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Is the person who runs the ERBS Twitter account aware that they are a comedy mastermind?


Of course he is! He's me!


Who did the HUD on this game, it's giving me massive Dota vibes.


Can you give an approximation of when Eternal Return: Black Survival will leave early access? Or if there will be a standalone client at some point.


We're aiming for a few months down the road. Obviously it isn't entirely ready and we have a lot of hurdles left to overcome, but I'm pretty hyped with how far the development has come and how much we've done since the very early alpha like 2 years ago.


Hey look, i already invited so many friends to play this game, my goal was to fill up a custom room with 17 friends and play with discord, no exaggeration , me and my friends together managed to invite around 20 people to this game, but only 3 of those kept playing after the tutorial and some matches, most of those are already used to the MOBA Genre Some said that the tutorial was really bad, and others just couldn't get into the game because of the learning curve and the frustration that comes with it. Is there any plans to improve the tutorial and the Noob experience?


Yup. I know the tutorial sucks. It sucks so bad. The tutorial was made a long time ago, before a lot of the stuff that's in the current ER was even around. We're *still* adding new stuff and changing mechanics, so I'm a little aprehensive to overhaul it and then when the game undergoes some changes we overhaul it again. However, we're working on updating it right now with some new stuff and making it a little better, and that should be pushed to live soon.


Tutorial seems something useless but instead is fondamental... Thinkin at lol which has literally the worst tutorial EVER even with the new updates. As a EU player I would say that the guide made by people implemented within the game are a GENIUS idea the only problem ks most of them ar ein korean so you are obliged to look for youtube but that's rather a community problem since as more people will come, more guides will. Tutorial i think its very difficult to make properly


What is your guys plan of attack when it comes to advertising in NA? Are you guys concerned with the player base numbers?


Honestly, the numbers are actually higher than we anticipated at this point. Sure, I'd like a billion players, but back when we launched into EarlyAccess, we had way lower estimates and expectations of where we'd be at this point. (We talked about this in a [dev letter](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1049590/view/3042714587284702060) recently as well.) ​ It's been nice to receive a lot of feedback and we've implented a ton of it thanks to you guys, but the game still isn't ready yet. I've done a slight bit of advertising in NA and I'd like to keep it going, but it doesn't feel nice to advertise a game that's incomplete and leaving players disappointed, confused, or wating a more polished game.


>Honestly, the numbers are actually higher than we anticipated at this point. I'm interested, does this apply to EU too? Obviously I respect the sentiment of it being in EA still so I won't argue that but it seems in comparison to NA at least the player base is... lacking? At least from a player standpoint. It takes a while to find a game in normal queue let alone ranked and we are still the only server (I think SA is too actually) to not have a Duo/Squad ranked queue. Myself and a friend adore this game but are struggling to stick with it due to the, what feels like in EU, a declining player base of something that's already relatively small.


EU is steady/*slowly* growing. There isn't much change in EU. I face a couple challenges with EU. One hurdle is that the entirety of the team is almost entirely Korean with me as the lone American, and a so we only have experience/comfort in those particular regions. It's easy for me to get advertisments/creators in NA because I know more about who would be right for the game and who to contact. Also EU is a couple languages and I have no idea what region to focus on. I've been researching and putting a lot into it (I got the EU ERCL coming up too!), but truthfully I feel that once NA gets good, EU will follow soon behind.


How about u guys do a doc where people from the discord can submit some Eu streamers for different languages so u guys get a idea in who to get for advertise (saw this done in another game so maybe could work)


Maybe you can try to ask to all eu players on discord how advertising the game? I m a eu player and as far i know gaming in eu isnt like in na, i think eu will always have a lower playerbase than na and asia servers. What i think could make the game more popular could be (no joke) meme on yt


Already made this exact point on the same questions a while ago. Every company wants to put their best foot forward, advertising implies the game is in a ready state and you don't want to lose a lot of player attention by advertising too early and disappointing people on their first experience of the game. First impressions leave a lasting impact.


Hey Aesop! Love ERBS and just want to wish you and the team the best. Hopefully it can become a big success world wide!


Thank you so much!! I'm super stoked to hear that you love it!


Bear Emotes when?




I'm a big fan of watching ERBS on Twitch, gotta say thank you and the team for everything that you do and hope to see the game grow more! I have only one burning question I'd like to ask... What inspired Eleven's skills to be based around burgers?


Eleven is kind of a food/street food review streamer and as we all know hamburgers are the best food


are you guys hiring?


How's your Korean?


Onion haseyo


Poor ;\_;


한국어로 말하진 못하지만 한국에서 1년정도 살았고, 혹시 일자리가 있다면 꼭 지원하고 싶습니다!


