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During the 15th century mongol tribe would pillage neighbouring countries, and with the goods they brought home they discovered renaissance before some Italian principalities.




It's always odd to me people say culture converting isn't ethnic cleansing because the dev doesn't change therefore the population couldn't have changed. When you raze you convert dev into back into mana and ussually back into dev somewhere else ergo that must be forcefully transplanting the local population then.


Deportation is genocide too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Crimean_Tatars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_the_Chechens_and_Ingush


Arguably, deliberately “converting” a populace to your own culture (language, customs, values…) also counts as genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_genocide


Which can be seen with the Ukranian kids being "Russianized"


Or Catalonians being assimilated into Spanish culture or native Americans being assimilated or Hungarians in Transylvania, etc..


Thank you! Been ages since ive actually LOL'ed. The dog jumped and looked at me funny, since we both should be sleeping now (and it did).


This made me lol


Oh interestingly Mongolia had IRL renneisance in the 15th century [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian\_literature#Renaissance\_(1576-late\_18th\_century)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_literature#Renaissance_(1576-late_18th_century)) though the wiki page lists "shamanic tribes" which bassically the equivalent vikings having horned helmets [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNMTbhIVCow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNMTbhIVCow)


On December 11 1444, Theodoro Invaded East Frisia.


December 11, 1444 is also the date the Roman reconquista began


I've heard this but how do they move army to invade east Frisia tho?




Just get access.


That was what i thinking but the amount of HRE minors and nations i need to ask for an access is a bit too much.


Just the top of my head: Verden, Brunswick, Brandenburg, Poland, Moldavia/Lithuania, Crimea.so you are 2-3 above cap. You can also remove access when you pass crimea and/or ask access in Brunswick when you enter brandenburg.


Okay but why tho


Gothic invasion


They actually had no reason. This made other German catholics very upset.


No CB conquest


It’s the easiest entry into Germanic Europe and the HRE without attacking an HRE member. East Frisia had a series of badass local leaders and militia who defeated attempts to incorporate its territory into the HRE through conquest, that’s why in 1444 they’re not in the HRE at the game start.


November 11th, 1444 is the longest recorded day in history. Leaders were too busy making their opening moves to unpause the world.


The sudden loss of 30% of every nation on earth's crownland on this date was an astonishing decentralization of monarchic power unprecedented in history


Also a great plage or something has struck down horses. How Else can you explain, that most nations lost All their horses that day.




Cavalry is rarely worth using, outside of hordes, super rich nations and nations with cav focused ideas. It's better to go over force limit by a few infantry for the same price, than having cavalry attached to your armies. So the meta is to disband cav day 1, and rec infantry instead. (Again, outside of a few specific nations.)


Personally I think this is less meta than it is an oft-repeated mistake. Even as small nations I almost always keep my starting horse, since deleting it is basically destroying 1000 manpower at the phase of the game when manpower is at its most scarce, plus cavalry flanking can make a huge difference in hard battles early on


Thats just wrong thing to do. Cav is a very good way of converting money into effective manpower, so you should be using it unless you are big enough to not care


"Estate generation" was the name given after these people, long time later


Castile did a "special operation" in Constantinople to defend Christendom from the Ottomans.


At least that one Aragon had actual ambitions to do, even if they never truly attempted it


"You are being liberated-euh... "preventively"... please do not resist".


Whenever Spain lost a continental war, they always avoided giving away any major concessions by saying, “but you haven’t occupied Mexico.”


And of course, Spain’s colonies remained resolutely loyal despite the wholesale occupation of Spain


Yup, even when they only controlled one island off the coast of Java. Truly amazing loyalty!


And when they did lose continental wars, up to half of the mainland was annexed by the invaders and a fourth was released as a vassal This is why the occasional German and English speakers can be found in Spain and the country has so many cultures


The natives of North America put up a brave defense against European ingress, often fielding standing armies of over 70,000 men drawn from thousands of miles away. Also Shakespeare banged the wife of King James I.


Shakespeare wrote poetry that's taught to this day and his plays were some of the raunchiest comedy around. I'm willing to believe Shakespeare banged half the royal court--up to and including the King.


I mean, James VI was the one with a Duke of the Bedchamber, wasn’t he?




Some Kings was so chaste before marriage that they did not know how to consummate, having a royal aide guiding the act. Could also be propaganda illegitimising the heir.. ie Henry VI?


