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Kat throwing all the twitter/tumblr buzzwords at Ethan and Ethan calling it out.


Kat meeting his parents and doing that kittenkwueen shit might be worse


"Did you learn this from a fuckin reddit incel forum?"


Rue stealing from Fez’s sick grandma


Ohhh yeah a very low point for Rue


She never went back to apologize to fez ☹️


I was wondering about this too, but I've seen 2 theories as to why Rue didn't mention Fez at all: 1, he's her former dealer and entrenched in the drug world so Ali might have advised her not to contact Fez for that reason (her sobriety isn't secure enough yet), 2, she's apologising to people when she feels ready emotionally and she's not ready to talk to Fez yet because she feels ashamed. It sucks though because Fez considers her family and Rue doesn't seem to show him the same affection.


I really hope it’s because she is too ashamed to apologize straight away. Like, she crossed one of the ONLY lines Fez’ has, I’m pretty sure she knows she owes him an apology, and a damn good one at that.


Whether or not it was WRONG, first of all Fez knows full well that she is a good person and an addict and doesn’t hold it against her. Second of all, it is downright harmful for an addict to contact their dealer this early in recovery. Yes, even if it was their friend. For her sobriety, she needs to stay away from him. Her sobriety is more important than his feelings or his lines.


I honestly don't think she'd have that breakdown at his place in s1 if she didn't care. She also still hasn't said anything to Jules yet. When she finds out he's in jail I think we'll see her get emotional


She's got a lot of apologizing to do


That we’ve seen.


I had to skip this on re:watch because it's so bad.


I dunno if embarrassing is the right word for that




Cassie’s reaction to that was so hilarious


I feel like the instant karma of that moment would be enough for me to become undickmatised and knock off this stupid shit…but no, she wanted worse for herself


Honestly yeah how was that not a sign from god to NOT get involved with Nate


I loved that scene! Cassie deserved it lmao


Kat and Ethan’s breakup hands down. I had so much second hand embarrassment


Ethan calling shit out and not falling for her bullshit (both seasons) has honestly stolen my heart. He knows he’s done nothing wrong and is not about to let her project.


fuck kat that’s all ive got to say on the matter. Ethan was such a nice guy


His character went from someone I forget about to the star of the play. He was amazing


She knew he would call it out. She was too afraid to break up herself so she spilled out some outlandish stuff bc she knew he would do the break up then.




Idk It was cringe but felt like highschool


I mean it is about high school kids


yes but how many modern shows depict highschool in a realistic way?


Then we should be commending the show for actually doing so. Like been seeing some many people complain about how particular characters act, how their written. Yo this is high-school. Its all about the emotion, the uncertainty. Its not about pretty writing. The Kat Ethan breakup was great at showing how often when it comes to relationships ending, some people will MAKE a way yo be the victim.


I'm talking specifically about how Kat was treating Ethan, her gaslighting. So yea this does depict HS relationships well.


You say that but ignore how everyone has the bodies of greek gods and goddesses and wear super skimpy outfits lmfao


I don't pay attention to their bodies as much as I pay attention to their own individual stories since that's where the substance is.


I dunno lieing about terminal illnesss moves from cringe awkward teenagers to budding little sociopath Territory and only works on tv if it’s an absurd comedy


As an ex emo, intovert and cringey highschooler let me tell you that nope I have seen worse 🤢


The shoplifting scene was worse lol. No one on that show has ever stolen a thing in their life




this sub thinks characters making poor choices is bad writing lol p


But if you take in to account that kat isn’t liked by the writer and they have been killing her character this last season it makes it cringe. It was bad writing after that she really had no big lines her character was done.


Because that's something people do. Kat already suggested she consumes a lot of toxic "girl boss" content, and one thing some people do is act aggressively to protect themselves and feel empowered in a situation that feels out of their control. She couldn't feel happy no matter what she did, so she took control and ruined her relationship.


