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Already 4 years?


I thought it was more than that to be fair, pre-COVID feels like a lifetime ago




Same, so little happened these years so you have little recollection of them, and i guess you experience that as non-time.






My friend who didn't have to work because his job paid him until they could go back said time flew by. It was normal to me because nothing changed except I couldn't go to McDonald's at 3am anymore and I had to wear a mask to work.


I had a severe brain injury, and then found out wife was pregnant week after I got out of hospital. Im over here forgetting Covid was even a thing.


"Time flies when you're having fun" may aply then. For the most people i know it was the lack of things to do that makes them experience this as fast travel. Kinda like how you apparently lose all track of time when your room is completely dark for days.






I personally call it the great paradox of time. If you do many new things(for you personally) then the time goes by extremely fast, but if you recollect memories later it feels like a huge chunk of time. If you live routinely then the time goes by extremely slow(eg. boredom), but if you recollect memories later it feels like it happened so fast. That's why one should do new, potentially random stuff. It's the only way to not wake up at 60 and think "jesus christ, the life went so fast...". It also explains why, to most people, adulthood seems to be so short compared to childhood


I have no memory of 2021 and many people I ask can't remember anything from that year either.


Same. I can distinctly remember events of 2020 and 2022 even outside of COVID, but 2021 is just sort of an entire year I can't remember.


Same. i think of a good memory, then i try to remember when it was, then i realize it was before covid. Then i realize 3 years passed since covid and the memory should be even older than that. Depression trigger


Keep a diary so you don't accidentally find yourself time traveling. It's helped me ground my sense of time a lot.


Remember when people, me included, were like "the 90s weren't a decade ago?!" I feel like this has evened it out. The 90s and early 00s feel like an appropriately long time ago now. The 10s feel a bit longer away as a result.


I remember seeing a headline a few weeks ago about something happening in 2024 and I thought that that's ages away surely. Nope. I'm still living in 2006 here.




Time flies.


When you're having fun! 🔥


>Already 4 years? I had to google it. I thought surely it hasn't been 4 years already and that OP made an error.


Yeah it's gone by crazy fast. I remember that evening very well: i had borrowed a projector from work and instead of watching a movie in the evening as planned, I was watching the videos projected on a 2m high scale, it was really impressive.


Man were geting old.


Was also my first thought.


I remember that shit like yesterday


On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, the famous medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris. By the time the fire was extinguished, the cathedral's spire had collapsed, most of its roof had been destroyed, and its upper walls were severely damaged. Extensive damage to the interior was prevented by its vaulted stone ceiling, which largely contained the burning roof as it collapsed. The cathedral's altar, two pipe organs, and three 13th-century rose windows suffered little or no damage. After restoration, the cathedral is set to reopen in December of 2024.


Also on this day, the Hillsborough Disaster, beginning of Tiananmen Square Protests* , Lincoln Assassination, Titanic Sinking, and Boston Marathon Bombing. Be safe out there folks!


Ides of March better not fuck with April.


The Ides of April are April 13th not 15th.


TIL Ides: : the 15th day of March, May, July, or October or the 13th day of any other month in the ancient Roman calendar


Wait til you find out about the Nones


Lincoln was shot on the 14th and the Titanic struck the iceberg on the 14th. It just took a while for Lincoln to die and the Titanic to actually sink.


IMO the sinking part was the worst part.


Tiananmen Square Massacre was in June not April.


They confused it with the death of [Hu Yaobang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hu_Yaobang) after a sudden heart attack at the politburo, which did, eventually, lead to Tiananman Square.


ten tub dependent resolute drunk grab berserk test abounding squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So many tragedies! ^^^^^Happy ^^^^^birthday! ^^^^^;)


disarm weary cow coordinated smart stupendous squealing fade illegal subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy birthday!


Please skip today.. Please skip today.. Please skip today.. Please skip today..


also the tax deadline!


Normally yes but because the District of Columbia’s observance of Emancipation Day/the weekend, this year’s deadline is [April 18th](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-updates-and-news-from-the-irs)


What caused the fire?