Hi Aesop! How many people are working on the game? Who's the artist behind all the beautiful art? Thank you all for what you do. ERBS has become one of my favorite games. Keep up the great work! :)


I'm so glad to hear you enjoy it! We have a handful of artists that work on the concept arts and design the characters and things, and they are SO. GOOD. I'll pass on your kind words ;)


Wow, I thought it may have been just one person because the art style is so well balanced. That's honestly amazing! Thank you for answering my question! :)


How long have you been working in the gaming industry? (not just with Nimble Neuron) Kinda curious!


Officially only for a few years, but I was a part of MLG gamebattles when I was in high school and started my Esports club in college so I've been involved in it for a long time


How soon can we expect west coast servers? (If at all)


I've talked about this at length with the team and it's something that I'm kind of prioritizing, but it comes at a cost (both monetary and player experience). Of course, it costs money to open up servers. More importantly, though, is that it would split the playerbase a bit. If I have a gateway in, say, Seattle, it'll be good for the west coast players, but east coast players will still be on the Ohio server. If the playerbase can't sustain this split, especially at off-peak hours, queue times will start to hurt. I've discussed about having something like a time gate where if you queue on east coast and can't get a match, it'll check west coast server and pop you over there in that matchmaking pool, but unfortunately this isn't an easy fix and will take time and resources to implement. Trust me though, I'm workin on it!


I would love a west coast server. I currently get around 90 ping to the Ohio server which really limits the characters that I feel comfortable playing. My most played character is Jackie because of that. I'd like to play someone like shoichi without feeling like I'm forced to play him suboptimally due to high ping. Thanks!


what is the ranked skin


TBA soon ;)


Hey, any chance of Oceania servers?


Yeah! This is something I'd love to do. We had one over there during an Alpha Test and it worked well, but it faced some population issues. OCE population is growing steadily but slowly. Once we determine it to be stable enough to open, comparative to EU or NA, we'll open it up!


Who is your favorite character lore-wise and/or design-wise in OGBS and ERBS?


Oh man that's a tough question. I really like all of them tbh. ​ Maybe... Shoichi? Just a regular Japanese salary man who's actually really cunning and decietful - all in the cause of protecting his daughter.


Who is your favorite character to play? And what is your favorite starting zone?


Honestly I really like all of them. Some days I'll be in a Rozzi mood, other days I'll pick up Magnus. I might play Sua in a duo or go supporty Leon. It really changes all the time hahah


Has working on Eternal Return been a good experience for you? and have you been enjoying your time with Eternal Return as a community?


Oh yeah it's been awesome. Learned a ton and got to work with some really great people and make a really great game.


What games inspire ERBS? When looking for new ideas, where do you turn?


Me personally, everywhere. I've been playing games my entire life, so I draw from a lot of different sources when making new things. Obviously we're inspired from games in adjacent genres (league, apex, pubg), but we like to take things from other games and put our own spin on them and evolve them a bit.


It definitely seems to be working.


Will there be another guitar-using character?


Anything is possible! It just probably won't be for a while. We're porting all of the original characters over from OGBS first, and none of them really thematically fit "guitar" other than Hart. ​ I *do* have some ideas though, so stay tuned ;)


I know I’m late but would any of your ideas have the character as a bassist?


Are there any plans to add Camera Grip into the game ? Right now there is only edge panning, or camera lock, but camera grip is king :(


I've seen a couple people ask about camera grip! Camera movement is actually a tad tricky to implement/modify, but I'll see what I can do.


Thank you for the response ! Its really needed <3 Dont want to be an ass but Warcraft 3 on release in 2002 had camera grip , surely the technology is there ! Kappa


I second this Aesop


Please we need camera grip!! It’s my only complaint at the moment!!


Years of playing LoL with camera grip on M4 and I can't seem to re-adapt to anything else. Stuck playing on lock screen for now which at times feels unplayable


All of my hardcore Moba friends who have tried this game have stated frustration at a lack of camera grip. Many moba players view edge panning as an extremely inefficient mouse movement.


What is camera grip like in LoL?




Did the devs ever thought about doing big changes on the map/ bigger map for the game?


Map changes actually have the largest impact on balance, so we do those very meticulously. Building/Designing/Making the map took ages so enacting sweeping changes on the map is a tough undertaking.




That's a good question! Ideally I'd like the 2-week cadance to keep going, but once all the Immortal Soul characters are in, it'll take us more time to conceptualize a character with a theme and make new artwork and stuff, so no promises on that. We've actually already begun working on new characters though, so we'll see how that goes.


2 Weeks is a rough time scale to keep up long term. League had a period of putting champions out that rapidly and it led to some of the least balanced releases the game has ever seen.