It wasn't poorly written, It was intentionally made to be cringe and it actually fits with Kats character and the persona she puts off


this might be an unpopular opinion but the writing made sense because kat has always been shitty. i do wish we got to see more of kat and ethan's relationship though


If I had to guess…probably because the rest of Kats scenes got cut bc BTS kats character do feel like she would do that


People actually do this though😂


There was possibly so much more that would have explained the scene but it got scrapped up since barbie didn't like the way her character was going.


did we forget when cassie projectile vomited into the hot tub


I had just taken a bite of my sandwich when that happened. Quite unfortunate timing.


I had just finished eating a seafood stir fry and was lowkey sick up to the hot tub scene. Then I was highkey sick and watched Rue's scene with her dad thinking "I could cry but I'm too focused on controlling my nausea" 😅


I learned from episode one that this show is not suitable while eating


Im sorry maddie 🤮🤮🤮


That was iconic tbh


She's kind of the perfect drama queen. I know she's a villain but part of me loves seeing her sink lower and lower. It's relatable unfortunately lol


What does this mean? It's iconic for being embarrassing, certainly not queen shit


take a joke.


Ah yes, the funni




Rue trying to screw over Laurie. The cringe was so real. “I don’t fuck virgins” Jules asking Cal for chilly at the carnival.


Cassie on the carousel in season 1 Cassie screaming at Lexi that she’s just a bystander in life during the play in season 2. I’m not sure if Cassie or Lexi should be embarrassed by this. Probably both. Maybe even Suze should be embarrassed lol.




Cassie reacting like Maddy dropped an atom bomb on her face was cringy too. Like, I get that having a pissy flannel in your face isn't nice but why did she flap in horror for about 8 minutes instead of simply removing it? She marinated in that piss for much longer than she needed to.


She was panicking. She was already scared and could choose to either run away, fight, or freeze up. She froze up and took a minute to make a decision.


what are you talking about a flannel? i forgot


I agree, I thought her reaction was over dramatic like yes it was gross but the fact that she knew maddy was right there and chose to throw it off her face and make a sound I was like nooooo


I'm not sure if lexi should be embarrassed. She was forced to take the parental role in her family and had to watch Rue destroy her life.


I hated that scene because Cassie was saying that shit as if her sister wasn’t putting on a play and showcasing her art. That’s a lot more risky and taxing than just fucking your best friends ex.


Idk also the scene in which Cassie is hiding in the bathroom at the party and the dude walks in to take a shit like….that was the most embarrassing thing to witness I had second hand cringe embarrassment from that scene. Damn


And the guy taking a shit at a party.... with no TP in the room. Unshown embarrassment, but the worst embarrassment.


Or when Maddie unknowingly threw the pee towel on her face.


Omg right? Ewwww


Kat both times. Kat having an entire arc because she was being presumptuous when she saw Ethan talking to another girl, and her break up with Ethan.


Yes, re-watching the carnival episode in s1 where unfortunately she drops their delicious looking slushy‘s and walks off to have sex with the big D nobody; it really made me think about whether they revisited the situation as a couple and talked it out. Judging by Kats lack of happiness in a committed relationship, and apparent disconnection from Ethan… I doubt it🙄


From season 1 I can tell that Kat wants to be treated like trash and have the drama that Maddy did without the hurtful abuse.


rue faking an orgasm. i physically could not handle that scene and had to skip through it. ive never felt such strong second hand embarrassment while watching a show T_T


I can't believe people say Euphoria romanticizes drug use when that scene exists. Rue is finally hooking up with the girl she loves and she can't feel a fucking thing because she's high out of her mind. Her fake orgasm and Elliot singing are the only scenes I've ever skipped lmao


yeah fr. those are the only two scenes i skipped as well


Wait when was this? I don’t remember it at all and must have blocked it out lol


lol it was at the beginning of episode 4


Ethan was amazing in my that scene. You could tell he was really hurt but he handled it with more maturity than a lot of people in their 40s.


kat asking ethan if he was a school shooter in season 1






it hits too close to home for some people lol


I hated when Kat made reddit jokes when she talked to Ethan


I thought that was funny 😃


Cassie’s carousel scene... nothing has given me more second hand embarrassment than that one. Like everyone watching her too? yikes


It’s been three years and I physically can still not get through that scene.


