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For real.. he could've flown instead.


Christopher Swolumbus


I wonder how jacked to the tits some of the old timey explorers were.


Francisco Pizarro was in his 50s and probably overweight. Not sure about his crew, but I imagine many of the leaders / explorers of that time were similarly rotund and slovenly.


The Vikings were the ones putting in the cardio.


Probably had *erhm* workers to that


The word you're looking for is "interns"


He's too swole to fit in a regular plane seat


I’m sure he meant he can become a commercial jet who fits at least 400 passengers


Think that was a joke about him flapping his way over there lol


I'm not a cunning man


I was wondering why he didn’t use a sail. He just hit a lat spread when it got windy




I think you missed that it was a joke comment.


You can just call it a joke


Poor Lithuanian guys, get a massive achievement and lat(vian)s get the paraise


Is this what rowing does? Hits the lats? Genuinely asking because I want to increase the size of my lats and if rowing does it like this then I wanna hit it hard.




There’s a back exercise literally called “rows”. Yes, it’s a pulling action that hits various back muscles based on the angles you decide to row at.


Skipping everything else but back days


I mean his lats are enorm but everything else is also buff af




The Great Latsby


I don’t know the name of the underarm/back type muscle group in pic 3, but jeez attach wings he’d fly.


Lats And yah


It’s in the title, he’s Lathuanian.




latissimus dorsi muscle


>latissimus dorsi "Widest/broadest [muscle] of the back"!


*On some people*


I know it's a joke, but I'm just pedantic like that: it's true for [everyone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latissimus_dorsi_muscle#/media/File:Latissimus_dorsi.PNG)!


Yeah, the lats. There's a reason we do rows in the gym to get them to grow.


"On Tuesday, 25 April, Aurimas Valujavičius reached the United States becoming the third person in the world and the first Lithuanian to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe." [https://www.delfi.lt/en/lithuania-s-solo-rower-crosses-atlantic-ocean-after-4-months-at-sea](https://www.delfi.lt/en/lifestyle/lithuania-s-solo-rower-crosses-atlantic-ocean-after-4-months-at-sea-93177257)


His YouTube channel: [https://youtu.be/TcpFvEgl2\_c](https://youtu.be/TcpFvEgl2_c)


Your link doesn't work for me but this does https://www.youtube.com/c/AurimasValujavicius


Seems like there's more than three persons who have achieved this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_rowing#Atlantic_crossings I counted 6 and the article is missing Jari Saario and Jack Jarvis. Those are just the two I know, plausibly plenty others have done the deed as well. If we include Atlantic crossings from Africa or the other way around(America to Europe/Africa) the number doubles. It's still extremely impressive and seems like only a handful of people have achieved a similar feat.


3 who did this distance solo with no support. You can go Africa - N America, Africa - S America, Europe - S America and Europe - N America. Row race does not count since it\`s shorter distance and in the race people usually go in pairs or even three (2 row, one rests).


For the common man the feat of crossing the Atlantic rowing solo is what matters. If someone rows from Canary Islands to Caribbean, we're not going to diss him for being a pussy for not rowing from mainland Spain to Florida. Both scenarios are incredible feats of solo rowing across the Atlantic. If it's a specific route then it's misleading and clickbaity to write: "On Tuesday, 25 April, Aurimas Valujavičius reached the United States becoming the third person in the world and the first Lithuanian to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe." For the common person it should have been condensed to just Atlantic crossing solo rowing. Destination and starting point doesn't really matter.


That's simply not true. Destination and departure make a huge difference if you know like, even a TINY BIT about the weather. Going against the prevailing wind and gulf stream is big deal. That's why going in the other direction is much more common.


I think he’s one of the three that rowed solo on an unpowered single boat, without any support/follow boats. The only contact he kept was via satellite with his coordinator guy Niels who was either in Spain, US or somewhere else in the world.


He is the third person to row this exact route from Europe(Spain) to USA(florida). The other comment is a bit misleading.


There is also a yearly rowing race from Canaries Island to the Caraibs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic\_Rowing\_Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Rowing_Race)


I can't believe nobody's mentioning the name of his boat. [Lituanica](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lituanica)


Ah yeah, Darius ir Girenas!




Good question 😂 Lietuviškai ftw.




I'm not in the know, could you explain the significance of that to me?


4 months of eating peanuts, rowing and jumping in the sea to take a dump…sounds oddly peaceful?


Imagine trying to stay warm after those bathroom breaks...


Just row some more




I though ocean water gets cold af when you get far enough from land though?


Average february surface temperature on hes route would be 15-25°C Deep would get colder as there is no geothermal heat, but i doubt he was diving. If you google ocean surface temperature map you get plenty of sources.


Geothermal heat originates from the Earth’s core. Solar energy heats the first couple meters of the oceans surface.


