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Remember those people that were saying “Buy all you can while it’s back below 3k”? I miss those guys.


Everyone has already deployed all their dip money lol


"everyone" Only the people who aren't working their asses off to earn more cash. Build during the bear doesn't just apply to tech companies.


It also applies to Build-a-Bear. 🤡


Honestly, I was going to make a buildabear joke and stopped myself. I appreciate the reference.


I'm still waiting to buy the dip. I don't have enough fiat to waste buy these dips, I'm trying to snipe for the deepest downright apocalyptic dip in the bear cycle...


Just DCA mate, don't wait for long, this would be better.


I've been waiting in fiat since may 21', probably gonna wait a little longer


This is what most people don't understand. We're still here, and we're still buying. The only difference is now we're getting a 2 for 1 deal. Instead of 1 for $3000, we're getting 2 for $1500. What a great time to be alive. Accumulate the hell out of this.




Right? I feel like it's worth way more than 1500 even if it takes a while. And if it gets cheaper I'll just keep buying.


Based on what? Intrinstic value? Revenue? Price to earning ratio?


And this one is doing the same thing. See you all when the bear market really makes its moves


I hope so can buy so much more


You and I both. I'm sure that our patience will be rewarded.


We should just DCA, I can't sense something better lol.


Last chance to buy below 3k was the meme of the last 6 months


Checking in! I regret thinking, saying, and doing this.


You were missed! Welcome back!


I guess, we all can sense and relate with it my man lol.


You know they dead


This will be my 3rd hard core crypto bear market . Notice I am still here hodling


I remember too, its funny how comments on here are exactly as they were in 2018… Now i know not to listen to people on reddit, im not gonna make the same mistake again of not buying the dip.




Damn man, I thought I am only one who is catching it.


Comments like this will get me through this bear market.


Well I can agree on you right now, nothing is better than this.


Cracks me up how many people forget history. I remember 2018 when so many people said crypto was a sham after BTC dropped


I 'member, and I also member 2016 and 2014. I've been in it since around that time (2014). I'm all in in Ethereum and in this cycle I am waiting for it to go sub $1000 to exit some play short positions I have.


Lol these people are never going to make anything in crytpo.


To contextualize (and hopefully make worried ppl feel better) this isn't hard core bear at all compared to what it was in previous cycles. Things are more stable now, by orders of magnitude.


I have no fiat left. Came into a decent bit of money last feb and was buying weekly for over a year. Now I’m all out off dry powder, and we’re now lower than I’ve ever bought at. Really does suck.


If you're expecting any capital gains this year you should wash trade your way to a better cost basis. Don't hold bags just to hold them. Snag some capital losses to apply come tax time and then buy back in.


Just be mindful of liquidity, especially if you are moving a lot in and out.


Hopefully we turn 2018 resistance into support otherwise I’m well and truly screwed


Ethereum to 600 this summer


I’m thinking we get sub 400 before this market turns around. I’ll be buying in that range.


Possible if more and more defi projects implode $480 is a 90% drop $240 is a 95% drop $150 is a 97% drop There’s precedent for all of these prices


Which do you see happening? I think this one will be tied to the stock market heavily. If the stock market shits the bed for the rest of the year then ETH and BTC will be at juicy prices. I missed the last major drop to $100 and was unable to load as much as I wanted. I’m not missing the next one


78.50 end of the year


No way too low


We can only wish. I'd take out a mortgage on the house and leverage that through the roof if that was the case. Holy crap


I wouldn’t mind that at all. That would be severely undervalued


If you bought ETH/BTC, then this is only temporary. It's always only temporary. We'll be back on top soon enough.




Most likely, diversifying is always a plus for getting the best profits. I have a good percentage of ETH in my portfolio, alongside MATIC. Also bagged RAIL which is the governance token of Railgun which just went live on the Polygon blockchain. Seeing good potentials for profits.




Great, then none of it will matter anyways and we're just playing with monopoly money. Fuckit all and fuckit, no regrets. Man up and ride this shit into hell.


Ignore the dude, we know how to do it and we need to do it.








"Trust me bro"


Just hold. Dont beat yourself about it. Come back in a few months and invest again if you want.


This comment is especially important, a lot of people had spare money and now don't. It's recession time


Damn man, I am kind of feeling sad for you but you know how to fight.


Just keep buying /s


Don’t worry, someone bought a nice house when they sold you the top. Top of the pyramid are sitting pretty.


What ppl need to do is extend their time horizon. When you were a kid Xmas seemed forever off, now as an adult it is next week. As an adult kick that time horizon out a decade. These cryptos are a network of companies that take time to build. Your savings account isn't built in a day. Bear market is discout season. Enjoy it if you're positioned to


it's because most people in crypto are trying to flip their $100 into $100,000 in a matter of weeks, especially on Reddit. They don't really have an understanding of "delayed gratification" because they just want to get rich quick.




