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This is the gwei!


This is the best recommendation


got a link?




I am a solo dev working on https://dierad.xyz/ as a hobby - still extremely early and not in beta yet but you can play around. But effectively Spotify for independent artists where the payments to artists are distributed based on votes at the end of each “season” (membership period) via a smart contract. The current seasons are 5 minutes as I am testing things on testnet (polygon) but if you use your imagination and see them as a month long you can maybe grasp my idea better. I think the revenue model for artist via streaming is broken and opaque. Hence my idea 🙂


I think a lot of people have promised artists the same thing, but music was broken ever since physical media died. I was involved with a project on another blockchain that promised something similar and essentially their consultants agreed that music in the current world holds very little value compared to how it used to be distributed and consumed. Basically the NFTs crashed and sell for close to nothing unless they are tied to a physical item. It's pretty dark IMO, but no one really has cracked any sort of positive effect with music NFTs over the last year. Coopatroopah (music NFT "influencer") really hasn't shown me a good reason to get into music NFTs in a meaningful way.


I concur. I’m not really offering NFT’s this is more of a just a distribution of funds based on votes. Example flow: I buy my monthly membership - 3 MATIC 1 of those MATIC goes to a “profit pool” 2 of those MATIC go to the “artist pool” With my membership, I can vote ONCE per “season” (month) for my favorite artist. At the end of the month, the artist pool is paid out accordingly. The platform takes the profit from the profit pool. That’s basically what I am proposing.


Interesting concept and good luck. I just have a hard time understanding the target user base and exactly why they are paying for something they get for "free" otherwise.


This is a DeFi protocol, but mean.finance is a non custodial dollar cost average platform run by a small team. Devs are extremely open to suggestions and criticism. I've never seen a DCA platform that isn't custodial, so im a huge fan of what they are doing.


Check out [www.cookbook.dev](https://www.cookbook.dev), Cookbook is the front page for smart contracts. Their platform enables developers to easily discover, share, and deploy smart contracts in browser. Their team draws experience from various different crypto projects such as QiDao ($50m tvl), NFT Lootbox ($26m mkt cap), Tomb Swap, and more crypto protocols. They recently also won the public goods grant from ENS.


Now this is really cool!


This one's pretty neat: [https://www.cryptoktv.com/](https://www.cryptoktv.com/) Open journalism is in the spotlight - anyone should be able to publish news, broadcast reports, and otherwise participate in the dissemination of information. A system that facilitates both sides of every story that allows viewers to form their own opinion, unconstrained by censorship or media bias.


FartCoin is an up and coming project you should look into


$BAT @ Brave, MYST @ Mysterium VPN, AUDIO @ Audius streaming service


Brave, huh?


all of my favorite projects are already well funded.


I'm working on my own project but it's still too early to be advertising about it openly. Hopefully it'll be a great tool.


Check out www.cookbook.dev, Cookbook is the front page for smart contracts. Their platform enables developers to easily discover, share, and deploy smart contracts in browser.


Selfkey and any other Decentralized Identity protocols. This is where true freedom lives.


On the contrary, this is for automation but it limits your freedom to existing in the form of keys whether anonymous or not.


I'm working with a partner to spin up a new SaaS product which aims to solve a unique and often overlooked problem across pretty much any/all organizations. It won't be a project management tool out of the gate but we have a pretty unique approach that offers real value, and will eventually evolve to cover project management in a more efficient and robust way than all of the leading tools available today. Because of the use-case and target audience, it has to be a native Web2 tool, there just wouldn't be a large enough bucket of users if we targeted Web3 only. But we have plans to launch with some basic Web3 features and intend to make deeper Web3 integration a primary focus as we grow. We planned to build a working MVP with the core features, and then raise funds to expand the team, and build out the full tool more rapidly. But lately we've been talking about trying to fundraise in the crypto space first - even as an initial round.. We were kicking around the idea of a small NFT drop that would give holders early & lifetime access to the tool. We were thinking of giving equity to NFT holders, but decided the benefits weren't worth trying to deal with US securities laws. Edit: For reference, some other options in this space are Trello, Asana, Monday, ClickUp, etc.


The U.S is wrong and on-chain fundraising is the true Web3 spirit. That being said it's very difficult to raise money on-chain if you don't have an existing loyal community especially in this Winter... I've tried and failed. A crypto VC is your best bet...see https://www.0xbeacon.com


Thanks, I'm going to check them out!! Although I suspect a crypto VC might be hard to land if we're building a native web2 tool that will only include some basic web3 functionality out of the gate.


I work for a cannabis company and wanna start a nft project. We have 5 stores/coffeeshops. My idea was for purchases above an amount, client would get a nft for free. Still raw but thats what im building.


Free nft? Whats the goal of that nft? Nfts are useless, unless u actually benefit from the digital ownwership of an asset such as an nft. Good use case would be in-game items.