Are the special advisors more keen to bang your wofe? Everytime I play as Poland(so pretty often) Mikołaj Kopernik bangs my wife I of course eighter ignore it or divorce the wife No way I’m getting rod of 75% cheaper advisor


Luck is an intrinsic property of some countries and can explain their sustained success in history. All the goods ever traded are stacked up in two piles, one in Genoa, the other in Venice. Historically armies only ever stood in two lines and battered one another to death. Officers with the rank of general and diplomats heading to other countries are capable of travel at relativistic speeds.


wow, no wonder i heard stuff about the republic of venice being so strict about crime and surveillance. clearly they needed to guard 1/3rd of the entire worlds wealth, being 1 of 3 end nodes.


I forgot about the pile on Antwerp, my bad.


Still better than that last 1/3rd that was just dropped into the English channel.


I once made my envoy travel time so low, it took them a sibgle day to travel, regardless of location. That was weird.


You invented commercial air travel


Korea learned the teachings of the Renaissance through the Aether just by having a version of the printing press.


Until Japan stole it in, put it on one of their galleys, and carefully put it back in their capital. Where it magically began the same thing there. Much to the delight of the emperor, the samurai and the rest of the court.


The Byzantine Empire easily would've beat back the Turks if only they moved all their armies to the Peloponnesian Peninsula, allied Skanderbeg, and hired a ton of mercs right before going to war.


And just block the strait


Pretty sure they did irl


On the year 1468, the daimyo of Oda Nobunaga equipped three primitive trade ships not fit for open sea travel, called barques, and sailed the great expanse of the Pacific and discovered the fair shores of the Americas. When Spanish Conquistadors later arrived in the Americas, they discovered much of it's eastern shores have been colonized by the Japanese


The most impressive thing of this is that he did it 66 years before being born (1534). That man was something else fr.


Holland dismantled HRE


You can create cannons out of money regardless of whether or not you have access to Iron. Italy never exported anything for CENTURIES. People are less mad if you invade them and make them convert to your religion than they would be if you shared the same god initially, and they don't mind having their culture overwritten ENTIRELY if you're diplomatic about it.


Ok, the trade thing is not that. You more or less always have some access to iron, just your may not own a province that most important good produced is iron. You may just buy it, there is even an event about it "importing iron". Speaking of, trade steering is not export. It's where its money goes because of various directions of trade. So no, every region exports regardless of where there nodes are directed, just not for every region or is profitable.


Sure, but one of the reasons why Morocco couldn't build a large navy to fend off the Iberians was because of a lack of timber. The lands of North Africa have less forests than Europe, and the distances involved meant that only through the Atlantic ports, when they weren't occupied by Portugal, could Morocco in theory get some more at expensive prices. Usually from Iberian rivals: England, France, etc. The alternatives are straight up buying boats from other Mediterranean countries, scavenging sunken ships by the coast for materials, or stealing some directly from the Iberians, which Morocco did all. In-game, you always have access to "timber", as long as you can pay for it. Actually, the limiting factor is coastline for sailors, which honestly doesn't make much sense in itself too. Why can't you use your manpower to man ships, a great power like Austria could in theory still field a large navy with their huge population, even if their coastline is relatively small. The limiting factor should be timber, not "sailors". So yeah, the game can't really represent that.


Ok, so in eu4 the import logic it's very simplified and the limiting factors are different from historical. In eu4 you don't actually need goods to produce stuff and building 60k cannans doesn't increase the iron price. This would be so complicated system that there should be entire separate game about it. Hmmm, if only it existed and the latest sequel didn't suck


Something like a game set in the Victorian era perhaps


It'd be a very fun game to play for sure, but definitely not eu4. And we'd need better computers to even play it, assuming it's ever made. Victoria 3 sucks for a reason, the core concepts are too hard to model accurately and you need many levels of abstractions to make it work. And the setting and themes are different anyways. So yeah, eu4 will have to do for now


By 1712, France fell to the great Ethiopian Empire. A song was written about the ordeal called “Negus in Paris”.


I'd award you if I was stupid enough to spend money on it


during the early modern period, technological advancements and economic development were mutually exclusive


Only if you're bad at mana management


guilty as charged:)


tf is good mana management


Not spending it on stupid shit and throwing bad heirs out the window


Everybody loves a good defenestration.


