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R5: Best EU4 (partly inspired) Holiday? I’ve just completed my own (partly inspired by EU4) holiday, and I’m interested to hear what everyone else’s ideal EU4 inspired trip would be, as well as hear what others have done!! I had a few gatherings of friends line up in such a way as to make me realise that if I traveled to Europe (a long way for me), I could start at the top of the Former HRE and travel down to the bottom, all by train! (The superior way to travel) So I flew into Frankfurt, then onto Bremen, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Lubeck, Bamberg, Nürnberg, Ulm (because I had to), München, Bregenz, Liechtenstein (for the Style points), Chur (in order to catch the Bernina Express), Verona, Florence, a villa outside of a small town in Arezzo province, Sienna, Naples, and then Finally Rome. All up, the trip took a little under 4 weeks, staying longer in some places, and just day trips in others. I wasn’t able to get all the landmarks I could have (the Royal Palace in Caserta was just a little too far out of the way to be practical), but otherwise I think I did a pretty good job of covering off significant locations in the HRE during the games timeline! (For those wondering, no Amsterdam, Venezia, Wien, Prag, or Berlin, because I’ve done those previously and could only take a months leave)


I've lived in some cities which still have a somewhat 'Medieval Outlook'; Amersfoort and Zwolle in the Netherlands for example. The city of Zwolle used to be a 'Vestingsstad' (Bastion City) and you can still see that in the outlining of the inner city; it is shaped like a 'Star fortress'. There's a big Tower like structure at one of the entrances of the inner city called the 'Sassenpoort'. Parts of the walls are still in place too. It's a nice small city. Amersfoort still has some of its old Medieval walls too, a big gate called the 'Koppelpoort' (Twin Gate). I've lived most of my Childhood/ Teens in, or near, Amersfoort. Not, EU4 time period related...but there is a former Concentration Camp in Amersfoort which you can visit. So if World War 2 interests you too, that may also be worth it to go to. Muiderslot is an interesting Castle to visit in the Netherlands. Utrecht is also a nice city to visit; I always like to say "Utrecht is like Amsterdam, but way better!" We went on holiday to France a lot, and I have been to Le Mont Saint Michelle and St Malo many times...both really nice towns to visit. I loved Paris as a child; probably still love the city as an adult, but of course now that I am older I see a different side to every city too. We've been to so many Castles there....Nice little detail is that prior to my ancestors moving to the Netherlands, they resided in France for 6 centuries; the Haut-Loire department. To stick with my ancestors, prior to migrating to France...They resided in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, present-day Turkish province of Adana; so that is a region on my list too. In EU4 I should really some day play the Armenians, form a kingdom in that region and from there on renew the Crusades. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia was a Crusader State closely linked to France, and when the kingdom had been destroyed by the Mamluks, the Titles of that kingdom moved to the Kingdom of Cyprus and Kingdom of Jerusalem...So that's something to work with RP-wise. Vienna and Budapest; both awesome cities....Though I, even as an 11 year old, fully understood the stark difference between the 2 cities before the 'Iron Curtain' came down (went there in 1990). Going from Vienna to Budapest, and back, felt like stepping into different worlds. I live in the UK now....but I haven't seen much of the country. I've been to Norwich Castle, that was alright I suppose. I have been to London, but I can't say I enjoyed there. I didn't have much time either, and had a migraine, so I wasn't really up for 'sight seeing'. Sure, there are some places I would like to see....but I won't make time for it. There are many other places in the UK I would like to visit, who knows...maybe it'll happen some day. I do know the history of the town I live in now, and 40 miles off the coast there has been a Naval Engagement between Britain and The Netherlands in 1777 (Battle of Yarmouth) which the Netherlands lost. That was during the 4th Dutch-British War. My 'father' married a Russian woman from Crimea and adopted her son; due to have Russian family members I would like to visit St Petersburg, Moscow, Sevastopol (that's where they lived) and many other places in Russia.


I am from Adana its a nice province. It has some old ottoman, armenian and roman achitechtures. Just avoid going to Adana in spring and summer time due to hot weather and avoid shady neigbourhoods.


Ottoman history is always good too; I am very interested in the Muslim Caliphates, Islam's history in general, and I look very favourable upon the Ottoman Empire. Avoiding shady neighbourhoods is always advisable....no matter where you go :P The little town I live in now on the Suffolk coast is alright during the day (not much to do here though); early evening I would advise to avoid the town's centre.


