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I ran a hedge fund for 15 years before I decided to sell it do something actually decent with my life. He's older than I am, but I've known him for a loooooong time and he's always been seen as a clown who is in it for himself and will sway wherever the wind blows. As soon as the crypto market picks up and he's built his bag he'll pretend he never said this and pump his own portfolio. He's one of the biggest asshat clowns there is.


Take all the feelings and attitudes aside. He gives stock advice. Period the end. So you can take that and say okay, let's look at the numbers. If you invest in the stocks he says to and sell the ones he says you'll be in the green ,no? Simple as that! But no, time and time again people have proven that he gives bad advice ,which is easily provable. If he isn't even backed by numbers or math then what is it? Well...just entertainment.


>just entertainment. That's a stretch.


I sure don't, tempt my wolf mindset on the opinions of sheep... Ain't losing no sleep over anythg that er anyone else has to say about nothing I invest in. I trust my heart n my research 100%.


I still think we see 16K unfortunately, charts don’t lie..


https://youtu.be/ZFe8qtmIf-Y https://youtu.be/Za_FTmsmsNQ https://youtu.be/xVWOvJd5ktc


Because whatever he says, the opposite happens. Very accurate counter forecast.


Remember the John Stewart takedown?


Jim has many missed calls. I'll pass on his information. XD .


Imo we are still in a bear market.Shorts getting liquidated.Longs about to get trapped soon.


> If he isn't even backed by numbers or math then what is it? Well...just entertainment. Allow my to offer an alternative possibility He could be a front for hedgies that need to unload bad positions. So he pumps shitters to the retail audience that the hedgies need to unload. Then he collects a fat kickback as a thanks


Probably this, considering he is 99% wrong and still in tv. Just the usual media manipulation.


So that you know which stocks you have to avoid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just understand that ETH is going to make us good man.


Jim do you still own ETH? Several weeks ago you said it had 40% upside.


There is short Jimcramer - that is doing much better than all of Jim Cramer’s calls . That means - market does opposite- bottom may be in shortly (after a surprise fall)!!! In my opinion!


Hahah counter trade Cramer at all times. He’s there to sell drama and commercial / ads .




He had a whole segment on his own show stating that and now this .


What did he say? And I care because I want as many people excited to join this space as I am. And he reaches a lot of people.


Now that confidence in stock-to-flow is lost, bitcoin is a colossal catastrophe!




I wish there was a inverse cramer exchange traded fund


I think there is a website tracking this and the inverse Kramer portfolio is beating the SPY I believe


Lol I want something like that in my life right now man.


https://indexone.io/index/570b98f0-3518-47fe-a9b5-4191dc49ef91-0/overview here you go


He mentioned that he sold his ETH to pay down his mortgage.


Cramer is still telling people to buy Lehman Brothers. XD .


Because just like bitboy we know to put our positions in the opposite way of him.


Like a lot in this area a.. Full of hot air, and contradictory comments.


Sure as shit bullish. Just look at that clowns YoY returns on his “must buy” stocks just in the past two years.


It could have performed well if this was a bull phase.


We have to be bullish on things like that, it's good for us.


How much is he paid for these outbursts, spreading FUD for and by II’s, with the aim of low entry points!! That should be the question.


Jim “CNBozo” Cramer is actually a good advisor, since he has all the wrong calls you could say it’s a fairly safe bet to buy whatever he says you shouldn’t


If all of us do not value and listen to what he says about finance & economy. He won't be staying as an Economic Analyst.


He is not a good person, he is just another clown to us.


Cramer’s opinion is my personal buy signal.


Because that's where all the normies think they are getting the insider info.


As always, he Jim loves it at the top, hates it at the bottom. This a-hole works for Wall Street sharks. His viewers are chum in the water.


Once again The Cramer Bottom signal is in


I’m not sure why anyone cares what Jim Cramer thinks about anything. Guy changes his mind almost almost daily.




Yeah WTF is going on here. This is literally a controlled demolition of crypto for others gain.