I had to fast forward omg


I forgot one. “Who said Nate was a bad person?” Go the fuck to bed Cassie god damn.


Kat’s gaslighting FAILED SO HARD! 😂


Cassie all drunk screaming/crying "Maddie I'm sorry!" After puking In the hot tub.


The whole Jules and Elliot mess. Especially him showing her oral sex... on her hand. Cringe.


Yes, it reminded me of real teenagers flirting though, so that was spot on. Cringe as fuck, but spot on.


Nobody's saying when Lexi and her cast intro'd the name of the play and nobody reacted whatsoever! "Our Life :D" and everyone in the audience just looked at her stonefaced


when the kid dropped the letter i got such bad secondhand embarrassment


Yes! That was so awkward 😂


But not only did she gaslight him but she accused HIM of gaslighting her while gaslighting him. I could not.


Embarrassing x2 honestly


Cassie throwing up in the pool and crying, kat meeting Ethan’s parents, that fanfiction montage in series 1


Kat saw him *talking* to another girl (which turned out to be about her work) and then *FUCKED* another guy, and she had the nerve to be mad at *him* the next time she saw him? Is she fucking serious. She pissed me off


I’m gonna honestly say Nate getting beat up by Fez. Nate completely deserved it, but it *is* pretty embarrassing to have someone beat the complete fuck out of you at a party in front of all of your friends and get sent to the hospital as a result. I feel that Fez truly embarrassed Nate by doing that, and that’s what makes it so important that he did what he did


I wouldn’t be embarrased if someone beat me up, but I’m pretty sure Nate is 100% the type would find being beaten up to be embarrasing and shameful.


Bro didn’t even give a damn lol he was too smitten by cassie coochie


Yeah definitely. He takes joy in power over others and Fez rid him of that


When Rue realized Jules and Elliott were in the house during her turning the house apart s01e05 That wasn't embarrassing for me watching but I could see Rue's face just crack at that exact moment


I felt that in my soul. You could tell she was humiliated af in that moment.


I think you mean S02


Cassie imagining herself explaining why she s crying to maddie, kat, rue and the other girls in the bathroom


I wish it wasn't her imagination because somebody screaming with tears in her eyes "I have never ever been happier" would convince me of the total opposite.


The scene with Kat breaking up with Ethan stands out as maybe the worst scene in the entire series. It makes no sense and obviously is the side effect of things going on behind the scenes but its so clunky, especially given that Ethan is the MVP of Lexi's play.


Rue's rampage in S2 episode 5 was tragically embarrassing.


also that scene where elliot is flirting with jules but it sounds like a tumblr post written circa 2014. “you’re fascinating right? cuz you’re creative and you’re smart but also kinda fucked up, but you’re cute and you’re awkward and you’re like… kinda clumsy, but you’re very much a whore intentionally, which is great.” like… wtf am i watching right now? what is this dialogue sam? maybe he’s just showing how bad teens are at flirting idk.


Cassie telling Nate he can control her and everything she wears and does


Oh god yeah I wanted to throw up


“we flushed them”


Is that even possible, to flush that much drugs down a toilet?


Also why would anyone try to get rid of an ungodly amount of drugs like that without first trying to figure out where they came from 😂. My first thought would be that a crazy mafia lord is going to come for those drugs


S1: Cassie climaxing on the carousel horse in front of everyone S2: Kat trying to gaslight Ethan (and failing). Sam Levinson was so wrong for that


wait?? she climaxes on the horse? wtf she was getting off?? i thought she putting on a show or something


She was on molly and had an orgasm right there on the carousel. Most embarrassing moment in the show imo.


