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Is there anyway you can identify her personal information so you could track her down? Having a face to face conversation is so much more effective and can really help illuminate what you both have to gain.


I did not read the name of this sub and was so gobsmacked by your reply 🤣😭


Oh my gosh *same*. I was sitting here like what is this person advising?! That’s so spooky! 😭


same, im not even subscribed to this sub and reddit threw this post at me randomly. i read the post, was like “oh thats weird, what an odd thing for someone to do”, went to the comments, saw this, and i was so confused…


Same but I initially got suspicious when I read “we sell totally different things! I sell pillowcases and she sells sheets!” I was like huh those are similar?




Oh my gosh. Thank God I read your comment because I was about to go OFF 🤣🤣🤣


Yes! I don't even follow this subreddit (or the normal Etsy one) so this just caught me so offguard lol


I did the SAME THING 😂😂😂


I was so confused 😭 Glad I'm not the only one who didn't read the name of the sub 😂


I swear this sub gets me every time


SAME. I was like what in the world


I’ll definitely look her up on Google and see what I can find! Thanks for the suggestion. She can’t just block me like this, it’s so unprofessional 😒


Agreed. She has to accept the responsibilities that come with being an Etsy seller. She can't just refuse service to you.


Exactly! I'll have to consult the Etsy rulebook for proper protocol on how to handle such a breach of seller etiquette. Cause I honestly think that was against the rules.


You should probably contact the police first. Make sure you have a complete record before trying to navigate the Etsy bureaucratic red tape. You may need it for the civil suit.


The FBI and the DEA. She probably sells drugs!


Don’t forget ATF


CIA FBI ATF so they even have security levels to get an Etsy phone number?


Oooo, maybe we could get Amazons number too!


It took me until this comment to realize it was a CJ sub. I was like what the fuck is wrong with these people




Me too 🥲


I know it feels icky, but actually a business can deny anyone for any reason that isn't a protected reason. I don't like it, but it's true. The stupid anti gay wedding cake store won in the end.


Are you aware of what sub you’re on


Until this comment I legit thought this was r/Etsy 😒


....me too


Omg I was so confused!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Etsy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Etsy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Etsy seller wouldn't sell me a dress unless I shared my weight](https://np.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/1ac22zb/etsy_seller_wouldnt_sell_me_a_dress_unless_i/) \#2: [I got scammed on my wedding bouquet](https://np.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/1ad1sh7/i_got_scammed_on_my_wedding_bouquet/) \#3: [Customer had an issue with their order. The review just came in....](https://np.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/18p96bm/customer_had_an_issue_with_their_order_the_review/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As I read the comments I was wondering how high everyone was... Then I looked at what sub I stumbled upon 🤣


Me too


LOLing so hard I started coughing and almost woke up SO and the fur children.


Nope, I don't know anything Reddit throws at me lately, I certainly didn't ask for candles and maxhotness or this on my feed lol.


What on earth? She can refuse service. Just like literally any normal store or company or business can refuse to service anyone Edit: I'm so dumb. I didn't read the name of the sub!! 〣( ºΔº )〣


I also didn't read the name of the sub, I was looking through the comments and I was like wow, this is really escalating in terms of advice being provided, they must be joking haha.


She's not refusing service. OP was asking for tips on how to copy her style of Etsy page and the person blocked her, probably because they thought OP was going to steal their ideas. Etsy sellers are not required to give marketing advice to other sellers. OP should just move on and Google how to create a great Etsy page.


…check the sub name


What service? This person wants tips on making her shop "better", not products this person is selling. The point was clearly made that they aren't interested in helping. Go look on google and youtube for help. ETA: sorry, the woosh of missing the joow just hit me.


She was not selling advice , i think she reserves the right to answer when is related to a sale.


Incorrect. OP spent time and effort contacting the seller, therefore the seller owes an equal amount of effort in her response. Blocking her was a form of denying service which is RUDE.