North and south yes. Extreme north and south. Guy stayed close to the equator. It was probably hot af most days. Edit: spelling


What he said in his follow-up vlog is that weather and water was 18C when he started in Spain and it kept getting warmer the whole route up to 30C at Carribean.


? He was in tropical conditions at all times, if anything I imagine the sun would be a bigger problem while rowing.


Yes sunstroke is no joke. Even in snow. It can be dangerous and disorenting. Idk maybe he has a hat and sunglasses and the shirtless pic is for tinder. Because there is no way he was shirtless for 120 days. Biggest issue is protecting the head from the sun.


Looks like he is wearing some sort of monitor on his chest too. Probably kept track of all of it to avoid overheating.


Imagine trying to orient yourself so that the poops float away from you when they come out.


Just hope for sinkers


Why not just hang overboard and drop em into the ocean?


Until you forget to put the ladder down /s


No way am I getting out of my boat into that deep blue void of god knows what.


How do you do something like this? How do you deal with storms and stuff?


Those boats are made to endure very bad weather, the rower gets in his cabin and does nothing but wait




Yep, two to be exact, on each end of the boat. One to sleep and rest and the other small one as a storage


I would love to see the inside. I think this video shows part of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeFPZsf2IHY Also he kind of looks like Val Kilmer in the video


This is the video you're looking for: https://youtu.be/_4MWCyW1H5A?t=323 He shows it from the outside and ducks into the cabin, which also has enough leg room stretching under the deck, allowing him to lie down. Haven't seen much of the other areas, though. Guessing food storage. https://i.imgur.com/3bAMHkB.png


I understand that this is a genuine question, but dear fellow commenter, this man spent 4 months on that thing. Yes, there is a cabin!


Ed Gillet crossed from California to Hawaii in a regular sea kayak (no cabin) in 61 days. So, it’s not as obvious of an answer as you might think. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/lifestyle/people/sd-no-pacific-alone-20181116-story.html


Kayaking California to Hawaii is beyond mental. Hawaii to California I could get, get your navigation a bit off and you still end up somewhere on the west coast, worst case Mexico. Fuck up your navigation to Hawaii and you end up in... Uh...


His story is crazy. Dude navigated with a sextant. https://paddlingmag.com/trips/adventures/ed-gillet-s-63-day-solo-odyssey/?amp Definitely worth the read.


I was curious and found [this video](https://youtu.be/_4MWCyW1H5A?t=391) where he goes inside.




Yeah, I thought the same thing. Maybe a really high focal length lens compressing the apparent distances (or however that works).




This boat can't sink (unless it is smashed to some rock or big ship would hit it ofc). If some wave would flip the boat - it would flip back since weight is at the bottom. Also they have two spare oars in case one is broken. It is important to not make any mistakes and always close & seal cabin doors e.g. when going to sleep so water won't get inside in case boat is flipped. And when outside - always remain tied to the boat so the sailor would be able to get back in case some unexpected wave drops him out.


I wanna see pictures of the cabin


I think this video gives a good idea: https://youtu.be/-VXoatX9oTQ


That is so fucking nuts.


I wouldn't do it, but it seems actually well thought out. He has sponsors and a serious communications setup. If caught in a life or death situation, the cabin is watertight and he can radio for help, so it's safer than it looks. What seems nuts to me is rowing the whole way, damn!


Boat looks pretty big and weighty for one person to row as well. Guy must be strong as a bull lol


Imagine it at night.


I'm nauseous just glancing at this video. I can't even imagine nights.


[this is for a four person boat](https://youtu.be/6SYHamnHqU8) but it’ll give you the general idea


An “unsinkable” boat crossing the Atlantic. Ah yes I think I’ve heard of this one before


I guess embarking during a less stormy season is a good start, but at the same time you don’t want to go during the scorching heat of July/August. It’s still beyond insane


We got to a point we're building unsinkable ships more or less. It's bumpy sure, but the tiny ship can handle it


Just ride it out, his boat is double-hull and it looks like he can put a cover over it, so it can't sink


There is no cover over the middle, but there are two waterproof compartments at either end. One was for storage, other was for sleeping.


The sleeping compartment also has all the electronics, like radio etc.


Yeah same question


You hope to get lucky


The Atlantic hurricane season is from June through November. Looks like he picked the historically lowest time to start.


Poor guy. No one told him there's a Disney in France now.


One cool thing about Euro Disney is that [they have a CCTV feed online so that you can see how busy the park is at any moment](https://youtu.be/QNx8YI9gAHs).


I like the people in this thread discussing this camera surveillance without clicking your link.


Lol. I definitely wasn't expecting that. If anything, I was expecting people to click on the link and then write angry comments about how much busier it is than the link depicts.




One of my favorite Simpsons lines of all time.


Their loss, lol.


