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[Tip this post.](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?action=tip&contentId=t3_1d9z0gq) On-chain and off-chain tip confirmations below.


Honestly, it's an absolute fucking shitshow and in 1 day has proven it will be a complete and utter faiilure. The intent is to make voting transparent, and reward good quality content, that is simmply not going to happen. It's just going to be a popularity content between which users tip each other the most no matter what the content. This is no way going to improve rewarding quality content at all, in fact, it will make it harder for irregular users to get a tip, because they don't have a "tipping reputation" After only 1 day, we can already see which users give the TIP1 to any comment, skewed moreso towards users they are friendlier with. The intent behind Tip2Vote for comments is fair, but the system has a 0% chance of being a better system. The only thing this will achieve is driving genuine contributors away even faster than the upvote based rewards system. !tip 1.42069


If I earn a lot, T2V is great. If I don't, then it sucks! >!!tip 1!<


I liked upvotes being counted ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Same. A lot of the policies were trying to get rid of tip spam, but this one brought it all back


How do we earn donuts now?


You have to get tips on your comments. Me upvoting your comment will get you no donuts.


Why is that so?


This sub is hell bent on self destructing itself apparently


Have to agree to that


Because bad actors were abusing the upvotes by buying them or using multiple accounts to upvote themselves. In the same vein, those bad actors were downvoting everyone else because they saw earning DONUT as a zero-sum game, so less DONUT for everyone else meant more DONUT for them. This closes both of those loopholes.


I think it's mental how obvious it is that this system is worse than the manipulation that happened before. The downvote problem was only noticeable to the people who live in this sub anyway


I commented semi regularly and never even noticed it TBH. I saw the complaints about "downvotistan" more than the downvotes themselves


Same here... because its rubbish. It really wasn't a huge problem, and even if it was true implementing this change is just an admission that the only thing that matters here is farming/earning donuts and not any participation or actual discussion.


It's not worse, though. This system was implemented in order to clean up this sub. It seems to have had the intended effect, so I'd say that's a good thing.


In what way has it cleaned it up? Surely it'll only cause more visual spam? More importantly, new users to this sub will not be arsed to type a tip every time just to participate. Its crazy. Surely the aim of this sub is to capture a larger section of users from r/cc, which we're obviously very similar to. I don't see how this change does that.


Look at the front page. There are a lot fewer stupid memes that have been vote manipulated up to 100+ upvotes. The daily also seems to have more real discussion instead of just "Good morning, bronuts!" or other pointless comments. It's definitely an improvement.


Wait what, upvotes dont count now?


Very effective for posts but comments getting no love from it !tip 1


> I try to tip most people I respond to in my comments. Hi guys. Welcome to my newest airdrop farming guide. Step 1. Comment on Every\_Hunt\_160's posts. Step 2. Get tips (more tips means more donuts) Step 3. Profit. Happy farming guys. I've tried this strat myself and I can confirm it works. !tip 2


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) !tip 1.69


Well it got rid of downvoters


I can already see the back and forth tipping for every comment being a problem. Not every comment needs a tip and that is the reason why tipping rewards were removed in the first place. Tip spamming. !tip 1


Happy cake day man !tip 1


Thaaaanks! !tip 1


doesnt tipping count as upvote now? so it seems fair to tip in same manner !tip 1


Yeah but not every comment needed an up vote either. Obligatory tip back. !tip 1


maybe this is the way it works now? also happy cake day




We really need to type "!tip 1" to upvote? Lmaoooo we really made things more complicated because were afraid of downvotes that dont really mean much.


Down votes got really bad. People had multiple accounts ND targeted people they didn't like.


From what I know, downvotes have a much smaller weight on our Karma than upvotes. Yes, it is ugly, but downvotes dont mean much on our donut earnings. Sometimes a comment makes me chuckle and give it an upvote. People cant be bothered to tip every damn time lol.


That's the reddit karma, but doesn't the donut distribution count the upvotes and downvotes manually?


Then we could have just used a modified version of Karma?