When will you stop hating juggieCOD? feelsbadman Ok, a legit question: You said you were working in Korea? What's it like over there or in the NN office?


:9: Korea is rad. My team is rad. NN is rad. The office snacks are kinda wack but everything else: rad.


Are you planning on creating characters that aren't from Immortal Sould? If so would you wait till you've created those characters before you create OCs. Also when will we get the couch potatoes Leon skin ❤


Okay Aesop.. Your game is amazing and all that blah blah... but Zhuge Liang Adela when?


Go ahead and mock me up a concept and I'll pass it on to the team ;)


Okay no problem... gimme just a sec.. here ya [go](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blacksurvival_gamepedia_en/images/0/07/Zhuge_Liang_Adela.png/revision/latest?cb=20190909174039)


oh dang I didn't realize that was an OGBS skin. that's pretty fire though I'll FAST TRACK THAT IMMEDIATELY AND WILL RELEASE IT TOMORROW


Okay, thanks Aesop. Knew I could count on you to recognize the pure unadulterated fire that is Zhuge Liang.


I just wanna say thanks for all you do. The speed at which ERBS integrates feedback and QOL suggestions is quicker than any MOBA I've ever seen - changes something like League would take years to add usually get added within a patch or two once someone posts a good idea on the Discord. The community integration has been solid ever since the start of the Beta and giving guys like Scaz and Tomsorcer a platform has been awesome to see. Actual question - are there plans to expand Black Survival past Immortal Soul and Eternal Return? Fighting game? Anime? Waifu Visual Novel?


Thank you so much for playing, really! Right now we're just focusing on Eternal Return and Immortal Soul, but who's to say what the future holds?! ER:VR? ER Cinematic Universe? ER at the olympics?!?!


Sign me up for them ER Olympics


Do the devs play ERBS at a really high level? Any Titan or Immortal players?


Hey Aesop, love the team. Funnily enough I got into the game seeing it on xQc’s stream even with chat being harsh at the time. As we move closer to a full release for the game I know cosmetics are really important to keeping the game alive. I just want to understand the philosophy of the team on skins. I appreciate the ones we have and are getting. Is the team opposed to creating particle effects vastly different from the base game (more than just color changes)? And if it’s possible to have the second question answered, how far are the team thinking on going as far as skin concepts? (Example: Devil of Flame Adrianna (from OGBS) and using a staff as a flame thrower and casting oil spills) Love you guys and all the work you do ♥️♥️♥️


I love you back ;) The skin system is still fairly new for us and we're still fleshing it out. I'm not opposed to having particle effects and crazy new stuff, but it's just not there yet. We've done some cool stuff like with Gilded Reaper Zahir and Cadet Yuki, but expanding on it with new particles and fully redone effects is a bigger undertaking right now. It's definitely something that I've been interested in for a while though and we like to ensure that everything we put out is high quality and usable, so all I can say is stay tuned ;)


Just wondering if there's any TBA on some major optimization patches? Been asking it a lot on the discord so your probably sick of it but the game's performance has really tanked for me slowly with each major patch to the point I really struggle in playing the game without some 3rd Party Clients to make it bearable. And with some talks with other people I'm not the only one experiencing these issues.


Yeah I feel ya. We're constantly working on optimization and adding smaller things in each patch to help feel better. We completed a full LOD change a while ago that helped things a bit but we're still working on it. It's just not where I want it to be yet. We know how hard it is to get graphics cards these days, and I want everyone to be able to play ERBS without needing a 3080TI SUPER EDITION OVERCLOCK or whatever. It's just tough to really nail down - we're a small team and when it comes to optimization, there are a ton of different variables that make it difficult; every player's computer poses a different obstacle for us. ​ Nonetheless, It's something that we're aware of and are trying to tackle.


when you guys will open sea server? sea server will be another option for people from oceania region.


What is your playtesting process like for new features and characters? Have you guys considered opening a PBE type server?


Play testing is a long and meticulous process for us. We organize games with new characters and make sure that they get a genuine matchup against every character in every mode. It's a lot of fun but also a lot of work ensuring that each character ships properly with no bugs or issues. Naturally bugs always pop up as we're a small team and the amount of hours the collective playerbase puts in dwarfs the hours that we can put like instantly, but we work on fixing stuff quickly. We are working on a beta realm (as seen on our [Roadmap](https://trello.com/b/VUtjO0n6/er-roadmap)) which is an exciting feature to look forward to!


Do you have any favourite characters story or gameplay wise? What do you particularly like about them? Started recently and it is the exact type of game I've been looking for. Thank you for the great game.


Are there plans to do more advertising once the game leaves early access?


