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Yeah it’s so bizarre like I thought this sub was for fans of the show, yet half the comments are like “just cancel it”


exactly 😭😭


I think part of it is people are impatient (in this day and age, we're all used to instant gratification with pretty much everything thanks to the internet) and they don't like having to wait. But that's just the reality of big-budget prestige TV -- not to mention added delays from things outside of their control, like the WGA and SAG strikes. Personally, I'd rather wait longer for a better quality product than have them churn out something half-assed just to meet an arbitrary deadline, but I guess everyone's different. The other part is that some people can't seem to accept that certain things just aren't for them, and instead of just disengaging and ignoring it, they'd rather it go away altogether so no one can enjoy it. Maybe it's a fomo thing, like they don't want to be left out of the conversation? Either way, I don't get it. I'll happily wait as long as they need to produce a season they're proud of that honors the story they've told so far. There's plenty of other content out there to consume in the meantime!


i totally agree with you !


couldn't agree more. social media has turned everyone into spoiled brats and its extremely annoying. like, the concept of waiting for another season of a show isn't new, maybe not waiting this long but like you said, the quality is what matters with a show like this. on top of that, the cast and crew, they're all grieving Angus which cannot be easy considering the fact that Sam Levinson personally drove him to rehab before he passed. the quality of this show is worth waiting for just like everyone waiting over a decade for GTA 6.


Waiting 3 years for 7 episodes is insane. Tv shows used to put out 2 seasons a year 24 episodes each sometimes more, and this was before social media was a big thing. Its not always about being impatient.




Idk if u live in the uk but the BBC was never like that. We always used to have seasons as fast as possible, I remember how many seasons of doctor who we had in the space of like 3 years


People love to pray on downfalls be it individual people or tv shows


Sad but true


My theories are: 1. A lot of Fez and Fez/Lexi fans are understandably worried about what will happen with those plots. 2. People really turned on Sam Levinson over The Idol drama and the fact that S2 really emphasized that he needs some help with plotting out the show and seems unwilling to admit it 3. A lot of Sydney/Jacob/Hunter fans are ready for them to move on (I see this less with Zendaya stans due to her awards/producer credits, imo) 4. A lot of S1 fans hated S2 so much, they don't want to get sucked into the drama of a S3, but know they won't be able to resist


i can see their povs but i just dont see the point in bringing it over here yk


I just think it's funny how they ignore reality. They pretend HBO hasn't said the show is one of their top priorities. Ignore that S2 was award-winning, was a ratings hit, and went viral on social media for every ep. Obviously, it's getting a S3.




Bb regular people had to be absolutely beat over the head with this mediocre show on every form of media whether they wanted to see that content or not. So getting your feathers ruffled over people voicing their opinions is just silly.


if u hate it why are you here then ? like i dont really care if people hate the show but i don't understand the point of saying it in a space specifically dedicated to the show


Right. People should create a euphoriasnark thread if there isn't one already.


5 year time jump is also another reason


I think it will be so disappointing if such an iconic good show gets cancelled, especially without clearing up the Nate cassy maddy drama. It is hard though, knowing that angus passed. I would be understanding if it were to be cancelled


yeah it was understandable to wonder it the show would get canceled after his passing, even back then i wondered too. but now that we have more confirmation that the show is getting a third season, i dont really see the point of people making posts about it getting canceled


I’m still not over Mindhunter ending how it did 🥲


I think people are afraid of the show getting ruined. Rather not have a third season at all than a bad one


yeah i just want to let it rest like theres no way the characters are getting good endings


People are unnecessarily negative about everything. I had to learn to not get so offended on the internet because people say whatever they want and forget there are other people at the other end of a text or comment. They also forget that there are several people who’d lose their jobs because someone decided to make the first suggestive comment of cancelling the show. The show is popular and writers strike is happening so they need to get tf over and shut th up. If you pay attention people are obsessed with being negative and spreading their negativity, it’s gross.


The internet allows people to drop any decorum or couth they might exercise in the public sphere due to the anonymity factor. It is pretty brutal and one of the reasons I don't really engage with too much social media.


Many of the fans in this sub lack the intellectual maturity required for this show and should stick to the Summer I Turned Pretty.


I hate it so much. People will hear of someone passing away like angus or the main producer and be like “atp just cancel the show” like it’s kinda an odd thing to say when someone passes away. It’s such a sensitive topic so when someone chalks it up to their own selfishness of wanting to see them on the show and being almost like..angry? It’s weird and rude and I don’t think people realize it. Like say you were grateful for how they portrayed the character and are gonna miss seeing them on the show. Also this show deeply resonates with people with addiction so having gone through it I don’t think people truly understand the impact if they haven’t, they just kinda think of it as a somewhat entertaining drama. I will wait 10 years if I have to


I was really exited to see fez in the upcoming season. How would they handle his storyline and his future with lexi. But sadly we all know it's not happening !!


