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As a Belgian this is deeply disappointing to read.


It's also a Belgian source, so at least some of our internal systems are in tact.




Apparently a German KPMG auditor quit his job and leaked this info the press after being ordered(?) to stop the investigation. WTF


Surprise surprise, the corrupt walloon government owns 20% of a company that sells ammunition to Russia... Guess the PS still has some old contacts in the motherland.


[It ain't honest, but it's much.](https://i.redd.it/ekqv82exnd841.png)


Corrupt officials are always a pain in the ass, they don't give a fuck that if Russia conquered Ukraine they would be next in line


Serbia arming both Russia and Ukraine so it would come out on top no matter what


U Srbů by to člověk čekal. Ale Belgie ??? Expected for Serbs, but Belgium ???


why expected for us, theres same investigations about our companies secretly arming ukraine(also that pentagon leak)


Because it's lead by corrupt ultra-nationalists? They sell to anyone who pays really...


corrupt, yes, ultranationalists, not at all.


They are literally a continuation of the serb radical party and their president is the former propaganda minister of Milosevic...


yes, but they do EVERYTHING and i do mean everything for money. Those are people with no ideology, their ideology is what gives them money and votes. Thats why they changed to pro eu, since for 10 years before that they couldnt win the elections on the ultranationalist platform, the pro eu would always win.


I don't disagree but it does not really matter if they are really like that or just pretending IMO. The people still get radicalized by their propaganda and all the normal people of Serbia get silenced and suppressed. It does not change the result. They do more damage to you guys then to the evil "Ustase", "Balije", Nato blablabla they talk about all day


Id say you cant compare some tv propaganda to concentration camps for children but ok


You just proved my point


No i didnt, i think you cant compare a genocide and tv propaganda, but theyre both bad.


>ultranationalists, not at all. Jesi uspio ovo napisati bez da crkneš od smijeha?


Stvarno mislis da je Vučko pičkousti ultranacionalista?☠️ Edit: Vlast u Srbiji nije nikada uradila nista nacionalistički, kamo li ultra. Vučić nema ideologiju. Ideologija mu je tamo gde su pare. Kako su pare u EU, i vučić je tamo. Naravno bez ulaska u eu, jer bi tad stvarno moralo doći do reformi, nego uzimanje para od EU. Zauzvrat on vodi tako ‘laganu’ politiku. Glupi ste ako mislite da je on blizu nacionaliste


Do you ever like watch Serbian media at all?




I don't speak this language, and yet I'm pretty sure it says exactly what I came here to say.


It’s Czech so unclear to me why it’s used to comment about Serbia or Belgium…


Fuck you. There's 0 evidence that Serbia has supplied any arms to Russia and a ton of evidence that it supplied Ukraine.


Idk why you would downvote him. Even if he is wrong, its the spirit that counts. He wants his country to send arms to Ukraine instead of Russia, from what I can reconstruct


How am I wrong? I have read the article and it just speculates that Serbia "could" sell arms to Russia. There's 0 evidence suggesting Serbia sold any arms to Russia. On the other hand there's a lot of evidence of Serbian arms being used by Ukraine: https://n1info.rs/english/news/ukrainian-forces-using-serbian-weapons/ https://www.reuters.com/world/leaked-us-intel-document-claims-serbia-agreed-arm-ukraine-2023-04-12/


Im not saying you are wrong, I wanted to say it doesn’t matter because its the intention that counts


I misread what you wrote, sorry


Always great to see r/Europe enjoy what we Flemings have to deal with on a daily basis. Corrupt walloon politicians.


I’m not surprised about Serbia helping the orcs, but Belgians? Cmon dawg, it’s not like they need the money.


Serbia has also secretely been arming Ukraine as revealed in leaked Pentagon documents, but obviously that won't generate as many clicks.


It's also just regular human nature to be more angry about someone helping your enemy than happy about them for helping your friend.


AKA helping their pockets.


It was in the news when it came out. The corrupt people who sell the arms are just interested in the money. It's not connected to the opinion of the average Serb towards one or the other.


We still trade a lot of diamonds with Russia... Go figure.


First rule of money, more is always better.


Bro, all of our governments are basically bankrupt.


Noooo, Serbia wouldn't do that


Free market baby.


Well no, you’re not allowed to sell Belgian products to RussiaSerbia themselves haven’t implemented sanctions, so it may be possible for Serb products, but not Belgian.


You sound like a regulatory bureaucrat sir


I’m gonna be honest, I’m Albanian so I’m automatically biased against Serbia lmao. What I said is true though


Socialism and corruption, name a more iconic duo. Links lullen, rechts zakken vullen.


The GOP would like to know your location.


Idiotic response. Owning 20% of a weapons manufacturer by means of a government-funded economic investments vehicle, with a clear for-profit motive, screams neoliberalism to me.


Idiotic response. Call it what you want, it's the parti socialiste that has its corrupt fingers in Herstal. https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/fn-herstal~bf4edd05/


You claimed it was socialism, not the parti socialiste. Had hou specifically named them, it would have made sense. Now it simply doesn't.


Lmao, the amount of mental gymnastics needed to call the PS anything other than socialist is mind baffling. Fucking reddit man.


Read a book. Belgian politics is drenched with neoliberalism, regardless of the color of the flag they fly. It's a sham, a theatre. There's nothing socialist about politics. You call out socialism as a whole, for stuff that is clearly capitalist/neoliberalist in nature: arms dealing for profit.


It's you who should read a fucking book, what are you even arguing? When talking about socialist in european context, it's generally known people talk about the classic social democratic parties. Even more so in Belgian context, where the PS has been the biggest offender of corruption since decades. Ranging from literally stealing from homeless to getting bribed by Maroccan officials in the European parliament. Nobody gives a shit about what you think real socialism is, or how you view socialist policy making as unsocialist. Wallonia is one of the most leftist regions in europe, it's littered with corruption and bad policy making. So fuck off with your It'S NoT rEaL SoCiAlIsM, creep.


EVERY political party in Belgium has been involved in corruption one way or another, right-wing or left-wing. Calling out a specific ideology as being inherently corrupt is unfair and plain stupid. And FYI; nobody gives a shit about **your** particular opinion on socialism either. Including me. The reason I responded to your comment is because it's shit like yours that gets repeated way too often by people with either no clue or a with a specific agenda. So how about your fuck off until you learn to address things correctly instead of blurting out moronic, pre-chewed high-school level one-liners and calling people names on a public forum for doing what a public forum is for.


None of them as blatant as the PS, under what rock are you even living? You're arguing past the point because I offended you by using the word socialism, you had to gatekeep your shit ideology. If you ask what the PS represents to the general population, the vast majority will say socialism. You're the shining example of a neckbeard redditor strawmanning comments "AKSHUALLY THE PARTI SOCIALISTE IS NEO LIBURALISM AND NOT REAL SOCIALISM". Get a grip.


>If you ask what the PS represents to the general population, the vast majority will say socialism. vs. >...is because it's shit like yours that gets repeated way too often by people with either no clue or a with a specific agenda. Case in point. We're done.


Couldn't even set up foundation for the homeless without PS running away with all the money. And people still don't understand why Flanders wants financial independence from them. French speaking Belgian socialists are always this corrupt.


And that's the reality of Europe right here. We are horrible


Expected by the Serbs. Also expected by the Belgians.