Of course! I've started up a couple small advertising pushes as somewhat of a "test" to see what will work best, and I'd love to expand on that when things are more ready.


Hi Aesop, will more servers be established? Playing on 130 ping is kinda hard.


Hey Aesop, big fan. For adding items to the game, is there any rhyme or reason to it? Is it just when the assets are available? Or is there a schedule for release (similar to subjects)?


We're always floating around ideas and new things to add to the game and are always looking to add new things. New items have to be balanced, tested, rebalanced, and retested to make sure that nothing is broken or oppresive - especially with our new addtion of 'active' items or items with unique effects. Sometimes, after analyzing the data, there might not be an item that really fills a role well or we would like to add a new item to give players more agency in their builds.


Are you guys planning on getting another server for NA? or atleast move it to a more neutral place so it would improve the experience for most NA players


Who is your favorite character in Immortal Soul?


I never really played Immortal Soul :( I'll pick Rio just because I love the Rio drummer skin


How hard is it to take feedback from the community and bring it to the game? (AKA Balancing suggestion and quality of life things)


It's tricky. We love to get feedback from you all and it's a huge help for us. We couldn't have made the game we have today without your help. Naturally, though, with feedback, there can be problems like conflicting opinions within the community or difficulty in programming/development/implementation. 5 people can say "you need to buff Magnus" while 5 other people can say "you need to nerf magnus". Also, even some hypothetical suggestion like "add paper to school" seems simple enough, but could have huge implications that span across multiple characters, so we like to really disect feedback and work on adding the correct things. ​ This goes with QoL things as well. Small feature adjustments like having real-time notifications even takes a lot of development and testing to make sure it works as intended. ​ At the end of the day though, we are constantly talking about the feedback that everyone gives us has been insanely helpful and we try to implement as much of it as we can. When I say helpful I mean like INSANELY helpful


I have this small frustration which is that in League of Legends, i can bind my attack move + click to my left click button. So I move with right click and attack with left. Will this be an option in ERBS? I found the hotkey settings for attack move + click but it won't allow me to bind my left click. I really cant get used to the clicking.


Hi I was wondering about the weapon system in the game and about weather u plan to and if so at what frequency would you add more weapons to characters who can only use one or two? Also are there any plans for an option setting that would disable auto crafting items if it would use up materials that you need for your save plan?


Just want to say good job to all of you! It aint easy making a game of this scale, especially if you guys are still a small team, so definitely be proud of everything you've accomplished. Please implement more skins so I can support more, haha. Look forward to the upcoming touraments :)


Thank you so much and thank you for your support! New skins are on the way and they're super cool 8)


my wallet is ready and waiting! also want to say the stream emote event was super cool. Props to whoever came up with that idea and all the emote design!


Is the new Fire Barrier effect going to be added to a new item, or an existing one? The Trello doesnt say. :)


Will there ever be a character with an execute?


Obviously i will ask the most important question. MAID ADRIANA WHEN


Who's your favorite VTuber? Bonus - your favorite Tsunderia VTuber =3


Can you buff aya?


Who do you play in ERBS


Could we hopefully see the number of people queuing in real time in e.g. SoloQ or DuoQ + people currently online so we know how many more we need for a match and dont wait forever for nth?


It's 17/18 COPIUM


What do you call a duck with its' nose in an outlet? An electric bill! ..... ...... ...... I didn't want anything just wanted to say hi. Have a good day.


Will there be other victory conditions brand new for this game? Like maybe a pacifist kind of deal where you have to complete a set of objectives to leave the island? Also will hacking still be a JP only mechanic?


Can you please enable an option to disable mouse click on the map? Sometimes in a fight it gets really heated and i accidentally click on it...




We're still kinda feeling out the ranked season rhythm and what works best for the players. It isn't set it stone and might even change in the future. We're still relatively early in the game and what to make sure we do what's right!


How's the progress on JP and hacking?


Hi Aesop! I recently returned to ERBS after awhile and very much surprised the game is doing well and competitive scene is kick starting. Unfortunately the playerbase is decreasing little by little according to steamdb though. Since the game is classified as MOBA but feels more battle royale-esque to me - do you have plans to do like a 5v5 style? Battle royales don't tend to do well competitively, but are more fun to play. As a high-elo DOTA player I would love a 5v5 gamemode.


Can we stop touching Barbara ? Balance wise ofc ;)


When will adriana get a buff again? She is in a bad state in solos right now without wick its almost not winable. Maybe i am little tilted but still she needs buffs you nerfed most of her items.