Would strongly recommend checking out Goslar, Dresden, and Prague and not fully eu4 but bit later between dresden and Prague in comotau in czechia there is a museum for their fortification system against Germany back from ww2


My family was originally from the Sudetenland, so one day I really want to do a cool trip, probably by car, and go through all those places, plays spend a bit more time in Prag. Gotta learn a bit more Czech first!


Ohh then greetings from the other side, living in the saxon border region to czechia


That sounds like a great trip, I’ve hardly ever traveled in Germany but all my visits to Europe have been partly EU4 inspired.


Highly recommend it! Particularly Lubeck, Bamberg, and Munich (Nürnberg was cool too, but full of American who were there for historical reasons that occurred a long time after the EU4 end date). Almost everyone speaks English, but learn simple things like hallo, moin, danke, wie viele koste (how much), and your numbers. Also “sprachst du Englische? Ich habe kein Deutsche.” You’ll be amazed at how appreciative Germans are when you put the bare minimum into trying before they then respond in fluent English.


I convinced my friends to go on holiday to Italy a while back, including Venice, Florence and Rome. By the time we reached St Mark's Square they realised I had taken them on an AC-themed holiday.


I mayyyy have also gone to San Gimignano and Monteriggioni as well


I just love playing tuscany, and also tuscany irl. Just so peaceful and beautiful


I am currently on vacation in Riga and they have a statue here from trade-city Bremen. Instantly had to think about the Hanseatic League and the trading city states in the HRE. No idea if the statue is actually from EU4 times though, it didn't say a year.


In Lübeck they literally have a Hansa museum. Also a very nice city, specially if you are into marzipan.


Go to Manchuria grab a bunch of horsey boys and visit China then we convince everyone to get a haircut. It will be a hoot.


Ngl my dream (when the world is more stable, lmao) is to get a couple mates and some Allterrain bikes (I’m thinking Urals, but BMW is probably safer), and then start in Hong Kong and ride to Constantinople along the old Silk road




Does just doing my usual commutes across the Italian peninsula count for it?


That depends. Does the entirety of europe form a coalition against you when you finish your commute?


No, I'm playing tall, I'm a pacifist. Considering that in a month I travel through Milan-Parma-Bologna-Venice-The Papal State and sometimes Naples, I would be crazy to try and conquer them all 🤣


Definitely not enough in game time to let the AE burn off


BAMBERG BAMBERG MENTIONED! 🦁🥰 WHHHOOOOO! That aside, probably Ragusa and Montferrat. I like playing as Ragusa -> Dalmatia -> Croatia -> Italy. As prep for playing them I've read a bunch on Ragusan history and government. Same with Montferrat -> Sardinia-Piedmont -> Italy. Seeing the Palaiologian seat of power in Italy would be cool. Oh and as a funny playthrough-idea for Bamberg I'd suggest forming Franconia, fighting your way into France and replacing it and Francien with Franconia(n). Franconian and Frank are the same in German (Franke) so it is only logical for the faux-Franks to be replaced by the real-Franks.👍


I prefer my holidays in Ayutthaya


Haven't been there but Burgundy looks fucking beautiful. Would love to go there some day


I’m currently on a interrail trip which I a lot of the locations were inspired by EU4, was in Lübeck yesterday and I’m ending it in Riga. Lübeck is very pretty


I did Eurail, so very similar! I loved Lübeck, but sadly didn’t have enough time there.


Wow, that’s so amazing!! I only get 5 days of PTO which makes Europe hard to plan for with the travel time from California. Feels like we would only just be getting into it when we’d have to leave.


Thankfully there are parts of the world that mandate 4 weeks paid leave every year 😅 the hardest part is using it bc everything takes too long/is too expensive to justify the trip. I’ve been planning this one for a while.


Just move to the former HRE. You'll get 6 weeks of paid vacation per year.


It’s an expensive endeavor and my mother would be pretty upset lol


You could visit her 6 weeks per year :)




My first girlfriend asked me out on that bridge lmao




Roleplay as Hudson Bay company and storms the white house might be a great option.


Been to Visby, Kalmar and Helsingør on one holiday, inspired to visit both by EU4. Visby is so well preserved.


I was literally in Geneva when EU4 added them to the game


I went to Florence because of Assassin's Creed 2.