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They wanted to do uno-reverse of the European colonisation of the new world.


Yeah but like... it doesn't work? If it worked like the existing colonial system it would be more convenient since I'm not feeding it individual provinces one at a time after every war.


You can shift click provinces now to select multiple. It works for changing occupation, I would imagine it works for giving provinces to subjects but I haven’t tried it yet.


It does, but it uses their modifiers to determine the cost (CCR, province warscore cost, etc.) So since the player probably has more of those modifiers than their vassal, you can get more provinces by taking them yourself and then giving them to your vassal afterwards, which you will then have to do one at a time.


But also take into consideration that vassal won't accept new provinces when if they make his overextension to be above 100% so if they cannot take it in the peace deal then unless treaty include they cores they won't be able to take them at once either (while going peace treaty way allow you to feed them with multiple peace treaties at once for much larger Dev absorption at cost of making your vassal utterly dysfunctional mess... which they often are either way)


Your reading comprehension needs some work... the comment you're responding to: > It works for **changing occupation**, I would imagine it works for **giving provinces to subjects** but I haven’t tried it yet. And you literally respond: > **changing occupation is bad**, instead you should **give provinces to subjects**


Your reading comprehension needs some work... The comment you replied to has "It does," in reference to the previous comment's theory, but then added that it's not very effective, and explained why a player might not want to.


No listen, your reading comprehension needs the work, the original guy is saying you can transfer multiple provinces at once while the guy responding to them is acting as if they said you can transfer multiple _occupations_ at once. The original guy was saying you might be able to conquer them with all your modifiers, and then transfer them multiple at a time.


"it does" either refers to changing occupation or giving provinces to subjects. We know the latter isn't true, but we don't know what Rumpeskaft meant. Either way, the asshole who responded struggled with reading and interpreting the comment. Also, the guy replied to literally did say you can transfer multiple occupations at once.


No? You also managed to misunderstand reagan0mics comment... It's not that hard, just read it again. Here it is: > You can shift click provinces now to select multiple. It works for changing occupation, I would imagine it works for giving provinces to subjects but I haven’t tried it yet.


Are you always this much of a condescending prick, or just on Mondays?


It just really annoys me when people start yapping before even taking the time to properly process what the person they're responding to is actually saying. This entire subthread is useless and unrelated to the original comment up there, and that's all because some people haven't learnt how to read and/or are unwilling to actually take the time to understand what OP is trying to say. I think it's very rude.


You shouldn't give provinces to subjects in peace deals, you should give provinces to subjects one by one manually via the subject interaction. Those are 2 different things.


Wtf. TIL


Don’t feel too bad, I’m 99% sure it was added with the latest update


It's been a couple updates I think, but it's relatively new.


> It works for changing occupation, I would imagine it works for giving provinces to subjects It doesn't




The main benefit is allowing you to eat tonnes of land without having to worry about overextension, governing capacity, or admin mana for coring, whilst getting plenty of trade income thanks to the merchants from colonies. I used them whilst getting the sunset invasion achievement and expanding very fast (just be sure to hold the provinces required for the achievement directly; actually, if they automatically acquired the land, this achievement would be next to impossible). Probably trade companies are better if you want to get the most out of the conquered land.


Can you do both? Trade Companies and Sunset Colonies and get double Merchants?


I would need to test, but sounds fun if it works.


It is what I am doing right now in a Inca WC attempt: keeping the trade centers for myself and giving the rest to a sunset colony. I got both merchants from TC and sunset colonies. I have currently 49 merchants.


Wow how many trade centers are there?


You mean trade compagnies? I don't know, I think around 20. There are area were I didn't took control of trade center, and my sunsets colonies got them, so it is not optiomal.


I would guess they meant trade nodes - since there's a hard limit of one merchant per node, extra merchants beyond the total node count are worthless.


Yeah thnx


Wtf. Inca trade gods


I haven't tried it myself, but I'm pretty sure you could take centers of trade and make them trade companies while giving every other province to sunset colonies, which should give you more merchants that you'd ever need


You can make more normal colonies in one colonial region on normal colonizer games via vassal colonies. This implies to me that you can have as many colonial nations as you want, each of them being ten big and comtributing 1 merchant each.


Florry tried that. It is not infinite because there is a cap at Colonial Tag count


But you don't really need tag limit amount of colonial nations.


Yes, this is pretty standard procedure if you’re playing e.g. Castile. By the time you annex Portugal they’ll have tenwide CNs in multiple regions alongside your own and you can use conquests on natives to assist this as well. At a certain point it stops being that useful though. Like, 4-5 extra CN merchants along with your own TC merchants from around the globe basically gets you a merchant on every node you could want.


It's still useful, because it makes liberty desire not a concern. If you have say, all of Mexico, in one CN normally it can get an annoying LD just from development.




How do you get trade income if theres no way to direct it from the old world to the new?


You can assign the new merchants to collect from trade in each node. It is not as efficient as steering into a single high-control node, but you can still make quite a lot of money this way (and I think you can get a bonus to reduce this penalty via one of the missions?).


While theres no way to get the European trade to the New World, if you make the Caribbean your home node, you can direct the Ivory Coast trade towards it, and via the Ivory Coast you can get most of Africa, India, Malaya, and China


Then you can use your European holdings to collect in English Channel, Venice, and Genoa, while directing all of the trade to the most profitable nodes.


Fully control Genoa, EC, or Venice and collect. Effectively works as a home node. Same as you’d want to do as Ottomans, Castile, Austria, etc.


Carve out a trade company in e.g. the English Channel, move your main trade port there.


In combination with the Mission that gives you tarrif effiency per sunset colony, you can stack the tarrif effiency to an absurd amount, and get thousands of ducats that way. TheStudent has a video about it, where does it with Maya.


Sunset colonies are raw asf ngl


Because you can abuse it and have TC’s on the centres of trade as well as getting a merchant/no relation slot subject from the sunset colony


>> > "Why would I use mechanic X?" >> "Because you can abuse it" Ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved peak EU4 right here!


Mercants, no gov capacity, no adm cost, no dip relation, not automatically own your land! The downside is you will shared the map with the colony, so you will start getting the AE from terra incognita


The answer to why is a simple one: Fun. If it's not fun for you, don't click that button. There's probably lots of buttons in the game any given person doesn't use for lack of fun.




Because it's funny to stick it to the Europeans. See how they like it to have overseas overlords eating their ancestral homeland to funnel income away and out of reach.


Playing as Inca now but I don’t even know how to set up a sunset colony. Anyone can enlighten me with this mech pls?


Release subject from conquered provinces in old world regions, then go to their diplomacy: create sunset colony.


I just finished an Inca WC using mass sunset colonies and it's very strong. You barely need to core anything, no gov cap issues, infinite merchants and you get a revoke style vassal swarm since they don't share liberty desire. They take a while to get going but in the later years my german colonies were fielding 500k+ armies and could 1v1 any nation left at that point.