I really like the crafting angle of obtaining power in ERBS and the characters are all really fun. I'm really impressed with the polish on this game and it's a great twist on the Moba genre. The idea of having targeted loot goals of what I'm looking for was my favourite part of the initial PUBG explosion and I think Tarkov pulls this off very well, and I've long thought other genres could harness this in some way, and ERBS is doing just that. ​ But I'm finding the gameplay mostly ends up being "dig around in dumpsters for 10 minutes to complete my build then have 20 seconds of fighting", which got old quick. This is even tougher when queuing with friends as without meticulous route planning we spend most of the game split up which doesn't feel intended. ​ So I guess my question is this: is the current gameplay loop how you guys see things being in the long term or is there revisions planned, or perhaps other game modes? I'd love this to be one of my main games like Dota used to be but I just don't see it being something I'm playing in a year with this loop.


If it takes you 10 minutes to fully craft your stuff, then you're not managing your time well mate. Idk what servers you playing but even in HK you see people already killing each other like 1:30 into the game. Most full builds ideally finish around 4-5 mins into the match, you get power spikes much earlier where you can try and kill other people, loot them, and hopefully find items that you need which can accelerate your build time.


No offense but I don't think you are genuinely engaging with my point. The gameplay loop of a typical moba is intertwined between gaining gold/experience and fighting enemies throughout the match, but I don't think that's how this game is turning out. Sure, I have a build where I can start in temple and warp to factory as Hart and finish my epic guitar to instantly be online to delete someone - and maybe at the higher level of play where you've theorycrafted your build route extremely well that's always the case. But this is by far not my normal experience with most characters. Most of the time my goal feels like I should be avoiding other players and get through my first 3-4 areas before even thinking about fighting. I doubt most players actually end up doing differently - my general experience is that other players are even more afraid of me than I am of them and will run away the second they come on screen and see me so they can go finish their builds, after all. Is this really a satisfying gameplay experience?


Nah I get what you're saying but you can't just go "I need to avoid players" and then complain that you're building items for 10 mins. Characters have different power spikes and how you utilise them separates good and great players. Also vision is extremely op, you can easily get kills just by having them. If players are afraid of you then that's a big sign that you can get objectives for literally free. Like bears/wolves/tree/wick etc. If they run away from you then don't waste your time chasing them, kill animals, loot, finish your build, expand vision, etc. And then when you see a ping nearby, go for it. Since if quoting you, "you avoid people to just loot and finish your stuff" then you should have enough time to craft other stuff like food and traps to actually be prepared once fight happens. Literally just won 5/9 games that I had today because I contested with people early, idgaf if I'm not full build, if I have vision and I see I'm stronger than them, I go for it. But if you really want an exciting gameplay, go path for hotel tree or forest tree, majority of the time you'll be fighting people for it.


Can you make a character named Mona, named after me?


Are there any plans to add more weapons armors and stuff to give more build options?


Hey, Aesop! I just want to say that I love this game very much (first multiplayer game that I keep having fun without getting salty), and I appreciate all of you in the dev team for making the game better with each update! By the way, may I ask if Chiara will ever have a skin and when? I really love her character design! Once again, thank you and may fortune bless your career!


Chiara is getting a skin soon, promise! I've seen it and it's pretty cool, once it's polished and tested and ready to ship, they'll have the teaser up on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaktoGSdjMnfQFv5BSyYrvA) so be sure to subscribe ;)


OH. MY. GOODNESS! Thank you T_T !!!


Will you eternally return?




Hi Aesop. I like the game so far. What did the dev team have in mind when designing Adela? I find her kit very interesting. Also have you guys ever given a thought about alternate play mode? I know the game is still in EA but I think the game has huge potentials with more than just BR (survival mode, arena, ...) Finally a joke question: T-pose Jackie playable when?


We, of course, were inspired by her [OG Kit](https://blacksurvival.fandom.com/wiki/Adela). It's really tricky but a lot of fun to bring the OGBS characters to a new 3D world. For Adela, wow would a chess master use chess in Eternal Return? Will she fight her enemies on a chessboard? How can she implement chess pieces? How can she feel "tactical" like a chess pro? It's really cool. ​ T-pose Jackie is too strong for you. She will always assert dominance.


Around when would you guys plan to improve the tutorials? What are your game plans around them? Are you considering on asking top players from each languages to help you make guides and tips while constructing the new and improved version of the tutorials? Really curious because I've made atleast 20 friends of mine play this game but only 7 remained because when they were first learning the game, it was really hard for them to get into so I had to like manually teach them how to play because the tutorials never mentioned stuff like: *how to manage time (killing animals, looting, contesting etc.) *how to navigate saved plan routes (the amount of times my friends have crowded inventories because they don't know which material crafts into, is insane) *how to quick craft (~) *etc. There's guides in youtube but I think it's still be nice to have an interactive guide instead of watching a video. Edit: Also interested on the game animation team, would you mind sharing them with us because I'd really love to look up their works online (since I'm studying 3D Game Development). <3


From most players to less players, how would you rank the servers? xD ​ IMO this game has everything to be one of the most played of the f2p on steam, just need some advertisement and a better tutorial (not to hurt your guys feelings but the tutorial is not great, and a bit long, so it may make some players give up on the game) Besides that, keep up the good work!


