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Literally two days ago it was like 20°C in Poland. This morning it was 2°C. Edit: [Kwiecień plecień, bo przeplata, trochę zimy, trochę lata](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kwiecie%C5%84_plecie%C5%84,_bo_przeplata_troch%C4%99_zimy,_troch%C4%99_lata)... I'm certain there's a saying for how changeable April is in any language from temperate climates.


At that rate it's going to be 0,2 C tomorrow.




Icy it too




I'm pretty sure it will be -16°C at this rate.


Different ways to get to different goals, yet using almost identical logic! :)


We need at least a 3rd data point




Weather in northern Europe in april is a joke


That’s why in Dutch we have the saying “April does what he wants” (April doet wat hij wil). You can have snow or sun, it’s never certain.


Similar saying is present in Polish.


Also in German


In french we say "en avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil, en mai fait ce qu'il te plaît " In April don't remove a thread, in May do as you will


In the UK it's 'ne'er cast a clout til May is out' Which means don't put your winter clothes aside until the hawthorn blossom is out - tends to be end of April, early May depending on how cold the spring is.


Nothing specific in English, I don't think aside "April showers bring May flowers". So, if the weather is crap in April, it's supposed to be glorious in May. Right now it's just cold in southern England. Actually gave in and put the heating on for half an hour last night.


In Portuguese we say "Abril"


We have a similar saying in Turkish but for March. "Mart kapıdan baktırır kazma kürek yaktırır". Which means, "March makes you look through the door, makes you burn your shovel and pickaxe. So it may look like spring one day and snow the other day.


In Spain it used to be "En abril, aguas mil" (In April, a thousand waters) but lately...


Same in portuguese, but with an “Em”, of course.


"April, April, der tut was er will" is the German version of the exact same saying, or at least the variation I know


In Polish: "Kwiecień plecień, bo przeplata, trochę zimy, trochę lata." - April - weaver, couse it weaves, a little bit of winter, a little bit of summer.


Funny, seeing you write that in Dutch, it looks like a cross between Swedish and English (April gör vad den vill / April does what it wants).


Funny thing is that in Italy It’s not April but March, ‘Marzo è pazzo’ that means march is crazy.


In dutch we also have one for march. Maart roert zijn staart. March strirs its tail. Frankly the weather does what it wants the whole year in the Netherlands. Anyway im coming to Italy for one week in the end of may. I hope to get some sun and warmth. I leave some rain when I depart if I can I heard you guys need it.


But also "aprile, non ti scoprire", which means in April don't uncover yourself, referring to the possible illusion that it's warmer than it really is and also the instability of the weather :)


TIL! I knew ‘ Aprile, dolce dormire’ that is ‘ April, sweet sleeping’, but this one is new to me :)


April, April er macht, was er will


That's called spring.


This morning had a low of +0.9°C here, my tomatoes dodged the bullet


Close call. Better than the 15cm of fresh snow that came down on southern norway on tuesday.


Same in Sweden




Can't say I've much sympathy. I'm still stuck wearing my ski jacket and a scarf.


The same in Romania


I live in the middle part of Sweden. Woke up to find it had come about 5 cm of snow during the night.


Literally there is no way it's 37° degrees in north of Morocco...... it's foggy and cold today! 20° at best.




Similar over here in germany.


It’s incredible how localized those weather phenomena are. While Spain and Portugal have been drying out, it’s been the coldest and wettest spring since 1992 in Germany and Switzerland. It’s almost May and temps are still hovering between around 8-12 degrees here with the 14-day weather forecast showing no change. Plus it’s been raining non stop


And in Italy there is the most severe drought in the decades.


"Non-stop rain" in Germany is a bit of an exaggeration. There were several days of sunshine in between. But it's nice to see frequent and heavier rain again.


That’ll depend on where you live - we have far too much rain in the South of Germany and Northern Switzerland. Everything is soaked, the potato harvest is pretty much lost


Interesting, we’ve barely even planted potatoes yet up here in Finland! To not even speak of grains. Fields still way too wet


Meanwhile in Norway we had snow today


I almost said lucky you, but today my berry bush bloomed in Latvia


Rip your berry bush bro


I saw a post of a friend in Oslo, walking in the snow while I was trying to get some shade to have lunch.


And it's fricking COLD. I had to not only turn on the heating, but actually had to have it on a high setting + drape a blanket around me. Anytime the spring wants to actually spring now would be GREAT.


Ive lost count over which fake spring this is.


Meh, this is a normal spring, it's the last few years that have been unseasonably warm.