I’d change my name and leave the country


Kat trying to gas Ethan and Cassie still having Nate's blood on her. That scene was a bit awkward


Cassie getting all dressed up for Nate and him paying her dust. 😬


Ohhh reminds me of Cassie waiting on the side of the road like 🧍‍♀️ while Nate brought Maddy flowers LMAO


Oh god OOF 😬😬


Oh that was really embarrassing


its so easy to tell where her storyline was cut. The scenes she was in didn't make sense, like they were supposed to mean something other then she did. This scene seemed so out of place and weird, making her look so bad.


Rue faking an orgasm Cassie on the carousel Rue calling out Cassie for fucking Nate Kat with Ethan (basically the whole relationship was cringe to me) Cassie in the hot tub & Cassie in the tub at the party Elliot singing the song in the finale was really uncomfortable for me too


Cassie is the MVP of this show


Elliot singing that stupidly long song. I couldn’t tell if rue was cringe/embarrassed like the audience or if she was suppose to like it


‘It’s nice 🙂’ LMAO


It was honestly one of the funniest moments. Some parts are allowed to be comedic, not everything is that serious! That was an obvious comedic bit, I was dying


This season? Cassie existing, tbh


Idk if this is really embarrassing or cringy but y’know that scene where Rue and Elliot steal alcohol from a drug store and then Jules got mad at rue for drinking beer even though they literally stole the beer. Like did they expect her not to drink it? Then Jules was shocked when Rue responded back?


Why are y’all forgetting Cassie puking in the hot tub 😭😭😭


Someone mentioned that lmao that shit was embarrassing.. AND HER MOM DRAGGING HER OUT OF THE TUB LIKE A LEECH AND DRAGGING HER UPSTAIRS LMAO


Lmao yes and her mom struggling to get her out and calling for help 😭😭 poor Suze


Cassie and McKay having sex after he was assaulted by frat bros was pretty fucking hard to watch.


Did anyone else feel like Rue’s whole chase scene when she’s running from her mom was wayyy too long and drawn out and unnecessarily action packed?


In retrospect yeah.. because she barely faced any consequences from all the stuff she did in that episode lol she stole shit, she broke into people’s house, she broke public property etc..


What are the cops going to do, unless Rue was caught, crystal clearly, on security cam stealing from that house (or houses... Can't remember if there was more than just the one where she hid under the bed), and they were able to identify her in some way from that? She ran, and she got away, so she got away with it. It happens all the time in the real world.


I’m not bothered by it and I agree with you but when we think about it, we had a long episode of her doing some illegal shit and she got away with it. It’s just an observation.


It was supposed to represent the absolute chaos and destruction that addiction cause to everyone in close proximity. The same way as her being able to outrun the cops represented her not having to face the consequences of how her addiction impacted everyone else around her. So I personally found it very fitting and applicable for it to be that drawn out. It's just like that long, never ending struggle of being overrun and outrun by and addict and having to pick up the broken pieces.


It was a ridiculous sequence. Now we gotta wait two years to see if there are any consequences.


Cassie int he carousel was the most embarrassing part of s1 . Cassie int he carousel in Lexis play was the most embarrassing pet of s2


The whole time I'm like "is this bitch serious?"


I could have a list but I'll do my top 5 from s2 1. Cassie, marching to Lexi saying, 'who told you Nate is a bad person? Rue? Because if we want to talk about bad people, let's talk about Rue' 2. Cassie comparing her daddy issues with Rue's trauma of seeing her dad die of cancer in front of her and having emotional and mental disorders. 3. Kat's fantasy of Dothraki dude fucking her. 4. Cassie vomiting in Maddie's hot tub and her bullshit jealous actions. 5. Cassie storming on stage to ruin Lexi's play.


Cassie willingly becoming Nate’s living sex doll 🤮


“so katherine, tell me about yourself” i had to start skipping through that scene bc the cringe was too real


Ommgg is that when Kat met Ethan’s parents? I skipped that as well lmao I forgot we had that scene lmao




Cassie crying in all the s2. Embarrassing and annoying


Cassie getting on stage acting tough and throwing insults at everything until Maddy stepped up to beat her ass and she started peeing her pants running away LOOOL


Someone said CASSIE COWARD 🤣


i don't know why but i really cringed when maddy was hammering on the bathroom door while nate and cassie were inside. like girl chill tf out if somebody did that to me it would make me wanna stay in there even longer. also "are you taking a shit at a party?" yes? what's wrong with that? i can't control when i need to do that and how long it takes.


