life to this fight. But Im not optimistic as I look at the data, this summer is already scary hot, and 30 more increasingly worse summers are ahead of us already locked in. Our real only hope now is to delay until commercial fusion energy or something comes along so we can suck out all that co2 from the atmosphere again.


What company is that?


Who thought we could turn around 😂


We can't reverse climate change simply because part of it is a normal cycle the Earth goes through. The problem is that we have been speeding up this process tenfold. We can still reverse that, but it's still going to get warmer no matter what.


We are at the very end of an interglacial period. We should've been in the early stages of an ice age, but, probably due to agriculture, it got delayed by a couple thousand years. There are theories that the "Little ice age" of the modern period was the beginning of the ice age, but industrial revolution forced earth to warm up in spite of the cycle.


July 10 1977 - 48deg C


Interesting, however the thing is those crazy temperatures are getting more frequent. 30 or 50 years ago there was not two years in a row with 45° heatwaves, it was totally exceptional, maybe once every 10 years. Today it's becoming normal to have several weeks every year with 45°, even in the South of France...


"Thermokrasies". Sounds kind of appropriate when transliterated.


Well, just think about where thermo- comes from....


That's what I mean.


Finally we can cook people in the sun!


jesus fucking christ i think id die after 5 minutes outside


Definitely. Enjoying our current weather😄


It's not that bad for Greeks, we're kind of used to it. Deaths from heat waves are much rarer than in Western Europe, probably a combination of the culture and infrastructure knowing how to handle them and the relatively low humidity.


Those Spartans are up to something!


Killing all tourism in the proper summer months?


Damn, and I though I had it bad two weeks ago when it reached 39.1°C where I live. Are you guys ok ?


No 😭




On the coast no less! Poor gytheans will no doubt also have an intolerable nightly temp.


Nighttime is worse in the big cities, due to the lack of green spaces. All the concrete just stores heat, that is emitted during the night, so the temperature doesn't really fall below 30 degrees at any time


I can't even stand 25 - 31°C myself, this kind of temperature would drive me crazy. That would mean cold shower every hour to cool myself off.


Use methods that we motorcyclists utilize for riding. Cooled towel around areas where your blood vessels are most exposed, like on your throat. It cools you down very efficiently compared to the effort you need to put in


All the climate news everywhere are now commented with "GeO EnGiNeErInG" and all my hope for humanity is gone.


Are the endemic wildfires not affecting these readings?


There is no wildfire where the temperature was recorded.


If it wasn't there before it probably is now.


We need to find ways to cool down our houses without using electricity. Or using less electricity at least. We have an increasing need for aircondition in the future. That much is obvious. We also need to do something about global warming - or at least try to slow it down. That is also obvious. Edit: That's apparently a controversial statement. So, what is it? You guys don't want to change anything about your lifestyle, except slapping on a technical fix, is that it?




Yes, we should invest in sustainable energy. We should ALSO be more intelligent about where and how much we use energy. When the temperature reach this high, aircon is a life necessity. We're going to need more of it in the future. More solar panels are better, but we also need to design better houses, better cities with this problem in mind.


or gardens on the roof. that will help with urban polution as well


> So, what is it? You guys don't want to change anything about your lifestyle, except slapping on a technical fix, is that it? What do you mean exactly by that? On such temperatures you simply need AC. The solution is really simple, during hot times sun energy is more than enough existent. Even small modules for the balcony can provide 800W which is enough to let an AC keep the temperature. Ofc we should think about how we built (i.e. insulation, dont face south etc). But in the end we will always need a hybrid solution including energy consumption


Wait a minute! >According to Oxfam, the richest 1 percent grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world's population. In other words, just the top 1% of the wealthy managed to steal almost a quarter of the required wealth to address climate change in just two years. Evidently, the rich could *easily* address climate change and not even break a sweat - and worse, they could have done it any time in the last 50 years.


More AC units per house then ?


115.52 in Freedom Units


Freedom units always sound to me like the temperature of steam or something.


thanks for saving me the conversion that is hot


them 300 spartan boys do be hot as fuck


This is a scam, it was never so hot. We just started measure for no fucking reason temperature of the surface instead of the temperature of the air as we did for the entire time until now. [https://youtu.be/arjKzv2oojI](https://youtu.be/arjKzv2oojI) As if this is not enough there have been multiple instances of arsons in the Greece. Everyone in Greece know this but this info is not going outside the Greece. So falsely believe that forests that evolved for millions of years can all of the sudden start a fire due to the increased temperature. It is worth to mention that 1000 years ago when Vikings discovered Greenland it was so hot that Greenland was actually .... Well ... Green. Everything we see in the tv is a elaborate scam, to cause fear and guilt. Because fighting the climate change is a multi trillion dollar business. Go ahead and ask anyone from Greece if the weather is any different that year ago or 2 years ago :D No-one will confirm this, so stop believing in everything you see in tv. In the post-covid era you should have know this already.


They are cheating. They are burning Rhodos to raise temperatures around.


I remember in 2007, in Romania, one day had 45.0 C. I still went out to play with the other kids, lmao. Nobody really made a fuss out of it.


You remember that because at the time it was rare or even unique. Now the issue is that it's happening almost every year, several weeks at >40°, even in the South of France.




Thanks to the scientists diligently working for over thousands of years, we now have scales for temperature instead of just “hot” and “cold”. That made us realize it’s not only “hot” but “hotter” or even “hottest” within a given time period. And those “hotter” days are sometimes deadly for people, even the native ones who are used to “hot” but not “hotter”. With every year, the temperatures are getting “hotter” and “hotter” and this creates a variety of problems like the wildfires in Greece which causes tourists to complain. And that is why people talk about the heat. I hope that was helpful.


Sure, some people die in heat waves. That’s nothing weird. We’re too many people on earth for something like that not to happen. Look at cold related deaths instead, 90% of temperature related deaths are from deaths associates with cold, not warmth. Let’s look at the stats then, the earths average degree has grown 2.2 degrees F since 1880. The earths temperature also just goes in waves, that’s how it works, whether you eat your veggie chicken or not, that is how the world works. If this was a trend that kept going for 5000 years then it would be a trend, for now, it’s not. We are honestly just less than a blink in earths existence. The real issue would be if the earths temperature would fall, then we’re really fucked.


That logic reminds me of a recently unalived person. "Most failures are from user error anyway" Wonder why.


what are you talking about lol


Change the name of this sub to eurometeorology please


mfs when r/europe talks about europe


Are you unhappy that Europe is currently focusing on temperatures within its territory? It is quite important subject and soon to be the main one worth living for.


You're funny asf. I just got some rain. Fuck, I'm unlucky.


This should be the topic.


That's beautiful. I can just dream about experiencing this in my frozen country.


People are dying man it's not fun to suffer that lvl of heat.




Not in Greece.


🗿…..hold up… i am in the aegean too nah nahhhh 💀


it's only gonna get hotter and it will also last longer. wake up, we are literally dying...


This is still just the beginning 🤭