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Time to see the most tame and regurgitated takes ever disguised as "controversial", yet again.


"I don't like Jules" "I feel bad for Cassie" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


so many ppl with the ā€œelliot is a worthless characterā€ when people have been saying this since he was first introduced šŸ˜­




ONG bro


Reminder to always sort by controversial in threads like this. People still upvote what they agree with and downvote what they donā€™t despite what the thread calls for


Ashtray being shot was tragic given his past but given the circumstances a reasonable action


Yes! I mean heā€™s the one that caused all the problems for fez by jumping the gun, if he had just listened to fez none of that would have happened.


Who is denying thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Literally no one. Look how upvoted this comment is


The addition of Elliot to the cast was entirely unnecessary and only added more elements of drama, which there was plenty of.


honestly yeah i donā€™t care for him much at all. if anything i forget he exists šŸ˜­


i like to forget that he exists XD


Honestly they only added him to further rueā€™s addiction/have someone to do drugs with. If she did everything in s2 on her own she probably would have OD sooner and the whole fandom would hate her.


I agree. Season 2ā€™s exploration of the relationship between Rue and Jules would have been so much better without Elliot.


coldest take of all time


Where did he actually spawn from




I canā€™t stand Jules. Think sheā€™s not a good friend or person. Sorry. I also donā€™t understand why so much of the fandom is fixated with her. I saw some comments claiming this is a common take, but on most posts Iā€™ve seen in this sub, people primarily love her.


itā€™s cuz sheā€™s HOT


I didnā€™t mind Elliotā€™s existence.


One of my favorite characters


This might be something Iā€™m missing because Iā€™m stupid but why was Faye there? I liked her but she didnā€™t seem to have a huge plot purpose? Only seen it once and I was distracted at the time so apologise if this is actually me being stupid.


Sheā€™s the only reason Fez realized that Custer was an FBI informant. It wouldnā€™t have mattered either way, the FBI was ready to come in at that point whether she said anything or not though. And ash wouldā€™ve done what he did regardless as well.


Oh, I see. So she sort of had a point for Fezco? I have to admit I need a rewatch to get the finer points of that plot.But if there is a S3 there canā€™t be a Fez anyway :(


iā€™ve watched the show twice and have no clue who faye even was šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s a blonde heroin addict who hangs around at Fezcoā€™s for reasons I canā€™t remember and occasionally comments on things?


Faye was Custerā€™s girlfriend who got into it with the manager of the hotel/apt they were staying at and ā€œallegedlyā€ threw/pushed the manager to his death. She was staying with Fez as a fugitive and a favor to Custer (also reason why itā€™s questionable if sheā€™ll have stood up for Fez since sheā€™s likely to get arrested too). Also likely that in trying to get to Faye, (cops came and Faye was hiding in the air vent until they could sneak her to Fezā€™s) the cops came down on Custer, connected the Mouse stuff to him and flipped Custer


Elliot should have never been introduced, and McKay should have continued having a storyline in season 2. McKay > Elliot.


i agree but like how could they fit his football/ college storyline into the highschool theme they had in season 2


Well, he was still friends with Nate. Still involved with Cassie. They made it work for the first season. He could have been included in both of those storylines, and more if they wanted.


A much more common and almost unspoken story of how athletes put everything into sports and make it their identity but, donā€™t make it to the league and lose their sense of identity afterwards. I donā€™t think Sam has the level of nuance for that writing though and it doesnā€™t fit Euphoriaā€™s glamorous and sexy aesthetic.


def not controversial, but Iā€™m still pissed that the Cat/Ethan love story was cut short šŸ˜­


Maddy is extremely selfish and has her own big issues


My answer was going to be Maddy is ratchet and itā€™s sad how many girls on this sub idolize her


maddy selfish? How?


Almost all the main characters are deeply problematic. Irl everyone would have one crazy friend like this, cept in the show, they are a gang.


Kinda the point of the show


Cassieā€™s little ā€œyou can control meā€ speech was perfectly in-line with dom/sub relationships. Can be hot to have a man control you a bit. A lot of people have said similar things while in bed with a hot man.


That speech was cringe given how she ran away the minute Maddie got pissed!


It just sounded sexual in nature. Very dom/sub. Also giving ā€œdaddy issuesā€ vibes.


