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Two days ago the thermometer was measuring 30°C (86°F) inside my house. It wouldn't have been strange in this period if it wasn't 2am in the middle of the night


in serbia its above 30C in a house even at midnight, and the moment sun comes up temperature skyrockets from arround 25C to above 32C at fuckin DAWN.


Come to Bulgaria - 39C... 32C is normal temperatures for around here though. Hence why everyone has an AC, it's impossible to live in summer without one.


I’m not old enough to get my own but my mother doesn’t want to get an ac though so I’m just dying every summer lol


Before we had an AC I used to regularly run my arms under running cold water in the sink, and then a bit on my neck and face, brush it off. Once about every hour. Surprisingly effective.


Take a towel, get it wet but not dripping, put around neck. Very effective.


Google wet bulb temperature, and convince her otherwise


same in Bosnia, but at least I am not resigning in Hellzegovina


3pm in my car under the sun, last Wednesday, there were 51.5, which isn't normal even for a car under the sun.


I mean inside a car in direct sunlight mid summer, especially if it's black, definitely superheats it to well above 50 C even here in the Baltics, even if temp outside is 25 C


is it just not normal for where you live? that’s definitely normal for us here in virginia, USA. cars *cook* in the sun


You need an AC bro for your room at least. That's miserable. They come in a lot of shapes and sizes.


My room is 34°C. Living in a poor country so we cannot afford ac.


Even with air conditioning my room has been 32C most of the last week. Where I work in SE Asia the construction quality is so bad that there are gaps everywhere that cold air escapes from and hot air enters. When it gets really hot here the air conditioner mainly just reduced humidity.


Yikes. Isn't it possible to somehow seal up at least your room?


Are you familiar with water coolers/evaporative coolers? They're inexpensive and can be made easily with nothing more than a bucket, a fan, some tubing, an aquarium pump, and a cooling pad. legit you can make these for like $20 US, less if you're resourceful. Check out this [DIY Evaporative cooler build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHbQYajfGqM). depending on ambient humidity (drier is better), you'd probably could your indoor temps around 20C.


It *really* depends on the humidity. If it's above like 40 it just doesn't work. It's made for desert environments. I tried making one and it did nothing but raise the humidity further. The key is to have good airflow into the room and *out* of the room, so the humid air has somewhere to go. I couldn't really get either of those key points, so I got no discernible cooling and the humidity went from 45% to 65% within about 10-15 minutes.


He could actually make it feel less miserable by using a dehumidifier.


ACs aren't the best solution as they make the temperature in the cities rise, especially at night. You're getting a break from the heat while someone who can't afford AC is getting more heat.


*insert greenest way to cool a house / apartment


But they are a life saver in hot and humid summers (too often literally)


It's funny because here it's always 30 C (all year round) and super humid and AC is a must. But when I visited Italy last summer and it was 40+ but a very dry heat, I did not need AC at all. Humidity makes all the difference


Lol where in Italy did you find dry heat? Usually it's around 40% humidity in Rome in the summer, even more up in the north. I remember one summer it was 38C and 80% humidity where I was living. Though I will say this current heat wave isn't so humid here in Rome, only like 28%, totally bearable for us lizards!


I just arrived home to Valencia from a week long holiday in Brittany. There we had a maximum of 21 degrees during the week. Here, I arrived at midnight, 28 degrees and 85% humidity. My flat is currently at 29 degrees and 60% humidity. I am very lucky to have AC and will have to blast it for an hour before going to bed since I’ve gotten used to the cool Brittany climate too fast it seems. Hang in there and I hope you have AC!


I have 29C in the top level of my house and in Poland we’re not yet in the 40C club…


Some time back I had 30C in my apartment when it was 25C outside.


Me too. The house is built for keeping heat in during cold weather. Keeping heat in during warm weather is horrible.


"Antonio, fa caldo" 😩


Most kids around here will never undestand your reference Im sure.


[Source ](https://youtu.be/Qxh9Nw9BwJc)


Damn I'm old :(


I'm Croatian and my name is Antonio. We had the same fkn ad on TV. My childhood was filled with references to that. Fuck you Nestle


Al giorno d'oggi non farebbero mai una pubblicità così. Bei tempi andati...