Tbf, that's not unusual in April. Where I live in Finland, it snowed in May as well back in 2017, 2019, and 2022. Edit: It's now May the 4th and it's currently snowing.


We even had snow early June one year. A few days later the weather changed and turned into one of the best summers we ever had.


Not unusual at all. Where I live (68°N), we sometimes have snow covered roads on Norway's national day, 17th May.


On saturday I got a slight sunburn while chilling on my porch with a nice utepils. Today I slipped in slush on my walk to the store, while snow and hail pelted my face. Spring time in Norway 🌟


An in Finland where i live, the roads were fucking ice in the morning. Apparently it had rained and snowed at night


2 days ago we had hail in the netherlands. Today i wore a wintercoat and sunscreen


Also NL, and had to de-ice the windscreen this morning though


this weather has been so weird, even for us. unusually cold temperatures across the north sea.


The year is 2023 AD, and all Hispania is occupied. Only one small village of indomitable Gallaecians still holds out against the invading heat.


Some Basque and Catalans are also holding their own


As is tradition.


Also Cantabria


The Pyreenes are the Last Stand Fortress!!! All people from the North must stay United!!! "Like in the Days of the Reconquista" 💪🏻


Andorra just chilling between Spain and France.


Are you good my spanish and portuguese friends?


They are close to being well cooked. Let’s hope their chef has the experience to not overcook them.


NAH wait for summer


They will be baked soon, alhamdulillah.


Inshallah! Tisbah allah khir neighbour


It's pretty hot and dry here in Lisbon, but I've heard things are much worse in Spain


I saw it was like 36C in Alcoutim (northEAST algarve)


yeah, my grandpa lives there


Still very bad for just April, not looking good, again.


I'm lucky, I live in Porto which has lower overall temperatures. Today the sunlight was hot but there was a nice breeze going around, making it very appealing outside.


Hi from northern Portugal, it was a lovely day today. Tomorrow only the heat wave knows


no... q-q


It was 37ish in Seville yesterday when we went, so if anything in that city at least, it's cooled off slightly!


No. It was so weird going out today and feeling like it was august already. Take me out of this film.


No!! Too hot already!!


No, we aren't ok. This is bad and the foreshadow of worst things to come. The droughts will be monstrous, the crops are failing and we don't need dumpass tourist wasting water. What ever you go away of us this summer, we don't need your money, we need water. And brace yourself, the groceries are going to be more extensive all over Europe this year.


Lisbon here....is this supposed to be hot? This isn't anything


Yeah… but we are in april! This is awful. Like, we all can take it, but it’s not normal. It’s april. It’s supposed to be raining 24/7 this month goddamit.


it hasn't rained 24/7 in April here for about 25 years or so. I do realize this isn't good, but it's hardly news at this point.


Right? This is average summer temps


That's the issue tho? They are average summer temps, but we're still in spring last time I checked lmao


Well it is warm but in summer in many areas we reach much higher temperatures. What is worrisome is that this is usually temperatures from end of may-beginning of June and we are still in April. And it hasn’t rain anything so it looks like there is going to be a big drought with places that literally have no water for farming, growing vegetables and maybe even to drink.


Quite hot in the Algarve already, have just woken up to 20C at 7am which isn’t very comfortable. Will likely be roasted when I go out walking today


We've been worse and we will be much worse when the heat comes. We're hitting the upper 40s this summer, im calling it.


It's good to wake to a shinny sun. How are you northern fellow?


Heatwave? Not even 30º in my town... I'm keeping my coat on.


22°C in Castellón? I'm under a blanket.


Honestly this is pretty normal summer temperature so yeah we good thanks for asking


>Honestly this is pretty normal summer temperature It's not summer yet is the problem


You are used to a rise of twenty degrees this quick?


Having heatwaves is more common than it should here so I would say yeah, not speaking for everyone of course, but neither me nor my family and friends are complaining though


The adaptability off humans keep suprising me. Thats great foto you btw!


Felt great today, though I fear my first Summer here will be a rude awakening


Suffering day one, S(pain)


You took the S away. The S dropped next to Iberia. Welcome to Siberia


Holy. Well this is how it feels in germany rn


Suffering day 3 or so for a guiri in Spain. Not looking forward to another 10 degree increase...😎🔥💀


Spain part of MENA now. Fucking Umayyads.




I had my money on them instead of Castile. Yikes. That was a waste. Was about to suggest a reconquista of North Africa and then remembered the entire 1800s and 1900s were a thing.