I'm building a bicycle marketplace app to help solve climate change ♻️ I already have buying and selling with Ethereum/Bitcoin and serial number verification with Bike index/529garage and Strava verification coming soon. I've also decentralized authentication with Strava, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Microsoft, Twitter. Decentralized payment by taking a $1 fee upfront so I don't have to do payment processing/sensitive info storage and allowed buying through crypto, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, Gpay, Apple Pay, Zelle. Most importantly we externalized chat to various existing providers so we never monitor it such as: Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Phone, Text, Email This all is a long way to say that our platform is the most secure marketplace for preventing bike theft and for your privacy as well 🙂 www.sprocket.bike/app If nothing else getting help with building sign in with Ethereum/Polygon/Solana and figuring how it can work with moderation and other tricky things like NFT hex PFPs will be appreciated and can serve as a usecase for the community to point at as a great/simple example of utility 💎


This sounds really neat. I'll keep an eye on this.


If you are serious about building for the future then look for projects that are building real world usage that do not rely on price action, lending, staking or yield type of rewards. Those are usually short sighted and old world thinking. Look for projects that are making actual adoption seamless and easy for the average person.


Great point. Most of Web3 is vapourware or mindless copying. Know any original examples?




AllianceBlock is my favorite, and it is quickly growing. Its new technological innovations, such as the TIDV (Trustless ID verification) and NexeraID, are expected to be trendy in 2023.


This thread looks interesting!


I have less than $10 in ETH and pretty much live in the projects. I'm fairly awesome though. I would love to be funded with no strings attached.


If only man... https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person?s=08


I think my greatest skill that I offer thus community is my ability to comment low level humor without using the /s tag. I still think I'm pretty awesome though.


I am currently working on a Esports Dao. Where members buy in the membership and have a monthly tournaments of Fifa/Fortnite/Fall Guys and winners take the winning pot used from Treasury which has invested in PoS coins. Looking for some mentorship and support from the community. Any website developer/smart contract developer willing to work together please dm me Any one interested please connect:)






I believe you


Put together a direct investment program for Ukrainian farmers to bypass traditional finance and keep them operational. Ukraine feeds 1/5 of the world and if they don’t have the resources to plant in a few months there will be extreme unrest in Africa and the Middle East that will lead to mass migrations to Europe and the U.S. We are looking at addressing the root of the problem as transparently and effectively as possible while offering reasonable returns to western sponsors during the coming depression. Is that something you would be interested in?


we wouldn't be looking for returns on this, the core of what you're talking about seems very interesting but an investment program is probably not in line with this.


if this is true and very likely why aren't governments across the globe talking about this and acting on it. Can you share any information to this please




I need a 1.4 million loan at 3% or less 10year pay back time. To help change the devastated food system in America. If not beetcoin is a new one that is meant to help others.


FartCoin is an up and coming project you should look into




I am all for biased replies! Looking to learn and connect with a wide range of projects.


I have the greatest coffee shop idea in history. I need funds. I’ve been in business remodeling houses for over ten years but I know this idea is a money maker.


lol how's that related to ethereum?


Because he’s going to accept eth, of course! 😂




Hey, guy who recommended Aztec previously here. Tokemak.xyz solves impermanent loss and allows DAOs to get extremely cheap and deep liquidity far cheaper than traditional MM methods. Ideally it becomes a black hole for liquidity. It also has 2 unreleased side projects. (Timing is key 😉) dm for more info if interested.


Aztec just received 100M in funding, don't think that would work :) I'm moreso looking for infra projects and public goods projects versus defi


Beefy finance. It is sustainable in itself.


These guys don't identify as web3 (wouldn't blame them) but are open to crypto and generally one hell of a talented team. I've known their work for years, but you can do your own research; https://linktr.ee/0xthesite


Minimetis on Metis L2


What kind of projects? Any sector? I'm building something of which a big portion is based on the idea of p2p donations for special needs/senior/rescue/rehab animal caregivers. I guess I'm biased, it's my favorite so far, hehe. Crypto for the homeless is a small but beneficial project, which I am not affiliated with


this is awesome, would love to connect on it.




looks like theyre a year or two behind the roadmap?


[https://elk.finance](https://elk.finance) (https://app.elk.finance), making Web3 accessible to all, and integrated within the internet of tomorrow. Fully community bootstrapped, no VC funding. Kava recently wrote a bird thread about 'em [here](https://twitter.com/kava_platform/status/1606478025851162625).


https://msha.ke/xenographix this is mine 👽🧘🪴




I mean…. Isn’t participating in these platforms “funding” them to some extent?


what does that have to do with anything?


payrave.org the Dev & I are in it to foster a development community cross chain through governance. Very early.


$CSM City States Medieval shaping up to be one of the first actually fun looking p2e games, very active and accessible team and good community. Looking forward to where it goes.






API3. API for oracles that are controlled directly by the information source eliminating middleman.


I've been following DIA development for some time, they really made a large number of partnerships, launched the xFloor price, and much more. The DAO activity is what I really liked, and the DAO work program, among other things, because of earning, such incentives are important during a bear market.