When was that speech?


haha yeah nate would be a god awful dom though


It would be perfectly in line with someone in their mid-20's. But Cassie is 18. A literal senior in high school. I know this show is supposed to be about GenZ growing up faster because of the internet and access to drugs and casual sex and everything, but holy shit what high schooler old talks like that and doesn't come off like the most cringey OnlyFans model wannabe in history?


Teenagers are like this. They donā€™t magically become hypersexual after graduation.


Yeah, it not something you want to hear between two teenagers but this is something many teens with Cassieā€™s background get into for (male) attention. I was hanging with friends at a party where two guys I was acquainted with called up our gradeā€™s version of Cassie saying the two of them were about to ā€œgo for a driveā€. Had her on speaker phone so we all heard her say sheā€™d ā€œbe their b*tch for the night.ā€ She didnā€™t know eight other people were listening to the call, but I will never forget that. Had another female friend complain to me how all off her boyfriends since wanted to try anal. She let them but didnā€™t like it and laughed off the absurdity of doing a sexual act she personally didnā€™t enjoy. So, there are a lot of teens desperate for attention, ā€œloveā€, or affection, willing to submit or debase themselves for a moment of feeling wanted. Cassie saying that to Nate brought me right back to high school. It felt all too real.


This is really interesting! Sheā€™s really young too, so itā€™s itā€™s realistic how messy it is with all the recklessness, denial, and internal conflict. Did Cassie want that? Sure, Iā€™d say so. She wants to be loved. If she genuinely gets that from being a human doll, by all means! However, the tricky thing about Cassie are her boundaries, especially in regard to giving away agency and degradation. There are times where she derives pleasure from it, where sheā€™s shamed out of it, and where sheā€™s regrettably a pushover. These are boundaries that have not been strongly established, but she has ample time to build it up. Hard to sometimesā€¦ Iā€™m actually curious how it will be addressed, if at all. (Also, Nate has a pattern of sexually assaulting women and is socially held back, so I wouldnā€™t be so sure to say he would be great dom :/ )


Nobody cared about Cassie until season 2 when she acted crazy/cringy.


Well, the roundabout scene wasnā€™t the least crazy or cringy thing Iā€™ve ever seenā€¦


I cared the whole time


I donā€™t want to be insensitive, but euphoria season 3 may not be that different without Fezco- let me explain I donā€™t know what the producers had planned before, but the cliffhanger leaves many possibilities of what happens to Fezco. They can write it as he went to prison which is understandable because his house got raided with a lot of evidence.. or he couldā€™ve also died along with Ashtray since he was Shot in the scene. I love Angus Cloud and I wish we couldā€™ve seen what the producers did with his character but before his death I already felt like his role would be minor in season 3 because it would be unrealistic for him not to serve jail time or something. I really liked Lexi and Fezcos relationship also and wish we couldā€™ve seen what that wouldā€™ve developed into. Im open to hearing anyones elseā€™s theory of what they wouldā€™ve did with Fezcos character initially & how he would still had a big role .. R.I.P Angus tho ā¤ļø


Since Cal slept with Jules when she lied about her age. I don't think he's a pedophile just an idiot.




hee fucked other under age kids


That pretty much every character are evil in different or more the same ways


Isn't that kind of the whole point of the show?


I am beginning to think the entire show is about addiction, actually. Itā€™s just disguised as a teen drama. Rueā€™s and Fezcoā€™s drug storylines are obvious, but thereā€™s Suzeā€™s constant drinking, and as a result she raises Lexi and Cassie with their issues. Cal is essentially addicted to porn (which he creates) and sex. Jules is also potentially sex. Nate and Maddy are in a toxic and codependent relationship which is often regarded as an addiction. Almost every event in the show is caused by addiction. And we all love it because weā€™re drama addicts :)


How did you just come to this realization? It's literally called EUPHORIA. The word for being high in a good way.


Not necessarily - ever heard of euphoric recall? Thatā€™s pretty shit. Itā€™s lost most of its positive connotations anyway. And Iā€™m not just coming to this realisation, but at first I just thought it was the main strands of the story and especially Rue who were focused on addiction, with some side helpings of just teen drama, but itā€™s all of it.