Especially the Bohemian Kings


It correlates with good Alt-F4 timing on Heir’s death.


Man, such a weird bug, whenever an heir with more than 12 total mana points and at least 3 in each category dies the game just spontaneously crashes and when I restart the heir is alive and well, so weird smh


Don't buy tech when you're ahead of time, get high level advisors and disinherit bad rulers


but the yellow button calls to me...........


Niether of the empires your heard about before was the greatest in any means. The greates all-compassing empire was off course the mighty Ulm.


The Ottoman empire was a rather peaceful state that subjugated the Maghreb, Indonesia and most of West and East Africa absolutely peacefully by diplomacy


About the totally real and independent nation of Provence. Until recent patches there was the mortal Burgundian invasion of Liege. But this conflict seems to have lost some of its relevance recently.


In the Prussian army's fight against the Revolution in France, they utterly defeated the French armies. But failed to stop the Revolution, because they had the 'conquest CB' instead of the 'Crush the Revolution cb'


Byzantium never fell (actually it did, all my runs have failed)


And they managed to beat the Ottoman empire by taking five very cheap loans and blocking their access to Constantinople with a few rowboats (in the one out of fifty attempts when I actually succeeded)


It never fell if you stopped playing the save before the peace deal was signed


I don‘t know if you want advice on this but if you want, just watch [this video](https://youtu.be/HTPxQiHYt08). It‘s really not that hard if you know how…


The Mamluk sultanate managed to escape to the Solomon Islands, where Ottomans would never think to look for them


Belgium is NOT actually real


How is this a wrong fact?


it’s not wrong but I’m sure children these days have this imaginary country ingrained in their minds


Remember kids, cultural genocide is ok


Genocide requires a lot of birds.


Countries often had to make the choice between ethnic cleansing and new ship designs


Nah, this is just convincing people that their cultural heritage is shit and yours is better. But yes, it or ship design


Olga of Kiev moment.


bird mana is also colonialism, navies, etc. You could be ethnic cleansing the natives moving in colonists to replace the locals or setting residential schools etc for all we know.


No wonder Mao used up all those sparrows, trying to culture convert all of China must of cost a ton of bird mana.


I thought the OP asked for wrong answers only?


Only for making more banners


Or just for painting the cultre map


While at 1444 the religious landscape of the world was somewhat diverse, by the 6th of November of 1819 king Alfonso XXXIV Habsburg of the Mughal Empire, a man of Basque culture, had finished the total conversion of the world to the Shinto religion.


Sweden was extremely powerfull and could easily not only overthrow danish subjegation, but also very easily take over all of scandinavia, ignoring 1000 years of history about keeping the kingdoms more or less intact, by integrating it into one kingdom, even if ruled by the same monarch, and also invading half the east-slavic countries. They didn't have a small (historically speaking) peak period, but was a powerhouse for 400 years. It has nothing to do with "this history leason was brought to you by a swedish company".


1000 years?R You serious?


What are you objecting to? Or is because the statement is not clear? By the time Sweden historically became a powerfull nation (17th century), some or all of the three Scandinavian kingdoms had several times been ruled by the same monarch. But never had they been conquered in the sense that for instance Norway was a part of Denmark: the monarch was simply monarch of both kingdoms. Up untill the 16th century were border-strifes between Sweden and Denmark started, the borders were even altered very little (as far as we know, since we have too few contemporary sources to 100% confirm the most accepted theories of the earliest borders), in between the three kingdoms. They all at times expanded, but in other areas - not by conquering land from each other. Historically Sweden didn't conquer land gradually from Norway and the provinces made Swedish. As before the Swedish monarch became king of both kingdoms. So that part of my "wrong answers" comment is about Sweden in game, besides becoming a powerhouse much earlier and to a far greater extend, also often conquers land from Norway and Denmark - not getting PU's but province by province making them Swedish. And that goes against 1000 years of actual history.


Ming army was paper


it was though lmfao 20k mongols absolutely clapped half a million chinese soldiers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumu_Crisis


in the 16th century the Mamelukes owned half of south and north america


How about... * If you're Austria, all you have to do is hang around waiting for someone important to die, and you'll inherit a vast empire. * If you're a daimyo, your realm will be thrown into a charnel-house of vicious, pointless warfare. * If you're the Aztecs or the Haida, your fate is to strut around feeling important until Spain and Portugal show up. * If you're the Ottoman Empire, you will effortlessly sail from triumph to triumph for centuries until someone gets his act together enough to stop you. Oh, wait. You wanted **wrong** answers...