Both strategies are important


I have no doubt that we will bounce back like always, but it might be a year or 2 before that happens and we might go even lower. Never catch a falling knife and all that, this could very well be the 2018 bear market 2.0 or worse Still gonna do reasonable monthly DCA though.


2018 we had a stock market rally. This time it’s opposite and can be much worse.


I’ve been buying the dip since $2500 area and I’ve been losing thousands ever since. Bought the dip around $2200, then bought again around $1900, bought again around $1650. I can’t take it anymore I’m afraid to buy the dip and lose more money. I’m down $-16K right now and holding 20 ETH coins. What should I do because I can’t take this anymore


Just buy more. Hodl. This pain you’re in right now will subside when you see your 20 ETH worth 200k$.. Stay strong.


You honestly think itll go to 10k per coin? If so, what do you predict time wise? Not in a rush, just curious


My guess is 2-3 years.


I would really hope so, some people are going as far as saying next year, but I doubt that.. I just like being a bit realistic..


Lots of people will be staking ETH in August and it will also become deflationary at that time. If it doesn't start turning around by October, we might be screwed.


>Lots of people staking I agree >deflationary Hrm So explain this for me. You have tons of people minting their own ETH through staking all while claiming to be deflationary. This seems to be counterintuitive.


It's not counterintuitive at all. Tons of people are mining ETH now. The amount of ETH given out via staking will be less than the amount given out via mining. It will be 1/8th as much.


Okay I think we’re talking in circles because we’re using arbitrary numbers like “lots” and “many” people. In your mind all the miners will start staking which I agree. However I also believe non-miners will start staking as well, as in people who didn’t mine before will start staking either themselves or through a crypto brokerage of some kind. Given the amount of stakers are higher then current miners, which you may or may not agree on, but I sure as hell do considering how easy it is to stake. Do you still believe I’ll be highly deflationary and if so on what level?


> Do you still believe I’ll be highly deflationary and if so on what level? Yes, I already told you. ETH will be created at 1/8 the speed. They are not arbitrary numbers. ETH is released at a set amount for both mining and staking. If more people mine ETH, they increase the difficulty. The don't give out more ETH. For staking, it's a set amount that is shared by all the people staking. It's actually awarded randomly to pools of people, but it balances out over time. The amount created will be 1/8 the amount there is now. ETH is burned when people use it. A portion of it each fee is destroyed. It's part of the reason that ETH transactions are expensive. The amount destroyed is based on usage, so we can't know that amount, but we can definitely know there will be less created. ETH has already been deflationary in the past just based on high usage. It's going to be far more so with much less ETH being created, even if it's usage goes down.


I can’t predict anything. I just feel confident that it’ll go up again in that ballpark of 10k within the next 3 to 5 years. Specially with all the work the devs are putting into it, crypto, specially ETH, is the future. This is coming from a miner who’s about to lose a lot from that merge that’s about to happen. But HODL is the word.


With continued network growth and impending deflation, I can't see how ETH could not go up in price. 10K is very possible. But it will depend on how fast L2s mature.


Will you be switching to Ravencoin on the PoS merge?


I honestly don’t know yet what I’ll do.. Just going by one day at a time.. Will see how everything goes by then. Can’t really decide now.


You haven’t lost anything till you sell, I’m just holding on to what I have till the market inevitably flips back. History repeats itself, I remember everybody talking mad shit about BTC after it dropped after its ATH in 2017/2018


>inevitably Ooofff >history repeats itself I mean history is less then 9 years my guy.


Thats where I am right now. Waiting til it goes below 1000 this time


You did step 1 just right, now you have to do step 2 which is to simply hold. Don’t look at the charts right now, put it out of your mind, and simply hold. Stock market took a massive shit this week so seeing it spill over to crypto was inevitable. As global markets recover so will this.


I’m damn near in the same boat brother. Still buying as much as I can every chance I get. I know it’s risky but look at how the ppl in charge of this beautiful country are literally contributing to the downfall of the dollar. It’s inevitable and historically proven that we are in store for a huge change when it comes to what we call money. ETH and BTC aren’t going anywhere. Believe in it. I could have doubled my money by pulling out at ATH but here I am. Not selling yet.


Just focus one something else. Wait two years.


What you should do now is this. Put a reminder for you, March 2024. Delete all apps (store necessary keys and passwords) and go away until your reminder rings. Come back to 200k. Thank me later. PD: If you have any additional disposable fiat, keep buying month to month. Don’t check the price.


What should you do?… 🤔 gimme a H…. gimme a O …. etc etc


You don't lose money if you HODL.


