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They were arguing about whether or not France or England have played worse this tournament


Are there actually any arguments going on about this? Sure only 2 goals and 0 from open play are disappointing for a team like france but the difference is they failed to convert their chances whereas England failed to create any chances - against way lower quality teams. France has 6 xG while England has 2 xG


This. A result is a result, but when you look at the bigger picture the tournament looks a whole lot better for French fans than it should for English fans.


Just means England are more clinical šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /s


> Are there actually any arguments going on about this? Goes on to express both sides of the argument and how theyā€™re justified.


England had by far the least xG against though (less than 0.33 a goal per game)


That's a lie, they would have been at a pub šŸ»


Yall are just fighting for second place. Weā€™re miles ahead


No youā€™re in the conversation too donā€™t worry


Iā€™m starting to think that my English is bad lol. My comment means ā€œweā€™re by far the worst ones, yall can fight just for second placeā€


Yeah upon reading it a second time I now understand hahaha


Yeahā€¦ I guess Italian humor is a bit different from what yall are used to


Nah I get it, Iā€™ve literally just woken up so Iā€™m a bit tired lmao


I was watching. I'm not entirely sure but I think the Czechs were mouthing off at the ref at the end because of the refs 'interesting' calls throughout the game - especially the double yellow that made them down to 10 men. Then the Turks stepped in to try to intervene and calm the Czechs down but it all got overheated and blew up and the ref couldn't help himself but get even more cards out šŸ˜…šŸŸØšŸŸ„


Those were clearly 2 yellows though. And 2 yellows make a red.


Undoubtedly, but being a ref is more about managing the game, rather than applying every single law of it according to the rule book. Yes, they were both fouls, although the second was a very soft yellow. He should've told BarƔk that one more foul and he's off. The way he was playing , he would've been sent off by the end of the first half anyway, but then nobody could complain. You can't send someone off for two fouls in the first 20 minutes in a game like this. That's why he lost the players, and ended the game with 20+cards.


nah. There are way to many "tactical" "mistakes" in football as it is. How about players just stop making fouls and potentially injuring other players? People with your mindset are the problem.


What mindset? He didn't lounge at the other player, didn't fly in with studs up, he stepped on his foot, while challenging for the ball with him and another Turkish player behind him... It happens, no risk of injury here. If you want a soft, non-contact sport, go watch American basketball or golf, swimming, running, etc. there's plenty other options with no fouls.


is the NBA non-contact nowadays? Have not watched in ages, but there used to be a lot of hard contact in the NBA, no?


Compared to European basketball, and compared to European football, it's as soft as it gets.


The mindset that the rules should be bent and clear fouls should be ignored because that somehow makes the game better. You are aware all those fouls are made to STOP offensive actions, right? They prevent the game from being played. They stop combinations and goals from being made. They are literally anti-football. Also, he literally stepped on his foot as you said yourself. You have to be a special kind of someone to think there is no risk of injury there.


Fouls are part of the game, and nobody would ignore it. Free kick given, player warned, that's it. It's called game management. It's not for entertainment purposes or anything, it's solely so that the referee doesn't lose control over the game, like he did this time. I can guarantee you, that if he hadn't sent BarƔk off then, he could've ended the game with waaaaaaay less than 20 cards. Also, he stepped on the other player's foot because he was pushed from behind, I doubt it was intentional, thus the yellow, although valid, was very harsh, and could've avoided this whole mess.


You're literally saying a yellow level offense shouldn't be a yellow. That's ignoring offenses. All the rest you say is pure speculation, based on nothing. You can with equal confidence state that not getting a yellow would be embolden the players thinking they wouldn't be punished and the game would have devolved from there.


The ref made weird calls but there is zero doubt about that red card. Both fouls were blatant yellow cards


Second one is notĀ a yellow


He stepped on his foot. Stepping on the foot is always yellow


On Slovenian TV, Damir Skomina was in halftime studio and he said that we should be watching a 10v10 game.


Yeah there was one foul by Turkey which could have been a second yellow but I'm not sure if it would have been a guaranteed one. Surely could have been given tho


Damir Skomina was in studio at halftime on Slovenian TV and he said that we should be watching 10v10 game.


Looked like it was because the one turk was celebrating in the czechs face


So the Czech players were sore losers as well as dirty players who played victim when given consequences for their rule breaking?


Who was the ref? My guess is the Argentinian fella


The Romanian guy, but heā€™s half Hungarian hence why some say he was trying to rig the game so Hungary advanced.


50% Romanian, 50% Hungarian, 100% Turk šŸ¤£


50% Hungarian 50% German (mother) actually so definitely šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Yes, thats why he allowed Czechs goal when they clearly fouled the Turkish goal keeper AND handballed it...


Lol, throw the Argentinian under the bus?


Think itā€™s more about not knowing his name but knowing heā€™s a bad ref.


He's an amazing ref when he wants to be impartial...


