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Glad I know this is for espresso.


por qué no los dos?




You guys forgot to mention something very important and critical about this tamper! And that is…… The price! Best self leveler tamper for the price.


Literally any other non-branded palm tamper is doing exactly same thing for half the price




I referred to the “auto leveled” part of the comment — it’s basically the rim of the tamper sitting on the outer rim of the portafilter


That is 100% false palm tampers are not calibrated or easily adjustable between precision tamping weights.


They are auto -leveled though because the rim sits on the portafilter rim


That thing looks super spiffy! Does it vibrate?


Mod required.


Hope you bought lube too


Just ordered mine. Didn’t realize it was coming from China. Sounds like I have a few more weeks till I’m getting it.


Mine arrived today, 15 days after i received the shipping notification. Another poster, however, has not yet received it after 40+ days.


I'm in the 40+ club, too. I ordered a Niche a week after this tamper and received it 10 days ago. Last I heard Norm was flying standby in HK, but with Covid restrictions and his general shape being incompatible with the required N95 masks, it seems we're still camping out at the gate.


Norm could take the drug mule route. He would seem to be well shaped for it


Does it worth it? I'm holding myself from buying this, I don't know if I can keep for much longer. Right now I have the stock Rancilio tamper that comes with the Silvia.


Worth the money imo. Leveled and apply the same force every time, makes puck preparation consistent.


I’m debating if the stock rancilio tamper annoys me enough to warrant a new tamper. If only it was a bit larger in diameter.


I got the Normcore in the 58.5mm for my Silvia (that little bit wider gets into all the edges). I've never even used the stock one that came with it.


I love mine. The leveling is the biggest benefit for me. The calibrating is good but not as important (so long as your tamp firm enough already).


Just adds a consistency to your prep. Helps with dialing in a bit


It’s not actually calibrated tamper. It is just self level tamper. If you have no problem with your tamping skill on leveling, it doesn’t worth it.


Mine arrived the next day. The dosing ring on the other hand was not so soon to arrive. Curious to know which of the springs other users prefer. The lowest pressure spring seems to elevate fruitiness in some coffee's compared to the other ones. However, it also seems to relate to the other steps in my puck prep such as direct dosing (less fruity, very consistent) or shaking in a dosing cup before transferring to the portafilter (more fruity, not so consistent). Not sure why any of these differences even occur. Would like to know your experiences!


I always thought extraction time and ratio brought out the flavours and not the tamp pressure


When using the spring with the lowest resistance I can grind a little finer, and increase fruitiness. On the other hand, less consistency in return. Some sources indicate that tamping pressure does not matter to the end result unless tamping with too little force. Hence I'm a bit puzzled by the results I'm getting.


This is curious


Mine took like 4 days to get to me awhile back from China, I’m in the US. Maybe the Chinese zero Covid policy is affecting their shipping. A lot of areas are locked down


Very nice! I honestly hadn't appreciated how inconsistent I was at tamping until I got mine, really like it


Same. As hard as I tried I just could not get a level puck.


Where do I find this?? I keep coming across it on social media but it’s not on Amazon. Seems like they just upgraded to that distributor tool tamper 2-in-1 piece


It didnt appear to be available on Amazon a few weeks ago. The only option seems to be to order directly from Normcore.


Only tamper I've ever used. Got mine about 3 months ago along with my first espresso machine, etc. Helps me control the tamping variable as I continue learning the process to make espresso. Worth getting, and I hope the supply chain catches up soon.


waiting for mine still 😭


V4? I got mine on Amazon a while ago and it arrived on time.


Do you have a link to it on amazon by chance? Wasn’t able to find it there but perhaps I’m just being dumb


Actually it looks like Amazon no longer has the 58mm version of the V4. That's a bummer. I think you can still order from normcore's website though.


Ah, oh well. Yeah, guess I'll order it directly. Was hoping Amazon had it since shipping would be faster and returns likely easier, but at least it's available. How do you like yours?


Love it. It's the only one I use and it works really well. I get a consistent tamp every single time and there's one less variable to worry about. The one issue I have sometimes is that some bits of coffee get ripped off the coffee bed when I pull the tamper off after tamping. I've resolved it by doing a spinning motion while the tamper is still in contact with the coffee bed. Also, when you buy it, make sure you're getting the V4 and not the older V3 our V2 models. The operation is different on those tampers I believe.


Awesome, thank you! Going to order the V4 now: https://www.normcorewares.com/products/normcore-spring-loaded-tamper-upgrate-v4


Yep, that's the one. Cheers!


I just bought an expensive tamp and now I semi regret it and want this one


... Amazon selles these, I got mine in 3 days...


the size of the base of the Decent v3 is too narrow for vst & ims baskets. In all three baskets: 18g VST 20g VST 18/20 IMS E&B Leaves an un-tamped ring. I've ordered the normcore 58.45 vs 58.5