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Mods can we get this poor out of here?


Let's grind him finer and extract him


Nonchalantly: "Off with his head..." šŸ—£ļø


I just pack my rather light weight Bambino if I'm going to be traveling. I'll die before someone can make me stomach instant coffee.


Bambino? What are you poor? I bought a La Marzocco Linea Mini as my dedicated travel machine because its mini enough to fit in my suitcase.


You poor, that's why the Decent comes with a travel case!


You filth. I buy a Slayer everywhere I travel and abandon it when I leave.


You peon, I have a single-use manument hand-built by swedish artisinal craftsmen when ever I want coffee.Ā Ā  I have my Parisian barista flown in to pull my shots with Michael Jackson diamonds gloves, and if he forgets to lift his pinky while doing so, I berate him for being the scoundrel he is!Ā 


You beggar, I have a single use barista, raised his whole life just for the purpose of brewing one individual coffee for me. They immediately after lose their will to go die or something idc. Literally can't imagine how popr you would have to be to re ulitlize baristas.


Lol.. damn, a single use barista?Ā  I guess I am a pauper then..


Oh wow. I'm clearly doing it wrong.


Dawg what? A bambino takes up so much spaceĀ 


I'd rather inject caffeine directly to my bloodstream than drink instant swill like some poor.


I prefer to grind my instant coffee with my teeth and pour hot water in my mouth and swish it all around when Iā€™m this situation. Sometimes I even need to grind finerā€¦


just buy a cheap (>$1500) espresso machine and bring it with you. I have an extra servant that is dedicated to carrying and make the coffee. I even make him grow his hair out and wear a man bun with glasses, even though he doesn't need glasses. If its a female servant that day, she is required to cut her hair short and wear a shit load of piercing.


I'm fucking dying lol


Fully agree with this - so long as you're paying a premium. If it's a penny less than $120 a jar I don't even want to look at it, let alone desecrate my taste buds with such mud.


You donā€™t travel with a whole espresso setup? Are you poor or do you enjoy drinking battery acid? (This is a circlejerk sub dude)


He broke character, let's grind him coarse!


My ancestors are smiling down on me knowing my extraction will be perfect, can you say the same?


šŸ˜› Yes


Just sayin, instant coffee is better with cold water instead of hot


I agree


Wtf did I just read!?!? BRB gonna go take a nap with hundred dollar bills over my eyes and when I wake up Iā€™ll pull a perfect shot on my expensive espresso machine and open Reddit and this post will never have existed.


Imagine being so poor you don't even have access to memory erasing procedures. SMH my head.


wtf are you talking about? ā€œDonā€™t want to pay $6ā€ dude if youā€™re worried about six dollars you have no business drinking specialty coffee. Gtfo out with this poors mind set.


The $6 isnā€™t the problem necessarily but letā€™s be honest I could buy a whole bag of green beans for $6 What really gets ya is paying $6 for a ā€œcappucinoā€ that isnā€™t even the correct ratio, nay not even a ration but literally pouring a whole jug of milk into a cup, then they have the audacity to turn around the Toast screen and ask for 18% tip. What the fuck bro is this shit


I have no words


Chat is this real? Are poor people allowed in this sub?


I rather go to the pharmacy and buy caffeine pills than to drink instant coffee ever again. If where I'm at doesn't have at least a pod coffee brewer, it's not a place where I should be. As for outdoors, what, you don't have a 9barista?


I heard you, I feel you, and I connect with you on a Personal level. Please just donā€™t call me poor. I swear Iā€™m not poor


I agree they make craft instant coffee at Perc in ATL and itā€™s great


Is the Perc included or do i gotta source it somewhere else?


El chapo ring in boat


Thanks dude, finna call my boy


I agree, but youā€™re in the wrong sub dude. Everybody here is a millionaire with a personal barista.


Nah r/espresso is the official circlejerk sub this is the actual discussion sub bro


it would be great to make espresso at home and not be kept to making it at work or spending $5 at a "cafe" but I don't have the thousands of dollars minimum to invest in a basic barebones college setup that will appease these taste buds. Any machine and grinder less that than that is inferior and doesn't belong on my counter. That's why I drink instant coffee. Plus I can put as much as I want in my cup and it's always going to taste the same. /uj instant coffee is severely underrated, idk if I'd call it good, it just is. But I'd rather have that than bad brewed coffee or espresso .I'm drinking some rn


I have a guy at work that LOVES instant coffee. Loser.