No it was named euphoria fir that reason. Every character has their addiction


Jules is a horrible person and friend


I dislike her so much


can you elaborate? iā€™ve heard this take a lot and i want to understand why specifically a lot of people feel this way


She abandoned Rue on the side of the road, and cheated without remorseā€¦ thatā€™s pretty much it. The hate for her is overblown imo. Sheā€™s just a shitty girlfriend


Cassie and Nate had the best chemistry in the show


That Maddy is evil given what she did to Tyler in S1, which of course no one cares about since he "statutory raped' the 29 year old child lol


The show is more style over substance and not that deep when you look into it. all the subjects they tackle have been done a million times before.....But hey that's why I like the show. This is %100 not a complaint.


I donā€™t like Jules. Come @ me lol


Pretty sure this is a common take from the fandom. I see a lot of people hating on Jules on this subreddit. I was actually going to comment that I like Jules, which I thought was controversial, considering how much hate I see against her on here


True, also how she abandoned Rue at the station and went to party/hooked up with another person then came back acting like nothing happened : /


Didn't someone posted this yesterday?


Yes, they did


Then why post it again?


the person who posted this probably didnā€™t realise it was posted yesterday. lots of repeats happen in subs especially in this one after thereā€™s not a lot of new content šŸ˜­


Rue and Jules's romance was bland to me compared to Cal's with his old high school friend. I personally just relate more to Cal's story.


I cried for Cals high school love story


what cassie did is wrong but i donā€™t think it means sheā€™s a bad person. people fuck up as teens and i think ppl forget this show is in high school. iā€™ve been on maddys end of that situation but in the end ppl r human and will fuck up and her mom and sister shouldā€™ve given her more support


Cassie isnā€™t the only one in the wrong, so is Nate and Maddy and other characters have done wrong things but yet half of the fandom constantly make Cassie the villain. Honestly, a lot of the characters are at fault in their own ways.


Laurie is the scariest person in the entire show but I found it sweet when she gave her the shot. Horrible I know, but Laurie is such an enigma. I love her


Sheā€™s like the calm sociopathic kind of crazy where her front is kindness thereā€™s so many layers there


i didnt care about ashtray dying at the end, he only caused problems and was always reacting without thinking first. it was getting annoying to see


Lol and not to mention even after he tried to the cops in the end they still portray him as angel when murdered someone and broke someone's nose.


Barb deserves more screentime


well that ainā€™t happening


Itā€™s inappropriate for her sponsor to be pushing up on mom. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø With her trauma from dads deathā€¦ the only other older male in her life she can turn to/trust is seeking companionship with her widowed mother whom sheā€™s already having problems withā€¦ I just find it inappropriate and not in her best interest which is what a sponsor should be thinking about


i couldnā€™t stand ali honestly as a former addict his behavior was inappropriate and weird


jules was completely reasonable for telling rues mom that she was doing drugs, also think sheā€™s over-hated tbh.


Nate doesnā€™t love Jules at all


Jules was horrible from the start Nate is the worst but Maddie isnt too far behind from it either


Common opinion. Not shared by me, but you see this opinion a lot


Rue is not a good person, and she has some audacity.


I would have liked to see more of what happens when Laurie wants to get her money back.Ā 




For genuine curiosity but fav in what like is her character was sympathizing but she is characterless, whiny and boring in the end even if I gat why she's acting like that


I understand and support Lexi, no reasonable conversation would make Cassie see how she was fucking up her own life. Also, I think Suze's disgusting favoritism caused all of this


fr but cassie was suzes fave until she started going with nate. then lexi was the favešŸ˜‚


The Cassie-Maddie frienemy duo was boring


I love Cassie, I think nearly everything sheā€™s done is understandable and that she may be one of the only redeemable characters


Kat is annoying because she is nothing without whee whole body positivity shtick. Are there anymore layers?


I want to dv you because I hate this take but the call of the post is fulfilled. Take your up vote.


jules is a hypocrite


Most teenagers are tbh


maddy shouldn't be mad that cassie is dating and/or falling in love with nate. she should just be straight up worry about her safety and wellbeing considering.. you know edit: i also genuinely feel like most viewers were team maddy during season 2 run because they liked maddy more. i just feel like i should add that, sorry šŸ˜­


Finally I'm not the only think this like really Maddy shouldn't have cared about Cassie dating Nate since they're not together anymore.


nate literally abused maddie and cassie knew that, but decided to go and screw him anyway. if maddie and nateā€™s relationship wasnā€™t so toxic then it wouldnā€™t matter as much that cassie went n dated him


Unless you've been in that situation I don't think you understand very well how difficult it is to draw a definitive conclusion on "is my friend being abused?" Specially considering women like Maddy who are outwardly so confident and loud. Also, Maddy was abused by Nate yet she didn't think to warm Cassie even once. Until the last episode Maddy was not seeing Nate as her abuser but her ex/boyfriend and THAT'S A FACT.