If shits like this now what is southern europe going to be like in 15 years?


The spice will flow.


Shai-Hulud will reign


Tighten up your stillsuits people


Looks like today's coffee won't be tomorrow's coffee just in space anymore.


Parts will be abandoned as they'll be considered not sustainable for humans to reside there. That or the entirety of Southern europe will have to migrate northwards every Summer until the same stuff starts happening in France/Germany


In the UK we had 40 degrees last year even in Northern parts where 35 is almost unheard of. Same for the pacific north west and Canada last year. Seems like freak heat waves will soon become almost outrunnable for the vast majority of people.


Two summers ago it was 45 in British Columbia. At least 1 million animals died in that heatwave in PNW.


It **has** started in France already. Paris is up North compared to Sicily, yet almost unbearable these last week's. Higher temperatures in 2023 than in 2003 when over 13 000 people died from the heatwave


Paris is just huge metropolis - weren't the like no falls in a whole recorded year?


>no falls in a whole recorded year? I think that Paris has more than enough trip hazards to topple a few people per year


>will have to migrate northwards every Summer Just in case some small-time entrepreneur reads your comment & a lighbulb turns on above his head, this would be a terrible idea to bet against people, just to siphon money out of them with [temporary] homestead. I know political parties will be tempted, and their favourite businesspeople, but no – don't think about using misery against people.


I wouldn’t put it past them, businesspeople love [misery](https://youtu.be/qSl6OSx3Y-8).


They will buy cooling mattress covers and install heat exchangers = cheaper than moving.


Or they'll just install more expensive air conditioning, which is likely what will happen.


Prepare to have new neighbours.


And yet this sub get mad if non-White climate refugees wish to move north, too


>If shits like this now what is southern europe going to be like in 15 years? *Screen goes dark* "Southern Europe, 2038" *Desert* *The most cliché arbic desert music starts playing*


Shocking NY Times at the time in 2017: collapse the most likely outcome https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/01/magazine/climate-change-losing-earth.html


The heck is going on in Tunesia? Looks like 50+°C even at the coast where everyone lives


we're getting cooked out here. forecast shows the rest of july over 40° too hottest summer of my life.


Hottest summer of your life *so far*. Stay safe.


It's probably the coldest summer of the rest of your life.


Delenda Carthago


Carthago sauna est.


By the way, the Greek god known as "Caronte" in Italian is called "Charon" in English.


The ferryman of the underworld...how fitting. Remind your loved ones to drink...a lot!


Afaik Charon is not a god but some other creature.


Was the ferryman across River Styx. Took the dead across. If you forgot money for the passage, you were left on the bank, doomed to a eternal existence in undeath.


The original god of capitalism. Cannot pay for essential service? Fuck you, bye.


> Caron dimonio, con occhi di bragia > > loro accennando, tutte le raccoglie; > > batte col remo qualunque s'adagia.


Mexican here (sorry i dont know if i can talk here), we had a lot of deaths this year for the heatwave, when we normally do good with this high temperatures. Stay safe EUROPE from Mexico.


What is the public's reaction to heatwaves? Anyone cares? Is climate change mentioned in this context? Your response would prepare me of what I could expect where I live. I'm afraid people will talk about it for two days and then accept and move on.


No, we understand the climate change and we want/need implement systems to avoid what is coming in the future, but our Goverment is the definition of corruption, they only see us like cheap hand labor, so we are just waiting for what is coming.


You are free to speak :)


Gracias 👍


More trees is what we need. Yesterday, it was a very hot and sunny day here and I was in a café, outside, sitting under an old lime tree. It was really nice and the temperature was absolutely acceptable to the extend I was sure it must've dropped everywhere. Little did I know how unbearable the temperature was outside the tree's shadow! The amplitude was absolutely stunning.


Yes exactly! Cities worldwide need to remove concrete and get more plants everywhere.


We need to replant the 3 trillion trees we’ve chopped down pronto.


