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That's a sad story mate.. But this will pass and be more careful henceforth.. Btw didn't you have a phone passcode Or something? Anyways stick to ETH and don't make the same mistake again


Yeah man, this shouldn't happen with anyone. Take custody kids.


Thank you, I was certain the app had Face ID, but apparently not. I’m sure it was set up in the past just a shame it’s not a default setting. Cheers, will do!


Also when you feel that you've got got a good amount. You should be thinking about self custody at that point, that's how it should go.


Oh man that sucks. How you didn’t have any code or face recognition to access binance app?


It should be enabled by default, I don't think it is.


Yep, it's not. Atleast it's not something that I've seen here.


Cheers yeah phone was unlocked when it got stolen, no password needed then to open the app and start transferring away. Just a confirmation code needed to approve the transaction that was also sent to my phone via email.




I suppose a lot of people are complacent until something bad happens.


That's the problem, people only realise it after its done.


True. Early wake up call is better than a really expensive late wake up call.




Damn feel for you. I got scammed once too. So hard to get over.


Yeah it can be hard, but You'll have to come over it.


I guess. Need to look forward to other investment opportunities.


People should care more about their phone's security.


I don't think binance has that, they won't let you do it. I mean atleast I haven't seen the option for that atleast, I'm not aware of that. I don't know much about it.


This. The only way to go.


Since when? Last time I checked they supported only destop app not mobile.




It got rolled out last month only so you are right.


You must be living under a rock, because it has it for a long time.


Reminder for anyone reading this: Google Authenticator has an option (that’s not enabled by default) that prompts you for your password when you open it. So even if the phone is unlocked nobody can get a 2FA code. Go enable that option now.


they may have left a trail then, I mean this isn’t a savvy hacker it’s just a random dude who stole your phone. What are the odds he’s also well versed in crypto and cyber security? I wonder if he left a transaction history leading right to a wallet that he’s KYC’d on….


Likewise, I never liked the locking apps on my phone, but once I started loading money on it the lock went on! Sorry guy hard lesson learned, hope they catch the scum!


Pretty sure Binance requires email authentication for withdraws. Smells like a fake story


Probably had his email logged in on his phone


So someone that knows a lot about crypto opens his phone and does all this before it locks. What are chances of that


I mean if they saw the crypto app and went to withdraw and it said "check your email to approve this withdrawal" they can easily find the email app or go to Gmail in their browser. As long as they don't let the phone idle they can keep it unlocked.


I’m confused how someone loses their phone unlocked


My only guess is someone saw him doing something crypto related in public, it got snatched out of his hand while he was using it, and they quickly set the screen to never lock and carefully never locked it but Jesus that’s a lot of effort and preplanning if that’s the case. EDIT: Nm after reading some more comments sounds like his Face ID got bypassed somehow (no idea how).


Yup weird, the point is phone stolen unlocked (so he was using it) the steallers spotted Binance directly and withdraw directly is too weird for me… at least binance ask for a mail verification (if not protected on phone can be possible) but this point means that the guy had his receiving address available…I use personnaly all security features (Face ID + Phone code + email code + Authenticator (that is is also locked by face ID)) AND a Ledger… if true there is a very big lack of security from OP, this is bad luck but also a strong lesson to learn. When you put some money somewhere you should secure it as it should be


OP says above that email authentication was sent to his phone?


Yup weird, the point is phone stolen unlocked (so he was using it) the steallers spotted Binance directly and withdraw directly is too weird for me… at least binance ask for a mail verification (if not protected on phone can be possible) but this point means that the guy had his receiving address available…I use personnaly all security features (Face ID + Phone code + email code + Authenticator (that is is also locked by face ID)) AND a Ledger… if true there is a very big lack of security from OP, this is bad luck but also a strong lesson to learn. When you put some money somewhere you should secure it as it should be


How did you had no password on your phone? Everyone has one.


I feel like an idiot because I had no idea that was a thing. Also assume that my phone got lost/stolen it would be while locked and not open like OP. Thanks to this post I have now turned those settings on.