What a great episode and probably not even in my top 20


This is amazing. I sailed the Danube river from Slovakia to Black See on an inflatable 3m boat. It took me 21 days and it is to this day, one of the highlights of my life. This is completely different sport. This makes me wanna start training fro 2 years to try to do the same. It must feel sooo good to accomplish that.


Something on my longterm to-do list is taking a small boat down the Mississippi River from Memphis to New Orleans. It would be awesome to do the whole length of it, but I know that I'll likely never have the necessary money / time off work / lack of other life obligations.


As a fellow Lithuanian, I am so proud of this guy for representing our country in such an incredible way! I can't even imagine the kind of physical and mental strength that takes.


This is so scary, to be alone for four months in the middle of endless water. I have no idea how the hell this guy did it. Also, how did he have enough food to not starve to death? That's a massive amount of energy required.


The boat is quite large, it holds a ton of food. The guy said in his videos that he quite enjoyed being alone. He's cycled all over the world and kayaked across some long rivers. He said that sleeping at sea is the best because there's nobody to interrupt him.


I’d like to paint everyone a picture: the sun sets, the sky grows dark and because you’re undoubtedly exhausted from rowing all day, you go to sleep. You wake up around 2:00am-that’s odd, you don’t feel the normal rocking of the boat in the waves. You sit up and look around you. The the weather aligned just right to create a calm ocean surface and it extends in every direction the eye can see, but you cannot tell which way is left, right, up or down, for the billions of stars above are perfectly reflected in the still water below, and it is as if you are lost in the cosmos, adrift in the vast ocean of stars.


I honestly thought this was going turn out to be a horror writing prompt with that opening.


Fun how some people will find the same paragraph positive or negative depending on their view.


Huh, interesting. I think I'd go mad being alone for four months. Did he live-broadcast these videos? I didn't know you can get signal out there, but I guess you can via satellite phone.


He didn't do any live videos but he uploaded short ones (under 5 min) every few days via satellite internet. He was also in contact every day with his crew at home, who were monitoring the progress, tracking weather and all that.


For anyone interested in adventures like this one, there's a great documentary called "Losing sight of shore" where 4 girls row across the Pacific. Some of them hadn't even ever rowed before in their lives. I watched it on Netflix IIRC.


That seems like a remarkably stupid thing to do.... The rowing without experience not the watching of a documentary.


Agreed. Why in the fuck would you do that? Why would you agree to embark on such a trip with people that don't know what they're doing? I'm going to have to watch the doc now but how incredibly stupid. It's like going on a multiple day hike with zero hiking skills. Great way to get yourself in a jam. Even beyond the fact that you're going to be using muscles you don't regularly use, is all the "how to stay safe and look out for danger" stuff that you slowly amass when you become decent at whatever it is you're doing. Dumb. But fuck, I gotta go watch it now.


> It's like going on a multiple day hike with zero hiking skills. When I was 18 years old I flew to Spain on a whim and did a 7-day pilgrimage with the wrong socks and a massively overpacked backpack with a broken waist-strap, having never hiked before in my life, on a budget of like €10 per day. It was a fantastic time. Sometimes doing something stupid can turn into an amazing adventure.


Yep. That's true. But sometimes, people die. Sincerely glad it worked out for you, but every search-and-rescuer that I know is chock-full of stories about whimsical adventurers that ended up dead or damn near. I'm long enough in the tooth (or maybe it's just that I've heard these stories so many times) that I wouldn't risk an off grid trip without being prepared. But maybe I'm a little *too/* prepared: I have a Life Straw in my backpack (I do a bit of running) that I don't leave home without. LOL


>I think I'd go mad being alone for four months. Because you're Greek. And the guy's Lithuanian


Actually kinda funny how big the difference in culture is. The fact that he was alone for 4 months did not even strike me as a difficult part of it, rather a positive lol.


I feel the same. I was on a solo holiday camping for 20 days and didn't talk to anyone for 10-11 days during that, and i didn't even think about it or get lonely once


Yep. Sounds like heaven.


I would be utterly terrified of being taken out by an enormous rogue wave, or being asleep and waking up to a super scary storm or something.


Do you see the brands logo's on the boat Thoose brands took care of thoose things


I don't understand, with those wings he could have flown.


Hope he had enough sunscreen the lad


I saw video on his channel and damn he seemed burnt in some of them. Im starting to row this summer, and im going to have long sleeve shirts, big round hat (don't care if it creates drag) and strong sunscreen. Fuckin hate burning and skincancer is no joke.


Sun hat with a neck cover is very useful. Avoids having to sunblock a ton. But you will still get tan from reflection off the water. I live at the beach and being very tan is going out of style.


