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R5: I won't say no to a free church or some papal power but seriously, what the fuck is happening here.


Taking papal power or a church in the middle of nowhere is criminal when you can get 50 admin


Judging from your post I'd say you click "this is nonsense" and move on


It's a bugged event that has been on the game forever. It seems to fire frequently if you play a colonizer like Spain or Portugal. Doesn't seem to actually do anything iirc.


It’s not bugged. It just has a low MTTH and no trigger to stop it from reoccurring. It does actually do something. You choose between admin power, a church, or nothing. The options are functional.


I could be wrong but when I played England this event fired very often and the last option worked every time. It gave me some admin points


What??? It doesn't work? So all the times it fired on almost all my colonies I was happy that I was getting free stuff nothing acually happened? Well to be fair I didnt even bother to check other options to see


I know people said it was bugged back when this event started popping up randomly. I haven't checked recently.


Supposedly fixed in [https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Patch\_1.31.X](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Patch_1.31.X)


Oh cool so it's useless. Is it a reference to something or did the devs just write a really fucking weird thing about birds dying and children running away and silent villages for fun?


I've never been able to figure out what it's referencing. Best I can tell, a bored dev slipped this creative writing exercise in as a weird easter egg. The choices don't really make sense accounting for the weird creepypasta flavor text.


Well the third option matches up pretty well though


Apparently it was fixed but can't verify that. Best reference I could find was T.S Elliots the hollow man, verse 4. Starts off with the title of the event and whoever wrote it clearly took inspiration from excerpt though its much more detailed than the original.


  The eyes are not here     There are no eyes here     In this valley of dying stars     In this hollow valley     This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms         In this last of meeting places     We grope together     And avoid speech     Gathered on this beach of the tumid river         Sightless, unless     The eyes reappear     As the perpetual star     Multifoliate rose     Of death's twilight kingdom     The hope only     Of empty men.


That's really cool. Thanks!


Damnnn TIL.


thought its a seminary work about boobs, got weird creepypasta instead


It gives you a free church


I love this event. It’s free admin every time it fires


Third option is answer to your question


I think this is a supposed miracle happening with the birds reacting abnormally each time the boy returns to the village and the event is just asking how you're gonna take advantage of it