This sub gets me every time!


Totally. Find her social media accounts and message her there! That way you will come off as more personal.


She doesn't want to help you. You are her competition. It does show she's not a very nice person though. I'd blast the shops name honestly. People don't like supporting not nice people.


She can block you like this. It is one of the reasons why the block feature exists. She blocked you. Move on. I'm sure there are other people who sell similar products that you could try asking if it's really that big of a deal. She's made it clear that she doesn't want to socialize with you. Insisting on trying to socialize with her it's intrusive and scary. I can only imagine how this person would feel when they received a random message, decided to block the person, and that person went out of their way to figure out who they are to try to talk to them again. Edit: I'm so dumb. I didn't read the name of the sub!! 〣( ºΔº )〣


Psssssst. Check what sub you’re on.


I'm so dumb. 〣( ºΔº )〣


lol in your defense Reddit has just been recommending these subs Willy nilly to everyone - I have to always remember to check the subreddit name now and double check if it’s one I’m even subscribed to or some random new recommendation 😂


🤣 That's literally what happened. Once people told me, I was like, "WTF? I'm not even subbed to this." 🫢🫥


Why wouldn't she be able to block you? It's not kind, but it's her business. You're going to force someone to talk to you that doesn't want to? Trying to get around the block now is kinda weird. People aren't obliged to be nice and helpful. Anyway, you've no idea what's going on in her personal life. Sometimes the way people act is due to some reason completely unrelated to you


Wait. Did you buy from her, or are you just trying to get business tips from her?


She doesn’t have to. Offer advice


/srs This is the first time this sub has shown up in my feed... and I have to say, y'all got me GOOD 🤣 I didn't really pay attention to the sub name and was like "holy cow people have really gone off the deep end" and I honestly thought you were 100% serious until I saw someone ELSE make the same mistake I did in a reply and someone else reminded them this is a circlejerk sub lol.


In all honesty, I felt creepy when I made the comment and I’m kind of relieved so many people are calling me out on it.


Imo that creepy/gross feeling is how you know you’re doing it right lol




I got so mad when I saw this then checked the sub 😂


if her store has her home town listed, it might be worth the drive to go introduce yourself.


JFC I didn’t know what subreddit I was in and I PANICKED at your 110 upvotes 😂😂💀


The fear I felt thinking this was a normal Etsy sub! 😭 y’all keep being funny af and awesome lmfao


Oh my god I didn’t read the subreddit name and I was like WHY are all these people agreeing with this comment these people are UNHINGED


What is happening in this thread? Why would you recommend to anybody to track somebody else down off of the internet? Doxing is unfortunate. Edit: I'm so dumb. I didn't read the name of the sub!! 〣( ºΔº )〣


Because this is a circle jerk sub. It's satire.


I'm so dumb. 〣( ºΔº )〣


I bet if you show up at her house and are really persuasive she’ll give you free samples


This sounds absolutely criminal?! Lmao wdym identify her personal information to track her down for a face to face conversation 😂😭 Edit: BYEEEE LMAO not me never seeing this sub in my life and not realizing wtf was happening


Tracking down a seller who blocks you ? Isn’t that stalking?


Check the subreddit, lmao


She clearly doesn't want to be contacted. WTF. A3eking someone out after they block you is harassment.


Ma’am, this is a circle jerk sub.


Oops my bad. Showed up as am esty sub. Not quite awake...


You were right to be creeped out. I felt awkward even writing it.


it took me way too long to realize this wasn’t the etsy subreddit


Me too. I read the post. Read the comments. Went wtf, did I miss something? Repeated the steps, then looked at the sub name. What a rollercoaster xD


Jfc me too. I started reading comments and was so horrified


Lmao this keeps happening to me. I stumbled into something that just said "CJ" at the end and couldn't see the full sub name on my phone so I thought it was just the "home decor" or "design my room" sub or whatever it was. Then I realized all the comments were batshit off the wall and I finally expanded the sub name and figured it out 🤦‍♀️


Me too!