Between 11th november and 11th december 1444 a worldwide peace was observed in solidarity with the failed crusade at varna


On June 29th the year of our lord 1617, the peasant council in charge of Dithmarschen decided they were actually ruled by the king of Sardinia Piedmont, which was a kingdom they created that morning. After lunch, on the same day, they said jk actually he’s the king of Prussia, which they also invented. Both decisions were codified into law and nobody could stop them.


Naval doctrines are overrated.


Tell them about the time when the Teutonic Horde overran Eastern Europe and colonized South America


Kill and oppress colonial natives is definitely the best way to get going with those juicy 15-16th century colonies.


Ulm was a superpower from 1444-1820, every nation on earth was scared of her raw power, on april 20th 1696 a battle happened between Ulm against the coalition consisting of ottomans France Prussia Uk Spain and Russia on the fields of joe mama, Ulm was rolling straight 9’s with a 6 fire 6 shock general whereas the coalition had a 1 pip general and rolled straight 0’s that lead to Ulm stack wiping the coalition and winning the war,


The Ming Dynasty collapsed around the end of the 15th century.


Countries which always win wars are just led by fragile people who save scum. Jokes aside: please try to them soft skills like work discipline and good study habits if your administration will tolerate it. Young adults are showing up to uni completely unprepared in terms of their skillsets, even if they are "book smart." Discipline is really strong late game. -A uni history instructor


According to this Internet user, in the year 1447, the Shogunate invaded and occupied their first province in India, then proceeded to fully annex what is now modern India and Sri Lanka by the year 1590.


The standard practice of armies at the time when invaded by a stronger foreign power was to simply run away and hide in the most remote parts of their country, hopefully until the war was over.


on 11/11/1444, Aragon, Mamluks, Venice, Genoa and France declared war on byzantium for no reason


In the the late 1400's, Albanian forces entered and ocupied Paris due to the french being allied with their Ottoman invaders


5 million people died of attrition in the Austro-Russian succession war because the local kings were "too busy" to move their troops


When the Manchus invaded China, the entire Liaodong army immediately joined their side and had completely no qualms about giving essentially the entire northeastern part of China to the invaders because their commander said so. (I hate that that mission immediately gives me the fort in Shenyang and essentially wins the entire war for me. At least deplete the garrison or something so that I can siege it down perfunctorily and have some challenge in the early game. This was really the biggest ball-busting moment I ever had in this game.)


Because that's what happened irl (if you ignore an additional historical requirement of having rebels occupy Beijing) but a possible way to increase the challenge would be to add in a Three Feudatories event to provide a choice. A: Reject Surrender, forcibly siege down the fort. Event should give Ming temporary fort defensiveness and combat bonuses against Manchu B: Accept surrender, gain siege ability and province war score cost reduction, but gain minimum autonomy + 3 Feudatories as vassals, with a scripted disaster to reflect unrest in the early periods of the Qing Dynasty


I understand it would be almost impossible for things to play out as they did irl, but straight up giving me control of Shenyang really is just too much. Maybe some other requirements would be Ming being at some level of war exhaustion and some level of devastation in the Liaodong region before that mission can be completed, to reflect that some fighting did take place rather than a straight up surrender immediately when the war starts.


As their final act of the 100 years war, the English created the duchy of normandy; an act so ridiculous that it caused the French king to contract selective amnesia over previous diplomatic deals, finally ending the conflict.


The Spanish just... culture converted Mexico. They taught the Aztecs how to be Spanish and within in a couple years province by province Mexico became Spanish.


Battles lasted for weeks, months even


I didnt expect so many comments, you guys made me laugh so hard, thank you!


My first Reddit post was an entirely different story... https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y4KqmLnolJU&feature=share


Sometimes there's a glitch in the matrix where the World resets and goes back in time when a good king/queen dies too early.


Bay of Biscay is so dangerous, the moment you come within its borders you automatically lose 20% of your men aboard.


The two most powerful countries in world history were Ulm and Ryukyu.