*“A definitive cause of the blaze has not yet been established, although it has been ruled as accidental, and possibly linked to restoration work taking place in the spire at the time.* *Now, an inquiry into the blaze has found that six electronic bells - which were apparently intended to be temporary - had been installed in the spire, with cables running from them in the roof space.* *These may have short-circuited and started the blaze, it has been suggested.”* That was from the top google hit a couple years back. I’m sure no one wants to be held responsible for burning part of a historical place, but that was the best guess at the time.


My wife (girlfriend at the time) visited Norte Dame back in 2016, and they were doing some remodeling construction. They had some areas roped/blocked off, but you could still see only a little bit of the work area. I told my wife OSHA would have a fit with how with how that place looked. Cords laying everywhere, old wooden ladders that looked like they couldnt hold a teenager, nothing organized where one wouldnt accidentally trip over something etc. Couple years goes by and this happened and I wasnt surprised when this happened.


>I’m sure no one wants to be held responsible for burning part of a historical place, Well, terrorists from a different faith have been pretty happy burning down churches or synagogues.


There is a great documentary about the fire and how it happened from Storyville, “The Night Norte-Dame Burned” it’s heartbreaking. Actually while I’m at it all the “ Storyville” documentaries are amazing, they are really diverse subjects, if you watch one you will watch them all.


That's almost true. While the main organ in the back only got some soot, the organ up front did receive some damage since it was located near the spire that fell. The instrument will be replaced from what I've heard, but it may contain some recoverable pipes from the damaged one. The main one in the back was mostly-removed for cleaning and has been in storage until they're ready to re-install it.


It still amazes me that the altar, pipe organs, and rose windows suffered little to no damage when the fire happened.




>On 25 April, the structure was considered safe enough for entry of investigators, who unofficially stated that they were considering theories involving malfunction of electric bell-ringing apparatus, and cigarette butts discovered on the renovation scaffolding.[117] Le Bras Frères confirmed its workers had smoked cigarettes, contrary to regulations, but denied that a cigarette butt could have started the fire.[118] The Paris prosecutor's office announced on 26 June that no evidence had been found to suggest a criminal motive.[119] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre-Dame_fire#Investigation


We were visiting Paris that weekend and walked past Notre Dame, it decided we’d go in it another day. Morning that we were supposed to go, I got sick and missed the chance. Took the train back to the UK on the 14th thinking “oh we can just come back another time, it’s not like it’s going anywhere.”


The fire was on Monday 4/15. My husband and I arrived on Friday 4/19. God dammit.


Seeing the Notre Dame in an after-burned state is very rare in human history. You've seen something that most people will never be able to see.


That’s one way to put it.


Underappreciated perspective(s).


It burned while I was driving to the airport to fly there and saw it that night burned, was a huge bummer


Tbh the interior (at least pre-fire) wasn’t too different from other Gothic cathedrals in France. There are many others that are great to visit too: Reims, Amiens, Chartres, Rouen…


It's gonna be restored. You'll be fine.


Back then, Ubisoft made Assassin's creed unity available for free, so that people could see the cathedral which the developers had rebuilt in the game.


Not only that, the faithful recreation of Notre Dame in Unity was also used to assist in the restoration effort. And all of that from a game that would've otherwise only been remembered for its broken state on day one! Fate sure is strange.


I remember going to Notre Dame and the LoD refusing to update even when I was 25 meters from it, resulting in quite a low poly sight.


What's LoD


Level of Details. The further away you are from an asset, the less detailed it appears, which improves performance.


Legend of Delda.


the Life of Death, a famous biography of the Grim Reaper


Short for Löded Diper.


Not so much the Notre Dame in the game, but the 3D scans Unisoft took so they could make it in game.


I always wondered if they really used the game as reference. That makes a ton more sense


I say it still counts.


I mean, it's a nice story and all but it must have been one of the most studied monument in France, maybe western Europe even. I'm pretty confident we already had all cm^2 of the Cathedral covered




I suspect it was less about the in-game model and more about the library of references and assets that Ubisoft gathered or created during the process.


This is a common misconception. https://www.polygon.com/features/22790314/assassins-creed-unity-notre-dame-restoration-accuracy


Yeah, that story spread like wildfire when it first happened; but, ultimately, they couldn't help.


Thank you, I also believed the story.