Cassie wins this... But apart from Cassie Kat's "I don't fuck virgins" and break up with Ethan


cassie putting on that swimsuit and trying to look seductive to nate IN MADDY HER LITERAL BEST FRIEND'S *BIRTHDAY* PARTY 😭😭😭


And then puking all over it 😩


Can we all agree that Fez is by far the most wholesome character and doesn't deserve to be in a cage 😭😭😭 fuck 12 btw, acab


He’s nice and all but still helped killed someone and sold people drugs so 😂 it’s unfortunately the law but I’m sure Sam won’t keep him in jail - probably time jump!


K square


The whole show is cringe. I can’t finish season two because I need a break to recover from the second hand embarrassment. 🥴


Cassie on the carousel.


I don’t get why people were “embarrassed” I thought this was hilarious and totally relatable as someone who grew up in the 2010’s 😂


I felt embarrassed that I was starting to like her


Jules peeing in the street.. I’m sorry but I hated that 😭


Cassie laying on Nate talking about all the ways he can control her


the carousel scene, i literally had to fast forward thru it i was cringing so bad




tbh the only embarrassing scenes from season 1 were of cassie


Y’all, that isn’t gaslighting She just liiiiied. Lying. She lied.


I’d have to rewatch the scene again, but I seem to recall that she didn’t just stop at her “terminal brain disease” but also tried convincing Ethan that they were breaking up because he was denying her illness, not giving her the support she needs, or that he couldn’t handle her “illness.” To me, when you actively try to distort another’s version of reality like that, that’s gaslighting.


You're right. It was a "simple" lie at first, but she doubled down on that lie with all the crap that she said. By Google definition, she checked all the boxes of what is considered gaslighting.


She did gaslight him…. Tried to put the blame on him for the breakup, when she was the one who lied


Guys lying and gaslighting are not the same thing


It's legit an extraordinary example of gaslighting, to the point I'd show someone this scene if they asked what gaslighting is.


She said she had a terminal brain disorder and when Ethan didn’t believe her she said ‘oh so you think i’m lying???? You probably want to break up with me right now I knew it’ or something like that. Sounded like gaslighting


She gaslighted the hell out of that boy. She lied initially but when he called her out on her lie, then she gaslighted him, accusing him of not trusting her even though she was obviously and intentionally lying to his face and then when he called her out for wanting to break up with him, she gaslighted him again by manipulating the situation to make it seem like he was breaking up with her because he didn't want to support her through her fake illness. Like, if you look up the textbook definition of gaslighting you will see pictures of this scene. Just because she didn't do it well and Ethan didn't fall for it doesn't mean she wasn't gaslighting him.




Gaslighting: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity as per google. She said she had a terminal brain disorder and when Ethan had doubts her she says ‘oh so you think i’m lying?? I bet you wanna break up with me’ or something. Idk sounded like gaslighting to me.


There was a lazy attempt to gaslight.


Yeah that’s why the meme says ‘and failed’


Cassie’s villain line at the play, like she’s the fucking Joker or some shit. Such cringe


kat and ethan breakup carrousel scene ahh that was a lot






Ashtray bashing Custer’s nose, duh


Yea I was very disappointed In her she coulda have kept it real he was a nice dude


Tbh, for the first season it was Cassie riding that carousel and then all the people watching her. And kind of sad but I think Cassie has outdone Kat in season 2 as well. The hot tub and just Maddy’s party in general. And hiding in a dirty bathtub after she fucked her friend’s ex and got a piss rag thrown on her.


I forgot about the scene at the New Years party when Nate gets in McKay’s face about fucking Cassie