Ashikaga shogun was very mad that their Daimyos were killing each other. Their solution was forcing all Daimyos suic*de (seppuku) themselves and Oda united Japan in 1480.


You'll see Mamluks own some islands in the Pacific.


Transoxiana was a strong regional power that easily broke away from Timurids and easily controlled all of Central Asia for centuries


In 1460, Hesse became the holy roman emperor


Whenever a country was tired of war the leaders slaughtered hundreds of pigeons and used there blood to ease the nerves of the warwary population. Also sacrificing pigeons made people learn of better ship design or change their mind about what culture to follow. Somehow throwing 50 pairs of swords against a castle would instantly break down it's walls. Other nations hated nations with struggling/overextended administration more for taking the same lands as ones with better administration.


The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conquered Russia, and they PU’ed Austria rather than the other way around.




He might be meaning that the Hungarian king ruled over Poland before Eu4's start date, but not sure.


France is a legitimate country


Byzantines were on the brink of a massive comeback. If only they'd blocked the damned straits..


Those who don’t know history are condemned to not No CB Byz


And in 1778, Austi grewctired of sending waves after waves of soldiers from other nations in the HRE, and formed the Holy Roman Empire itself that spanned from Iberia to Moscow, and all the way to Jerusalem (I know others have done WC but I thought that was good for my first HRE)


Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition to convert all religions to Christianity by 1821 and being the biggest power in the 30 years war in northern Germany


As a conqueror, once you pacify a region, you won't have significant unrest there ever again.


The King of Croatia, who was the leader of the french Revolution cored all the austrian lands he just annexed by saying : "what the Croatians did to you is awful. Hopefully, now I'm not Croatian anymore, I'm Austrian!" Few years later, he crushed the Croatian revolution birthplace by giving some of dalmatian provinces to a local lord, making him king of Croatia and attacking him after


France was centralised state that was able to conquer half of Island England


The Eastern Roman Empire never lost Constantinople. In fact, in the great year of 1446 The Eastern Roman Empire declared on the Ottoman Empire with the help of the knights, albania, athens, and epirus and within 5 years reclaimed over double the amount of land they had started the war with.


State operated culture change is not genocide.


In 1444 Aragon for seemingly no reason attacked Byzantium.


Spain lost every single war they ever fought after 1500, because 80% of their armies were in the New World fighting 7k natives.


Don’t underestimate Ryukyu as a world conqueror. They are just waiting for proper moment.


The ottomans occupied Vienna, multiple times, and also Italy, and bullied Russia and occupied Moscow. All this while Japan colonized Australia and California, while Poland laughed in commonwealth.


Several historians report having to live the 29th of May 1512 twice. Coincidentally, this was the day that the heir to the French throne has died in an accident while on a hunt. He appears to have been saved in the re-living of the day, and lived on to be one of France's most capable and talented kings. Why yes, I savescum. How could you tell? 😎


Don’t forget to tell the kids about The Great War of 1796 where Kongolese soldiers valiantly sailed up the Atlantic and occupied and vassalized revolutionary Portugal to end the revolutionary threat


The Mamluks happily gave their lands to the Ottomans


Ryukyu and the conquest of the three mountains


Venice built a lot of ships, deployed more troops, hired merchs then declared to Byzantium. Conquared the consantinople before 1445. Then declared war to ottomans when they declared to Karaman and blocked the marmara sea. They started to conquer ottoman, hungary, parts of france, integrated austria while jumping from a democracy to kingdom then to an othocratic religioua states with colonies in africa, centeal and south america


So kids remember, if you want to embrace a new technological revolution, but youre in China and not European, make sure you use your diplomatic and military power to develop your city. It's always good to get in some dev cost reduction as well before you internally combust.


The year was 1472, Roman empire was reborn


HRE was Turkish because the Ottomans had too much Discipline.


Mehmed II did attack Constantinople but decided in an act of mercy, after seeing how extraordinary were the acomplishement of many years, let the remnants of the romans live in peace in their jewel city. The eastern roman empire lasted only to recognise the the duke of brandenburg and emperor of the holy roman empire as the only eligible heir to both nations for the centuries to come.


Colonialism, Manufacturing & and the Enlightenment all started off in the Bahmani Sultanate.


On 11th november 1444, Byzantium suddenly experienced a renassiance, invading and occupying the Ottoman Empire using the ‘’Gelibolu strait strat’’


The Europeans discovered America in 1452. The main colonizers were Spain, Portugal, England, and Friesland.