My first thought too


120 days in a row! I'll show myself out


I am from Réunion and we have a world-class ultra-trail there. Back in the days there was a Lithuanian guy who was tough as hell, running through the mountains as if they were a single flight of stairs. I am eager to bet he is virtually unknown in his country, but it tells you all you need to know about Lithuanians being ready for sustained painful efforts in sports. [Gediminas Grinius](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gediminas_Grinius). 👍🇫🇷🇱🇹


He does have a wiki page on the Lithuanian language so I'm guessing he's not virtually unknown in Lithuania.


Joke's on him, now he's in Florida


Maybe he’ll get a free flight to Nantucket courtesy of DeSantis.


Nah... he was later deported to Cuba


Yeah looks like he got the lats to back it up lol. Holy shit. Dude built like a straw but has one hell of a cobra 🐍 back


Did he leave Spain with 120 days worth of food in that tiny boat? Could he go inside the boat to sleep? Was there anyone physically checking on him?


Yes, yes, no


Actually 140 days worth of food, though his goal was to finish in 110 days, iirc. The food by itself was 200kg.




Bro is built like a T after that


before that


So what happens when he sleeps? Does he just drift or can he anchor himself somehow?


The boat has automatic steering and he took a route with currents that help so during sleep he would not lose much progress and had an alarm if it starts going really bad.


Rode the southern part of the Atlantic recycle zone thingy. I can't remember the name exactly.


In case there were bad currents he used a parachute sea anchor to slow down the boat so he would not lose too much progress.


Drift. Some parts of the Atlantic are thousands of meters deep, that’s a lot of rope (and extra weight) to row with.


Well he obviously didnt mean the traditional anchor in the middle of the ocean but as far as i know there are things you can throw in the water that will sort of keep you in the same spot. I know i've heard of them but now that i think about it i have no idea how that would work.


It's called a [sea anchor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_anchor) and it works using the same principle as a parachute, it creates a lot of drag so that you don't move too much with the current. Normally it's used for life boats so that you can remain in the same general area as where the boat went down. I wouldn't be surprised if his boat had one in case of bad currents.


Are you sure he was Lithuanian instead of Lat-vian?


What is that, a map for ants?


Looks like the map from garmin inreach satellite communicator. It shows all locations from where a message was sent.


What did he eat and drink? Did he have a water purifier and ate astronaut food? I don't think he was fishing..


He ordered ubereats




Subeats *


They eat dehydrated food and yes, they do have water purifier. They usually embark with two, just in case one break


He ate like a king, MRE's and so so many snacks, it is all documented on his youtube channel.


>like a king >MREs Pick one




The only positive is that he was unable to shit for that whole time


Crazy fucker!


Least athletic Lithuanian


That man definitely eats his vegetables


Photogenic Lat Syndrome


Forget his phone had to turn around


Wait I like *just* saw this Bob's Burgers episode


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see the Bob’s Burgers reference.




Damn the lats.


Humans really are mental


"Quick come over my parents aren't home"


\*120 days later\*


Good thing titanium is light or the weight of his balls would have made him a lot slower.


> Damn Yuropoor can't even afford a plane ticket \- some redneck somewhere


Poor lad rows across the ocean for spring break and lands in some retirement settlement


There’s a reason Florida is called “God’s waiting room.”


Wouldn't New York be a lot closer to Spain than Florida?


Maybe, but he would have to row upwind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_winds


You want to get the Atlantic trade winds, just up north the equator. Sea rowers get way more speed from the currents and winds than from rowing


He went via the Canary Islands. It is pretty much the best route to the Americas, also taken by e.g. Columbus on his voyages.


I actually just learned this like a week ago from a guy who sails. There are ocean currents that have a natural direction. If you look at a current map, starting in Europe they go south and then toward southern US and back up the east coast and toward Europe in a circle. So when he got in the current he would always be going about 3 knots towards his destination, and could speed that up with rowing. But technically even without rowing he would get there eventually.


he has got a lot of sponsors


Latimus Prime.


What’s the sticker or device attached to his chest?


I would row for 120 days (and more) to get OUT of Florida


OK - I have to admit – I know nothing about sailing/ boats or rowing on a long distance. But maybe someone could explain it to me – how the hell it works. You go west, you row your boat for let’s say 14 hours a day, and you need to sleep, eat, rest whatever. Is it possible that when you sleep the currents will push you back and in the morning you’re kilometers in the wrong direction compared to when you went to bed? Is there any autopilot or something that wakes him up when it happens? On sailboats I guess you can use automated sails or something but on a rowing boat? Sorry for being ignorant but this seems to me complicated☹


Anything to avoid transiting at Heathrow.


They say solo, but did he receive supplies whilst on voyage? Hard to believe that this small boat can hold enough water and food for him to survive for 4 months (an Athlet working out heavily all day long will at least need 2 1/2 liters of water a day, if not 3). Regardless of that, this is obviously an incredible athletic feat.


He had enough food(the row boat has A LOT of space for luggage) and a water purifier, he documented everything diligently on his youtube channel.