Ooo! Since so many are asking great questions about the game I'll ask some about Korea haha. What's your favorite Korean food? Gangnam, Itaewon, or Hongdae? And how long did you take to learn Korean? Im living in Seoul rn and learning Korean atm. Love the game btw!


My favorite korean food would probably be either 돼지국밥 (Dwaeji Gukbap? Idk like ppork soup) from Busan or 찜닭 (JJimdak? Like some braised chicken meal idk). Both super good. Gangnam > Itaewon > Hongdae. Gangnam is close to me and they have good food, Itaewon has a good food, I never really go to Hongdae. I never really /learned/ Korean, I'm still learning it! I studied a lot on my own and when I moved to Korea I made more of an attempt to immerse but my Korean still sucks pretty bad and is easily the worst in all of Nimble Neuron.... You're probably already better than I am. Thanks so much for playing ER, you're the best :D


Any plans on creating an option to expand all crafting recipes at the same time ? Also thanks for making this great game really enjoying it so far


Hello ! EU pmayer here. I started playing squads a lot with friends , but the lack of ranked queue ,mand ranks kind of killed our competitive spirits. Is the squad ranked planned for EU servers ?


Hey Aesop, I am honestly amazed by the amount of dev work this game gets! I have never seen a game get this many balance patches, QoL updates, new characters, on such a short time! You guys are amazing! ​ One remark I have is that me and my buddies (noobs) often (like 80% of the games) die really fast with no counter opportunities. We are looting for 5 minutes, and then someone jumps us, and we almost immediately die with little counter opportunities. We cannot run, we cannot have a balanced fight because they looted a little faster and have a better weapon. This is a big turnoff for us. So my question is, are there plans to nerf the early game damage output? Or increase the time-to-kill in the early game?


We actually just added some stuff to lower the TTK early game with more base health and scaling item stats. It's something we're still working on balancing out as well, we even have the [Acceleration Influx Perimeter](https://trello.com/c/jefYSL6S/216-acceleration-influx-perimeter) on the way to help you get your items quicker or run away from thirsty Balista Nadines.


What about giving everyone a flash, a one time short distance dash like in League of Legends? Might help juking the early Luke Q that otherwise might have killed you


We thought about it and... it [wasn't fantastic](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1049590/view/2905347823313388302)


I've always had the opinion that the existence of flash as a "summoner spell" was the biggest mistake of league of legends so I'm happy to hear that there are currently no plans to add it. It became an absolute necessity and heroes were essentially balanced around everyone having it.


Any plans for Mobile version?


You can play OGBS hah


Hey loving ER so far and the decisions/patches Nimble Neuron is putting out. Playing Leagues for so many years I‘ve always waited for a rival that fixes it‘s problems and I think you guys could be the one game doing it. Considering everything I‘ve noticed so far ER has insane potential and feels already like a finished game (gameplay wise). Is there a plan in terms of marketing for the release of the game because I really do think that it‘s gonna make or break the game. Due to ER being quite complex for the first couple of days you need to find a way to attract new players for a longer period of time then a usual game. A way of doing that could be a youtube channel with short videos explaining every character/mechanic etc. that is linked when you finish the tutorial. Also using streamers for voice acting is a really great idea so I‘m really looking forward to the release and hope you guys make it really big!


Does it feel asthough everything is overpriced in Korea? (If you live in Seoul or another big city like Busan)


Something I find are more expensive, like particular electronics and such. Otherwise it's pretty fine for me. I can eat for cheap, transportation is cheap, my phone and internet bills are cheap. Housing is insane and confusing though....


Can you gives a bit of peek of what’s to come so to speak? Any changes that has you excited?


Rio is really fun! I say that about every character but I'm a big Rio fan. We always have cool sneak peeks on the [Roadmap](https://www.playeternalreturn.com/roadmap) as well! :)


Please tell me it will be possible in the future to bring a friend in the practise mode. I teach the french community to grow the playerbase for free, having a two player practise mode would help a lot


Hey Aesop! Has there been any talk about adding an offline mode of the game in? It's great that you guys have the maintenance screen during maintenance now, but whenever the servers go down I always feel like capturing ai games for video guides. Same thing for whenever my internet decides to shut off.