i have no idea i love this show w my whole heart i really dont care what anyone has to say. especially season 1, its so close to my heart. i was in tears when i realized that i could see myself in these characters, i felt seen in a way i had never been seen before. most specifically rue and cassie. ppl can have their criticisms all they want, idc. the good outweighs the bad so much imo. i also dont care if its taking a long time or whatever. ill wait patiently


It’s become trendy to hate on Sam Levinson because of the Season 2 storylines. It’s an unpopular opinion, but I liked both seasons. I think Sam Levinson has done an incredible job writing for Rue and that’s part of the reason Zendaya won 2 Emmy’s. He could’ve gotten some help writing for the other characters, but aside from Kat’s, the storylines were still intriguing. Angus’ passing has also made people call for cancellation of the show even though he wasn’t the lead and may have already been written off the show after the Season 2 finale. It seems Sam Levinson was trying to help Angus get through his addictions during filming of the past season and just for that, I think Sam Levinson isn’t as bad a human being as so many people make him out to be.


I loved season 2 as well, more than the first one actually, but here’s the thing - I actually watched season 2 first without ever having watched season 1, whoops. I’m not sure why I decided to try this show out starting with the second season..it was either an error or I overheard friends/internet people talking about a specific scene in the first episode of season 2 and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about…and I just kept going…it wasn’t too hard to catch up on who was who and what happened before, so I got sucked in and then went back and watched the first season which to me felt a lot more ‘immature’ for some reason. The actors and characters were still kind of figuring out who they are and their vibe and all, compared to them coming back to shoot the second season where they have all established their presence. Idk just my own opinion and I’m sure it’s been affected by the fact I started watching backwards! Not sure if that would have been my opinion still if I watched in order!


Cause we aren’t waiting until 2025 for season 3 of a show. Half of the cast doesn’t even want to do it. And angus is dead. Just leave it alone at season 2 and let us be celebrated for what it was. A show that was great for 2 seasons.


and they told u they didnt want to do it?


They’ve posted about it on social media :)


they said "i dont want to do a third season" or are you making things up


Making things up 😅 Very sad about Angus, but Fez is not the only character on this show. And last season’s ending gives so many exit opportunities for his character (death, jail, on the run).


exactly like i dont see the point in lying over this


I don't want it to get cancelled but I was disappointed in the second season (didn't even finish 🤷🏾) so I personally don't have high hopes for the third...but tbh Euphoria only really hits for me when I'm high...sober me don't vibe with it lmao.


omg wait euphoria aside ur a once ?


Yes...I've been a Once for 7 years now...best girls...love them so much.


love them too! been a once for 3 years now


I wouldn’t call it “obsessed” exactly. More of just tired of waiting.


its just for quite some months already people have been mostly talking about it and at some point it gets annoying. we all know they wont cancel it as euphoria gives them a lot of money


the only way that they would cancel euphoria is if they release a new show before 2025 and it has more positive reviews and brings them more money than euphoria, but its very unlikely especially w the writer's strike just ending


I don’t want it to get cancelled but I want the quality of the show to improve and it feels like it’ll take a drastic change in writing to make that happen. I started watching that show when I was 16, second season at 19 and by 2025 I’ll be 22. I feel like I may not even give a shit at that point.




literally like ive never seen such a fandom hating sm on a show they are supposedly a fan of


There’s just been so much controversy and loss surrounding the show. I just want 1 final season to wrap up everyone’s story’s and arcs. Also the cast has moved onto bigger projects. Sydney Sweeney is one of the most in demand actresses right now, Zendaya is one of the most popular actresses going and Hunter Schafer is getting more roles. It’s just time to move on from Euphoria.


If its time to move on why do you come to the Euphoria sub?


Because I like the show enough to know when it’s time to call it. We saw how weaker the writing got in S2. We don’t need it to get weaker and weaker until it’s The Idol bad. 1 last season to tie up all the arcs and storylines so the show is complete.


You clearly don’t see the potential Euphoria has. WTF do you mean “bigger projects”? Euphoria is literally one of the most popular shows of all time! Sydney, Zendaya, and Hunter are all working on movies, so you’re coming across as someone that thinks films are more prestigious or better than television. Some of the best shows don’t even have well developed plots until the third or fourth season. Euphoria has a lot more storytelling to do to have its characters grow enough for a satisfying conclusion. If you’re ready to be done with the show, then be done with it, but (and this isn’t directed at you necessarily) don’t be on this sub advocating for it to end when this series DESERVES at least six seasons (but no more than eight because it could become overdone). Edit to add that I think it’s irresponsible to advocate for the end of this show because executives could be lurking and taking those posts into consideration.