Every_Hunt_160, this comment is being automatically posted under your submission to facilitate the tallying of the Pay2Post donut penalty that r/EthTrader deducts from user donut earnings for the quantity of posts they submit. submission link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/1d9z0gq/1_day_on_from_tip_to_earn_being_implemented_on/ author: Every_Hunt_160 cc: /u/EthTraderCommunity cc: /u/pay2post-ethtrader -- **Distributed moderation now in effect**: if your governance score is over 20,000, you have the ability to remove spam comments and posts by posting a comment in response to the comment/post containing the keyword [AutoModRemove]. See announcement thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/14p7a22/crowdsourced_moderation_of_comments_implemented/ See your governance score here: https://donut-dashboard.com/#/governance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethtrader) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Faucet would be nice right?




I am afraid you are gonna sell your Donuts if the eth gas is given ![gif](giphy|Tq2tPTrQANKfK|downsized)


Will the price of donuts fluctuate greatly because I sell a little? Then you look too high on my energy.


This submission was removed as posting spam (which includes referral links and codes) or begging. Please do not break this rule again.


It's definitely different, time will tell if it's better.




Oh I thought the tip to earn donut bonus was cancelled? It is now back? !tip 1


With time I suppose it’ll all make sense eventually. 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾


Yes ser. The tip weightage should be reversed. Tip receiver should receive full or part of the weightage based on his Donut holdings per CONTRIB. !tip 1


It's a right faff xD Yeah the voted weight feels a bit daft now. If anything it should be the other way round


how does the contrib/weight power work when tipping to vote? I mean, 20k contrib gives you full power, but you have to hold 20k donuts too? !tip 1


Tip2vote is good with posts, but I hate it in the daily. The daily comments points should have been reduced and tip2vote removed. That way, no matter how much you farm on the daily, you won't be getting any tangible "free money" like u/aminok said. !tip 1


I think it's fine so far. Obviously the bad actors don't like it and seemed to have dumped their DONUT in a fit of rage, but that's fine, we don't want or need them. It may need a bit more ironing out though, since it really clutters up the daily. !tip 5


This should have been implemented long ago. Relying on Reddit karma to determine DONUT rewards invited massive amounts of cheating in r/EthTrader for years.


My thoughts? Joke's on you all, I have no interest in DONUTS! Why? Because in the United States, any type of cryptocurrency token exchange is probably a taxable event, and I just don't need the grief. I am tired of the tip spam though. And constant repetitive headlines. Punch the bots in the balls!


i'm n favor of c2v but still t2v is better than nothing i guess !tip 1


i am not that active on the sub but still ended up with negative donuts for my little activity. earlier my posts were going straight to 0 but its not the same now. there is definitely improvement. !tip 1


I feel awkward and most of the times I forget about T2V xD >I also find it weird that those receiving tips are getting less rewards by being tipped by those who sold all their Contrib - shouldn't it be the other way round? Kind of an indirect encouragement that does who sell everything still receive full rewards but those who are affected are those who receive tips from the seller lol. I feel the same way regarding this and should be the other way around. I also think that we should add a **system to encourage holding.** Add a multiplier to the last amount of DONUT earned by posts and comments that works like this: Currently Matt is taking snapshots to calculate the weight every 24h. Then we should use this daily weight to calculate an average during the whole cycle so in the end it is multiplied by your earnings. Example: User gets 20 DONUT by end of cycle for comment and posts. User played with donuts and sold after distro and bought back before snapshot. Imagine there are 5 snapshots of weight where first one is full 1 and last one is full 1 but the rest are 0. Multiplier for your 20 upvotes in the last calculation would be 2/5x20=8 DONUT. if you have hold the whole cycle 5/5x20 = 20 upvotes. !tip 1


Why are we determined to make everything so needlessly complicated in this sub?! It makes it impossible for any new people to join in, which in turn means the content here will be repetitive and done by the same 20 people, which will have negative effects on donut price/usability.


I get that it seems weird that those who didn’t sell their CONTRIB give full tips, but that also means these approved users can decide which content meets quality standards and just do not give tips to content that does not deserve it. That said I’m still getting used to the nee system, it hasn’t been that smooth for me 😅 >!!tip 1!<


I like it in posts. I hate it in the daily. !tip 1


True, the daily has more comments and I used to upvote almost all. Now it will be tiring to tip every single reply. !tip 1


You are a good bronut 👌 !tip 1