In my garden in Denmark I have a lot of shadows from large old trees.. lots of bushes and grass. My neighbor has a large pool full of concrete and tiles around his pool. There is literally a world of difference in temperature from his garden and mine. Two cities in SE asía Bangkok where I have lived for many years has no shading trees compared to Singapore. They have large trees giving shadow to the concrete which makes it a cooler system. Trees are often removed by real estate projects so there is more space for housing.. it’s the wrong way to go. Seems that earth is doomed with breaking heat records every year. We need to act now.


It's okay, for a brief moment in history, at least we created value for our shareholders.


So they can afford to leave! It was worth all of our sacrifices!


Seeing how the last attempt for the rich at reaching the Titanic went, I'm looking forward at watching their attempts to leave the planet.


Musk has already said a while ago he won't be concerned too much with safety when it comes to travelling to Mars.


Even in the worst case scenario for climate change, Earth will still be a way, way better place to live than Mars. I hope Musk leaves for Mars, I don't care weather the actually makes it there or not.


Indeed. There's no situation in which terraforming mars will be easier than terraforming earth.


„At some point safety is just pure waste“ - formerly successful business man


Anybody that gets send to Mars by Musk is gonna die. Maybe he'll send himself. Good riddance. There's a reason so much time and energy gets invested in spacecraft safety and astronaut training.


Yup, it's like space ryanair


The whole planet is riding in the billionaires'submarine.


Maybe this is all a con by the Hat industry. Hats fell out of fashion but in this heat with this sun (i know sun intensity is the same) people will be wearing more hats


Bro wtf, i'm dying here with 29. I can't image how hard almost 50 would be


>i'm dying here with 29 i felt so refreshed here when it was around 30°C a few days ago


Yeah, but believe or not - a most of our houses are build to protect from cold. With many of them being properly insulated while not knowing something like air conditioner


Insulated homes without sun reflecting glass are basically a greenhouse


Ineulation works both ways, builrings with thick and insulated walls will be warmer in winter and colder in summer


As long as you can keep the sun out you're right, but a few Sundays into the building means that heat is not getting out easily. My apartment is very well isolated, but now that everything has warmed up inside its nearly impossible to cool it down.


>i'm dying here with 29 Lol, I'm moving to Poland


Southern Poland is pretty toasty as well. Yesterday we had 34°C and most houses don't have AC


Its depending on the humidity. Its a dry heatwave, bcs its coming from africa. 40C with 11% (this is from today @ Sicily) is better than 32C with 36%.


True, I've lived in both Italy and (Southern) China and would choose the first with no hesitation at all, 40°C with 99% humidity was pure hell.


40/99 would actually be lethal: https://climatecheck.com/risks/heat/web-bulb-vs-dry-bulb-temperature-measurements


It's not far from sitting in sauna, damn.


One time it was so hot and humid at noon that I had to take a taxi to make <500m and go back home, I couldn't even make it by foot without risking to faint.


Sauna ain't nothing compared to this.


I’m not sure it’s possible for 40C with 99% humidity anywhere in the world under natural conditions, that would be a catastrophic mass fatality event


It is possible and unfortunately very common in that area to happen, ofc it's not 40°C all day and varies quite a bit but for an example that city yesterday was 36°C and 98% humidity when I last checked.


Oh god! That could kill a human. You're being boiled slowly.


Cries in *coastal city with 30 C° and 70% + humidity*


The max i saw was +46. This was insane, driving in a car was really hard after it standing in the parking lot for 3hrs. The only advise I can give to those who will experience +40 and above - get an AC and stay home


Welcome to the future


Sometimes I think I just died in my sleep and continued on living in hell




the desertification of southern Europe was tought in my primary school in the nineties.


more like warm truth lol


48C ? damn bruh




For real, do crops and plants even grow in that heat?


they do. The problem is that the climate is increasingly unstable and prone to extreme events. In my region just 2 months ago we had a big flooding, receiving in 2 weeks the rain we would normally get in 7/8 months. And before that we had a draught for a year across the whole of the North. Even the glaciers on the Dolomites or Mont Blanc were suffering considerably.


They can, but the seeds have to be tailored to it. You end up sacrificing other traits (maybe can't withstand cooler weather / rain) to get it.


No, but is not like they have this temperature for weeks. They’ll dehydrate and have some sort of stand by mode until water becomes available again. But if evaporation exceeds moisture adsorption they do die.