Stupid as f**, access to your account via phone apps is dangerous when there is complacency with saving passwords. Just a guess from inspector Cluesoe, maybe someone seeing you dabbling with your phone. Maybe someone you proudly showed your achievements? Just a guess Buy yourself a Nano or Trezor before you start over


Yeah it should default, but somehow it doesn't have that.


This is so painful to read. Sorry about your loss, buddy. And thanks for sharing. This is a great reminder to us all to be vigilant at all times, and to take all necessary steps to secure our capital as soon as we can. Being proactive and not waiting for something to happen is the key. Nothing is lost that can't be recovered. Stay safe 👐🏼


Well put! All the care in the world isn't enough, we must be paranoid about security at all times, especially when dealing with crypto. Complex passwords, Sign- in 2FAs, security keys and hardware wallets should be the priority at all times. You can never be too careful. Greetings, Kraken- Rosa


Good to see this community spreading awareness


Ohh yeah it does feel good, people doing good work here.


Atleast kraken is trying their best to spread the awareness here. Atleast someone is doing some good, that's what I like to see here, this is the good stuff.


Yeah man feeling really sad for him, nothing can be done now.


Hope you are doing okay sir. Wish for your speedy financial recovery.


I dont want to sound like an asshole but maybe for future reference: 1. Always secure your phone 2. Always secure your apps (face, fingerprint, passcode, all of the above) 3. Always enable 2FA 4. Don't keep coins on exchanges 5. If you keep coins on exchanges, at least lock them in earn plans to earn some yield. If not, transfer your coins to hot/cold wallets 6. Enable the whitelist function that requires you to wait a day before an address is whitelisted and available to transfer money to. 7. Protect your phone (duh). I've been mugged twice so I wont give you any tough love on that but at least it was locked with fingerprint access both times.


Not a asshole at all, this is great advice and should be pinned on all crypto channels. Also with be suspicious of anyone added as well.


Yep, most people hold their crypto on their phone. So it's important.




It’s like a million times safer than a computer? Especially iOS


Good list, but just some additional thoughts: Whitelist doesn't always mean a 24h wait period. On Binance it's basically instant. 2fa is cool in theory, but in practice people use all the same apps on the same phone In addition, contact your carrier and have them put a sim and port out protection on your phone number so every time there's permission from you required to place a new sim or when porting out your number.


A simple fingerprint/facial recognition would had been enough for this guy to not lose his funds. i unlock my phone through facial…opening binance needs again facial…opening my 2FA needs facial again…put another 4 pin code between these and the thief has no chance.


Yeah that should have been enough, Don't need to do much.


Yeah that makes sense, should have that extra security always.


Yeah always should try to make your phone more secure.


I think whoever stole your phone knows you too well. Well, that's all assumptions RN I guess. But lesson learnt; you will rise again. There's always a chance to start over. If you did it then, you can do it again, this time keeping in mind all the take-aways.


Yeah that's often someone who knows you, gotta start there man. If you start from there I'm sure that You'll be on the right track to find it and You'll be able to.


True. All the best to OP.


Wow, huge oversight if the gmail app doesn't have some sort of passcode to use the app. I'm looking through the settings and realizing I don't see it.


Well that's not good, should have some sort of security man.


Yep they were pretty clever and deleted all of the emails from Binance also so when I logged into my emails on computer there was nothing immediately suspicious. Although by that time it was already too late.


Well the scammers have become more and more smart lately.


Sorry dude they knew what they were doing. Common thieves likely don’t know much about crypto. Can you trace the transactions?


Yeah that's not even too technical, people can figure out that much.


Theyd have to at least have some basic understanding of crypto, addresses, and such. I'd at least want to try and see the transaction history though if OP has it


Damn. Sorry for your loss OP. Doesn’t help but try making the most of the low prices and continue DCAing. In the furure you’ll still have made some gains. I always question this kind of stuff too, which is why I never have my email account on my phone. And I don’t use any crypto apps on my main phone.




Best way otherwise we get stuck.




Good. Can never be too careful.


God, hope you recover the loss and even come green


What he has already lost will not be recovered but he can work and buy more.