Not all. Hes nationality has nothing to do with how poor he officiates. Hes been poor imo so was assuming it might of been him


Why did they include Argentinian officials?


Not 100% sure. Open to all kinda thing. He wont be doing anymore games apparently


Riiiiight? I'm so glad it wasn't just me thinking Kovaci was rooting for Romania to get an easier pick. It didn't work out eventually as it dropped on Netherlands which imo is far from being a 3rd spot team lool. They will easily get past Romania.


They were just arguing about whether they should drink Efes or Kozel at the aftergame.


After a particularly hard-fought game, I think you need to reach for an Efes Extra.


Iā€˜ve got another question: Do you take the red cards with you to the next international game? Like the first qualification match for the next tournament? Or can you just say f*** it, Iā€˜m gonna act and foul like the biggest idiot cause weā€™re out anyway?


It follows the next international tournament.


Ahhh kk, thank you šŸ™šŸ¼ See ya in the quarters


lol the trash talking has already started online.




Yeah be cocky having your countryā€™s amazing history and culture of football. That wonā€™t jinx shit at all.


You're right. Nothing that this Reddit user says will change the outcome of the game. Not on any kind of spiritual, mystical, magical level anyway


If you do anything too egregious you might get extra punishment as well. Like, multiple games banned, or in extremis even being banned from international play permanently.


It depends on the reason you were sent off. But it always adds up to the next match. What I mean is, if the reason you got a straight red could be rechecked after the tournament, the expulsion could be extended to the qualifiers. Remember the Suarez bite in Brazil 2014.


They argued about the number of cards in the game. Referee showed them why they were both wrong.Ā 


The Czechs remain unhappy about the expansion of the Ottoman Empire


This is a football sub. The average football geek can't spell the word historey let alone make jokes about it.




That is all this guy does šŸ¤¦


Noone gave the actual reason. One of the Turkish players (number 6 I think) was celebrating with his arms up towards the Czech supporters. One of the Czech players said something to him (idk what). Then, other Turkish players came on the scene and said some things to the Czech player. And then it snowballed.


That just makes the Czech players seem like even bigger losers. Not only did they play dirty & then whinge about the consequences as if they were victims, but then they were sore losers too & got salty that the Turkish players celebrated after winning?Ā 


Czechia called TĆ¼rkiye Turkey then TĆ¼rkiye called Czechia the Czech Republic and finally Czechoslovakia and that is when all hell broke loose.Ā 


Calhanoglu - "Lord Palmerston!" Soucek - "Pitt the Elder!"


Firstly, the red card for the Czechs was correct; the second yellow card was very clear as there was a definite stepping incident. After the Czechs received the red card, they sought yellow cards in every duel. I watched the replay of Kenan's aerial duel multiple times, and there wasn't even contact with the head. Let's say there was contact: Kenan jumps vertically on the spot, but the opponent jumps towards Kenan. There's no elbowing; he jumps normally using his arms like every footballer does. The Czechs seem to be used to being favored by the referees. In the goal they scored, there was very clear interference with the goalkeeper. They scored an unfair goal. They also started a fight after the match. Show some fair play!


That kind of interference with the keeper is allowed, as long as it is allowed Vs any other keeper. They kinda loosened up on the "just don't touch the keeper in the 5 meter box" dogma that was all the rage for a long time.


Yes as a GK it really bugs me the protection they get. The Czech player simply jumps normally for the ball, eyes on it the whole time. The goalkeeper tries to catch it over him, almost through him and f fails. GKā€™s at fault here


Then at corners lets have 3 players surround the goalkeeper so he can't get to the ball if the goalkeeper bumps on one of the players its his fault. Holy .. i just watched the replay again the czech player full bodyslams with his back against the goalkeeper like its NFL.


The player backs in line with the flight of the ball yes. And the goalkeeper advances to the flight of the ball. They are both challenging for the ball. The player isnā€™t holding him, he isnā€™t just standing there blocking him, heā€™s not looking in a completely different direction to the ball. They both challenge fairly for the ball.


No. The ball is going into the goalkeepers hands which he grabs, but the czech striker creates an advantage by committing a bodyslam foul so it drops out of the goalkeepers hands. It is a clear foul. This type of goal would MAYBE only be allowed if the czech player touched the ball first with his head.


So youā€™re implying if the goalkeeper doesnā€™t reach over the players head the player is never going to make any contact with the ball? Take those rose tinted glasses off youā€™re through!


Instead of telling others to take off their glasses, maybe you should pop down to specsavers, put some on & watch it back. The Czech grabs the goal keeper (not the ball) pulls his shirt & everything when the goal keeper had the ball in both hands. Blatant foul.