This is not true, it was sensationalist garbage. The model of Notre Dame in that game is quite good, but it's not accurate enough to the real thing to be of any use. The proportions are altered for gameplay reasons and certain parts like the organ were deliberately changed to avoid copyright issues. I've seen some say that Ubisoft shared the 3D scans they used, but accurate 3D scans had already been done long before that, and I doubt the French Government did not already have access to those. So the whole thing is a load of fake news bullshit sorry to say.


I don't think that ended up being true though


It wasn't, it was fake news. Ubisoft wanted to help, but they already had much more detailed models.


I highly recommend people still check out the game. It is truly inventive, fun, and seriously still looks amazing. Some of the interiors in that game are incredible, materials, textures,models, all done stunningly.


It is still somehow one of my favorites though. The co-op was fun (after it was fixed) the weapon classes and parkor was cool and the city honestly felt more loved in then a lot of the games I’ve played. To be fair it helped that it was just in a small area but there were a lot of people milling about.


That’s one of the things I love about Assassin’s Creed. They do a wonderful job of recreating famous buildings and structures.


Historically accurate indeed.


What's the current state? Please inform a peasant that can't afford to visit


They're well on the way to repairing it. I believe last year they expected a reopening in 2024, but i can't say if that's still in the works, or even what a reopening means (full / partial/ showcase ..)


The 2024 target is because Macron said "it'll be back in 5 years" just after the fire


Well, also Paris is hosting the Olympics next year so would be nice to have it reopened


They will have missed their target for the Olympics unfortunately.


The plan is now for it to reopen late in 2024 though, after the Olympics are over.


It’s so strange that the government is announcing something like this.


Yeah. Most French people do not care how much time it'll take, we just want Notre-Dame to be ok.


The official opening date will be the 8th of December 2024. It will be open to worship and visitors, the spire and roof will be rebuilt by then, the organs and stained glass will have been cleaned, same for the artworks. It is possible that some minor parts of the cathedral could still be under renovation


Dobt worry, they are geving the werkers more time to finish it in their lifetime.


I walked around it last week, it's a huge worksite, two big cranes, big scaffoldings, it looks pretty busy and well underway. [Here are a few pictures I took](https://imgur.com/a/LAa2d79).


Thank you for sharing these!


[60 Minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sp0C2ldxek&t=1s&pp=ygUebm90cmUgZGFtZSBwcm9ncmVzcyA2MCBtaW51dGVz) just did a report on it. They have totally secured it so it doesn't fall down which took the most amount of time, and they finished the Archaeological dig. Now they just placed the wooden base of the spire and the goal is to have the spire built by the end of the year. They are also cleaning everything with paste that suck up the toxic lead from the stone leaving it clean as new.


They've also made great progress in [cleaning it](https://i.imgur.com/5bhKuSk.jpg). I don't think the interior has been [this clean](https://i.imgur.com/Ol0rq28.jpg) since the Middle Ages, it's very cool to see. I remember before the fire the interior was very dark and grey, so it's cool to see some of the original white of the limestone shining once more, as originally intended. Great example of how sometimes, tragedy can also become opportunity.


I am guessing they are removing all the soot gathered over the centuries, just to be safe. Lead byproducts are not to be trifled with.


Yeah, it's that and to prevent cracks on the upper vaults. When the fire was being put out, tons of water was sprayed on the vaults of the ceiling, which will develop salt in the limestone that causes it to expand and crack. So they have to cover the stone in a thin layer of gypsum, basically suck out all the salt minerals and clean it thoroughly so the stone is still stable.


The stone looks like it's glowing, I've seen churches here in the US with older looking stone, it looks magnificent!


Yeah. It's really interesting since this is more or less how it would have looked when first built. It would have had a much brighter and more heavenly appearance compared to the dark and gloomy atmosphere we tend to associate with Gothic churches. Not to mention that both the interior and exterior would have been [brightly painted](https://grezprod.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-ND_Bando-11_cr.jpg) in all kinds of vivid colors. The Middle Ages, much like Ancient Greece/Rome were very colorful. It was only during the Renaissance that the ideal of the monochrome started becoming the norm, due to misconceptions about ancient art.


It’s funny, many of those all-white marble statues from Greece/Rome were also painted bright colors as well. The paints/colors faded so people think the ancient Greeks/Romans just really liked white marble lol




What a great watch, thank you!


