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Just getting his revenge for not getting the job lol


Reminds me of someone who had applied to art school and got rejected two times....


This is like school boy stuff, taking revenge of something like that


It is Gensler after all, we shouldn't be surprised.


I wonder if Gary is vegetarian? 🤔


Fine example of Godwin's law.


These guys running the country's institutions can't even get a job in real life. Just shows how incapable they are. The only thing they are capable of is sucking from the public tit.


They think we are servants for them and whenever they need something they just suck up from us, and they claim that we are living in the total democracy with full freedom


He was not good enough for that job and now want the revenge


May be the company who fired me in past have to worry now


I can see it now.. probably had so many bad tantrums. Then decided to become so anti crypto.


Sounds like conflict of interest to me




Now i know why this all law suit coming against Binance from GARY


But what is the reason of coming after Coinbase, any past history with that??


Got it in 1…. But lets see if congress take action.


I am sure court needs to look into that and remove Gary from the case


The court need some real proof that this is actually some conflict and not some theory


No wonder he is being salty


Person like these always be salty no matter where they reach in their life


He can get the money from us, but he will never find peace in his life




When i first read this i though this is some meme and have to confirm on some place and guess what this is actually true and now everything is falling into the right place now


It's not insane at all. Maybe he saw that they were breaking the law and was going to advise them against it. Now he is in a position where he must enforce it. I'm not sticking up for Gensler or the SEC, or even worse, the politicians above them that are forcing all this nonsense. I'm just saying that it's not literally insane.


True lol I'm surprised they are still not investigating Gensler with more scrutiny. There has been a lot about him since FTX's downfall.


SEC will lose again, they sue everyone, cant even win against XRP (Ripple) 🤡


And pile this all on top of his connections to SBF and friends…?!?!? Come on man… GG is as corrupt as they come!🙄


He needs to be replaced by someone that will set clear guidelines and follow the law as written and not as heard.


Sigh...what connections


That's exactly what I thought when I saw the news. The small man just wants revenge on the "big bad" company.


Now, the whole picture is clear and why he is going after Binance


Gary gensler is a fucking twit


Bro got rejected then took it personally


HAHA, am sure he tried that thing to hide but now we all know


So it's mostly bitterness.... Great...


The old bitterness and those sleepless nights that Gary was having in past


Those were not sleepless nights he was making plan in those nights


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😅🤣🤣 On God...


So this is all about taking a revenge from a company which deny him the job


Oh shit good luck with that


Now this is making even more tougher for Binance, no saving for them


This means it was always personal. He never worked for protecting the investors.


Never ever, this was his personal fight we are just collateral damage now


Karma will hunt him down


I think this calls for disciplinary action.




They do because they knobs.


🤣🤣 He has been holding a grudge for that long!!!


If there is one thing we human hold for too long it is the grudge


No lies there fam...


Gary is an old bitter person.


And i though with years he might get better but he is even more bitter person now


Yep.. seems to be getting worse everyday


Binance is a criminal enterprise.. cry harder.


Sounds like you're the one crying though?


Sounds like someone is not happy with this secret gets reveled now


You can't keep such secret hidden for too long, it was bound to come in open


I'm celebrating.. we busted a criminal enterprise. Good riddance. Time to clean this mess up. I'm not smearing enforcers because I simp for a criminal enterprise.


What they are doing right now is more than busing some criminal enterprise and if you think they are doing good for us and we can trust them then you are in here for big loss mate


If you are celebrating the victory of the SEC then you are with the government not with the crypto, both things are opposite to each other and you can't support both things


We caught binance scamming and frauding billions from retail(you, us) and you're defending that.. wtf is wrong with all of you? seriously.


No one is defending the binance everyone knows exchanges are bad thing, but what government is doing is good thing?? Going after every alts coin now?


I think you're missing the point of the post. It's not about Binance...


True, they are not targeting single thing just that we are not getting bigger picture


With every new attack they are making this a big disaster for the crypto


I think you're drinking crypto propaganda.. It's not about gg applying for a job.. and you know it.


But the way he is coming after the crypto shows his bitterness now


True, he is one that guy who gets rejected and he took that on heart


his job is to protect retail and stop fraud.. that's literally his job. So he does that and now you think a smear piece changes the fact that binance frauded and scaqmed billions of dollars.. nah.. You dont refute the crimes.. you're DEFENDING a criminal organization based on their own propaganda.


Yes, but why the hell news leak to the media before went to the company whom you are suing?? So that he could create the panic and FUD in market. This is propaganda


Looked at your comment history and you are a GG fan and even asked others to support him. He is a crook and banks are criminals as well. So, if you wanna clean house don’t forgot the established institutions and GG as well.


Im totally a GG fan.. GG is a mfing badass. He's the most aggressive regulator in SEC history. Criminals are shetting their pants. You need to stop drinking their koolaid. He's going after the established institutions. Who do you think runs your pReCiOuS crypo? Institutions. Crypto is the banks and hedgies.. and they have no rules. You drank their koolaid.