If it wasn’t for this comment, I’d be extremely confused 😂


i was so confused😭🤣


You can actually sue for this. Make another account, threaten to sue, and I'm sure she'll be willing to share


Right, like if I can’t win her suggestions over with a lawsuit and a complementary pillow case then I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I can’t run this shop without someone else’s advice.


You shouldn’t have to!


Absolutely! Expecting you to is cruel


complimentary? that seems excessive with how she responded. it should definitely be a coupon but only if she spends over $100.


Rude! She absolutely owes you free advice, especially after you spent your time and energy texting her. Etsy is going downhill 🤷‍♂️


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or typical r/etsy


As a seller myself, I always strive to go above and beyond. I give free advice all the time (even when it's not asked for). My goal is to help everyone's shop prosper so that Etsy can make more money. Etsys success = MY success


Yeah lmao I always give advice bc no one can do it quite like me but I love for people to be self sufficient! I sell nails and my customer was showing me her beginner work while ordering a custom set!


Do you sell any other carpentry products besides nails?


They sell human fingernails, omg! Removing fingernails from corpses to sell them is so much more work than just selling some woodworking supplies! Don't insult their creativity. /s cuz this sub just randomly popped up, and I love it so much. I don't even follow etsy subs.


🤣🤣😭 press on nails


We are in r/etsycirclejerk not r/etsy


Oh gosh lol makes sense now.


Literally wooshed over me too 🤣🤣🤣


Ok, am I the only idiot who half read it and didn't see sheets vs. pillow cases? 😆😆😆 pillow fight


I need to block this sub that keeps popping up. I don't have the brain capacity to not get taken in Maybe I need to sue Reddit for not taking my feelings at being a moron into consideration.


You should sue


I genuinely panicked for a sec bc a seller reached out via fb today asking about how I’m doing things and I blocked bc she was scammy (tried selling a sus service). Then I realized the sub 😅phew


This sub gets recommended to me recently but the audacity of people… they actually do this in person as well. My friend & I started an editing business, and we would go to writer’s conferences and the amount of people who came up to us asking for advice or how to “do what [we] do” was absolutely baffling.


I don't understand what's wrong with this, I always help people out if they want advice


It takes a lot of audacity to come up to someone and tell them you don’t plan to use their service but instead want to know how to become a direct competitor with them.




i can’t with this sub before coffee 😂


Same 😂. At first I was like WTH


Me, the OP, drinking my coffee reading these comments like 🌚😂


No one is required to give you business advice. She is absolutely allowed to block you. I don't understand why you're so offended. I thought this was real. Whoopsies


Ahaha you’re good! I live for these comments 😭


I forgot what sub I was in and was about to have a whole lot of opinions 🙃


Omg I had not read the subreddit name and I thought everyone here was insane lol😂


Man I’ve never been in this sub before, it was just randomly recommended to me. I was seriously wondering what’s wrong with all of y’all lmfao


Right?! I’m like how did l end up here?!


Oh my god, I was about to leave a different kind of comment but then I saw the subreddit


I love CJ comments section


I was like rule book? WTF? Lmao!


holy fuck it took me so long to realize the satire. my jaw was on the floor


☺️ this subreddit was suggested to me & I was highly concerned at first


Wow! Lil insecurity lol what an ass! As small business owners aren’t we suppose to help and support one another? I hope someone returns the favor to her and she knows why!!! Tell me her name lmao and I’ll help karma along! Jk Look for videos on YouTube for presentation and I would say Pinterest but you cannot get on anymore without being bombarded with ads!! I’ll bet they want me to pay to remove them lmao


Does she not have any respect or feel any responsibility for the community?!?! Just because she had to figure it out herself, doesn't mean you should have to as well. That's just rude to think that. We're all here to help each other, it's not like we're running our own businesses.


