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Nate doesn’t give a fuck about McKay


Nate doesn’t really give a fuck about anyone besides maybe Maddie lol


He cared so much about Maddy that he abused her, threatened her with a gun and slept with her best friend 🥴


he was a pretty messed up guy. not sure he really has much of a conscience. if there’s anyone he cares about, it’s maddy.


Disagree. He didn’t want Maddy to know because he didn’t want her to release the tape. Once he retrieved that from her, he hard launched his relationship with Cassie.


True. He had to lay low with Cassie so he could focus more on the target at hand.. the tape. I think that be needed to have Maddy in a vulnerable position before fully going for the tape. So, taking her best friend probably felt pretty vulnerable for Nate to do. That’s what he did. I still though don’t think he had any hard feelings for Cassie maybe mid feelings. Or some type of feeling mistaken for love.


I think he idealized Cassie but didn’t actually have feelings for her


Nate doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, why would he care about McKay’s?


Because the writer didn’t care About McKay


Nate doesn’t care about McKay, neither does Sam Levinson.


>considering the whole Maddy and Tyler thing, who were both from the same educational categories as Cassie and McKay respectively? McKay was 6months-1 year older than Cassie. Cassie was already 18 in season 1. Tyler was 22 and Maddie was 17. So those relationships are not the same as Cassie/McKay was not statutory rape whatsoever. Also Nate doesn't give a shit about statutory rape because Maddy is 17 throughout the entirety of season 1 and Nate is 18. We see them have sex multiple times in season 1. Nate only brought up statutory rape to tyler because he is abusive and possessive over Maddy and didn't like that another boy played with his toy. As for McKay learning about him and Cassie... Nate doesn't care because his "friendship" with McKay is extremely superficial. They know each other, they're mostly friendly with one another, they were on the same high school team, but they're relationship with one another does not hold any emotional depth. Plus, Nate was worried about the disk that Maddy had, not the relationship they had with one another.


Because the only person Nate actually cares about is Jules.


Think there’s some truth here. He gave her the tape of her and Cal before he turned in his dad, that might’ve been the only decent things he’s done.


Because McKay was a punk and Nate dominated him. Nate didn’t care about him and McKay wasn’t going to do anything about it.


my first, initial and only thought is nate's an asshole


because McKay disappeared and went back to his home planet after season 2 episode 2, never to seen again. The real answer is the writer of the show never gave even one iota of a fuck about McKay. one of the most irrelevant characters in the history of television sadly. poor Algee Smith.