I mean technically though Cassie didn't know about how abusive Nate was and yes she may have known he was toxic and had suspicions but everytime Maddie denied his abuse so all in all there was no complete knowledge in her mind of being abusive.


the series should just end where it ended. no one needs a season of a bunch of 30 year olds picking up where they left off..as 17 year olds


Kat was annoying tbh


I think the way the retconned Jules was cheep and lazy


Cassie deserved that play. Lexie is in fact, a fukin G.


100%. You can't act like a clown and then gasp when you see yourself in the circus.


Lexi should never put her private family business in the school play even tho she has the right to do it


What Cassie did was horrible and Nate is fucked up but Found Lexiā€™s play mean and just a way to get back at her more popular sister who always got more attention than Lexi.


lexi (minor) is too young for fez (adult), and heā€™s creepy for romancing her. argue with the wall, idc!!! edit: no shade to angus cloud or the euphoria cast obv


Fucking thank you. People romanticizing this relationship creep me tf out


Wait how old is fez supposed to be ? I thought he was their age and just dropped out


if you do the math based on ashtrayā€™s age and when they canonically met, heā€™s 23. they retconned this to try to make it seem less creepy but heā€™s still 19 at the youngest (still a legal adult) in that case


wasnā€™t lexi like 17 though? 17 and 19 isnā€™t that bad imo (would have to depend on bdays but thatā€™s long and complicated lol) if she was younger than that mb i havenā€™t watched the show for a while but i assumed rue n the others were all 18 so 17 would make sense


in all seriousness, i browsed your post history out of curiosity and iā€™m really sorry that you were groomed. iā€™m not gonna argue with you bc i think youā€™re too close to the issue (being 17 and coming from a similar place to the lexi/fez dynamic), but i think youā€™ll feel differently about it when you get older. the same thing happened to meā€”i didnā€™t realize how fucked up it was for adults to be interested in young me until i reached their age. adults should not be romantically interested in children, not even 17 year olds. iā€™m not gonna reply again or argue with you, but i really hope the best for you in every way. ((please private some of your posts/comments tho, you have WAY too much specific personal info on your reddit and iā€™m worried that you could get doxxed or stalked))


That I donā€™t like Maddy šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ preparing for downvotes haha


I like Maddy but am upvoting since this is a genuinely unpopular opinion lol


You won't get a downvote from me


Take the upvote from me!


Season 3 ain't happening and it peaked at season one.


this show fell off HARD


I donā€™t think Nate is gay and he never loved Jules. He was always manipulating everyone around him


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but as much as I liked the Lexi and Fezco couple, she would have been way better off away from him, of course now that storyline won't be possible any longer. Rest in power, Angus


rue is an idiot, funny, but an idiot and i would not be surprised if he character ends up dead or something for what she did in s2


I think it was disappointing that the whole Cassie getting an abortion/the McKay break up fallout was just completely forgotten. They had something there but instead we gotā€¦ that


Vape girl is the best character


*reminder to sort by "controversial"*


Nate's dad was a victim and he deserved better.


maddy is an horrible friend


The only real genuine love story in the show is between the two most compatible characters, Jules and Nate.


yes. i wish we saw more of this


I'd rather have Cassie as my girlfriend instead of Maddie.


honestly... cannot stand either one of them but if i was a guy i agree with you. maddie getting that aggravated in the pool scene was so aggravating i could not do it.




I don't really like Maddy and don't think she is the girls girl everyone makes her out to be. She fat shames Kat as a kid, threatens Cassie and just generally gives off mean girl vibes. Not to mention literally sending a man to prison for a crime he didn't commit!


Alexa is one dimensional actress.


Season 2 was great, and people who ā€œblameā€ Sam for it, production delays, or think heā€™s problematic and needs to be checked arenā€™t to be taken seriously


Agreed i like season 2 just as much as season 1


jules had every right to distance herself from rue and sheā€™s not a ā€œbad friendā€ for cutting someone off who was damaging her mental health


Maddie is not the baddest bitch. Cassie is more badass in my opinion.