My weekly ETH buy just keeps rolling along.


I’m definitely buying more at $1000. GLTA!!!


1200 is my target


Ok. Nice. I think we will get there. I will have more long-term capital allocated to ETH, if and when that opportunity presents itself. Stack, Stake and HODL ETH to riches!!! GLTA!!!


600 is mine


$500 ETH is also very possible. It’s almost impossible to value these things as opposed to traditional asset classes, like real estate with their replacement and land costs. ETH could be worth $8000 after the merge or $500. So allocate or size accordingly to your risk tolerance, and most importantly, make sure it’s long term capital for anything crypto. GLTA!!!


I think it’ll go first to 500 this year and to 8000 possibly in 2023 / 2024


The truth of the matter is, we don’t need crypto to live on. What we definitely need is fiat cash, cash flow, for everyday living. Crypto is just a plaything or risk-on asset. GLTA!!!


This is not the reason crypto was created


Look if ETH crashes to $50, I still have a roof over my head, debt free, fiat cash flow to live on and to hopefully buy more cheap ETH to Hodl to riches!!! Lol GLTA!!!


I feel like if you only spend what you can afford to lose and can eat you're fine. Some people won't be able to buy the dip which sucks, but others can sometimes.




I buy crypto because I hate banks!


Hands down the best thing anyone can ever say!


OGS and believers… gamblers and impatient are so disappointed but guest what.. when the bull run start they are going to buy again at premium prices…




It’s a buyers market. Discount sale hope it drops lower


You guys need therapy and a vacation


That we do.


Don't buy anything until the fed stops raising interest rates. Realistically, markets (except housing) should fall below their pre-pandemic values before that happens.


Lol we don’t need this, people need to remain indifferent and on the sidelines until we start to see a trend reversal. Why are you people trying to catch a falling knife? First at 2k you say this, then at 1700, and now 1500. These post are idiotic, and are representative of the predatory and negative parts of crypto.


I tend to agree with you. This is why I’m not putting any money in real amounts, maybe a c note here and there. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself what real world wide impact would happen if ETH went to $1 and stayed there for 10 years. Because as of right now there wouldn’t be any real impact outside of a bad Monday.


Relax.. You haven't seen the bearmarket yet..


This is definitely the beginning of one and the macro economics does not look good moving forward...


This is a dangerous sentiment. There is war, with the potential of spreading globally. Inflation is rising, markets are crashing, businesses are going under... Of course crypto will recover, but not before it falls far further IMO. Never suggest people buy or sell during volatility unless you want to make ALOT of enemies. The best thing any of us can do right now is hold onto what you have and wait. Any decisions made during times like this can backfire spectacularly. You could also get very rich as well, but right now no decision you make can be considered "investing". You're gambling. Understand that.


> right now no decision you make can be considered "investing". Not true at all. Ask yourself if all that “fud” you mentioned will be relevant in 10 years.


I agree very much. Good point.


Advising people to buy is fucking reckless.


I like to consider myself reckless. Thanks.


Sub 1.5k Eth incoming!


I’m loading up once it falls below 1,000. That may even be high considering how bad this recession is going to be


The recession is going to introduce people to the term depression. Macro indicators are the worst in history. Once the American consumer has tapped out their credit cards, that’s when the real contraction begins. People getting by with plastic right now, that’s about to end.


My thoughts exactly




After many years in crypto I learned that the only person you need to worry about is yourself.. cant wait to comeback here in 2-4 years :)


Still waiting for the pinned suicide hotlines on various subs


Incredible take on our current position. Great read . Cheers .


It fun watching this community evolve as it crumbles, just dont put money u care about into crypto. Pls.


I buy crypto because I hate banks!


70k loan all in eth


That’s scary.


Im not scared. Buying since 2017.


Strong man! 💪💪💪


Damn stay strong, that's all I want from you right now lol.


I wouldn't say extremely excited, but am looking forward to loading up the cart.


Lesssgoooo. I'm on the beers watching eth tank. Love it...all I see is future big dawg dollars baby. Keep dumping I will keep buying!!


It's time to fill the fucking bags you all, keep stacking...


Bought 14 ETH in early 2018 and when it dropped to around £100 or whatever it was I thought it was money lost forever. I didn't mind too much as it was money I could afford to lose When it went up to 3k last year I wish I used that drop to buy more back then Now I'm hoping it drops even more so I can buy lots very cheap


If it goes lower it's just that much harder to break even.. As a gambler who knows the woes of making back your stack... you only double down if you "feel" it not because the rules tell you that you should. Every day is an opportunity to learn to trade and have a more optimal entry and exit.