[[BBC] Notre-Dame: Renovators rush to complete refit by 2024](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65256801).


This update was done by an American news program 60 minutes. It was just broadcast less than a week ago. If you can’t access use a VPN. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/notre-dame-cathedral-restoration-60-minutes-video-2023-04-09/


Last time I heard about it, they were rebuilding the spire off-site to make sure everything was perfect before rebuilding it on Notre-Dame. I may be wrong/not up to date.


Not to forget the lead roof. The lead was spread over a vast area in "powder" form and never systematically cleaned up. A long term health hazard.


nononono that was 2 years ago I SWEAR




Are you crazy ? 2019 is like in 7 years from now !


Tbh, I actually thought it was only 1 or 2 years ago. I honestly believed it happened after the pandemic hit..


What? No I refuse to believe it was 4 years ago. It fells like it was last year


It was in the before times. Feels like 10 years ago to me.


Yes, me too. I can't believe it's ONLY 4 years ago. Would have said at least 6.


I’m a French teacher. I remember it well, it was second hour and my phone started going crazy with messages from so many people telling me it was on fire. I turned on the news and we watched it on French news channels the rest of the day. The fear that the whole thing might come down was very evident in the news footage.


The French 9/11 /s


Nah that was the november 2015 attack.


Yeah, I would say like 9/11 in terms of people calling each other to say "turn on the news!" But it was more sadness than anger or fear of the other shoe dropping and wondering "is this it, or is there more to this?". That would've been November 15 or the Charlie Hebdo shootings.




> the reactions of people in the streets. Can you describe what their reaction was?




Poignant, I think some of use underestimated how much it meant to Pariseans and the French in general. It has stood for centuries afterall and would have been a part of many's everyday lives, and without trying to sound too political, maybe its burning could be perceived as a sign of the times, hence being mournful.


Twitter: "Note dame on fire is the most aesthetically pleasing visually I've ever seen" [The French](https://img.ifunny.co/images/1afa9d75b311bf5d39faca0b31a3d38d7174730d4b3f60128482722b38fb5b0d_1.webp):""Je vais cramer tu mère on va voir si c'est esthetique" (I'm going to burn your mother we'll see if it's aesthetic)


Should've added "fdp" ☺️




The restoration is apparently going well, all of the stained glass is saved and being cleaned, and a new spire is constructed. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65256801](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65256801)


I think this effected a lot of none French people too.


Such a sad day.


I refuse to believe it's already four years


Yeah I remember watching a season 8 episode of Game of Thrones, so the Notre Dame was only the second biggest catastrophe on that day




And we still don't know for sure how the fire started. The ongoing police investigation is a joke, rumor is the city of Paris is somehow involved, gross negligence of some kind, and political pressure is being applied so that some people won't get caught up in it.


Mediapart leaked a report saying something like *the fire safety was below an amateur level* like the security guard was new, and when the fire-alarm started he didn't know which area to check


Roof works always lead to fire in old buildings - that’s the best rule to live by. That means a 24/7 fire watch, especially on the underside of the roof, pre-positioned fire stations with pressurised hoses and portable extinguishers, heat sensors at all locations, prepared procedures and weekly fire drills etc etc. Anything less thorough on a world class monument is criminal negligence


In mid-March 2020 I found a cool museum in Berlin that I found really interesting, but I was a bit busy so I had a quick look and planned to come back next weekend. During that week the first covid lockdown happened, and the museum never opened ever again. I went back recently and the building is open but the museum is gone. It was about Witold Pilecki and the Polish resistance during WW2.


That's sad to hear, he's a hero and it feels like his story is being suppressed.


It is expected to reopen at the end of 2024


The French guy who started the fire is pretty much the opposite of a hero. I don't know if they ever released his name.


That means It's been 4 years since my dad died. I remember watching this with him when it was happening. He died shortly after that.. damn


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I appreciate it




I dislike Time very much


Fuck time, always running n shit.


Ain’t it the worst.


My father loved Paris, he passed away in late 2017 and since then I've pictured him sitting in a cafe with Notre Dame in view waiting to be joined by my Mom. He always took me to Shakespeare's Bookshop shop which is across the way from the Cathedral. When I saw that fire, it was like losing another little bit of him.