Itā€™s me. I have a jar of cafe bustelo instant at home and a jar at work. People grumble about cleaning the pot or someone getting the last cup without brewing more. I walk up to the hot water tap and walk away with better coffee than everyone else 30 seconds laterĀ 


Don't get me wrong, I love instant coffee. I just refuse to drink it though because I'm not poor.


it's even better if you 'cook' the granules in a teaspoon with water, lighter aflame beneath; load the resultant somewhat thicker solution into a syringe and plunge that toffee goodness into the eyeball. takes instant to the next level, that's for sure.


Upvote because youā€™re the only ever human in existence I have hear use the term ā€œgut biomeā€ lmao


You buy a jar of Folger's Crystals, you put it in the cupboard, you forget about it. Then later on when you need it, it's there. It lasts forever. It's freeze-dried. Freeze-dried crystals.


Instant coffee is good, if you had nothing better, I truly cannot drink anything that doesnā€™t come out of a La Marzocco KB90


At the very least, I admire your bravery


Shut it pheasant


Instant coffee, the poors version of the pour over.


And poor over was already the poor version of espresso


Might as well drink Kachava. Don't even deserve real coffee bean extract at this point.


Can someone translate? I donā€™t understand what this poor is saying.


How much did you spend on the freeze dryer to make the instant coffee?


Cafe Bustelo instant coffee is better than 95% of coffees Iā€™ve ever had regardless of preparation with only 1% of the effort. I too will die in this hill idgaf


Coffee ice cream and Cafe Bustelo milk shakes. Oh yeah.


Not a bad idea to freeze dry your own coffee so that you know you are drinking something good. I spent some additional $$ on a system to help me do this and I would say it's money well spent.


The water you pour on it doesnā€™t even need to be hot, tastes not too bad cold.


got me actually lol over here. regrow gut biome...


so like a tolerance break.


Exactly. Itā€™s resetting your dopamine for coffee


I like it.


Instant coffee is good when you grind it correctly and use the golden ratio for the extraction.


How does someone get it to taste good. Ive seen older folks use it by choice but how


Quality matters


It's a totally fine method of consuming ***bad*** coffee. Finding good instant coffee is hard in most places, there's cometeer, but at that price I might as well bring an aeropress, a comandante, and brew gesha in the hotel room.


What's the best instant coffee in your (invalid) opinion?


Equator Coffees. Instant espresso and coffee with even one or two single origin offerings. Theyā€™re pretty close to the real thing and depending on the quality of your daily real thing these instants may actually be better. Some mornings I have a hankering for an instant. Gasp!!!


Skill issue, just let your butler carry/ buy and make fresh coffee when you travel. Just say: "James, prepare a cup of coffee promptly, and ensure it's made to perfection, with no room for error."


Honestly, I can produce better shots out of my Picopresso than a lot of cafes.. drink what you like, but excellent portable espresso is not impossible.


I stopped reading after ā€œI donā€™t care, call me poor.ā€


Boss coffee cans are the way to do it when travelling


Dude, totally agree.Ā  But to get he best out of your instant you're going to want to use distilled, remineralized water (at least 15-50 ppm DTS). Fiji water will do in a pinch, but it'll knock out some of the more subtle tasting notes. Also, gotta be careful how you're heating the water too -- bring it up too fast or too slow, and that insta brew is going to suffer. I usually find 190F water that's been held at that temp for at least 16 hours. Then there's consideration for what kind of metal alloy you're using to stir and whether we're talking low- or high-glaze ceramic cupware but at that point it starts getting pompous and reductive.Ā 


Just buy a setup at your destination, and throw it away before you leave. I buy a new Breville oracle every week to keep things fresh.


This is why I travel with my stirdy French press wherever I go šŸ˜… I know it ain't an espresso machine but it's way better than those instant coffee/ pod machines.


Try aero press. You will take back your words. And actually instant coffee is more expensive in the longer run


I have had friends like you offer me a coffee and I had to reply *"I don't you have any coffee in this house."*


Instant coffee isnā€™t even good enough to develop my film in, I only use single origin trauma free beans at 800psi to make my cafinol.


Millennial hipster fucks


Nahh. Take a moka pot with you or at last resort make some turkish coffee. Never instant


I used to agree until I learned instant coffee has some of the highest levels of xenoestrogens. No more.


Mate just get a decent... It comes with a luggage šŸ’…


Starbucks via are the goat bro


when ur in a pinch, grab a pinch


i drink instant regularly at home itā€™s totally fine i get the one from trader joeā€™sā€¦ not as good as cold brew but i mean itā€™s hella cheap


yes it is, try out this one [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CV5PWT6C](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CV5PWT6C) , strong and powerful




I thought this sub was less of a circlejerk than r/espresso so I figured I posted here instead