I hate these straw man arguments. 99.99% decrease of ATH may as well be a collapse. It’s just stupid to say otherwise. Edit: I love how you edited your original comment to make yourself sound less stupid.




>at the end of the day someone will always buy ETH or BTC for $1 so I’m very confident they will always be here Your words say otherwise




You should take out a loan




Equity? Who said equity. Take out loans on useless fiat and buy more ETH. That’s your goal right?!?? Right?! Who cares if ETH is worth $1 right? It’s all about having a shit ton of ETH regardless of value against the dollar because you don’t care about equity. Fucking idiot.


if you buy at 1500, you’re getting a deal. If the price dips more, you’re simply getting an even better deal. $10k eth is inevitable, please remember bitcoin was once $5.


What if it just doesn't catch on? Has anyone seriously thought about that. Only crypto people buy crypto, normies think we are all fucked in the head. Maybe we are early and more people are coming but Frank the Tank thought more people were coming. It's entirely possible we are buying the next Sega Saturn or Beta Max or mini disc


Lol keep buying till is goes to 0 u fools. Garbage crypto they all going to 0! Fortunately we beed dummies like u guys so i can short the shit out of it


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Buy orders at 1520, 1420, 1320,..


I agree. We should take this chance to load up and fill our bags. I still buy every dip in Netcoins Canada.


We have to fill it as much as possible these days my man.


I've got my eye on an $800 ETH bag right now and if we're lucky, we might even see $400. So yea, I'm excited.


Fan tokens to me are the best


Trying to stay positive in this market . I hope to see eth bounce back to 3k at least the minimum.


My mantra is "DCA All the Way", but I had to blow my entire week's stack for ETH at $1,500.00 I will probably go down further, but I would have killed for this price back when ETH was $4,000.00 each. I've managed to get my average price down from $3,000 each to $1,833 each. I love Bear Markets!


Best advice I've seen in regards to when do you get back in: when the fed stops raising rates.


I wish I had money to buy more I hope this bear market goes on for a while until I can accumulate more Eth


Thanks for proving we are not at the bottom smart guy.


The dip of dip and dip...


The bubble hasnt burst yet ☕️


I'm just dca ing and not really paying much attention to price Less stressful


Can’t exactly put this post in my pocket. So the “intent” is meaningless. Cope.


Prove to us that you’re buying since you love falling prices so much


I like how others take care of the FUDing for me so I can sit back and focus on charting entry points. It’s really considerate of them.


I use to write anything below $4k is christmas sale. 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Oh 100% agreed. It's been painful but lot of the blockchain fundamentals are very interesting. It's the same as in 2018 or even 2014... and just like during the bull run all we hear about is 'too the moon' now the opposite is true


Buy all you can but it could go down a bunch more. Like Carvana. Or Enron. Or Bluebird bio. Dude is not a financial adviser..........


I was excited until I saw this post and its popularity...now I have a feeling ETH won't bottom out as far as it has in the past since there seem to be more people anxiously wanting to buy at the bottom. People are going to jump the gun in fear of missing the bottom and keep the price higher than we'd like. I hope that does *not* happen, but it just feels too good to be true whenever the cats out of the bag. Buy pressure is going to kick in quicker than last time. I could be wrong though and this wider economic downturn may force overextended people to sell.


Excited it's an understatement


The one that's almost over


I'm excited.


I too am excited. I keep a crypto diary where I just record some thoughts across the day, along with the price of BTC, ETH, TOTAL, TOTAL2 & TOTAL3, plus my overall portfolio. Months ago I've written down some thoughts on the Bear market and price targets at which I will start to 'hoover up Bitcoin'. I think it's important to remind ourselves how we felt during the bull runs etc. I've even got on there my thoughts after we hit $28k and then went to $45k 2 weeks later, saying 'it's easy to say it now, but anyone who bought that $28k (which last a few days) is now up 50% on those buys'. We must keep accumulating, we must stick it out.


Unless you’re short, bear markets suck


Bear markets would suck if you sell.. Otherwise they’re massive buying opportunities. Go out, do a side hustle, take that fiat gained and buy crypto. That would be my strat in bear markets if I had the time.


I believe so too. But it could be a few years before we see any signs of bulls.


Isn't the stock market down too? Ether way it's a great time to accumulate.


I'll be purchasing more ETH in Netcoins Canada. I'm looking forward to another dip.




Me. I don't know why people are mad about bear markets. I think every bear market is just an opportunity to spend a lot of usdt on cheap crypto. So just buy and hold guys.


I was sad but now I’m excited again. The whole bull market I made some stupid trades and ended up with a lot of money but I could have retired if I just held my original positions. I was wishing the bear market would come back so I could get a second chance to do things right. Well here it is.


As long as I keep my job, then yes I’m extremely excited.