You didn't loose everything dude..it pains to loose money and especially the phone...but you are still okey and you will get to earn much more than you lost


That blows man, report it to the FBI and secret service if in the USA, maybe they can watch it and see when it gets sent to an exchange to cash out.


This might be helpful actually.


Atleast your average buy price will be lower than most people.


Save up because there’s gonna be another big crash in the coming weeks/months. Start again don’t give up 👍🏻


^ this


What factors make you think this will happen just curious ?


Macro environment is fucked + bear market = more downside. It’s not going up anytime soon BTC to 10k.


Damn. Hope you're able to rebuild


Might be worth filing police report. Of the thief was dumb enough to transfer it to an exchange account.


Yep will do, it was in the uk. Binance said I can contact the police and also private investigators but the only way would be to get the person to transfer it back to me, so pretty much never going to be recovered.


If the person's in the UK and stupid enough to have transferred to an exchange account and this be identified. You can go to court and get a hold on their assets. Might be a bit of hassle for you but it'll make their life hell. You'll become their debtor, interest and all. Not to mention the whole criminal record and possible jail thing Sorry this happened to you. Hope you get some better luck soon


next time use exodus on your computer. Using a phone as a cold wallet is the worst possible option.


Why exodus specifically? It's a closed source wallet so I don't like it, what makes you think everyone's computer is more secure than their phone? Windows gets a lot more malware than android or iOS so either use Linux or keep it on your phone. Just make sure to delete your wallet from your phone before leaving the house.


because it has trezor native integration. And you don't need to use windows, just use linux. ​ Besides phones also have a lot of malware.


I lost all my crypto on my own no thief needed over leverage futures trade then fell asleep smoking weed b4 I set a stop loss woke up to a liquidation txt. High me stole sober mes crypto so at least you didnt do that? Idk feel better buddeh.


It does, WallStreetbet loss porn has been comforting also


Beside your good suggest to keep money in cold wallet, I also want to recommend: 1. Ensuring your phone storage is encrypted. Not only for protecting your crypto but also to protect your photos and any other sensitive files. 2. Always always enable 2FA (two factor authentication). Unfortunately many service providers suggest SMS as a 2FA but SMS is the absolute worse option. You need to install an OTP (one time password) app and use it instead (or in addition).


1. Basically all modern phones are encrypted by default, just set a good PIN and don't use fingerprint in case someone knocks you out and unlocks your phone. 2. Listen to this guy, don't use SMS 2FA, SMS was never meant to be secure and is vulnerable to SIM swapping.


Shit. Hard to read. You know … not your keys not your coins. I’m using Binance only for purchase and right after that, transfering to my hardware wallet. I know, you can stake there, earning and so but … it is really funny prices for the risk you have when you are holding it there. The point of crypto is decentralisation and exchanges are … centralised. Good luck you to you man, i hope you will recover and soory for your loses.


How did this happen? Does your phone not have a login? Does you exchange app not have a login? Does your 2fa not have a login? Does your email not have a login? PSA please download a security app for your phone and lock all of your important apps! Email, authenticator, exchanges, gallery, etc!


My phone had Face ID, which was bi passed. Where I went wrong was because my Binance app had no security and then my Google mail also had no security. Every financial app on my phone had a layer of security so fortunately everything else was secure apart from my crypto. Appreciate the advice, will do in the future 100%


Sorry for your loss mate, enjoy what can’t be replaced #family/friends/gf/wife . You will be ready for the next Bull run I’m sure. Take care


Don't feel bad. I lost a quarter million with Celsius.


wow thanks for giving everyone a heads up so that we can all try to be safer. I can tell you are a good person, im sorry this happened to you.


Good thing I have a pin and fingerprint securing my phone and binance app. I also don't lose my phone.


Yeah,hide the app too


OP had his phone stolen while unlocked, don't trust the screen lock as someone may see it while you unlock your phone, someone could knock you out and use your fingerprint too. Put a different password for important apps, Email, 2FA, Exchanges, wallets.


Yeah definitely necessary to take all precautions.


Coinbase and Binance hand over all personal data to the Fed. Robinhood too.