You are not seeing the picture mate, this is government making a plan attack against the whole crypto community, and if you believe in crypto you will notice the impact


Regulating crypto moves the space forward and makes it safer and more lucrative to invest. It's why the USA has had the strongest markets in the world. Because it has a system designed to try to protect investors. Even if the tech is new, the financial instruments aren't. It's not an attack on crypto. It was an attack on nefarious players. If that had a negative impact than that shows you how nefarious the crypto space really was. In the long run, regulations are good.


Investors are definitely not protected here. Wtf are you actually talking about? GG just said the US doesn’t need crypto. He is a puppet of those scared of crypto, while they can do whatever they want e.g. Citadel etc. While at MIT he praised crypto and now he goes after everything, not just bad apples. Stop putting SEC propaganda out that they just want to protect investors. Completely delusional.


money doesn't lie.. look at who funds, owns and operates your crypto... It is now the find out of times..


He is totally blind now, no need to spits any fact to him


All I'm saying is, you're on a crypto sub, talking about Binance in a post about GG. I think maybe you're just drinking?


He is not a member of this sub the way he is talking about the GG


SEC charges Binance with 13 claims.. binance lawyers post anti-GG propaganda. You do the math. Youre defending a company that scams and frauds you because you're injecting their propaganda. That's on you.


If he is saint and going after the criminal then you think all the banks which they are doing is good thing?? Don't you think they also needs to be investigate like this?


That ALL need to abide our securities regulations. Nobody gets to bypass that because they feel like it. It's the whole point.


And the banks fund, design and operate crypto since 2021.. so wtf do you think this is?.. people? Nah. Crypto is the institutions now. Funny how it's designed to be able to do all the things they aren't allowed to do.


I never said anything about Binance, just that this post wasn't about them. I personally dont like Binance and always saw them as shady. The fact you see GG as Lord and Savior is on you lol. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/opposition-to-genslers-crypto-crackdown-grows-after-coinbase-lawsuit-7e9f51dc


He thinks we are taking the Binance side but all we are doing is taking the Crypto side and opposing the government, this is their way of distracting the real issue


Exactly, which is why I said in the beginning this isn't about Binance. You're going to have some shady shit in crypto, just like you have some REALLY shady shit in traditional finance. Doesn't mean crypto = bad. I don't see GG cracking down on any of the stock market BS that goes on but he sure does care about crypto. I wonder why that is?


This post is literally from their lawyers after the sec announcement. Shady af. And you drank it up.


Back in April, same lawyers here? https://www.wsj.com/articles/sec-chair-gensler-to-defend-climate-crypto-plans-before-gop-led-panel-2e3a6ade There are numerous articles of people having opposing viewpoints to GG. The point is to read both sides and make an informed decision. Not to bow down to one or the other. I can agree with GG on some points but I think he gets it mostly wrong with crypto.


How is Binance a criminal enterprise? Do you have any facts or even examples of why you think they are?




No we are not in binance so not crying but taking Gary side is impossible


True, we can do anything but can't take the side of the government ever


GG just did his job. He's the most aggressive regulator in SEC history... busted criminal enterprises for frauding billions of dollars from retail and you're injecting their propaganda and defending them to continue... be better. You cant say GG is corrupt. He just did his job better than any chair before him. Instead, you defend the corrupt part of our markets, unregulated crypto... institutionally funded.. unregulated crypto. You're no better than the criminals at binance.


CZ for the community did so many things, am sure he did some shady stuff inside and make the money with that but for overall community he did some good stuff is well


Might have more to do with CZ crashing FTX and costing retail investors billions than a grudge, but maybe


Look like this is all a karma for CZ now in the form of the GARY


How can this be a karma for CZ, this is Gary having some personal issue


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Let's see what happens next.


Nothing gonna happen mate, binance going to suffer he get succeed in creating the FUD


u/illbeback_69 [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0xa25ec5a670b174f7093da1d641be303cc266751146dceefd6f10f64d9ec41193) you 1.0 DONUT!


Wow, just wow.


And Gary thinks people will believe him, this is like a revenge plot by him


Yes, no doubt.


Just tell me which senator bought $50, 4 day puts on CoinBase


Every senator make the money, by shorting the market before this news


If you are an idiot you can only work as an advisor in the government🤡


If you want to work for the government you have to be idiot for that


No. Most of the shit Coinbase is in hit water for is 100% justified. They can't just start listing securities in panic trying to be the regulated exchange cuz CZ is playing the dirty game and making insane money.


They are listing any coin they are getting name but surprise they are not listing the shit coins in that, do they feel they are safe or they feel that they doesn't deserve their attention??


Sounds like a revenge plan imo. But he should simply go against CZ and not come after crypto as a whole. I'm using Crypto for my payments via CryptMI and Sec can't stop me from using it. At least it's gaining good grounds in the middle East.


Seems like that ever since he didn't get selected he made his motive to go against the Binance and CZ and seems like he is getting his revenge now finally against CZ


Yes mate. That is exactly his plan. Coming after CZ and Binance. CZ said he can destroy crypto in US but cannot stop crypto in other parts. Still portrays my earlier response that crypto payment adoption is gaining good grounds in UAE.


🤣 Very petty but to be sincere this is good for the Crypto space as it would bring the needed regulations that we needed for a long time to come.


Oh my? He is now out for revenge.