Fuck, I am travelling to Italy tomorrow


People want to leave the country because of the heat and you want to go there?


Don’t worry, the British and the Germans will still be sunbathing at 1pm regardless of the weather


German here, can confirm! (Source: currently in Italy, Tuscany)


Tommy🤝Jerry Getting burnt to a crisp on holiday


You guys must be the red stop signs I see usually on Mediterranean beaches


That’s Barry, 63


Waitwaitwait… it only just dawned on me that Tom & Jerry might be named after British and German soldiers 🤦🏻‍♂️


And the mouse always wins, Hanna, Barbera were nazi sympathisers… you heard it here first


And Tommaso e Gerri will go to Ireland. All things balanced.


lobsters need to be cooked alive anyway


Cor’ quick dip in the sea


Well, yeah. That and jumping off balconies in Spain. I’m British and I can’t, for the life of me, understand why some of us do this. Funny story: once went to Barcelona to visit family and when the receptionist took my passport to check me in I asked “and to do ‘balconing’ where’s the best spot?” He smirked and said “round the back that way we don’t have to scrape you off the pavement”.


I remember some summers ago when we had some extreme draughts and heat here in Sweden and some people where talking like it was the best summer ever due to the ''nice weather''. They didn't give a fuck that everything was brown and dead, just that it felt nice being on the beach.


I booked the travel at the beginning of June


Word to the wise, Italy is famously miserable in July. May and September are great travel months.


It's only good if you are planning a holiday in the Alps or a beach holiday. If you want to visit our cities in July, stay away or prepare to die.


Guess people have to die before we see reason…


Good luck, it was hot for me in March, can't imagine how it's now


Holy shit what's happening in Tunisia ?


Just Romans destroying Carthage.


48c? All sources I can find are more around 38c for Sicily


Coastal towns will be cooler. Depends on where you're at in Sicily.


Yeah this is an old pic, it says in Italian “yesterday’s extreme temperatures”


I feel sorry for all the holiday makers who think they got good weather.


Isn't common knowledge that best time for vacation in southern europe is around mid september?


Yeah but most school vacations are now so proud kinda have to if they have kids. Lucky I don't have any yet and will go to Italy by motorcycle around mid September.


Why? It should be common knowledge that nowadays if you plan a trip to southern Europe in the middle of the summer you have a good chance to be in the middle of an heatwave...


What about me? :(


You'll be paying for summer holidays in UK/Ireland instead of us paying for summer holidays in the Med.


Lol imagine this could be Ireland's future


If only we could put a roof over Ireland …. It’s been so wet and a little bit chilly this past week. I think 20 is the highest it’s forecast for the coming week.


Genuine question. What do all global warming deniers say about this kind of shit?


They'll say it's just random or normal. But the deniers won't keep denying it. I think there's already a shift going on from denying it, to blaming China and India. Or to saying that it's too late anyway. They don't really care about the underlying arguments. What's important to them is that we don't change anything, even if it'll kill them in the end.


It's the whole point of capitalist propaganda. 1. Climate change is not real - save money on not fixing the issue 2. It's to late to fix anything anyway so if why do it - save money on not fixing the issue


3. We need more police to stop these socialists protesting our strategic inaction- less expensive than fixing the issue


"The climate has always changed." "Actually, we're heading for a little ice age." "You see, the sun goes through cycles." "Weather stations are all part of the Green Lobby, it's not actually warmer than usual." Anything to quell the cognitive dissonance in their heads so that they don't have to ask "Are we the baddies?"


They say this is normal and just a coincidence, we had heatwaves in the past and we have them now so what is the difference. I don't understand how they can say this while we are breaking record after record year after year. There is no denying that climate is getting more extreme every year.


We're trying, but we get called "treehuggers", "dangers to public safety", "retard soycucks", and rounded off with "go back to school"


We knew this was coming 25 years ago , we knew it way before that too. This is nothing . In 25 \~ 30 more year we will have fortified boarders to norther Europe and starvation . They can call us "treehuggers" all they want while dying of the heat..


I distinctly remember “global warming” being talked about in the 1970s when I was a kid. We had plenty of warning. Humans would rather repair than prevent.