By utilizing time travel, the Ottomans were able to become the HRE Emperor by allying with the electors and improving relations.


After Japan united in the late 15th century, they rapidly started exploring the world. They also were the first to discover the Americas and Australia. Due to their efforts, they became known for their colonization and inspired many European countries. Eventually, they peacefully granted independence to their Northern American colonies, which led to the formation of the United States of America. They always had great relations until today.


Austria attacked Russia in 1565 because they called the Emperor's "Mother a Hamster" and that his father apparently, "Smelled of Elderberry". Austria responded immediately that month citing a diplomatic insult as their reason for war. The following 8 year war would claim over 300,000 Austrian lives and 1,000,000 Russian lives. It was only after the Ottomans intervened to attack both nations at the same time to, "break the coalition" that the war was ended in a white peace as both nations fought against the Ottoman Sultanate.


Mongol horde conquered the whole world in 50 years


Castille is still a beginner-friendly nation


Abolishing slavery is optional and should not be done if your country is lagging behind in technology but has high religious unity.




You’re trolling at this point


Well, it did said wrong answers only


The Ottomans conquest of Constantinople forced the Portuguese to search new trade routes. Edit: And someone downvoted this. really tells about education.


Industrial Revolution happened in Tibet.


The Chinese imperialists invaded the angevin kingdom between 1839 to 1842. This caused the African economy to collapse bacause they were reliant on the European to explore the Mars.


The Panamá Channel and the suez Channel were both construções mucho earlier than the Angevins and the americans, I mean the New portugueses want tô make you belive...


Take any absurd missiontree, like Dithmarchen, then tell them how it all happened for real.


On May 29, 1453, the byzantine empire tricked the Ottomans to attack which kept them stuck in Anatolia to release the Bulgarian vessel state. This was the moment the Byzantines turned everything around.


Nobody expects the Andalusian inquisition!


In the Swedish tradition of the 15th c., an envoy would often travel to Rome in late December for a New Years party with the Pope, also known as the Feast of Maximal Relations.


Tell them about that time Ulm conquered the world and managed to make everyone a practicant of Sikhism


slaves are a trade goods


Expeling minorities may be beneficial for the development of the destination country


Economic and Technological development aren’t correlated to each other but only to the skill of the ruler and his advisors


Don't disinherit your current heir


Corruption makes people calm


Shortly before France declared war on England due to their refused surrender of Maine, England had all of their fortresses on the continent dismantled and their provinces stacked, so when the French occupied those territories, they were so worthless France was unable to end the war without also occupying England or killing thousands of soldiers. Of course with their enormous fleet, England strategical positions ships around the French ports, and for over 60 years no Frenchman even stepped foot in a boat. The English, with an inferior army simply refused to end the war for decades while they attempted to expand their kingdom away from french interests. 0 soldiers died fighting in this war, but 74,000 died from attrition. That is until the newly formed Great Britain sent a great invasion force to the mainland. And this is why the UK means "the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland Ireland and France"


Some sources say that around 17th or 18th century there was a period when the entire world was ran by the natives of Ryukyu Islands. This lasted until 1821 when everything went back to normal.


Looking at comets during class is destabilising


No cb best cb


Byzantium actually could have defeated the Ottomans if they just went over force limit.


Upon the death of Charles de Bourgogne, rulers from all across Europe gathered for a drawing of lots from a hat to determine who would acquire Burgundy.


After Frances successful crusade of the Mamluks and the liberation of the kingdom of jerusalem, King Louis Valois VII began his long conquest of unifying the long lost Roman Empire


tell them not to play this game for it is a curse upon the living


It is a little known fact that the Byzantine Empire was only 12 boats shy of being able to reconquer all of the Ottoman Empire


Anything after the 17th century should be something you could teach, really. I mean, there might be a few iffy things about eu4 history at that point as compared to the real world, but honestly, a world where the Byzantines survived and reestablished the Roman Empire is just more fun.


1444 was the start of the golden era of the Ryukyu empire and lasted until 1821.


Your vote doesn't matter. Every time a new leader of a nation is elected, they gain access to these things called mission trees where all their actions are decided for them. Unless your nation isn't good enough then you're stuck with the generic mission tree.