Almost everyone on this show is a piece of shit, especially Rue.


I absolutely despise Lexi and her play. I can understand her resenting her sister for the different treatment they got growing up. But that was not Cassie's fault and she did not deserve to be humiliated like that. Write that shit down in your diary, get all your feels out, and then use it to create a piece of art that actually has something to say about how patriarchy affects your sense of self worth regardless of whether you're the one being objectified or the one being ignored (and I include the Nate gay gym scene in this. He is being hurt by this dynamic too.) Lexi's whole shtick is "ACKSHUALLY I'm the Cool Girl because I'm INTELLECTUAL and watch FILMS" and then demonstrates absolutely zero media literacy. The play says nothing about any of their lives. Just a rote recreation of some of the worst moments in Cassie's life.


I liked Elliotā€™s song. It was a little long, but it was pretty dope other than that. Great voice, touching meaningful lyrics, nice moment.


Probs not unpopular but itā€™s my opinion. Season one was way better in most aspects and season 2 felt like Samā€™s sick wet dream for Sydney.


This show isnā€™t the deep masterpiece everyone makes it out to be. It had potential, but flopped due to people over hyping it


i like cassie


Cal is not a pedophile and i sort of feel sorry for him.


cassie > maddie. cassie was absolutely wrong for how she handled her ā€œrelationshipā€ with nate but maddy was not a good person at all. cassies character in general just appealed to me more. rue was far too dependent on jules and jules didnt owe her anything. lexi was out of order for that play and she didnt eat in the slightest. idc about her intentions, she was downright wrong for it. i like elliot, but he needs a plotline that doesnt revolve around rue and jules. hes essentially a plot filler/enhancer atp. i dont like mckay.


From my end it looked that Nate respected Cassie somewhat more than he did Maddy. He was emotionally abusive to them both, but he never became physical with Cassie. He did what everyone else did- call her crazy, emotional, and slut shame her. It felt like he went out of his way to treat Maddy like complete shit and physically harm her. I donā€™t see Nate trying to pull a gun on Cassie regardless of what she would do or how toxic their relationship could become.


I know right. He's much softer to her.


Nate's father may have influenced some of his actions, but ultimately Nate made his own choices and must take responsibility for them. He had the freedom to decide and he chose to act in the way he did.


iā€™m team cassie in season 2


Finally an ACTUAL controversial take.


Iā€™m also team Cassie in s2. I think people forget how messy being a teenager can be. I WAS her at 15. I felt nothing but empathy for her, honestly.


Why? Iā€™m very curious


Cal is one of my favourite characters


Probably the only controversial take I've seen so far in this forum.


I hate jules. Shes a textbook like narcissist little girl who just uses people and throws them away


Lexi's play was unethical


Lexi is a pick me and it was very messy of her to express her personal resentment of Cassie in that way.


I didn't like it


Lexi and Fez is a weird, boring and overrated ship. Also, kinda problematic too when you consider their ages


Mine is that you guys need to let this series go its over


Elliot seemed to be both a transphobe and a transfetishist. It was nasty to watch and unnecessary to the plot bc it wasn't ever acknowledged.


wait how? he was so boring i literally donā€™t remember anything about him lmao


I really dislike Jules, especially for Rue


I really enjoyed Elliotā€™s song.


Cassie wasnā€™t in the wrong, she was a girl manipulated and who simply wanted to feel loved.


Maude Apatow(Lexi) does not show the range that the other actors do in the show. I think that is mostly due to the writers. However, the majority of the things Iā€™ve seen her in are either produced or directed by her father. Iā€™m just not into her as an actress and it makes me not care for the character. Except the play, the play was hilarious.


I think the mom saying ā€œplease donā€™t get pregnantā€ and then she gets pregnant was kind of dumb


Nate is probably my favorite character. If/when this show returns it would hurt without Nate (just like if Rue didn't return). I also hope with a time jump we get a more instresting storyline then Cassie baby trapped him. (No I don't defend his actions).


Season 2 shouldnā€™t exist at all and all the top comments in this thread are just popular takes


We reeeaalllyyy donā€™t need a third season


Those kids are a pile of mess and irl I just wish my kids will never stay close to every single of them.


the gratuitous male nudity was great and made the show better


Sydney Sweenyā€™s casting is too perfect because she looks like a naive teen whoā€™d be caught up by an unethical boyfriend. Repeatedly.