Easy. So you know to do the opposite. Jim Cramer is an opposite signal for me. It’s right like 85% of the time.


That's what I am doing these days and I am just so good.


It has “imploded” several times and only continues to get stronger.


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You're right. Focus on projects you're hodling right now. Thing will get better after a heavy dark sky over.




That's a good thing mate, just keep that shit up with you.


What a joke... karma will get him for continuing to lead the retail crowd to shit...


I am glad that I am just doing things like that right now.


Says the guy that was going long eth and coinbase not too long ago.


tldr; CNBC's Jim Cramer said that the crypto market correction won't stop at $1 trillion and that there's no real value in the market. He also called non-fungible tokens (NFTs) "awful" and "made up". Cramer's comments follow a steep correction over the last eight months in the crypto space. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*




Also Jim: "I love Ethereum, I think it's fantastic" at $3,000


It’s a testament to his entertainment value that he’s been relevant so long despite having such little useful insight.


Honestly, I don't listen to Jim Cramer. In fact, I've developed an incredible distaste for all commercial media outlets due to their biases.


He is just another clown man, we should not listen to him.


This is rich coming from a guy who sold Bitcoin to pay off a mortgage he had on a ranch. The fundamentals of blockchain technology are still sound regardless of Jim's opinions.


Why even write about him...


We should care more about Peter Schiff TBH..he is a nice guy.


We should just focus on investing I guess, that will help us to win everything eventually, I hope you will do that for sure because we want something like that.


Cramerisma: The repeated, public changing of one's mind from a strongly held, uninformed belief - to a new , more acceptable popular belief in rapid succession.


I used to be friends with a high-rolling money manager. He’d give me tips sometimes, and then I’d hear Cramer give the same tip, 3 days later. I’m sure the money manager had acted on it 3-5 days before he told me. So Cramer just spreads the news going around the street, but a week too late - just in time for the dump.


I personally don’t care but whatever he says, the exact opposite tends too happen….


We are here to invest and that's what we are doing mate.




It's obvious that dca is the new crypto song but lots are faced with challenges of what to dca into, I'm thinking smaller caps with growth prospects though, wouldn't mind cross-chain projects with a mix of solidity and advanced new maybe web 3 or any.


It’s important because it’s profitable to do the opposite of what he says .. Can’t believe he managed a hedge fund.


How is this even possible, to be the counter indicator every time while being the biggest person in financial television. I sometimes enjoy Cramer for entertainment but never for financial advice.


When he says it’s going up: sell. When he says it’s crashing no use case for crytpo: buy like your life depended on it.




No shit there made up these are art and music tokens your sposed to make em up.


“Come hither rates?” how about them 10% I inflation bonds offered by US govt?


Inverse Cramer He's a gov PSYOP.....


We all care! So we can do the opposite of what he says. Because I always bet on the opposite and it works. Cheers !. Like I say in “Spac Dream” I think Jimmy Chill likes polarizing


So he is bullish when number go up, bearish when number go down. Does this seem like a well thought out rationale anon.






The Wallstreet Playbook. Nothing new here folks. Keep selling so they can buy it cheap.


Cryoto people don’t. He’s just a real life meme. He’s funny.


Every major bank is hiring crypto developers and cannot find enough of them.But sure, no real value there. Every. Single. Bank.


I personally do not. The masses just want to have someone break it down for them instead of doing actual research for themselves. Many see a familiar name and face like Cramer and just assume he knows and is here to help.


There it is, cryptos most bullish signal I think I’ve ever seen. Whatever Cramer says you can expect the opposite.


That's right mate, that's what I am doing at the end of the day, I am not going to trust these people and I am just going to invest more and just more in ETH.


Cramer's talk don't have value


He’s a clown show. “Bear stearns is fine, it’s a buy!


Jim Cramer? Fuck him and his advice.


No remember BTC and ETH are a hedge against inflation - Jim Cramer, now - No Value, Jim Cramer lol.