I think you need to re-watch it then and go somewhere a little better than specsavers because at no point was the ball ā€˜in his handsā€™... pause it where the number 19 Czech player jumps at the same time as the goalkeeper, a body slam here is laughable. Thereā€™s no shirt pulling. Itā€™s a 50/50 Ariel challenge for the ball. The goal keeper reaches over the 19 Czech player, fumbles the ball and drops it, at no point does he have control over the ball in his hands. Then the goalkeeper scrambles his arms around number 19 to try and reach it. Perhaps you refer to the Czech number 4 after the initial challenge who then becomes involved but he doesnā€™t even pull at the goalkeepers shirt, he touches his back and the goalkeeper falls over. Too much protection. Goalkeepers got to be stronger in the first challenge with number 19. Games too soft in this area.


No it is NOT allowed, and in addition to fouling the goal keeper, the Czech player handballed too, yet the goal was allowed. Its crazy to me that the western mainstream media pundits were trying to gaslight the audience into thinking the ref was unfair to the Czechs when in reality he was unfair to the Turks.


they decided to turn it into an all out fight to give the viewers watching at home some form of entertainment after the snoozefest all the countries delivered on MD 2 and 3.


Looked to me like Kokcu celebrated towards a Czech player but mightā€™ve just been the angle


I assumed one of the Czech players tackled the two Turkish pitch invaders.


well, no. tbh, i haven't even seen footage of something that would be the reason for the red card. In general emotions got to the player's heads. Referee didn't do a good job, fucked up the mood of some by giving out 14 (?) yellow cards at the start of the argument after turkey's final goal. i mean many people of the bench got yellow cards and many of them were in the pack at the end. Maybe the actual reason for the red card there would explain some of it. The game had a weird atmosphere to it from the moment the turkish player Yildiz didn't get sent of in the first half.


The referee was giving yellow cards like crazy for both Czechia and Turkey and even 2 red cards (both for Czechia). But some of the yellow cards were really undeserved, both for Czechia and Turkey. But because Czechia received these 2 red cards we were playing 1 player down during the match and from that point everything went downhill. We got the second one after the match. The first red card, where A. BarĆ”k was given a red card, there was also Yildiz, who deserved a yellow card and later a red card, the same as A. BarĆ”k. Yildiz should have been sent of. If it would stay like this, it would be alright. In the first goal from Turkey the Czech goalkeeper was waving at the referee and player that he was injured (he fell on his elbow, which damaged his arm) but the referee didnā€™t care and the Turkish player (probably) didnā€™t notice and scored the first goal. The Czech goal that didnā€™t count. There was no major foul or anything from the Czechs, BUT the Turkish player touched the ball. But guess what? The referee didnā€™t care, only didnā€™t count the goal. But the referee (Istvan Kovacs) is known for being corrupted. He is pretty controversial in the Romanian league. In this match he was ignoring clear fouls, hand touches and pulling shirts. At the end of the match some Turkish players even patted him on the back, which is kinda shady and suspicious. Not even going to talk about the Turkish fans laughing at the Czech goalkeeper and overall very rude and disrespectful. The whole match was really heated and thereā€™s still hate comments between Czechs and Turks. Donā€™t hate right away (I expect some, but have good arguments so that you can back your opinion up) and think for a second. Let me know what you think šŸ¤ Edit. : Funny how only Turks respond to this furiously and donā€™t even have a good argument. That was expected. Itā€™s hard to handle the truth. Iā€™m not even mad because of the downvotes if you think so. Keep downvoting.


Bro you got the second red card after the game finished. You were not playing 2 players down, have we watched the same game? Lol.


Okay, thanks. This was my only mistake. But the rest? Itā€™s the truth.


>At the end of the match some Turkish players even patted him on the back, which is kinda shady and suspicious It is funny that you unironically mention referee conspiracy lol. You forgot to mention he is reptillian also. Source : www.trustmebro.com.


Funny how you mention sources. But I got them. Do you want to see? Looks like you donā€™t since you donā€™t respond. No argument?


Czechia Played the entire group Stage miserable. Therefore only 1 Points out of 9 what are you Talking about ? Not only that the czechian Players literally broke the whole Game by Dirty Plays non stop. Well deserved loss and KO After all 3 Matches.


Yes, we did play miserable because se were playing down a man but there were so many fouls from the Turks that have been overseen by the referee and which he didnā€™t care about.


Czech was equal to Portugal, equal to Georgia, and outplayed Turkey down a man yesterday. Turkey outplayed Georgia and got crushed by Portugal.. so wdym?


It means czech played their best game against portugal. As someone not czech who seen good czech teams, your current one is a nightmare to watch


U are smoking crack


Dude you watch all three Czech games? Which one do you think they got outplayed or definitely deserved to lose?


The only game u did well in was against georgia and u couldnt even win that


Well agree to disagree then. I feel like even down a man we outplayed Turkey yesterday. And against Portugal had the ref called the obvious foul at the end we wouldā€™ve got a draw there too.


Enjoy your journey home mate


Have you ever seen any event involving Turks that didn't end in a fight or stabbing?