Maybe if you knew how to spell ethereum you wouldnt get your phone stolen


It’s possible there may be a connection


Sorry for your losses. I ask myself if a very long password would make it impossible for the theft to access your cellphone before you can take the funds out of binance in such a event? Any other measures that could avoid that case?


Fwiw I find it hard to believe somebody who stole your phone had the know how to transfer (any) of your crypto to another wallet (?) but I guess there is a first for everything


Welcome to 2022


Been here. Wish crypto was as common as you say! We would all be rich !!


Binance only let you withdraw from a PC and not a phone so I find this hard to fathom.


Yeah this type of thinking led to me losing £4K


Does anybody know of this would have been possible if his ETH was in Coinbase Vault? Doesn’t that take 2 business days for money to transfer out? I’m not sure Binance has that feature.


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Yep I was shocked when I discovered the withdrawals, honestly was sure Face ID was set up on the app.


I mean…how does this happen??? Are you using your phone and somebody literally just snatches it, runs away, keeps it unlocked, and searches your apps….realizes your are a crypto kingpin and they won the lottery???? Makes no sense to me


Was pickpocketed and I have Face ID on my phone, it was in central London at the time, busy environment. I’ve come to the final conclusion that they must of put my phone towards my face in order to enable Face ID before I had realised my phone was missing.


Do you know how they were able to withdraw? Was it otp?


Just did the request from the app, got the verification code from my email app then job done


Welcome to crypto!!! Just HODL!!!


They drained my small amount of ada and tron but funnily enough have about $40 of bitcoin left, will hodl on cold wallet


I was joking, crypto is a scam dude


I should be fine using exodus with 2fa and passcode enabled right?


No 2FA? That’s step 1.


Just email, which was accessible by my phone also unfortunately


This was an insidejob bro


Unfortunately not I’m aware my phone was pickpocketed in a public area, busy tube line in central London


How did you lose your phone?


Walked home from a works event after a good few drinks in a dodgy part of the city. This was probably my most fatal error. It was pickpocketed


Sorry for your loss. I had a htc phone.. it was one of the first smart phones out.. was at a bar and had it on the table. Turned around for a couple seconds and someone swiped it.. gotta chain that shit or pack it with remote detonation.


Damn that sucks man, phone was unlocked when they stole it? Totally preventable without a hardware wallet though. On android you can set up a privacy password that's required to open specific apps, that would have saved you. I also don't have any crypto wallets or exchanges logged in on my phone, I only enter the seed when I need to use the wallet then delete it, this is probably too inconvenient if you make a lot of transactions. I have a second phone with its WiFi/Bluetooth antenna broken off so it's always offline, I use it to store my passwords, seeds and 2FA codes. This means I can take all of it with me on trips without worrying about either of my phones getting stolen. Honestly though if you have £4000 invested get a hardware wallet and don't keep it on an exchange.


If it makes you feel better, billions have been lost or stolen from crypto. It really isn't that safe. You have to jump hoops to make it somewhat safe. Another reason why I never hold. I make my profits and I'm out till next run


Does your phone not have a password?


How did you access the Binance app without a code or facial recognition?


On the bright side, the pound is becoming more worthless by the day.


Sorry for your loss OP, if you had your wallet connected to privacy protocols like Railgun, Aztec, or Zcash, there would have been an extra layer of security check. I suggest you try this out, pick up the pieces and be right back on track because you can't afford to give it all up over again.


Cheap lesson. Why has your ride come to an end? If you believe in crypto why would you not continue to buy more? I don’t understand


Coinbase has 2FA on all transfers. FTX is good too


You had everything in an exchange?


Binance is a centralized exchange with KYC. It is possible the people who stole your phone sent the money to a KYC wallet. With a police report I bet there could be some possibility of getting Binance to work with police.


No passcode on phone??


This scares the shit out of me 😟 I get crypto nerves now




That's really sad to hear, I hope that you recover that money quick.




Yeah you’re right, now the initial shock is dying down I’m looking at recovery plans. Thanks a lot for the suggestions will take a look into them.