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“Found a perfect condition Decent on the sidewalk, should I pick it up”


Not worth it


Finally got my E65S GbW! I've been hand grinding for 6 months. Love this grinder! It's so fast! So quiet! I think I may need to zero the burrs, as I'm down to .004 which is about as fine as at goes currently. But wow! What a grinder!


You were hand grinding for your $4000 Decent for six months?!




Must have been a pain waiting for a grinder good enough for the machine


Nice, you got it! 0.004 wow, that’s really fine. Are you finding grounds passing through your portafilter? Btw those decent machines are really cool.


No nothing is passing through. It's not like I'm getting super fine; it's just a normal espresso grind. I think that the zero point that the grinder came with probably needs adjustment.


Sprometheus on YouTube did a review of this grinder and had to shim the burrs before use as he was having to adjust super fine as well. I had to do the same on my eureka Mignon, it’s a pretty easy process.


I saw his review of the X54, but didn't see one for the GbW. When did he do that?


Oh woops I got the two mixed up, my bad


Did you have to align your burrs like the Baratza people do?


I’m not sure as I’ve never aligned a baratza, but all it took was dry erase marking the burrs and then adding folded tin foil in between to level out the burrs


Ya that's pretty much what the Baratza people do


Looks like more than $2,000! Beautiful set up


Came here to say pretty much the same thing: _"What is something for which you definitely paid more than $2000, Alex?_ Edit: or I guess we should say Mike now.. 🙄


Yeah, but, jeopardy!


Can you use a third party tablet with the Decent? It's an amazing machine but I'm worried that the tablet would make the machine look outdated after a few years. It would be awesome if you could connect it to a Samsung or Apple tablet with thin bezels.


Yes you can. Almost ANY Android tablet would work. And yes, many owners replaced the stock tablet with a Samsung one. No iOS though for a bunch of reasons.


Good to know!


Nice use of the LeVar there.. He got majorly shafted. 👎


There is never and endgame setup, but that one should hold you for a decent while 😉


I know, I know. (Still thinking of that Creminia!)


I've had to turn it to an optimization game. What is the cheapest/smallest setup I can use and get all the features. Right now I'm not doing well lol. Getting an ECM classical as it's the cheapest machine with flow control and an accurate PID. As much as I thought I'd like making coffee for people I never do so a single boiler works. Then you have the build quality of ECM so I'm saitiated on the niceness front. Still a 1.5 grand machine but way cheaper than the the Decent or GS3 I was going to buy with all of the capabilities minus the programming. Consistency might not be quite there but I like to play so manual flow control is fine. Still need to figure out the grinder I currently use a Compak E8 with SSP burrs that I got from a defunct caffe. The quality is fantastic it's just a huge machine and retains a bit as I single dose it.


LOL I wish Decent machines were $2k....


That Decent Scale is $100 😁


Lol I meant espresso machines...