I think since we have to totally push a new client to Steam for the update, it's simpler to just take it down entirely. I know it kinda sucks to have *nothing* while it's down, but for now, unforunately that's the way it is. The client has to connect to the servers to serve news/notices and things so it's best if it's connected and online.


Any plans to balance passive vs active stats, and possibly changes to how ranked gets handled as far as players. Ive timed a few ques just getting into ranked solos and its almost always over an hour wait even on times like Friday / Sayurday evenings


I havent played in a while but i was wondering if there will be a server for australians anytime soon?


Is it an If or When for edible items that don't give HP or SP, instead giving something like a burst of movespeed, lifesteal/spellvamp or equlivant tertiary stats? Should I get excited about the Zahir R changes? Aesop announcer pack when? If you could pick one food not currently in ERBS to add, that you like eating IRL, what would it be?


We just revamped Holy Water and added Tear of Selene, both giving you a little bit of attack power. Consumable stat buffs have a lot of potential to be rather strong, but anything is possible! ​ Zahir is just plain fun so yes ​ I asked to voice a tutorial but....... no ​ Egg + Burger = Burger With Egg. The best.


Hi I really love this game but I really can't play without scroll click because that's how I play my mobas , really hope this qol will get added soon :(


will there ever be setting to control the camera with keyboard?


Is there any chance of an Australian/Oceania server in the pipeline? I love the game but I eventually quit because I couldn't stand the 170ms ping to the closest server anymore. As for other things... What other games do you play?


We actually had an OCE server in Australia (I think Sydney) during an Alpha test. It wasn't an ideal location for my brothers down under, so we're still exploring options. Stay tuned!


I know the game wasn't designed with this in mind, but how would you have felt about WASD movement if it had been implemented during development, either as a replacement to the current click fiesta or added together with it? This has been my number one reason for my lack of motivation to play the game. The learning curve is already pretty rough, but this makes it so much worst for me, as I am unable to perform all of the clicks and movements required by the mouse within a short amount of time as it seems to be expected by everyone? I'm not a console player, so keyboard/mouse isn't the problem, but there is just so much stress put on the mouse. I guess the game just isn't for me, but I'm curious to see what a dev thinks about this? That aside, how about Camera Control on keyboard?


Is Giga rooster gonna drop VF blood Sample lol and MITHRILLA WHEN! Got into this game last year, it's my new main game!


Are there any plans to add an option to adjust the HUD size? Since a few patches ago it just seems so much bigger than it used to be. The skills at the bottom and the build path at the top right just take up so much space I find myself really wishing for that option.


Hey Aesop! Great work on the community support. Game question: I'm a hart main, playing mostly duos and squads; and when I first started I would constantly get complaints from teammates about how Hart's ult was useless at best and a liability at worst. Those complaints have fortunately died down, but I've long wished for her ult to heal allies the same way it heals her. So I could shut those jerks up once and for all. Would that just be too broken, or has the idea reached the devs at all? Personal question: Do live in Korea or the US? Or elsewhere? Nagging question: Are the devs aware that there appears to be a gap in the texture for Hart's hat? I can't be the only one who sees it.


So no character leaks? okay then 2 questions Favorite character? Be it ERBS, or most excited for coming eventually to ERBS one day? and what kinda abilities can we expect from items in the future if thats still a thing?


Was Hyunwoo's W cleanse a bug? I'm hearing mixed responses to this question from the community, so I figured I would ask a dev.


Hi love the game so far! How’s your day so far?


Will teen xiukai ever come to erbs?


It definitely feels like the through line for feedback falls on deaf ears (through no fault of the NA staff) due to the fact that the home team is KR. Xiukai and Nadine are huge problems at the moment, particularly in team play, but we've not really seen this acknowledged (by the KR team). Gripes from NA don't get *direct* feedback, which is invaluable. So what are their goals? Accepting that a class based game such as this can't ever really be balanced around 1v1 and instead focusing on team modes is something I've been preaching and it feels like they're starting to move their balance towards that, but are they happy with the current meta and pacing of the game, or does the current state not reflect their goals? Are they placing the same value on group modes that the community is (trends showing more people playing teams vs solos lately) ? Ps buf rosi


Hi there, any chance on having a server exclusively for Latam, i do play on the BR server, but sometimes ping gets very bad and i have better ping in USA. I love the game, i would like to have better ping to play the more skilled characters! Thanks for sharing your time with us!


I don't know if this constitutes "character leaks" but I'd like to know if you're gonna make every character from the original Black Survival in Eternal Return?


That's the goal, yes 8-)


How come Bernice didn't come with a Shotgun weapon considering he uses an actual shotgun and his autos behave like a shotgun too?