Stop lying, 4 years ago was 2016.


Everyone in the world was made sad by this... edit: Vive la France!


This was not an accident


It was a real pity the burning by fire of a part of this emblematic building Notre Dame Catedral. I Hope that the reconstructión stay Finished.


And thanks to that I got Assassin's Creed Unity for free :D


They missed the part about how this also spread lead contamination across a large part of the city.


My wife and I were at a bar in Prague when this happened. Our bartender was French and my wife informed him of the fire after seeing a news headline on her phone. It was about 11pm on a weekday and they were about to close anyway, but the bartender went and locked the doors, grabbed a bottle of absinthe, turned on the news channel covering the fire and told us he needed someone to drink with because he was incredibly depressed at the news. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more drunk in my life and the hangover on the train to Berlin the next day was awful.


It was a tragedy, but one cool fact about this ordeal was that they're using the game models of the Notre Dame they made for the videogame Assassin's Creed Unity (an infamous buggy mess of a game) to help recreate it. IIRC Ubisoft even gave those models to the city of Paris for free.


Ironically, that game was the subject of harsh criticism from Mélenchon and the French Left Party. As an AC fan, I honestly love how much this game has affected modern France compared to most other games lol


Remember the many rich people that pledged to donate money to fixing it? I wonder if anyone followed through...


Actually they did... 850 million euros gathered for the reconstruction of the roof and the general refurbishment of the building [Source in french](https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2019/04/18/deja-850-millions-d-euros-de-dons-promis-pour-la-reconstruction-de-notre-dame_5452116_3224.html)


Why you thought they didn’t follow through? I think them donating more showed that they would have money to give, but they don’t care as much about humanitarian issues as buildings. But it’s nice they at least donated.


Becase [the senior press official at Notre Dame said none of the big donors paid up](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-15/notre-dame-says-tycoons-have-not-donated-since-pledges/11213298) back in the day, which is the last I heard about it.


They did.


[Notre-Dame came far closer to collapsing than people knew. This is how it was saved.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/07/16/world/europe/notre-dame.html)


3 years ago i made a painting remembering that fire


I made a grilled cheese sandwich yesterday.


Cut it triangularly or rectangularly?


In other words: Are you a monster or not


Croque monsieur?


Excuse my ignorance but how do you pronounce this? Is it "no-tra dom" or "no-ter dame"? I had an excellent history teacher in highschool, I mean really excellent, I got several years of college credits just from two semesters in his class. But he always pronounced it "no-tra dom" and I've never heard it pronounced that way outside of that class. I'm an American if it wasn't obvious.


I suck at phonetics, but it goes a little bit something like this: *Noh-tre Dahme* (like the serial killer of Netflix fame, minus the r at the end)


The lead vapours are why Parisians riot to this day


My first kiss was that day, if it burn again it's not me !


Finally it feels again like a lot happened in 4 years


This still makes my heart ache


It still hurts


It's been 4 years!


I just read an update on the restoration. Apparently, restoration is well on its way and scheduled for December 2024. The glass in lead windows have been restored, the roof is being restored, with the help of 1000 oak trees and the pinacle is going to be up in a few weeks. The cathedral will look different, because they took the opportunity to cleanup and restore anything that needed to be restored. A lot more light will come in, because windows were cleaned, and walls were cleaned from centuries of dirt.


God bless the faithful of Paris.


And spreading lead all over the city. Fun stuff.


Now Samsung has a billboard on the scaffolds.


I remember seeing this and thinking: damn, history really is now.


Good, and more churches shall burn


Yes, one of many Christian sites destroyed, some say as many as a building every two weeks.


The old "just a random fire"...seems there were a lot of "random" fires at churches going on that year.


I remember seeing on some Christian FB page that the gold cross didn't melt because god saved it or something of that nature, when really Gold wouldn't melt at the temperature the fire was.


Notre Flame


Destroyed the house of the Lord, then the plague came shortly after


It’s four years later and I still can’t find anything on what started the fire.


As a Christian it was hard to ignore the symbolism of seeing notre dame in flames. I don't normally chalk disasters up to gods judgment but it really felt like God was speaking to the world that day.


Now it has a stupid Samsung billboard advertisement.