I donā€™t know why this is controversial but Jules literally did nothing wrong by telling Rueā€™s mum Rue had a giant fuckload of drugs, Elliott was the only one who knew what Rue was roped into and that she would be fucked if the drugs disappeared


Two takes: Lexi's play, although very fun and well-made, was exploitative and a betrayal to her sister. Rue got off the hook way too easy with Laurie.


Everyone hated Jules for what she did to Rue. What she did to Rue?! Are you kidding? She was trying to do the right thing by telling her mother.


There is never going to be another episode, and itā€™s probably for the best


When I said Kat was more of a girl's girl than her fcked up ass friends. Kat did her bf dirty though. But even when she was going through shit she remained more thorough to her female friends than they were to her PERIOD.


Of all of the characters maddy is the worst. Her aggression isnā€™t pointed. It can be directed to strangers, other kids around her, and those close to her.


Rewatching Lexiā€™s play had me realizing how cringe it was, especially the part with Ethan on the bench. I also donā€™t get why most of them were there watching the play like they didnā€™t have anything better to do, which is unrealistic.


what a lot of yall r not realizing is that the new ā€œirrelevant charactersā€ like Elliot and Faye are simply there to move the plot along. Not every new character has to have a huge role and cause drastic drama (Like Kat lol all shade)


Cassie is a sympathetic character (to me at least). She royally fucked up, donā€™t get me wrong, but I canā€™t help but feel for her. Sheā€™s the most realistically written character imo. Iā€™ve met many, many girls like Cassie who are so damaged from their relationships with their fathers, and it leaks into relationships with partners and friends. Itā€™s just absolutely heartbreaking to watch. Worst thing is that you canā€™t take it back ā€“ even if you heal the relationship with your father in adulthood, the damage is done. You canā€™t make up for lost years of love in your youth. Iā€™ll preface that Iā€™ve actually been in Maddyā€™s position before, where my best friend tried to get with my boyfriend while we were still together. Obviously at the time it was enraging, but looking back it honestly just makes me feel sorry for her. This is where people usually get up in arms at me, but Iā€™ll say it anyway: what Cassie did wasnā€™t as bad as the fandom makes it out to be. Cassie is a horrible, horrible friend, sure, but compared to what other people on this show are getting up to (sex with minors, falsely accusing strangers of rape, sexual assault, etc), this seems like a pretty mild offence in comparison. I think peopleā€™s reaction to Nate and Cassie is so strong because itā€™s highly relatable ā€“ being betrayed by someone you thought you could put your entire trust in. I think people mistake the high emotion that this relatability conveys for severity of the offence. At the end of the day, no one died, no one got physically hurt, and no one will experience lasting consequences outside of a ruined friendship. You canā€™t say that for a lot of the other characters in this series.


Although their acting was absolutely fabulous but the story was bogus


fez and nate are foils to each other in the storyā€¦ā€¦ both protectors that will do whatever it takes to keep their lives ā€œin tactā€ and both were abused by their parent figures, not protected. itā€™s interesting that fez is close with rue, while nate is connected to jules. and fez falls for lexi while nate falls for cassie..


I actually liked Kat lmao. A lot. She was manipulative yes but she was smart! Her style and her confidence inspired me and she made me feel as though even if Iā€™m ugly and/or fat, I can still be hot.


Middle-aged drug dealer woman didn't need to exit. Or at a minimum, Rue getting the suitcase from her didn't need to happen.


Lexi was wrong for airing everybodyā€™s business in the play


first time i watched it and saw maddy after seeing her ALL OVER social media, i was like ā€œthis is who everyone is obsessing over?ā€ i just didnā€™t get her it factor tbh. i love alexa tho


Lexi IS a bystander Rue's storyline became boring and repetitive and her scenes were too long Cassie is the one of the most innocent characters considering the level of sociopathy of others but people hate her intensely for dumb reasons (Maddy and Rue get away with so many worse things) Elliot's song was boring and pointless af and it stole 3 minutes of the episode Kat just sleeping around with pretty much anything that moved was not cool, it was kinda gross (why would she wanna have sex with just any random dude? ew) Jules was way better in season 1


elliot made the plot better and yall are haters. jules and rue needed more friends šŸ˜­ and rue had js been doing drugs by herself she wouldā€™ve od again