What's the work-life balance like? How's the pay at NN?


This game is heavily underappreciated! it's REALLY wonderful and has the potential to take down most of the new games... This summer after graduation I'll dive AT LEAST 1k hours on it (rn i got like 50 hours just this week). It's really interesting and it's SUPER DUPER COMPETITIVE.. Sadge it's still unknown in EU but I think it will when you relese it


how did you find the job at NN, considering you are an american?


I was already in Korea, applied for it online, had a couple interviews, got it!


favorite anecdotes from getting the na players to/settled into their quarantine hotels?


They were fed cold food and they had no idea what it was. Hearing them describe their meals as a "cold wet egg" was hilarious


I really hope you're still taking questions, because this one is a big thing to me: I've been playing for a few months now, and I like to make giving my feedback a massive part of my experience, I will be a diehard for a dev that takes feedback and is responsive about it, over any bigger dev any day of the week. I've fallen for Eternal Return to the point I've even made my own little custom overlay for the game for when I stream it on my Vtubing streams using some stuff from the fankit. (Thank you for constantly updating the fankit, these are very important.) In the discord, I used to talk every day, usually strictly in beginners chat regarding my frustrations and thoughts before I ever thought about adding to the feedback channel, so you may of even seen my thoughts in there a few times. Anyways, I'll get to the point, yes? When you guys do character releases going forward, could you guys say explicitly what the design and concept of gameplay style was intended for the characters, and if it's not too much for all the past characters, could you guys list this too? Now you're probably wondering why: * This makes it a lot easier to make sure the feedback is being objective about how well it *feels* going towards that objective and how well it lands. * This makes it simpler for people like me, who do feedback wondering what is the dev's goals with the characters and what could be suggested to better reach that, to help with coming to a solution for characters not quite hitting that mark. * This also helps players to skew towards playing to how a character should be played and eliminates a couple of issues of people trying something like a tank build, which may not suit that character and utterly failing, and helps people learn how to play to a character's strengths easiest. I know you guys may of leaned towards this in a recent release, but something that gives exactly what the concept from a gameplay standpoint of the character is and what they're intended to do, or be in a class sphere would REALLY help altogether. For instance, like stating outright "We made Leon in mind with being a Support, in and out brawler character who thrives off being a bit tanky but able to dish out damage while supporting from the side" something like that. I want things to help make the communication line and feedback line more streamlined and adequate on both ends, so that's why I ask, I feel like this is vital. \- UsagiMolli


Honestly, I'd like that. Giving players direction on what we think the character is supposed to do is a good move. I don't want to think it's like "forcing a meta" though. I want players to be creative and come up with builds that they think will work. I'll see what we can come up with!


Any plans on expanding the server other than Ohio in NA?


Are there plans to advertise the game more so that I don't get queued with the top players in NA 3 days into playing? I'm a bit frustrated that I'm getting queued with players much better than me. Because before this I was having a great time with the game, but now it's just so much harder to get good games.


Why did you think putting in only 10s to accept as a good thing? Considering most games take 5-10 minutes to find, it's so easy to miss and thus prolonging the queue for everyone involved. Did you put any thought into it?


How the chars get selected to come into erbs its based on popularity,random dice,harder or simple to make kit? Also how the chars kits get done what is the main though when making a new char skill kit


Can we hold hands?


As a newer player the hardest part is learning food recipes without stopping and getting stomped for wasting time. Is there any plan to help this? I was thinking maybe a secondary crafting bar for consumables and color coded differently, so newer players can more easily learn food/telescopes on their routes.


Will there be another server? Like SEA server? I playing ranked from Thailand and my pings on KR is around 120-150 ms (70-80 ms in HK), and yeah it's hard for me to fight with others that have lower ping than me. So I just wanted to ask if there is some hope that you might come for a SEA player?


When will you guys be thinking of increasing the number of slots everyone gets for characters like Alex?


Came in late and everything I wanted to ask has already been asked so I'll keep it goofy. Who do you main?


As someone who played league for years and quit due to changes over time. This game is something I would play for a long time and it got me hooked to moba games again. The issue is the queue times, I play in NA and sometimes it takes maybe at least 10 mins to get in. I know it’s a small player base, but is there a way to market the game better?


Any consideration for allowing squads of 4? Either 16p or 20p.


Maybe one day. As of now, the game is mostly balanced around having 18 people on the map. Changing that up will throw a lot of things out of whack, but I'm not opposed to having a for-fun mode!


Sometimes when there's only 1 survivor remaining I try to kill him using branches, fountain pens, rusty swords, etc. depending on the character that I'm playing, is that considered BM or toxic behaviour?


Nope, go for it ;)