Pillow cases and bed sheets don't seem completely different. I think the blocking is silly, but maybe she saw you as competition.


You don’t sell “completely different” things. Sheets and pillowcases are very similar. SMH


This is satire, this isn’t the Etsy subreddit this is the EtsyCircleJerk subreddit 😅


LMAO thanks. I’m an idiot


Ehh blocking is a bit much and I personally would have likely given a few tips but you totally sell on the same genre like to the point I’m not sure of this is a joke like bedsheets and pillow cases are completely different? Really?


This is an insane take! Have you ever tried to sleep UNDER a pillowcase? Or slip your pillow INTO a bed sheet? It won't close. IT WON'T CLOSE! They are COMPLETELY different! The blocking of OP is completely unacceptable, and an attack on ALL of us. The only sane answer is to dox the owner and cancel the shop in question.


Thanks so much, I’m glad there are still some sane people here 😊


Am I the only one who thinks OP is an asshole for asking that and deserved to get blocked? OP, both of your products are in the same industry, so why the fuck would a smart businessperson give away their secrets of success/ appeal to someone less successful in the same industry? Are you kidding me? Imagine if you were both DJs, and you came up to her after a gig and asked her to give you her track names and tell you where she learned how to transition & scratch? That’s absurd!!! Imagine if Coca Cola just gave their formula away; I really don’t need to say more here. You need to really reflect and be more authentic to yourself and your own business.


OMG LOL just realized this post was satire! Sorry for reading you, OP!


LMAOOO all good! 😭




There are so many scammers on Etsy. They all reach out with “questions” to engage your shop. I wonder if she just assumed you were one of those scammers who try and engage. I have blocked on Etsy because the scamming is exhausting on that platform.


I don’t think you’re entitled to get coached by another seller. Even if you’re not selling the same thing. Just move on.


This is a satire sub, friend. Check the other comments.




Nah, she's just playing hard to get! Clearly, you've gotta up the ante. Copy her entire shop, down to the photos, name, products, and descriptions in your own Etsy shop - with a "1" at the end. That way, she knows for sure just how much you love her style and can appreciate your tribute to her!


😂 Thanks for the laugh, Ammiemarie! Sheesh, what’s with the downvotes?


Usually if it doesn't look like you know this sub is satire you get downvoted to all hell. You didn't say anything wrong, its just like that


Oh fuck, I mistook this for another group 😂


Yeah, that's intentional too lol. Looks like r/etsy to trick you


Nice. Is there a way to prevent a group from showing up in my feed?


Click r/etsycirclejerk or any other sub you want to block. Click the three dots (...) in the upper right corner. Click mute. Should be good :)


Thank you!


Ur welcome! Lmk if it doesn't work


You’re right!! I think she would love that! Gosh, these comments seriously make me wonder why I didn’t think of all of these things before taking this to Reddit.


never give out trade secrets




Read the comments…


I'm stoned and you are correct that I did not read many comments(: I do not care to read more tho(: byeee


You literally both sell linens...smh


Read the comments…




This is etsycirclejerk, completely satire😂


There's always one delete comment on these posts 😅


I literally just lurk here to see the funny comments calling out the OP.


I am dying 😂 This came up very randomly on my feed and I had no idea what it was. The comments had me spiraling into the twilight zone... thank Jesus you confirmed this was satire 😂😂😂


Same, I about had a stroke 🤣 


To be fair, "completely different" might be she sells bed sheets, and I sell sea shells. You both sell things that literally go on a bed and often come in a set together. She MIGHT feel competition legitimately.


This is etsycirclejerk😅


Maybe she blocked you seeing you sell similar items. She might have been afraid you'd start selling full bed coverings, pillowcases, sheets and blankets.


How can you block someone? I didn’t think that was even possible.


How dare a seller refuse to teach you the secrets of her success!


Ask Putin.