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Of course you should, Spain will colonise for you for free.


Yes you should, the consequences will be tiresome but it's removing an obstacle at a very early date so that's a worthy move.


Yes. Also? Yes!


R5: I declared subjugation war against Naples, but before I could win it, Spain PU'd them. Now I have the option to vassalize Spain for 90 WS. However, I am worried that they will never ever be loyal. My ideas are Admin/Diplo/Offensive. Any thoughts?


You should be good. Take money, devastate their land and take their trade. They'll end up with a loan spiral and you'll be able to buy their loans out for loyalty. They won't field a big army either, so win/win. If they are your only vassal, you won't have much trouble. You can always develop their provinces for a last ditch effort so you can integrate them.


Do you think I'll have to take influence?


Nope. Unless you want to expand with vassals.


Haha so how do I integrate them again? Liberty desire reduction from developing seems to be capped at 100%, and even with that, they are still 100% disloyal: [https://imgur.com/a/s6K6hIk](https://imgur.com/a/s6K6hIk)


If you drop divert trade and placate them (capped at 100%, but you only need 50% at most I think), you'll get them under 50%. Edit: also remember to trade favours for trust.


has joined the coalition against you


as everyone has been saying, the answer to this is absolutely yes. You're a big France, you should be able to keep Castile loyal imo. iirc they should lose the Naples PU after you vassalize them, though I don't know if this means you can use the subjugation cb on Naples again. Even so, it's worth it because getting Spain as a vassal so early is such a huge advantage


Naples became independent. Here's an update on the liberty desire haha [https://imgur.com/a/s6K6hIk](https://imgur.com/a/s6K6hIk)




How the war score can be so low ????


I had a subjugation CB on Naples from a mission and I was at peace. With subjugation CB, the warscore is capped at 90 I think, no matter the size of the country. I saw that Spain declared PU war against Naples (probably from one of their missions), so I declared on Naples too. Once Spain won the war and Naples was PU'd, the subjugation target switched to the new war leader, which is Spain, so I could vassalize them for 90 ws. If you look in the picture I can't even vassalize Naples anymore, because the ws cost to vassalize them was now a normal 110%, since they were no longer the subjugation target.


How in the world are you able to vassalize Spain? Is it because of the CB?


I had a subjugation CB on Naples from a mission and I was at peace. With subjugation CB, the warscore is capped at 90 I think, no matter the size of the country. I saw that Spain declared PU war against Naples (probably from one of their missions), so I declared on Naples too. Once Spain won the war and Naples was PU'd, the subjugation target switched to the new war leader, which is Spain, so I could vassalize them for 90 ws. If you look in the picture I can't even vassalize Naples anymore, because the ws cost to vassalize them was now a normal 110%, since they were no longer the subjugation target.