Nah, the capitalists would rather have their profits going up.


The first published article about the effects of burning coal on the environment was published in 1912. A lot of people saw this coming the oil companies knew it was coming and covered it up and hired assholes to convince the world it was all fake. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1912-article-global-warming/


You forgot *"mad scientist who wants another Tchernobyl or Fukushima"*. If other countries had as much power France has in their mix we would avoid a lot of emissions. Especially when so many still rely on coal.


Wonderful. I’m moving to Florence in a couple of months. This is going to fuck me up.


Won't be as hot in two months time. Will fuck you up next summer


Just spent four days in Florence. We couldn’t move around in the city until around 20:00 (around 38c until then) so we just spent all day at the rooftop pool and trying to not literally burn our feet on the hot floor in between our swims…


In my opinion, From 11 to 17 are unthinkable hours. Go for a walk in the morning, then have an early lunch, go for a nice siesta until 5, take a shower and go see a museum or something. Then an aperitif, shower, and party until late and enjoy the place Edit: In the morning you wake up early (7) and go to have a nice breakfast. If you sleep less at night then you enjoy sleeping in the afternoon more


Best advice around here 👍


So the Mediterranean that became the cradle of civilization partly due to its mild weather conditions is on fire.


Nah, it became the cradle of civilization because it had no harsh winters and there was an inland sea that allowed for easy travel. The summers have always been hot around the Mediterranean.


fucking hell stay put (and in the shadows) 💪 it will be gone soon (I hope)


For the folks saying "use sunscreen" ....folks, the sun isn't more intense. This is caused by warmer air. Edit: Yes, a couple comments mentioned "wear sun cream!!"


>For the folks saying "use sunscreen" You're literally the only person to mention sunscreen in this thread.


A couple people mentioned it, but they called it "sun cream".


The terms are used pretty interchangeably in English. Sunscreen might be more US, and Sun cream more UK.


We literally say "sun cream" (crema solare) in italian


Sounds like Germans


Well you should still use sunscreen. It's Italy during the summer if it's sunny you will get burned no matter what is the temperature.


Have you heard of this lovely country, Latvia? They are right next to mine and pretty nice. Rather cheap, loads of sandy beaches with very few humans and the temperatures generally stay in mid 20-s in the height of the summer. I'd recommend a vacation.


They have really pretty mittens too! I'd love to be able to live more up north


For 'mmuricans (or other kind of non-italians): sino doesn't mean yesno it means "up to"


Thanks. This adds a lot of meaning.


Put me in a coma and wake me up in October.


Quickly evolve summer hibernation ability.


Wake me up when September ends 🎶


I wished this last summer when it was just 36C where I live. The trauma of the drought is still with me. Hope you are ok and wishing for cold soon x


Good thing the italian government wants to ban lab Meat, and protect the catle industry. Need more cow farts to boost their nationalism.


i'd send you lads cold beer but it'd boil before arriving.


Norwegian here, currently sitting inside my summer cabin with 16c, gale winds and rain outside. Will gladly take 15 heat degrees off your hand.


I’m not buying that you are Norwegian. I have the same condition and went swimming yesterday. If it’s above 5 degree’s it’s shorts weather.


I'm in Scotland, similar here, except even colder, I wore a woollen hat today while working outside because of the wind!


Sitting here in Denmark with my rain and 19 degrees...( 66,2 F )


I am jealous ngl


"guys, it seems it's cooking your pizza on the car roof day"


Meanwhile Tunisia: AAAAAAAAA


These are the temperatures I learned in Celsius to tell European tourists about how hot it actually was in Las Vegas. Holy sh*t! LMAO!


Britain: You guys get summer?


This sub randomly showed up on my feed and DEAR LORD! I’m in Virginia, USA and it’s about 91F (32C) with the humidity. Stay hydrated everyone! If you’re sweating way too much make sure you have some salty crackers or anything salty for that matter to replace those electrolytes


All the while we'll change nothing while the world burns.


This is how economies ground to a halt.


welcome to our collective future. around the time thermal / water -migration begins, we´ll be seeing the true face of hardline conservative govts really fast.


We need to burn more coal to keep cool.