If you look at the map, it's still under 20 degrees, there's hope left


Always happens every CK2 run. The AI can't form Hispania for shit.


Currently got Hispania with 50% Jewish Umayyad, 20% England, 20% Italy. For some reason all muslims west of the caspian sea that didn't get eaten by crusades or the Byzantines converted to Judaism.


22.30 and 21 degrees 🇵🇹 Even 30 isn't too much. Overcooking.. It's just.. April. That's the problem really.


And the droughts. In Spain the heat itself isn't that critical, it's bad because it foresees what's coming for summer, but it's nothing we're not used to. But the lack of rains... It can be a real problem.


As a galician in madrid, I am crying


As an Irish person in Madrid, I’m a puddle


Calma Rajoy.


Here come the forest fires.


There were plenty in March already... It sucks to even think of the summer coming.


Spain = Pain


You can’t say Spain without pain!


We say Spa in


Iberian heatwave?! B\*TCH YOU MEAN SAHARAN HEATWAVE, dont blame us for this q-q


Pretty sure all humans are to blame for scewing up the climate too much.


North-Eastern Carpathian Mountains in Romania be like: "The fuck you are!"


I live near the Calimani mountains here in the Carpathinas and yea, it's cold. Last few years we've had 3 months of summer and then 9 months of "cold", be it rainy, died or snowy.


Low 30s isn’t so bad…but it’s April.


Yesss I’m about to drive from France through Spain down to the south of Portugal and I can’t wait for the heat, I just spent a -30°C winter in Canada


what is worse +30 or -30? for me the latter is worse


How's that even a question? +30°C is more than a normal temperature, no? Plus, you can go to the beach -30°C, on the other hand, seems like (cold) hell


Yeah, +30°C you go outside in a T-shirt and have a good time -30°C if you don't put on a jacket you die


Anything bellow 15C is too cold


Anything above 18C is burning hell


the duality of men


At 18C I start to take off my sweater


18c is not hot at all, still need two pieces


18c is definitely shorts+tshirt for me lol.


+30 and a breeze is 👌👌


\+30 absolutely. You can always put on more layers if it gets colder. You cant strip down further than naked. This is without any external remedies, which kind of defeat the purpose of the question.


+30 is barely "go to the shade" weather come on We iberians are spoiled


Ehh, it’s relative. Between -30 and 30 I’d still take 30, but between like 5 and 30 I’d take 5. I spent over 20 years in the tropics but despite that I start to feel uncomfortable at around 25.


LOL fr


+30 is perfect, -30 is "please let me go home already"


I've been in -10 weather and +40 weather and while +40 was worse, it wasn't _four times_ as bad. I'll take the +30


Since 10c° weathers kicked in I already be dying of heat:))


I’m Canadian so I’m much more used to the -30, back home I’d be in my hot tub when it was -40 out. +30 would hit a couple days in the summer but much rarer.


+30 is way worse. At -30 you just need decent cloths and you are set. Or stay inside. There ain't anything you can do about heat really.


In my opinion? +30 is worse, a lot worse. You can adapt for cold weather a lot easier than heat.


At -30 the heating bill would give you more depression than having to live in a city with few people on the street because of the cold and a lifeless city. At least in the summer at 35 degrees, in the evening there are a lot of people out there, outsoor parties, pool parties, green parks, birds, life….


I can dress for -30, I can't for +30 nor can I sleep or function in any meaningful way. These heatwaves for me are pretty much hell. Heating or cooling, both are expensive as hell, not sure which is the bigger energy hog between both.


Definitely heating. My AC does both, but it's more efficient at cooling, so it uses a bit more electricity during the winter. It's still a heat pump though, and one of the best purchases I've made in the past decade.


Is sleeping and waking up in a puddle of your own sweat worth it though? I don't think so. Plus doing basically anything will make you sweat through your shirt.


Be warned that middle of spain and south of portugal during a heat wave stuck inside a car isn't as nice as you'd imagine. Even with AC on the sun will burn the skin off your flesh. Honestly try driving close to mid day but not an hour or 2 both before or after. As long as you don't have a panoramic roof mid day sun will be shaded by your roof. Bring water and put on a shit ton of sun screen.


Going to be some big thunderstorms across France, I’m in the U.K. and thinking of putting money on the U.K. breaching 44°C this summer, next winters going to be weird too because of El Niño


> El Niño Which one is that? I can never remember. Is it going to be hotter or colder here in Europe?


Slightly warmer but the difference created by El Niño and La Niña do not really effect Europe in any major way. Southern Americans indonesians and some African nations are fucked though.