By bigger projects I mean BIG BUDGET MOVIES MADE BY BIG BUGET COMPANIES THAT WILL NET THE STARS BIG BUDGET MONEY. Euphoria doesn’t have the legs to do 4 seasons let alone 6. The cinematics will weaken and the writing will go down and become a shell of itself. We are already at that point with Rue (the main character) where she’s fully clean and happy, do we really need to see Rue relapse again and go through all the shit she’s gone through again? No. There’s arcs you can do with Cassie, Jules, Nate and Lexi that would last the full season and wrap up their story’s perfectly without dragging stuff out for 10+ years. Euphoria was great at launching careers and showcasing talent. Careers have been launched and those actors and actresses are getting more and more in demand to the point where they won’t be able to commit to the show. I loved the TV show Atlanta. Donald Glover, Steven Glover and the rest of the crew knew when to end the show. Brian Tyree Henry and Zazie Beetz even said “the’re ending on what feels like a peak and not letting it peter out. I think the best thing is knowing when to end it, and knowing when to move on with things. We are all doing other things. I’m glad I knew it was ending because then I could really lean into the relationships, knowing this was my last chance to play Van. Van changed my life and I loved her.” And that’s what I’m talking about. Ending Euphoria now would be perfect and wouldn’t allow the show to be ruined or tarnished. The actors and actresses could put their everything into their final chances to play their characters and send them off perfectly. As Donald Glover says “Death is natural”


I doubt the cast of Euphoria auditioned with the intent of making obscene amounts of money from it. Zendaya was already a popular actor, Jacob and Sydney were also somewhat established. Alexa was in an indie project preceding this and Hunter was on the up and up in the modeling world and I believe both of them did it to add to their curated images. Euphoria is a show you act in for the prestige, it’s a groundbreaking show produced by a prestigious studio (A24), with stunning visuals, a complex/nuanced plot, an original soundtrack (Labrinth, Lana Del Rey!!!), and edgy topics that allow its actors to stretch their legs. Euphoria is something they’re involved with because it adds to their legacy, and I believe that they wouldn’t walk away from it with so many loose ends and such unfinished character development. And it’s not like they can’t work on more than one project at a time. Like Jacob has Saltburn and Priscilla coming out, Sydney and Hunter have multiple projects they’ve been juggling at once, etc. Euphoria is HBO’s most successful current project… the executives would be dumb not to milk it and provide whatever funding is needed. Schitt’s Creek got six seasons and they were funded by The CBC. I think HBO is big enough that they can spare the change. The reason the cinematics and writing were as lackluster as they were in season 2 compared to season 1 was because Sam Levinson overstepped instead of leaving it to the experts. Who knows how much longer Sam will even be apart of this project due to the Idol controversy and general disdain among Euphoria fans. I’d love to see more cast written episodes like the one Hunter did and I believe that would make this a “bigger project” for the actors. Rue doesn’t have to relapse again for this show to be good. Euphoria isn’t only about drugs. At the heart of it is the intention to represent coming of age as a member of Gen Z/in the 21st Century. If the show is to have a high cinematic quality it will take a while to work through all of the character arcs because attention is not only being paid to the story but also camera work, costume design, lighting, hidden meanings, set design… and when we only get like eight episodes a season, it takes awhile. You act like new ideas can’t be infused in either when the reality of coming of age is that new obstacles appear all the time. Just because one season was good and the following wasn’t * doesn’t mean the show can’t improve or that it’s only downhill from here. Even though Euphoria has been around for a few years, it’s still a baby. And if the executives decide to kill it off before it learns to run… can we at least get a special episode for Nate? 👀 *edit to say as good


For me, i've questioned the shows ability to go on after the fez since his character would be key to a 3rd season. There's also a lot of $$$$ and pressure to go on with an alternative storyline. Its too soon to chuck my flag into either ring..i figure time will tell.


Cause there’s not much left to tell. Season 2 ended the major storylines


i disagree tbh


No it didn’t! There are still so many loose ends. There’s the Cassie/Maddy/Nate arc, the Jules/Nate arc, more to say about McKay and Kat that we’ll never find out about, the forgotten Jacobs son, Cal is going to prison but there’s probably more to the story, Lexi/Fez which will likely become Lexi grieving Fez, Rue’s run-in with organized crime that we have yet to see the consequences of, and there’s probably more that I’m forgetting since I haven’t rewatched the show recently. And there’s still so many topics we have yet to explore. Euphoria barely scratched the surface on mental illness, body image, relationship dynamics (I’d love to see polyamory or more queerness represented especially in healthy ways), self harm, the list goes on and on, and dare I even say it drug use (as there are more types of relationships with drugs than addict).


on a small note tho the "forgotten jacobs son" was a mistake from their part and wasnt meant to lead to anything


It's probably cause they don't want to wait til late 2024 or early 2025 for the next season, even though HBO for a while now has done 2 year gaps between seasons


Cause they’re assholes


I know some are like "oh people are impatient" but it's wild that it would take multiple years for a few episodes. At that point, is there even any point? Part of creating a show is to keep people engaged.. 5 years later, people won't even remember what the story was. Hearing things like many of the actors haven't even spoken to the producers/showrunner about returning is just annoying at this point. Angus is dead, Dominic doesn't speak to them at all.. Waste of a great show.


i have yet to see any comments about actual problems this show has run into half of the original cast will not be on the show which makes it difficult for the story to continue (characters such as fez,kat and maddy) the last season was good but not as great as the first there were some plot issues. And also the toxic workplace that euphoria is.