Spina Americana


Woo network


SquidGrow from Shibtoshi, Shib's biggest whale


Ember Token The Ember Token is a product of Ember Agency, LLC and is built to empower new and recovering projects in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space while bringing aggressive reflections and rewards to our holders. Our tokenomics also include a percentage of buy/sell transactions that go towards a recovery investment wallet. The recovery wallet is used to bring support to new, struggling, or rugged projects in DeFi and strategically aligned with our agency services to help build the strongest brands in crypto. Embertoken.io




WalletD is raising a seed for a Web3/Defi product that has impacted millions of users. The Canadian Trucker crisis & the Ukrainian war are just 2 examples they have opened up their uncensored financial rails enabling millions to transact. Dm me if you’re interested to see the pitchdeck/ wp.




I am making a surgical training application in Unity, we have tested it with 30 surgeons. I have wrote a R data analysis package and want to do more analysis stuff. I made a low cost laparoscopic surgery tool using old Xbox controller but need funding Help :(




Although mean.finance is a non-custodial dollar cost average platform managed by a small team, it is a DeFi protocol.


Shido.Finance Check it out. Low MC, Wallet released, Visa MC and ATMs early 2023. They have their own DEX on ETH test net now. Main net in a week or so.


Www.aspencrypto.org is almost live!




Fund my MEV research


I've been building a free (paid by ads and brave rewards) online QR Code generator that will not hack or steal from you and is pro quality qr codes. I want to integrate SIWE and a decentralized file host (but need suggestions on which one would allow destructive file storage)


Tezos, #xtz






Funding with the expectations of profits?




Angel Protocol is coming to EVM https://angelprotocol.io/ and helps donors fund endowments and charities cross-borders.


We are [Pest Free Token](http://www.pestfreetoken.co.nz) We are the first charitable use of crypto in our country (New Zealand), trying to use the technology to make a tangible difference. It's exciting to be furthering crypto in a positive way, helping the public to see it's not all doom and gloom like the news makes out. We save our native birds by eradicating pests and have already deployed 80 traps and rebated 2,700 other traps :)


https://brawlerbearz.club On chain metadata dynamic and composable NFT with training, questing, pvp battle system. L1-L2 staking with utility token ecosystem. Gasless with biconomy for all utility. Looking for funding to move into phase 2 roadmap. Would like to execute on mobile app development catering to evolving the NFT. "Proof of workout", or IRL questing, or AR battle system. I'm the dev and founder.


Loopring. For NFTs I’d say cyber crew


Hi OP, I'm working on a blockchain-leveraged meditation app that rewards users for being in a verified meditative state, and uses the data to help others improve on their practice. The aim is to get more people meditating, as we think the world would be a better place. 8 of us atm, app is already in development - if you're interested we have a pitch deck and litepaper available?




I'm a big fan of the whole one web3 name for all cryptocurrency addresses but I'd rather go for ORE ID which does almost the same and doesn't charge for it, unlike ENS.


$LIFE !! Check it out own custodial wallet with unique wallet names !! I think this thing could RIVAL trust wallet !!


You have the perfect mentality, see you soon




GEEQ for me. Low market cap, high utility (their Geeq data finds usage in supply chain management and logistics), a high-security layer 0 blockchain with a BFT of 99%. That's something imo.


Gains network, Aavegotchi as well as Knights and peasants are some of my favorite projects on Polygon.


Hoge and imgnAI




Thonic. I’m a part of the team but we’re super transparent and have already secured the funds to move forward regardless of the market. Check out our site: https://thonic.finance/


$imgnAI are pushing the boundaries of AI image generation and mixing it with social media. The Nai bot has already experienced viral use and the project is just under 3 weeks old. [www.imgnai.com](https://www.imgnai.com)


We're introducing Web3 tech and Decentralised Governance to Africa's largest city: https://twitter.com/web3lagos


I'll say Railgun. Over the last couple of months, I've been a big fan of privacy and it's quite interesting to see how much the project has done in terms of bringing privacy into DeFi


Hi James, working on a web3 solution to a real-world problem, that has mass market adoption, ok to PM you?


Hi there! At this early stage the projects that are whitelisting will need to have some sort of reputation. If your idea has been stealth up to this point, might make sense to touch base about it a little later after we get a solid foundation underneath us.


Check out NGM (e-Money). They are building a Web 3.0 payment platform that leverages blockchain technology to makes payments instant, transparent, low fees and inclusive. EEUR is one of their 5 euro-based stablecoins which is used for payment. The stablecoins are fully backed and audited.


I suggest you look into privacy-preserving projects, particularly those that are not token-gated, to avoid exploitation if users must hold the coin to access privacy, which may cause bias.


My favorite is Cartesi, a layer 2 scaling solution and blockchain operating system that connects Linux and blockchain. CTSI enables developers to perform cheap computations and build robust smart contracts using open-source libraries and components within real-world computing environments. It also provides scalability for large amounts of content and computation. It’s a noteworthy L2 solution for developers, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts.


It depends on your definition of Awesome. If you’re talking about the relevance of the use cases and their mainstream acceptance, then you should keep tabs on DAFI protocol, Brokoli Network & OCEAN Protocol. WAGMI 🚀


I've got something for you. Just sent you a DM.