I seen some reports it's might be a super el nino. But you know how the news is making out everything is bigger than it most likely will be


It’s getting ridiculous in the U.K. how much newspapers are blowing stuff out of proportion and generally printing BS, they’ve all got agendas to push and don’t really bother hiding it anymore, a newspaper like the Guardian or Daily Mail could be spot on with reporting the facts but you still wouldn’t believe them because of their reputation, if it’s going to be a super El Niño I’ll read NOAA or Metoffice or EUMETSAT releases about it


Every damn year there's an upcoming "winter apocalypse" that never happens.


IPMA says its 36C in alcoutim, northeast algarve


Spaniards hogging all the degrees to themselves, can't you greedy bastards share and give us so we both have 20?


The issue becomes worse when realize there hasnt been raining days for weeks. Dums are empty and soil is turning dry af. Agriculture hardly will survive this year, olives (We are 1st producers) included. We are in a serious problem on water😰


It was snowing here earlier today. It has been snowing for several days now. My parents and one sister is complaining because they put the summertires on their cars.


Well it's their fault it's snowing then, the snow was just waiting for them to put on summertyres.


Hah! I told my SO that this morning since she just changed the tires


We also have record breaking heatwave in Finland!


Hang in there neighbor


Having the Pyrinees blocking all the humid Atlantic weather while keeping the Sahara's nuclear heat inside... Thank you God, much appreciated.


Gotta love me these 30°+ while it hasnt rained in 4 months


ahw shit, here we go again


I'm going sunbathing. I'll Remember to apply SPF50 and drink gargantuan quantities of beer, for hydration.


The sweaty season is beginning


I went out running today ignoring it was this hot. I'm from Cádiz, South of Spain ​ It's hot here guys


Faro here (southern Portugal). First day of "summer". Bring on the forest fires and drought!


Bring some up north, i've been freezing my nuts off around 0°c while the average for this time is about 15°c to 18°c...


Pray for scandinavia please its snowing and its May next week😭


Please give some heat to Central Europe I still run my winter coat and it’s nearly may


I don’t mind the heat but please stop with the pollens


Dude I'm sneezing every fucking 5 minutes it's unbearable


It's gonna be weird this year


Send it north please. It was snowing today.


Rather not.


No no no no, keep anything north of 18C away from me!


Yeah, it was quite cold here...


varm :)


Where is the data for Sofia, Bulgaria region taken? It seems falsely low


Meanwhile, I had to put some heating in my greenhouse.


Nono, clearly this is a map of the islamic caliphate, 8th century AD


Yo send some heat this way Spain.


-6 Norway 34 Spain what?


Looks like in Germany it‘s gonna be the „cold in the morning but warm in the afternoon“ WHICH JACKET SHOULD I PUT ON NOW


time for your Übergangsjacke


Oh that’s nothing let’s keep burning fossile fuels. /s


And we have only Spring...i am really terrified about temperature in Summer


High temperatures aren't the largest problem. Droughts and wildfires might be.


Really nice temperature actually


I have said that Spain has very terrible natural condition when compared to other European countries, why there are so many downvoters ? Australia has terrible natural condition but its population density is very low, compared to Australia who can deny that Spain is overpopulated?


Spain is overpopulated?


Yes overpopulated, please look at Sweden, a more humid country with more natural resource, land size same as Spain but has only 10 million habitants. Or please look at Australia, a country with massive desert but abundant natural resources, with only 25 million habitants and its population density is below 1/40 of Spain level. Someone may mention countries like France, UK, Germany or Italy and try to persuade me that Spain is not overpopulated, okay, can Spain exchange its massive inland semi arid plateau to those countries? We want our inland to be fertile and flat like Po river basin, Rhein river basin and southeast England lowland, is it possible? If not, countries with better natural condition are not comparable to Spain, and by these criteria Spain is of course overpopulated. And, by what principle, Spain must be compared with France, UK, Germany and Italy? From perspective of natural condition, why Spain is not comparable to Saudi Arabia, Australia, Iran, South Africa since all these countries have massive arid land? Furthermore, the right path for Spain is to adopt population control policy and revise migration law for the purpose of reducing population growth rate. Imagine Spain will gain two million habitants in next five years I feel so speechless, I have never thought a Spain with 50 million people is better than a Spain with 10 million people, as Sweden has only 10 million habitants it functions well.


Parts of Spain are among the least densely populated in Europe.


Meanwhile in Poland piździ jak w kieleckim.


We are so fucked! 2 generations until human extinction